Time Nick Message 22:54 Brooke 0/ 21:32 druthb o/ 21:22 * jcamins e-mails koha-devel so that everyone knows not to do a git pull at 9am Monday morning. 21:15 * jcamins feels very fancy and technologically advanced. 21:15 jcamins Woohoo! I have a working QR code on my brochure! 21:10 * jcamins saves this to worry about some other time. 21:08 jcamins Hm. It is *not* the fix for bug 6629. 21:04 nengard but no one but us around to help :( 21:03 nengard big hugey! 21:02 jcamins Kind of a biggy. 21:02 * jcamins can confirm this is a problem with latest master. 20:58 nengard "Can't call method "cookie" on an undefined value at /home/nengard/kohaclone/C4/Templates.pm line 323." 20:58 nengard just did a fetch from git and now when i go to my staff client i get this: 20:58 nengard anyone around? 19:07 cait night magnus_away :) 19:05 magnuse g'night #koha 17:31 Oak night :) 17:31 Oak i want to go to bed now. tired. 17:24 magnuse yeah! 17:22 Oak the fruit i mean 17:21 Oak oh cool. we have Blackcurrant in summer though. very nice. 17:16 magnuse preferrably made from Blackcurrant 17:15 magnuse for me it has to be http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Squash_%28drink%29 17:15 Oak :-) 17:14 magnuse and i don't drink milk with it - although my wife swears by that 17:14 Oak ah. nice. 17:14 magnuse nope, i have it with sugar, ground cinnamon and a dollop of butter in the middle 17:13 magnuse hm, i have never heard of rice porridge used for breakfast, though 17:13 Oak oooh. with chocolate powder sprinkled... like on the picture? 17:13 magnuse yeah i see that now: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rice_pudding#Nordic_countries 17:13 jcamins The English version says it's a breakfast or dinner in the Nordic countries. 17:12 magnuse the link to the inglish version is more or less wrong though, Risgr�t is a main course, not a dessert... 17:12 jcamins Mmm. Rice pudding. :) 17:12 magnuse i'm having this later: http://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Risgr%C3%B8t 17:11 Oak :) hehe 17:11 magnuse yum! 17:11 magnuse that sounds sensational! 17:09 Oak i had shami kababs: http://www.angelfire.com/country/fauziaspakistan/shamikabab.html 17:08 cait :) 17:07 magnuse well, k[ae]bab can mean a lot of different things, i guess... 17:06 Oak :) it was 17:06 magnuse sounds delicious, though 17:06 Oak can't eat much at night. so. 17:05 Oak roti (bread, kind of) 17:05 Oak kabab and 17:05 Oak umm. 17:03 cait Oak: what was for dinner? 17:03 cait fast 17:01 Oak back 17:00 * jcamins is working on contact information now. 17:00 cait hehe 16:57 jcamins :P 16:57 jcamins Yeah, yeah, I know. 16:56 magnuse at this pace you'll be finished some time before you get a pension ;-) 16:56 magnuse nice 16:56 jcamins Now, I guess I should think about the content. 16:55 * jcamins has managed to put a title on his brochure. 16:54 jcamins Yay! 16:51 magnuse ooh... 16:47 Oak :) 16:47 Oak or come join us 16:47 Oak be back later 16:47 Oak dinner is on table 16:46 cait perhaps we should mali him 16:45 Oak hehe 16:45 cait Oak: you know way too much :) 16:44 jcamins ;) 16:44 jcamins @later tell gmcharlt We're all going into huginn withdrawal. 16:43 Oak :( 16:43 jcamins Oak: no huginn. 16:43 Oak @later tell Brooke http://goo.gl/KkUTV \o/ 16:41 Oak she uses it as a small table sometimes 16:41 Oak may be dinner on laptop's keyboard :) 16:40 magnuse oups 16:40 cait hi Oak :) 16:40 magnuse Oak: i think she's having dinner ;-) 16:40 Oak :) 16:40 Oak Guten Abend cait 16:40 magnuse \0/ 16:40 Oak \o/ 16:39 magnuse yay! 16:39 Oak magnuse 16:39 magnuse Oak 15:54 fabio_t ! 15:54 fabio_t have a nice we 15:54 fabio_t thanks again 15:54 fabio_t time to go 15:37 cait :) 15:36 cait : 15:36 magnuse cait++ 15:36 fabio_t :) 15:36 fabio_t cait++ 15:36 cait ah good :) 15:36 fabio_t I had only homebranch set 15:36 cait case sensitive 15:35 fabio_t yep 15:35 cait should be the fields mapped to homebranch and holdingbranch 15:35 fabio_t http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/28/opacm.png/ 15:35 fabio_t ? 15:35 cait not sure which these are for unimarc 15:35 fabio_t 995 $c and $d 15:35 fabio_t (the one who borrows too) 15:35 cait ah, you need to have 2 subfields with the branchcode 15:34 fabio_t it's about the library who holds it 15:34 fabio_t there's one field left blank in opac visualization 15:29 magnuse yay, cool! 15:27 cait magnuse++ 15:27 fabio_t thanks 15:27 fabio_t magnuse++ 15:27 fabio_t :) 15:27 fabio_t magnuse: you are right. 15:01 fabio_t I'll be back soon, sorry 14:57 fabio_t :) 14:57 fabio_t wait a sec please 14:57 fabio_t no I didn't 14:55 magnuse search for xslt in the sysprefs, for example 14:54 fabio_t I don't know, let me check 14:54 fabio_t * the same output 14:53 fabio_t it does the same with 3.0 and 3.2 14:53 magnuse and are you using xslt for the display? 14:53 fabio_t 3.6 14:53 magnuse which version are you on? 14:53 fabio_t I would translate "copie disponibili presso" like "items available at" 14:53 magnuse hm, that sounds vaguely familiar 14:52 fabio_t ie: record with 2 items, instead of being displayed as "Copie disponibili presso: Biblioteca Franco Serantini (2)", they display as "Copie disponibili presso: Biblioteca Franco Serantini (), Biblioteca Franco Serantini ()" 14:50 magnuse what do you mean by grouped? 14:49 fabio_t except items are not correctly grouped in OPAC 14:49 fabio_t everything seems okay 14:49 fabio_t by the way 14:49 fabio_t yes 14:49 magnuse ah, you use unimarc? 14:48 magnuse "The fields in bold are mandatory for the standard Koha setup " 14:48 fabio_t yes magnuse 14:48 fabio_t 995 (UNIMARC): 5, 6, a, b, j, k, s, u 14:48 magnuse http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Holdings_data_fields_%289xx%29#MARC21_Holding_field.2C_3.0.x.2C_3.2.x_and_3.4.x_default_-_field_952 14:48 magnuse fabio_t: you are thinking about the subfields for items? Those would be subfields of 952 14:47 fabio_t 942: c 14:46 fabio_t here are the subfields we used for data migration from ISIS 14:45 fabio_t I have a question... which are the subfields that one must use in order to fully manage the holdings of imported records in Koha, as they were native, created with Koha itself? 14:40 fabio_t hi there! 14:35 * magnuse waves 14:35 * cait waves 14:27 * jcamins understands completely. 14:27 magnuse don't want to spend time making food when i'm on my lonesome 14:25 jcamins Heh. 14:25 magnuse ;-) 14:25 magnuse well, come to think of it i did have pizza yesterday too - from the freezer of the local shop 14:24 jcamins Very sensible. 14:24 jcamins Ah. 14:23 magnuse jcamins: nope, on thursday, 'cause my wife went to london yesterday ;-) 14:03 jcamins_away magnuse: pizza yesterday? :) 10:47 magnuse gah, i keep forgetting 10:46 magnuse @wunder boo 10:22 magnuse yeah, i think you should. unless it has the wrong adress or you asked not to be notified or something 10:20 kmkale hell. Thanks magnuse will rework it :) shouldn't I have got an email from BZ? 10:18 magnuse well, i qa-failed it with some comments... 10:18 kmkale sure magnuse anything particular? 10:17 magnuse we miss you huginn 10:17 magnuse kmkale: just curious... will you be able to have another look at Bug 1633 - Add ability to take book cover images from local img db - http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=1633 ? 10:15 kmkale namaste magnuse :) 10:14 magnuse namaste kmkale 10:00 Oak time for class... 08:55 magnuse Oak 08:55 Oak magnuse 08:45 cait :) 08:44 magnuse guten morgen cait 08:43 cait hi magnuse :) 08:42 magnuse good morning #koha 07:00 cait hello mr Oak :) 07:00 Oak hello miss cait :) 06:50 cait hey rangi :) 06:50 rangi hi cait ;) 06:50 cait hi #koha 05:21 Oak :-) 05:21 rangi proof is in the pudding as they say 05:20 wizzyrea but signs are hopeful 05:20 wizzyrea it's yet to be seen 05:20 Oak so, ptfs really backed down? 05:04 Oak kia ora #koha 03:46 rangi rhcl_away: yep, they are some of the sharpest in NZ, by far, and yeah the case is fairly straightfoward