Time Nick Message 21:54 huginn` New commit(s) needsignoff: [Bug 6465] Errors in UNIMARC plugins for fixed length fields (for | and space) (T::T issue) <http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=6465> 21:49 huginn` rangi: The current temperature in Wellington, New Zealand is 12.0�C (9:00 AM NZST on June 06, 2011). Conditions: Light Rain Showers. Humidity: 94%. Dew Point: 11.0�C. Pressure: 29.95 in 1014 hPa (Steady). 21:49 rangi @wunder wellington nz 21:42 rangi ahhh 21:36 cait have a direct train from stuttgart 21:35 cait about 6.5 hours 21:35 cait yes 21:35 rangi on the train? 21:35 cait travellig to berlin tomorrow morning 21:35 cait yep 21:34 rangi heya cait, where are you now, still at your parents? 21:33 cait morning rangi 20:48 rangi morning 19:20 druthb It's murky and gray here, too. 19:16 bg Heavy_rain-- 19:15 huginn` bg: The current temperature in K6LCM - Westside / Mesa, Santa Barbara, California is 14.7�C (12:20 PM PDT on June 05, 2011). Conditions: Heavy Rain. Humidity: 91%. Dew Point: 13.0�C. Pressure: 30.03 in 1016.8 hPa (Steady). 19:15 bg @wunder 93109 19:15 bg heh 19:10 cait bg++ 19:10 cait :) 19:05 druthb bg++ #BEST BOSS EVAR 17:16 Oak night 16:41 huginn` New commit(s) needsignoff: [Bug 6463] Authorities browsing error when using auth. plugins <http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=6463> 15:01 cait imp++ 12:37 Oak yup 12:37 cait film sunday? :) 12:36 * Oak watching We Were Soldiers 12:36 Oak ah, i see cait 11:52 cait that's better 11:52 cait t 11:50 cait now it did connect 11:50 cait oh 11:50 cait_mib Oak: pidgin refuses to connect me to #koha, so using mibbit 11:41 magnuse bbl, maybe 11:21 Oak :) 11:20 * Oak starts next movie 11:20 Oak cait's nick... is it saying something about men in black? 11:17 magnuse hm, xchat just shows the smilies as they are, no fancy graphics... 11:17 magnuse :) 11:14 Oak should not use dash 11:14 Oak hmph, these smilies look weird 11:14 Oak :-] 11:13 magnuse :-) 11:13 Oak very very good 11:13 magnuse ooh, i seem to remember that was rather good 11:12 Oak good I think. just watched Twelve Monkeys 11:12 magnuse and you? 11:11 magnuse good, enjoying a slow sunday morning 11:11 Oak :) how are you magnuse ? 11:11 magnuse hiya Oak 11:11 Oak o/ magnuse ! 11:10 magnuse o/ 11:06 Oak hello druthb :) 11:06 druthb Hi, Oak! :) 11:05 Oak \o 11:02 magnuse hiya druthb 10:57 druthb hi, Magnus! :) 10:32 cait_mib hi :) 10:32 druthb o/ 10:26 cait_mib hi #koha 08:39 huginn` 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=6446 normal, PATCH-Sent, ---, oleonard, ASSIGNED , batch item deletion interface problems 08:39 jenkins_koha oleonard: Fix for Bug 6446, batch item deletion interface problems 08:39 jenkins_koha Project Koha_master build #281: SUCCESS in 41 mn: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_master/281/ 08:16 rangi jransom++ 07:57 jenkins_koha Starting build 281 for job Koha_master (previous build: SUCCESS) 07:57 huginn` New commit(s) kohagit: Fix for Bug 6446, batch item deletion interface problems <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=529b6ab9fe21a508e01e1eb8dd37d83e8e2556c7> 07:25 huginn` 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=6444 normal, PATCH-Sent, ---, fcapovilla, NEW , Encoding problems with vendor names in subscription-add.pl 07:25 jenkins_koha frederick.capovilla: Bug 6444 Corrects encoding problems in subscription-add.pl 07:25 jenkins_koha Project Koha_master build #280: SUCCESS in 42 mn: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_master/280/ 07:08 mihafan You can tell when it will be a patch that will correct this error?? 07:08 mihafan I searched on internet and patch there exist don't resolve this bug. 07:07 mihafan when I export another title without utf-8 characters to printing label barcode all is well. 07:07 mihafan opening this document. The file is demaged could not repaired" 07:07 mihafan a pdf file, and I open this file I give this "There was an error 07:06 mihafan I have a error with label barcode printing in koha 3.2.5, after I save 07:06 mihafan hello 06:42 jenkins_koha Starting build 280 for job Koha_master (previous build: SUCCESS) 06:38 huginn` New commit(s) kohagit: Bug 6444 Corrects encoding problems in subscription-add.pl <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=ddcf63d29b7f4fc20e46765b76df95e037caa2d6> 04:05 Brooke it's only been about a day 04:03 Oak ok then 04:01 Oak :) long time no see 04:01 Brooke hey there :) 04:00 Oak \o 04:00 Oak Brooke! 03:33 Brooke :) 03:33 rangi hey brooke 03:31 * Brooke salutes rangi 03:31 * rangi wanders in 02:46 Brooke kia ora 01:44 bg hi 01:35 druthb o/ 00:26 huginn` New commit(s) needsignoff: [Bug 6462] Authority type is not displayed in OPAC <http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=6462> 00:02 huginn` New commit(s) needsignoff: [Bug 6461] BiblioDefaultView has no impact on how record are displayed when going from results list <http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=6461>