Time Nick Message 22:29 wizzyrea gl 22:28 rangi right, off to do some training bbl 21:55 jcamins Good night, #koha 21:55 jcamins Time for me to get some sleep and try to recover from this cold, too. 21:52 wizzyrea gnite :) 21:52 sekjal with that, goodnight, #koha! 21:52 sekjal mmm 21:51 wizzyrea you basically add cocoa to the rice flour/sugar mixture and nuke 21:51 wizzyrea i see 21:51 wizzyrea ooo it's the non-stick powder of choice 21:50 wizzyrea I didn't do the vinegar and potato starch 21:50 jcamins Interesting. 21:50 wizzyrea then, you can FRY it 21:49 wizzyrea http://allrecipes.com//Recipe/microwave-mochi/Detail.aspx 21:49 jcamins But, yes, what is chocolate fried mochi exactly? 21:49 wizzyrea jaja 21:49 jcamins No, that other word... fudge! 21:49 wizzyrea what chocolate fried mochi? 21:49 jcamins wizzyrea: what was that? 21:48 jwagner Hey! I'm still here too! 21:48 druthb :P 21:48 cait druthb++ for being here 21:48 cait ts karma war? 21:48 druthb cait++ 21:47 cait and yummy 21:47 cait lol 21:47 wizzyrea <3 21:47 wizzyrea cait++ (I'm done, I swear) 21:47 * wizzyrea gives Cait chocolate fried mochi... like fudge, but ricier! 21:47 jwagner Good night, all. 21:47 cait wizzyrea++ 21:47 * cait gives up 21:46 wizzyrea no no, thank you 21:45 cait thx wizzyrea :) 21:44 wizzyrea works a treat thanks :) 21:44 wizzyrea cait: I just signed off your patch for 1962 21:40 jwagner agreed 21:40 sekjal it'd be really handy if Koha could recognize other types of holdings than physical (952), like electronic (856) and serials (853-5, 863-5), and treat accordingly 21:31 jwagner hdl, that makes sense. I usually just create a dummy item for electronic titles. 21:31 cait my patch just adds a check for the sys pref and makes it ignore 942 when it's set to item_level_itypes 21:30 hdl jwagner: it is... But it also allows to have ccode and itemtype indexed at biblio level... Since there are electronic documents or journals... which often donot have items 21:30 cait jwagner: it's an existing option, yes. Not sure it's a holdover and it's not deprecated 21:29 jcamins cait: the ANS does. 21:29 jwagner Is biblio-level itypes option one of the holdovers from the earlier Koha version? 21:28 cait jwagner: except when you are using biblio level itypes... although I know nobody who does 21:27 jwagner We need it to ignore the 942c altogether and just look at the item level itypes 21:27 cait at the moment the link does not appear when your item level itypes are perfectly holdable 21:27 jwagner hdl, correct. The problem we've seen is where there is no 942c and/or there are multiple items on the title (some of which are for loan and some aren't). 21:27 cait hdl: the question is biblio level itype or item level itype 21:26 hdl cait: jwagner: When item is not for loan, it is not holdable. Therefore the link is not meant to appear. 21:24 cait ok, thx 21:23 jwagner cait, I just passed the link to your bug report on to the developer who's been looking at related problems. 21:21 rangi right meeting, bbiab 21:21 jwagner Oh, yes. No, haven't tried it yet -- I cc'd myself because it ties in with similar problems I've seen. 21:20 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=5834 normal, PATCH-Sent, ---, katrin.fischer, ASSIGNED, Holds link missing when 942$c is not for loan 21:20 cait jwagner: bug 5834 21:20 wizzyrea that is annoying that you have to set it for every search 21:20 wizzyrea oy I think we need to set a cookie or something if you have the masthead library selector and the user changes the drop down 21:19 JesseM thx rangi 21:17 rangi see ^ 21:17 rangi http://www.library.org.nz/cgi-bin/koha/opac-search.pl?q=maori+battalion 21:17 rangi JesseM: koha and kete play nice together 21:17 JesseM ok thanks all 21:17 jwagner Sorry, been jumping around today -- which bug? 21:17 cait jwagner: I see your name on that bug of mine - have you tested it? I am not sure why it didn't work for Nicole 21:17 wizzyrea but something else for actual storage and display, imo 21:17 rangi yeah i concur 21:16 cait jcamins even 21:16 wizzyrea cataloging and linking to it: koha would be great at 21:16 cait like jcamis said 21:16 cait JesseM: I think there is better software around for that task 21:16 jcamins JesseM: if you want some sort of digital repository function, you'd be better off using something specifically for that, like Kete. 21:15 JesseM so doesnt do digital archiving 21:14 JesseM i know the Koha now does do digital archiving, but is that something that may happen in the future or already in the works?? 21:10 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=5830 enhancement, PATCH-Sent, ---, frederic, NEW, Using XSLT on OPAC Lists page 21:10 jenkins_koha Frédéric Demians: Bug 5830 Using XSLT on OPAC Lists page 21:10 jenkins_koha Project Koha_master build #28: SUCCESS in 32 mn: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_master/28/ 21:03 cait hi jwagner 21:03 jwagner Hi cait 21:02 cait hi #koha 20:58 wizzyrea i wonder if transferring a book ought to offer to print a transit slip (using the transfer function) 20:58 rangi heh 20:57 wizzyrea never mind :) 20:57 * wizzyrea fails to read the user list 20:57 wizzyrea oleonard: about? 20:38 jenkins_koha Starting build 28 for job Koha_master (previous build: SUCCESS) 20:35 huginn New commit(s) kohagit: Bug 5830 Using XSLT on OPAC Lists page <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=d163e7e5785256e9735d588f934a711fd0f6fb1c> 20:22 * magnuse wanders off to get some beauty sleep and wishes all of #koha a wonderful time-of-the-day! 20:04 magnuse gmcharlt++ # the namespace thingy was the missing part of the puzzle - thanks a ton! 20:00 magnuse nengard++ 19:59 nengard talk to you all later 19:59 nengard okay, 6 patches signed off and the count of patches that need sign off is down to 140 ... I need to take a nap now and recover from this sickiness 19:56 gmcharlt e.g., <xsl:for-each select="//items:item/" ... 19:56 gmcharlt magnuse: you need to tack on the items: namespace prefix 19:55 * magnuse is not very good at xslt... 19:55 magnuse gmcharlt: yeah, but i cant for the life of me get it to work... i have tried all kinds of permutations of this: http://paste.koha-community.org/168 19:52 gmcharlt it would just be a matter of modifying the XSLT 19:52 gmcharlt magnuse: what do you mean? 19:50 * magnuse wonders if it is possible to "get at" the item level elements of the XML that is passed to MARC21slim2OPACResults.xsl - in MARC21slim2OPACResults.xsl? 19:49 druthb I would suggest a teenager as an entropy source, but the costs are kinda high...and mine's pretty darn predictable, really. 19:48 gmcharlt problem with using cats as random number generators is if they they catch on, the perverse little creatures will start marching across your keyboard in perfect, non-entropic, lockstep 19:42 druthb I never suspected you were normal, jcamins, from the day I met you. But mostly, that's a Good Thing. 19:42 jcamins :) 19:41 jcamins Normal people don't run out of entropy 19:41 * druthb suggests getting an SSH client that doesn't make that request, instead. Mine doesn't... 19:39 jcamins sekjal: brilliant! 19:37 sekjal just keep providing lots of random pictures 19:37 sekjal select pixels' hex values from all over a PNG, then run them through SHA1 hash? 19:36 * jcamins is fine with that, but being told "please enter entropy" every time you try to use SSH is really annoying. 19:35 druthb "random" is an English-language token for "something we haven't figured out how to explain mathematically," in my usage. 19:33 jcamins Argh! 19:33 wizzyrea i'm reminded of the software that "detects cat-like typing" and wonder if "cat-like" typing is really random or if it's more predictable 19:32 * jcamins wonders if maybe he should put his external keyboard on the floor and let his cat walk on it. 19:32 * wizzyrea imagines entropy in a desk made of a lap, giggles 19:29 jcamins I tried feeding that to my random number generator, but it didn't work. On the plus side, I found this great coffee holder. ;) 19:28 druthb yes. I'm talking the non-digital part of my desk...you know, that flat thing where you put papers and lunch and stuff. 19:28 jcamins druthb: wait, you have a laptop... :P 19:27 jcamins Excellent! 19:27 druthb my desktop, jcamins. 19:27 jcamins sekjal: wanna feed it to a PRNG? 19:27 sekjal jcamins: my office 19:26 * jcamins wonders where he could find a lot of entropy... 19:25 rangi so not replacing your signoff, replacing mine 19:24 rangi normally i at least have some understanding what the patch is trying to do :) 19:24 rangi yep, but i always like 2 sign offs, and mine isnt worth anything on this 19:24 nengard rangi, a cataloger already signed off :) 19:23 jcamins Sure thing. 19:23 rangi ) 19:23 rangi lemme know if it works the way you think it should, and ill merge (no hurry really, just whenever you have time 19:22 rangi its master, plus the new patch 19:22 rangi if you check that out 19:21 rangi new/bug_3013 19:20 rangi cool 2 secs 19:20 jcamins Sure. :) 19:19 rangi :) 19:19 jcamins rangi: let me check if my test VMs are booting today... 19:18 rangi if i merge and push, can you do a test shortly after :) 19:18 rangi jcamins: im looking at you 19:18 rangi but i dont understand the 006/008 rules enough to be totally sure 19:18 rangi this looks good to me, and nicole has signed off 19:17 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=3013 normal, PATCH-Sent, ---, salva, ASSIGNED, Value builder for 006 and 008 need choices for all format types 19:17 rangi bug 3013 19:16 * druthb perks up and listens. 19:16 rangi i needs me some help 19:16 magnuse yo rangi! 19:16 rangi yo people 19:15 rangi back 19:06 rangi ok my stop 19:04 rangi taking the whanau too 19:04 rangi ibeardslee: coming in for the morning heading off round 12 19:04 rhcl http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=hawera,+new+zealand&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=48.019527,79.013672&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Hawera,+Taranaki,+New+Zealand&ll=-39.147103,174.902344&spn=5.921006,9.876709&z=7 19:04 rhcl It's on the thing that sticks out on the left. 19:01 ibeardslee rangi: enjoy the drive 19:00 rangi just not adding more 19:00 rangi I'm for using them as well as 18:57 nengard gmcharlt I'm for using patron attributes instead of the sort fields 18:47 * rangi will leave it as an exercise for the reader to google map it 18:46 rangi 3 days of training in koha and koha sysadmin 18:46 * rangi is off to hawera today 18:41 rangi yay! 18:40 jcamins Woohoo! We have running water again! 18:36 rangi +1 to general 18:32 wizzyrea unless you really need to create more 18:32 * wizzyrea generally prefers using existing data than creating more 18:31 gmcharlt wizzyrea: I agree with you, but just wanted to be sure that I wasn't being overly obtuse in desiring the more general solution 18:31 sekjal enhance_the_wizard++ 18:30 wizzyrea hmm. allowing specifying in the wizards seems like a more universal solution. Maybe I don't understand. 18:28 gmcharlt basically, library wants a third statistical category field; they already use sort1 and sort3 *and* extended patron attributes 18:28 * wizzyrea is a bit thick today 18:28 wizzyrea what's the problem you want to solve? 18:28 wizzyrea what for? 18:27 gmcharlt quick poll - add a sort3 field to borrowers or enhance the statistics wizards to allow specifying extend patron attributes as column or row values? 18:02 nengard not a big deal of course - just curious 18:01 nengard I pusehd commits yesterday and today and never saw it here in the chanel 18:01 nengard have the bots stopped announcing rebuilds of the manual? 18:00 briceSanc ls 17:52 * wizzyrea agrees 17:48 huginn druthb: Quote #102: "<druthb> harrrumph!" (added by gmcharlt at 07:42 PM, November 11, 2010) 17:48 druthb @quote get 102 17:40 briceSanc nengard, sekjal, thanks for your answers ! 17:08 jcamins Just another 1:45 before we get running water back. 16:53 sekjal briceSanc: not at this point, I believe. But there is a mergebiblio tool which could probably be modified to handle this (similar understructure) 16:53 nengard briceSanc not at this time 16:45 briceSanc is there a way to merge 2 authorities records in Koha and to compare the diff ? 16:45 wahanui1 hola, wizzyrea 16:45 wizzyrea hello 16:44 wahanui1 hello, briceSanc 16:44 briceSanc hello 16:33 nengard uh oh 16:32 jcamins nengard: I'm not entirely sure. I just turned on the tap and no water came out. 16:32 nengard jcamins - why no water? 16:18 * jcamins thinks may be the first time he's had electricity but no running water in the US. 16:16 nengard that's what it's all about 16:14 hdl give forward 16:12 wizzyrea YAY knowledge spreading! 16:12 nengard wizzyrea thanks for also teaching me something! 16:08 wizzyrea reports_library++ 16:08 wizzyrea but oy, that helped me so much to understand 16:08 * jcamins pictures wizzyrea with a Sherlock Holmes hat. 16:08 wizzyrea and I'm exposing my ignorance by telling 16:08 wizzyrea it's elementary 16:07 * wizzyrea has always had a bit of a mental block regarding joins 16:07 wizzyrea LEFT JOIN items USING (itemnumber) 16:07 wizzyrea to use something a la 16:07 wizzyrea it was a friendlier way to execute left joins 16:07 nengard what was that? 16:07 rhcl Is that like "sine qua non"? 16:06 wizzyrea for teaching me something *without even being present* 16:06 wizzyrea not that he's here, but pianohacker++ 15:04 nengard hiya all 15:03 wizzyrea mornin nengard 15:00 JesseM Morning nengard 14:59 druthb Hi, nengard! 14:58 nengard morning all 14:53 wizzyrea it's weird. 14:53 wizzyrea mornin ruth 14:53 wizzyrea :D 14:53 wizzyrea I have the flags set uniformly, but some permissions aren't set 14:53 wizzyrea lm rephrase 14:53 * druthb has been seeing a lot of wizzyrea lately, but doesn't mind. 14:53 wizzyrea flags 14:53 wizzyrea I have permissions set uniformly, but some flags aren't set 14:52 wizzyrea well that's completely odd then 14:52 mtj nope, afaik 14:52 wizzyrea odd, are permissions kept anywhere but in the borrowerflags? 14:51 mtj else you may be fixing a bug , thats already been sorted 14:51 Eru and as I can't find any error in the code nor any reason why the changes I've made should make it fail, I suddenly feel like tossing the server out the window. Luckily it's located somewhare else 14:51 mtj but save your debugging till *after* you upgrade 14:50 mtj yep, me too 14:49 Eru it's just, I hate not knowing why things fail 14:49 Eru I'll do that. thanks 14:49 mtj im being cheeky, but set up a test box on 3.2.5 and see if yr problem persists 14:47 mtj the cause is probably because you have a really old version :) 14:47 mtj pass... 14:46 Eru but no idea of what could be causing the problem in the Members.pm file? 14:42 Eru Agreed once more. bit sloppy to keep the same verison for such a long time :) 14:41 sekjal I think upgrading is a win all around 14:41 sekjal lots of great new features in Koha 3.2 14:41 Eru upgrade it is, then 14:40 Eru haha 14:39 mtj just kidding! ;) 14:39 mtj but you will need an extra koha license for that :/ 14:39 Eru guess, worst case scenario I could roll back to and load the backup 14:38 Eru agreed 14:38 mtj … and a test box 14:38 jcamins That's why backups are a good idea. 14:38 jcamins Eru: true. 14:38 Eru jcamins: You never know with upgrades 14:37 Eru cheers 14:37 mtj Wed, 6 Aug 2008 14:37 jcamins You wouldn't lose your changes if you upgraded. 14:37 mtj http://git.kohaaloha.com/?p=koha/.git;a=commit;h=63b6523ccc7aee6cd1e08b5292a2f8d9f2b3a8b5 14:36 Eru aight. anwyays, I guess an upgrade could solve the issues, but we've made quite a few changes to that marc framework that I'd rather not have to make again 14:36 jcamins Regardless, one possibility for fixing the problem might be to upgrade. 14:35 jcamins Eru: 18 months ago the newest version should have been ~3.0.4, I think. 14:35 Eru :) 14:35 Eru that's fast, for sure 14:35 kf current version is 3.2.5 14:35 kf Eru: Koha is fast :) 14:34 Eru woah, for real? We got the newest version when we installed it, and that was eighteen months ago, so that doesn't sound right 14:33 mtj ive seen a lot older ;) 14:33 mtj 2.5 years old 14:32 jcamins Eru: is that a typo? That's an incredibly old version. 14:30 Eru magnuse: I'm running 14:29 magnuse Eru: not sure i can help you, but which version of koha are you using? 14:29 Eru I'v checked that line, and it appears to relate to the pwd. Upon input the pwd is not masked, which seems a bit strange, but I can't remember if it was when it was working 14:27 Eru " 14:27 Eru hey guys. Anyone know why I would get this error mesage whilst trying to update patron data? "Can't use an undefined value as an ARRAY reference at /usr/share/koha/lib/C4/Members.pm line 595. 14:26 jcamins That's why I warned you all. 14:24 jwagner It will spread all through #koha if you're not careful! Practice sanitary typing!!! 14:24 * druthb chuckles about a cold "going around" a virtual office. 14:21 jwagner Especially for horrible hacking coughs... 14:21 * jwagner thinks chicken soup is vastly overrated 14:19 jcamins schuster: I hope you have an economy-sized bottle. 14:17 schuster gets out the Lysol disinfectant... don't come near me... 13:42 jcamins Morning. 13:42 * jcamins cautions everyone who is not druthb or sekjal to keep their distance - apparently there is a cold going around the office. 13:42 sekjal morning, jcamins 13:42 sekjal morning, druthb! 13:41 * druthb waves to sekjal and jcamins. 13:22 magnuse o/ 13:19 * jcamins waves to #koha 13:02 wahanui1 niihau, Dig_library 13:02 Dig_library hi 12:46 mtj ps : use git ;) 12:45 mtj use git , or download the tarball 12:45 Dig_library the other thing is i want to upgrade the version of koha. how? 12:44 Dig_library ok 12:43 mtj you have a file permission problem too? 12:43 Dig_library may be 12:43 Dig_library i also tried to add the url in /etc/host but, cant enter anything 12:42 mtj you probably have a network config issue 12:42 mtj ask your library sys-admin then 12:41 Dig_library cant access by using same url 12:41 mtj Dig_library: just use the same url 12:40 hdl Or use your bind service to point the catalog to your computer. 12:40 hdl you should either add the uri to your /etc/host 12:39 Dig_library <hdl> 12:39 Dig_library i m using koha in my library comp, now i want to access the catalog from another client machine. what should i do? 12:37 hdl Dig_library: ? 12:36 Dig_library <wahanui1> 12:36 Dig_library i need a help? 12:35 hdl hi 12:35 wahanui1 hello, Dig_library 12:35 Dig_library hello 12:35 Dig_library hi 12:32 magnuse me neither... the library have been using 590 for internal notes in 2.2.9, and want to keep those internal notes out of the opac somehow in 3.2 too... 12:28 kf ? 12:28 kf not sure there are such things as internal footnotes in marc21 12:27 kf having a 9 in it 12:27 kf 590 is a local field 12:20 magnuse the marc data is being migrated from 2.2.9 to 3.2 12:18 magnuse so if a library has internal notes in marc21 field 590 that they do not want to display in the opac, what is the best thing to do? Biblio::GetMarcNotes picks up all 500-fields 12:05 druthb o/ 12:05 * kf waves to druthb :) 11:58 kf does someone remember why rotating collections was taken out of 3.2? 09:46 kf was on my list for a long time, 09:46 kf thx :) 09:43 marcelr kf: 5839++ 09:13 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=5839 enhancement, P5, ---, gmcharlt, NEW, Add mapping for items.stocknumber to MARC21 09:13 kf bug 5839 - opinions welcome 08:30 rangi hehe 08:29 kf oh my, another identity to take care of 08:29 kf lol 08:29 rangi kf: you are now chris fischer apparently 08:21 kf paul_p: answered your comment ;) 08:02 kf hi francharb 08:00 rangi hi francharb 08:00 magnuse http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Combating_spam 08:00 francharb morning all 07:57 rangi it has been stopping lots 07:57 rangi kf: when you block a user, it blocks that ipnumber from creating a new account 07:57 magnuse an extreme but efficient measure might be to disable account creation - force people to "apply" for editing rights... 07:56 kf auto-blocking? 07:55 rangi i think the only thing we could do is increase the autoblocking to a really long time 07:54 kf it's really hard to see real edits to the wiki now, with all the spam and spam fighting 07:54 rangi theres not a lot that stops humans 07:53 rangi we had spam on there too 07:53 * kf waves to magnus from under her desk 07:53 rangi wouldnt stop it 07:53 kf we could move back to dokuwiki... *hides* 07:53 wahanui1 que tal, hdl 07:53 hdl hi 07:52 rangi hiya magnuse 07:52 magnuse and kia ora! 07:52 * magnuse was just thinking the same thing... 07:52 rangi not machines 07:51 rangi the problem is its human beings doing it 07:51 rangi yeah, theres gotta be some anti spam plugins for mediawiki 07:50 * paul_p tired to remove spam on the wiki ... 3-6 every day 07:49 kf and good morning biblibre :) 07:49 kf :) 07:47 sophie_m hi 07:47 paul_p hi rangi 07:47 rangi hi sophie_m and paul_p 07:43 rangi wb kf 07:43 kf good morning #koha 07:05 cait let's see how it goes from here :) 07:04 cait sending a patch feels like a good start for a monday 06:51 cait hi kmkale :) 06:48 rangi hi kmkale 06:46 kmkale hi cait rangi 06:35 cait but still don#t want the sql there 06:35 rangi :) 06:35 * cait should perhaps sleep more 06:35 rangi heh 06:35 cait oh, it's only once... I accidently added my sql as note 06:34 rangi yeah 06:34 cait not on the quided reports result page - we have a show sql link on the side before 06:34 cait I started to show a while back, but I am not sure we really need it there - I would prefer to not show the sql at all 06:33 cait I was not aware of that either 06:33 rangi nope, id just never seen it twice 06:32 cait twice = wrong english? 06:32 cait doesn't make sense and an ugly print out 06:32 rangi heh 06:31 cait select firstname, surname from borrowers Total number of rows matching the (unlimited) query is 51. select firstname, surname from borrowers 06:31 cait yep 06:31 rangi twice? 06:30 cait I don't want it there once 06:30 cait we print out the sql twice above guided reports? 06:30 cait uh 06:29 rangi :) 06:24 eythian http://www.nbr.co.nz/article/earthquake-boulder-makes-trademes-all-time-top-three-ck-87657 <-- not a bad result 06:23 cait ouch 06:23 eythian The kind of immune-system overdrive that leaves you feeling a bit tired and spacey. 06:23 eythian I wouldn't count on it. I can feel the side effects of two injections kicking in. 06:22 cait so perhaps I am really kind of awake 06:22 cait this is good, I thought it only made no sense to me :) 06:22 eythian The other 50% they really are crazy. 06:22 eythian About 50% of the time this means I haven't understood them right. 06:21 eythian And it seems to have things that make no sense. 06:21 eythian migrating fines/charges from Liberty to Koha. Trying to understand the details of how liberty stores things. 06:20 cait ? 06:17 eythian so liberty stores credits as negative values, debits as negative values, and things that aren't marked but are really credits as positive values. Good work. 06:02 rangi I did manage to deploy to mysql and postgres 05:55 cait you were busy too :) 05:55 cait rangi++ 05:52 rangi and create the diffs 05:47 cait good morning #koha 05:41 rangi yeah I've been writing scripts to do the upgrade 04:31 mtj click ;) 04:31 mtj 181 # DO NOT MODIFY THIS OR ANYTHING ABOVE! md5sum:mZ51lfjNh7yS/yCJsbEUbQ 04:31 mtj 180 # Created by DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader v0.07010 @ 2011-03-07 16:24:14 04:30 mtj ahhh. 04:30 mtj ? 04:30 mtj or all done manually> 04:30 mtj http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=wip/koha-catalyst.git;a=commit;h=8885fda8fc125ae3c7e5fe8552631c9334e39080 04:29 mtj rangi: was this header stuff automated? 04:26 mtj i'm interested, and WoW 04:24 rangi if anyone is interested its sorta working 04:24 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=5837 enhancement, P5, ---, gmcharlt, NEW, Change installer to use DBIx::Class::Schema::Versioned instead of updatedatabase.pl 04:24 rangi bug 5837 04:23 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=5873 was not found. 04:23 rangi bug 5873 03:44 kmkale :) 03:43 cornelius it is a mistake. I will come back then. 03:43 space_librarian not yet 03:43 rangi world even 03:43 rangi i dont think its tuesday anywhere in the work 03:43 rangi its only monday, (or still sunday in some places) 03:42 space_librarian hasn't happened yet, cornelius 03:42 mtj cornelius: ahh, gotcha :) 03:42 cornelius Any news from this chat? KohaCon11, is on Tuesday 8th March 2011 at 14:00 UTC 03:40 mtj ha, for what? 03:39 cornelius hello, am I late? 03:30 kmkale Namaskar #koha 02:43 jenkins_koha * Chris Cormack: Bumping database version 02:43 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=5783 enhancement, PATCH-Sent, ---, gmcharlt, ASSIGNED, Authorities edit logging 02:43 jenkins_koha * Galen Charlton: bug 5783: follow-up system preferences tweaks 02:43 jenkins_koha * Galen Charlton: bug 5783: follow-up - fix logging of modifications 02:43 jenkins_koha * Tomas Cohen Arazi: bug 5783: Authorities edit logging 02:43 jenkins_koha Project Koha_master build #27: SUCCESS in 31 mn: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_master/27/ 02:19 huginn New commit(s) kohagit: Bumping database version <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=22a438aeb405ff1114982f5a0aa8e05b8195b3fa> / Merge remote branch 'kc/new/enh/bug_5783' into kcmaster <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=90f4de97de02ddfaabb197ea4ca10dfb512dcb90> / bug 5783: follow-up system preferences tweaks <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=61adeac8597ce0781 02:11 jenkins_koha Starting build 27 for job Koha_master (previous build: SUCCESS) 02:11 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=2975 critical, PATCH-Sent, ---, gmcharlt, ASSIGNED, Offline circ tries to circ on biblio-level "itemtype" 02:11 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=5835 enhancement, PATCH-Sent, ---, gmcharlt, NEW, Adding a missing class to the idx select box 02:11 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=5831 enhancement, PATCH-Sent, ---, gmcharlt, NEW, rebuild_zebra.pl does not respect -r flag 02:11 jenkins_koha * Galen Charlton: bug 2975: whitespace and formatting cleanup 02:11 jenkins_koha * Galen Charlton: bug 2975: fix calculation of due dates by offline circ 02:11 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=5820 normal, PATCH-Sent, ---, nengard, RESOLVED FIXED, funds/budget language inconsistency when ordering 02:11 jenkins_koha * Paul Poulain: Bug 5835 : adding a class to index <select> 02:11 jenkins_koha * Ian Walls: Bug 5831: rebuild_zebra.pl doesn't respect -r 02:11 jenkins_koha * Nicole C. Engard: Bug 5820: Change language to 'Fund' over 'Budget' 02:11 jenkins_koha Project Koha_master build #26: SUCCESS in 32 mn: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_master/26/ 01:42 rangi heh 01:41 eythian I cannot begin to pronounce "Wijzigingen" (which I see as the title of that page, and means "changes") 01:40 rangi http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_master/26/changes 01:40 rangi i do like this 01:38 jenkins_koha Starting build 26 for job Koha_master (previous build: SUCCESS) 01:35 huginn New commit(s) kohagit: bug 2975: whitespace and formatting cleanup <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=2e963dc416f533a0acb857f022295da42ceed1ff> / bug 2975: fix calculation of due dates by offline circ <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=935635aba5dc0ab62f9476986cc418ae8c980b57> 01:21 rangi http://coffee.geek.nz/what-ive-been-earthquake-stuff.html 01:21 rangi checkout what the awesome shiny has been up to 01:05 huginn New commit(s) kohagit: Bug 5835 : adding a class to index <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=b2e7b5aacafe6bf887bbb7e8e92dabdc638b11e4> 01:00 wizzyrea patch* 01:00 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=5812 minor, PATCH-Sent, ---, oleonard, RESOLVED FIXED, Tag Cloud - capitalized words come before lower-case words 01:00 wizzyrea bug 5812 is a great example of how signoff push is supposed to work 00:52 cait good night :) 00:50 cait yeah, perhaps better 00:49 wizzyrea ^^ 00:49 rangi time for sleep for you anyway :) 00:48 cait so, not now. :) 00:48 cait hmpf - locked out of mail account subscribed to lists for 4 more hours 00:45 wizzyrea bug advocacy 00:45 wizzyrea ooo good idea 00:45 rangi people should feel free to reply to those emails with a list of bugs they would like to highlight for testing/sign off too 00:44 rangi i think pauls email is a perfect opening 00:43 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=5527 major, PATCH-Sent, ---, katrin.fischer, NEW, Reports: Patrons who haven't checked out misses active users from issues table 00:43 cait and pehraps I can motivate someone to look at bug 5527? 00:42 rangi see ya in a couple of days :) 00:42 cathrsnz Great - so it works - thanks very encouraging thanks. 00:42 * rangi is chris c 00:42 rangi hi cathrsnz 00:41 cathrsnz Testing our IRC link pre go-live -- please ignore. C 00:41 cait right :) 00:41 wizzyrea will be nice to not see the 0 ones tho 00:40 wizzyrea the libraries like seeing the fines 00:39 cait both nicole and I tested it the first time... hope now it works like it should 00:38 rangi i said 'as soon as liz tests it' :) 00:38 cait :) 00:38 rangi cait: i already had a client ask for your patch for 1962 to be applied 00:38 wizzyrea cait++ 00:38 wizzyrea oh ya 00:38 cait cait should sleep 00:37 rangi wow cait is busy