Time Nick Message 22:25 bencahill rangi: sweet, that's what I needed to know :) 22:25 rangi bencahill: yes, it takes the maximum number and adds 1 22:24 rangi cool, 3.2.4 comes out in 2 days :) 22:24 bencahill 3.2.2 yes 22:24 wahanui somebody said 3.2.2 was out... come and get some :-) 22:24 rangi 3.2.2 ? 22:24 bencahill rangi: next to last... 22:24 bencahill rangi: ok, how does it know where to start, does it check the db every time? 22:23 rangi what version of Koha btw? 22:23 rangi thats it 22:22 bencahill rangi: as in "generated in the form 1,2,3"? 22:19 rangi if you choose incremental, then yes 22:18 bencahill hey guys, setting up a church library with Koha (I love it :P), and I'm curious how the autoBarcode functionality works...i.e., could the staff enter a bunch of books with it off (with labels e.g. from 1 to 2000), and then it start numbering (using the third option) after the existing numbers (e.g. at 2001)? 20:41 rangi hiya druthb 20:41 hdl hi cait and druthb 20:41 cait hi druthb :) 20:41 druthb hi, rangi and hdl and cait. :) 20:40 rangi perfect, thank you 20:40 hdl 856', 'u', 'URI', '', 0, 0, 'biblioitems.url', 8, '', '', '', 0, 0, '', NULL, '', ''), 20:40 hdl found it... It is 856$u for uri 20:39 rangi hello cait :) 20:39 cait morning rangi, evening hdl 20:38 rangi thank you 20:38 hdl same iirc. checking out 20:38 rangi do you know what field it would be for UNIMARC? 20:37 rangi i am working on the ris export from the opac, one of our clients noticed it wasnt exporting the uri if one existed (856u in MARC21) 20:37 rangi just a unimarc question 20:37 rangi excellent :) 20:37 hdl whatever time you need... 20:36 rangi hdl: do you have a minute? 19:48 rangi any unimarcers around? 19:04 rangi morning 09:43 cait hi rangi 09:28 huginn rangi: The operation succeeded. 09:28 rangi @later tell hdl Test::Weaken as we build persistence we should use this to test we are freeing memory where we should be 08:04 hudsonbot * Reed Wade: Bug 5741 - Extra comma causes JavaScript error in Internet Explorer 08:04 hudsonbot * Fr?d?ric Demians: Bug 5777 Update and install syspref tab titles 08:04 hudsonbot Project Koha_Master build #373: SUCCESS in 23 min: http://hudson.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Master/373/ 07:40 hudsonbot Starting build 373 for job Koha_Master (previous build: SUCCESS) 07:35 huginn New commit(s) kohagit: Bug 5741 - Extra comma causes JavaScript error in Internet Explorer <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=1f0e0c5de182cde0215ac0782563d89b3d04291b> / Bug 5777 Update and install syspref tab titles <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=eaf4cfe6b8684b1fff6d7fc6b3b93a456f57fda8> 04:02 snail afternoon #koha 03:18 druthb jcamins++ #he's pretty darn awesome, too. 03:13 druthb aw! Thanks, jcamins! 03:12 jcamins_away druthb++ # 'cause she's awesome like that 02:52 rangi hey druthb :) 02:51 druthb hi, rangi! :) 02:51 huginn rangi: The current temperature in Wellington, New Zealand is 19.0�C (3:00 PM NZDT on February 20, 2011). Conditions: Partly Cloudy. Humidity: 78%. Dew Point: 15.0�C. Pressure: 30.04 in 1017 hPa (Steady). 02:51 rangi @wunder wellington nz 02:42 huginn druthb: The current temperature in Burning Tree Estates, Bethesda, Maryland is 10.4�C (9:47 PM EST on February 19, 2011). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 19%. Dew Point: -12.0�C. Pressure: 29.93 in 1013.4 hPa (Steady). Wind Advisory in effect until midnight EST tonight... 02:42 druthb @wunder 20852 02:20 huginn bg: The current temperature in K6LCM - Westside / Mesa, Santa Barbara, California is 7.1�C (6:25 PM PST on February 19, 2011). Conditions: Overcast. Humidity: 94%. Dew Point: 6.0�C. Windchill: 7.0�C. Pressure: 29.82 in 1009.7 hPa (Steady). Flash Flood Watch in effect through late tonight... 02:20 bg @wunder 93109