Time Nick Message 05:36 rangi evening 05:49 druthb hi, rangi! 15:01 cait druthb? 15:01 wahanui somebody said druthb was greatly pissed at someone right now. Don't worry, it's no one here. 15:01 cait hm 15:02 druthb wahanui: forget druthb 15:02 wahanui druthb: I forgot druthb 15:03 cait druthb? 15:03 druthb wahanui: druthb is quite possibly insane, but she fits right in at ByWater Solutions, because of it. 15:03 wahanui OK, druthb. 15:05 cait hehe 15:05 cait wahanui? 15:05 wahanui cait? 15:05 druthb cait? 15:05 wahanui cait is, like, a competent programmer AND really sweet 15:05 cait oh 15:05 druthb kf? 15:05 wahanui well, kf is the kind of person that will brighten everyone's day. 15:06 * cait hides 15:06 druthb hm. 15:06 druthb jdavidb? 15:06 wahanui jdavidb is, like, no more...call her druthb now, please 15:06 * druthb doesn't remember teaching wahanui that, but might have. 15:06 cait he has a good memory 15:07 druthb yes, he does. 15:07 druthb He also seems to learn a lot about me from Brooke_. 15:07 druthb Brooke_? 15:08 * druthb whispers something to wahanui. 15:08 druthb Brooke_? 15:08 wahanui somebody said Brooke_ was not quite as she tries to appear. It's okay, though; she's really very sweet. 15:09 * druthb nods. 16:27 bg bg? 16:27 bg bg? 16:31 cait hi bg 16:31 bg heya cait 16:31 druthb hi, bg! :) 16:32 cait bg? 16:32 cait hm, seems wahanui has no clue 16:36 druthb bg is awesome! 16:37 cait bg? 16:37 wahanui well, bg is awesome! 16:37 cait hehe 16:47 bg heh thanks :) 16:49 druthb :D 21:35 brendan_ bg? 21:35 wahanui somebody said bg was awesome! 21:35 brendan_ :D