Time Nick Message 01:14 hudsonbot Starting build 93 for job Koha_3.2.x (previous build: SUCCESS) 01:20 munin New commit(s) kohagit32: Bug 5452 - Overdue date color in borrower's today issues <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=e4b68e97fd0f7764dee04bd413e198f16403f1b5> / BUG 5649: Change wording on review.tmpl from white\black to approve\rejected consiste... <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=bfcb2fff456aa3c9c3d160fba39dd09e40341122> / Bug 5477 [SIGN-OFF] Fix test cases that require database acces 01:24 Brooke kia ora 01:24 druthb hi! :) 01:42 hudsonbot Project Koha_3.2.x build #93: SUCCESS in 28 min: http://hudson.koha-community.org/job/Koha_3.2.x/93/ 01:42 hudsonbot * Ian Walls: Bug 5376: Batch Mod and Delete require superlibrarian permissions 01:42 hudsonbot * Robin Sheat: Bug 5477 [SIGN-OFF] Fix test cases that require database access 01:42 hudsonbot * Schuster: BUG 5649: Change wording on review.tmpl from white\black to approve\rejected consistent with the rest of the page 01:42 hudsonbot * Chris Cormack: Bug 5452 - Overdue date color in borrower's today issues 02:05 slef gmcharlt: hello? 02:06 * Brooke is not gmcharlt, but she does say hello. 02:06 slef it looks to me from http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Special:RecentChanges that spam pages are being created unhindered 02:07 * druthb isn't gmcharlt either. But hi, slef! :) 02:07 slef hi others 02:07 slef :) 02:07 Brooke Bayesian filtre? 02:08 Brooke and isn't this technically thd's jorb? 02:09 slef I've no idea. I wasn't paying attention when mediawiki took over. 02:10 slef I've a lovely thd quote about how we don't need draconian anti-spam. I'll post it to the list. 08:00 kmkale Namaskar #koha 08:36 chris slef: they are attacking existing pages too now 09:13 cait hi #koha 11:04 cait hi all 11:32 kmkale bye all 15:44 cait chris: around? 15:46 larsw it's a quarter to 5 in the monring in New Zealand, so probably he's still asleep 16:25 cait larsw: you are right 17:51 wasabi morning... 18:28 cait chris: around? 18:31 chris just about to catch the bus, can chat from there tho 18:34 cait ah, was testing a patch from fredericd for the utf-8 issue earlier 18:34 cait in template_test 18:35 cait it solved the existing problems - I left him a message 18:35 cait and found some new things 18:38 cait will try to update the mediawiki tomorrow 18:38 * wasabi waves to cait 18:38 * cait waves back :) 18:39 cait bye :) 18:40 wasabi yep, cya later .... 19:43 wasabi lol, this months edits on liblime's wikipedia page are hilarious 19:43 chris ? 19:44 chris they been self editing again? 19:44 wasabi http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=LibLime&action=historysubmit&diff=409210267&oldid=405745984 19:45 chris lol 19:45 wasabi um, yeah sort of.. :p 19:45 chris ah well easy enough to put back 19:47 * wasabi saves a copy before its overwritten by w0w-gold/ugg-boot spam 19:48 wasabi man, those marketing-type guys have no shame 19:49 chris lots of citation needed in there 19:50 wasabi and the icing… the url to the koha website gets discreetly removed 19:50 wasabi - *[http://koha-community.org/ Official Koha Website] 19:50 chris yep, putting it back 19:50 chris and adding citation needed 19:50 chris also patents ... wtf 19:56 ibeardsle ahh the joys of wikis eh? 19:58 chris yeah and evil companies like PTFS 20:44 * wasabi adds some citations/corrections too 21:21 CIA-1 Koha: 03mason 07new/enh/bug_5688 * rv3.02.00-601-ge348910 10/ (14 files in 8 dirs): Bug 5668 21:21 munin 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=5668 enhancement, P5, ---, oleonard, NEW, Star ratings in the opac