Time Nick Message 23:28 sekjal cheers, all! 23:28 brendan_l sweet 23:27 sekjal okay, off to meet Nicole for some lunch 23:04 sekjal brb 23:03 sekjal Nate and I ate at Finc., right next door 22:59 chris :) 22:59 chris Find somewhere for breakfast? 22:57 chris Yup 22:56 sekjal and now I have a story 22:56 sekjal she was totally right 22:56 sekjal I was nervous about preparing for this trip, but my wife reminded me that all I really needed was my passport, wallet and a cell phone 22:54 brendan_l woot is right 22:54 chris Wooot! 22:53 sekjal thanks, chris! I bought a new outfit today, and the airline called just after to tell me they found my bag, and are sending it to Wellington 22:52 chris sekjal: if you need I can lend you some tshirts? 22:36 sekjal good (localtime), #koha! 21:37 burriscj Hi all. 21:35 CGI059 Hello... 20:58 schuster Have a good one everyone! I'm off... 20:58 schuster Guess I'll check the timezone over the weekend... 20:58 schuster Don't want to miss too much KohaCon10 next week! 20:57 schuster chris - what date and time is it there right now? 20:36 jcamins Have a good weekend, #koha 20:36 jcamins Time to close up. 20:04 munin chris: The operation succeeded. 20:04 chris @later tell nate nope no te papa today but earth rocks is on tomorrow too maybe then 19:54 chris Hope it turns up soon 19:54 chris Yeah crappy 19:52 brendan suxs about sekjal's luggage :( 19:52 brendan yay got a chance to chat with nate 19:51 munin chris: The operation succeeded. 19:51 chris @later tell nate not sure if we will kahu is a bit sick with the end of the flu, but if we do it would be round 12 19:48 Nate When r you planning to head over there? 19:48 chris http://www.eventfinder.co.nz/whatson/events/wellington/date is a good place to find things to do too 19:45 chris cool 19:45 Nate Cool thnxwe will check that out 19:44 chris and i may well end up there with Kahu 19:44 chris Pacific Island cultural performances to commemorate those whose lives have been lost during natural disasters. <--- that might be interesting 19:41 chris http://www.wotzon.com/eventlisting.php?event_id=5027229 19:40 chris Nate: http://www.wotzon.com/eventlisting.php?event_id=5014989 19:39 Nate Hi chris! 19:39 brendan heya nate 19:39 chris ata marie Nate 19:12 wizzyrea_ lol ya saw that one 19:12 chris roadtrip is under way 19:12 chris http://identi.ca/notice/57192545 19:10 brendan and it seems like most of NZ is waking up 19:09 chris heh 19:05 wizzyrea_ we did go through during a slow moment though 19:05 wizzyrea_ or take a ghastly long time 19:05 wizzyrea_ we didn't even make fools of ourselves 19:04 wizzyrea_ AIRPORT SECURITY. 19:04 larsw anyway... I hope kohacon goes well, and everyone enjoys themselves silly 19:04 wizzyrea_ airport security gave my spud a lolly 19:04 jcamins Sounds about right. 19:04 larsw jcamins, nope, ten minutes to open a bank account in nz, more than a month so far in the uk :P 19:02 wizzyrea_ hmmm 19:02 drulm NZ is also shown in many movies as an optimal place to survive a total nuclear exchange, bonus! 19:02 jcamins larsw: now I know you're pulling my leg. 19:02 larsw the uk has its fair share of wondeful people, but no reasonable banks 19:02 larsw and reasonable banks, too 19:01 wizzyrea_ ^^ agreed completely 19:01 larsw kiwiland is filled with wonderful people 19:01 wizzyrea_ they are all like, oh yea, I've heard of that 19:01 jcamins _That_ is awesome. 19:00 wizzyrea_ not one person that I have spoken to about why we're in wellington has given me the blank stare of "oh I don't know what koha (the library software) is" stare 18:58 drulm Oh KohaCon, yeah lucky so and sos 18:57 chris but they are both in wellington, i can verify that ;) 18:57 chris but we arent sure what room they are in, since nengard went to get them for dinner and the room the lobby told her was full women instead 18:56 brendan sweet 18:56 chris and nate was in the lobby reading 18:55 chris dropped sekjal off at his backpackers 18:55 drulm still no go on Graphics::Magick <-- I need a wizard for this! :) 18:55 brendan awesome++ 18:55 chris yep 18:55 brendan heh 18:55 munin brendan: Error: "chris" is not a valid command. 18:55 brendan @chris seen sekjal or Nate 18:55 munin brendan: The current temperature in Northwest Goleta, Goleta, California is 18.1�C (12:06 PM PDT on October 22, 2010). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 71%. Dew Point: 13.0�C. Pressure: 30.05 in 1017.5 hPa (Steady). 18:55 brendan @wunder 93117 18:55 chris its really still out there, we need a bit of wind to blow the clouds away 18:53 munin chris: The current temperature in Wellington, New Zealand is 11.0�C (7:00 AM NZDT on October 23, 2010). Conditions: Mostly Cloudy. Humidity: 82%. Dew Point: 8.0�C. Pressure: 30.18 in 1022 hPa (Rising). 18:53 chris @wunder wellington,nz 18:53 brendan awh bummer 18:53 wizzyrea_ :( our van didn't have elf ears, I was sad 18:53 brendan I wanna see pictures of the elf ears too :) 18:52 brendan everything always looks different 18:52 wizzyrea_ rivendell 18:52 brendan any more hints 18:52 brendan ah I see it now 18:52 wizzyrea_ ^^ 18:52 jcamins Perhaps I can put off buying a new camera until I have to cave and get one of those infernal devices, and then get just the one device. 18:52 chris thats not just a river, there are nazgul drowned in there 18:51 brendan wizzyrea_ cool I was like neat that's a river that means nothing to me 18:51 wizzyrea_ may do that in place of them arket today 18:51 wizzyrea_ no, that's on my list 18:51 chris wizzyrea_: did you go to weta too? 18:51 wizzyrea_ just a sec, I'll do that 18:50 wizzyrea_ yep 18:50 wizzyrea_ brendan: doh I didn't add descriptions 18:50 drulm wizzyrea_: so lotr trip - Lord Of The Rings? :) 18:49 wizzyrea_ it's a great phone 18:49 wizzyrea_ jcamins: I have a samsung captivate (galaxy s) 18:49 drulm ahhh, thanks will save the info 18:49 wizzyrea_ oooo 18:49 * chris is watching on the top shelf with kahu (tv6 is kids programmes wizzyrea_ ) 18:49 jcamins drulm: it's required for compiling those two modules. It was left out of pre-3.2 installation scripts. 18:48 wizzyrea_ ba dum bum 18:48 chris :P 18:48 chris i think its cos ours come from chickens 18:48 chris oh right 18:48 wizzyrea_ and you have gorgeous, orange delicious eggs. 18:47 wizzyrea_ because we have sickly, wan looking eggs 18:47 wizzyrea_ to show to my compatriots how yellow the yolks are 18:47 drulm jcamins: OK, what does it do? 18:47 chris whats the egg? 18:47 jcamins My (now broken) camera didn't take pictures that nice. 18:46 wizzyrea_ yup 18:46 jcamins wizzyrea_: you took those with your *phone*? 18:46 jcamins drulm: if you're having problems, you need to install libmodule-install-perl 18:46 wizzyrea_ those are only the ones I took on my phone, i have zillions more on my proper camera 18:46 drulm Graphics::Magick and PDF::API2::Simple should these just install OKAY (lotr = Lord of the Rings?) 18:46 wizzyrea_ www.flickr.com/photos/wizzyrea 18:45 wizzyrea_ beautiful 18:45 brendan spill them beans 18:45 brendan alright wizzyrea_ how was the lotr trip? 18:45 brendan enjoy that road trip 18:45 brendan mornig wizzyrea_ chris slef et al 18:42 wizzyrea_ ooh, have fun on the road trip! 18:41 chris just a tip 18:41 chris slef: cool, safe travels ... oh an the hot pools tarnish silver 18:40 slef road trip is go... 18:40 jcamins Glad to hear it. :) 18:38 wizzyrea_ home 18:38 wizzyrea_ and usually it's about this time I start missing hom 18:37 wizzyrea_ I don't want to leave >.> 18:37 jcamins How's NZ, wizzyrea? 18:36 chris heh 18:35 wizzyrea_ he's still sleeping, we ran ihm right down to the nub yesterday 18:34 chris hows your lil man? 18:31 chris Better than yesterday, still not 100% but def on the mend 18:30 wizzyrea_ good morning, how's the kiddo? 18:30 chris Morning wizzyrea_ 18:23 jcamins Just follow the upgrade instructions, and it should be pretty painless. 18:23 jcamins Good luck. 18:23 mib_jd1z2 thanks again everyone 18:23 * jwagner is heading out now -- see you in NZ! 18:23 mib_jd1z2 and 8 years ago sounds right for this one 18:22 mib_jd1z2 poweredge 1300sc is the full name 18:22 jcamins mib_jd1z2: probably worth upgrading, but, no, not much of a headache. 18:22 jcamins Dell had a Server 1300 about... what, 8 years ago? 18:22 mib_jd1z2 is it worth the headache to upgrade... is it a headache? 18:22 mib_jd1z2 i'm currently running the beta 18:22 mib_jd1z2 while i'm here... i noticed that 3.2 was released 18:21 jcamins Yeah, definitely the wrong computer. 18:21 mib_jd1z2 but only a gig of ram 18:21 mib_jd1z2 it has two xeon processors 18:21 jcamins ... I think I must have the wrong type of computer in mind. 18:21 mib_jd1z2 there's some quirks with quickbooks, but other than that it's been great 18:20 mib_jd1z2 i'm amazed at the performance improvement after switching over from ms server 2003 18:20 jcamins I guess Ubuntu is less of a resource-hog than I've always believed. 18:20 jcamins Nifty. 18:19 mib_jd1z2 ubuntu server 9.10 18:19 jcamins Out of curiosity, what flavor of Linux are you running? 18:19 jcamins You're welcome. 18:19 mib_jd1z2 thanks for all the help 18:19 mib_jd1z2 not even in the list anymore 18:19 mib_jd1z2 rebuild is complete... zebrasrv is no longer the top process 18:18 jcamins Yeah, definitely don't worry about it. 400Mhz is not a lot of CPU. 18:18 jcamins Well, that would explain why it's running much slower than I would've expected. 18:17 mib_jd1z2 i mean it's an old dell server, powersc1300 18:17 mib_jd1z2 ok 18:16 jcamins I wouldn't worry too much about zebrasrv. 18:16 mib_jd1z2 thanks, the exports worked, it's rebuilding 18:13 jcamins (that's for the error message) 18:12 jcamins mib_jd1z2: http://koha-community.org/documentation/faq/installingupgrading/ 18:12 mib_jd1z2 coupled with perl 18:12 mib_jd1z2 avg. 2, fluctuates as high as 12 18:11 jcamins mib_jd1z2: what percentage of your CPU is it using? 18:11 mib_jd1z2 Can't locate C4/Context.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/perl/5.10.0 /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.0 /usr/lib/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/perl/5.10 /usr/share/perl/5.10 /usr/local/lib/site_perl .) at /usr/share/koha/bin/migration_tools/rebuild_zebra.pl line 6. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/share/koha/bin/migration_tools/rebuild 18:10 mib_jd1z2 and tried to run rebuild_zebra, but get the following error: 18:10 mib_jd1z2 i also deleted the records using the mysql statement above 18:10 mib_jd1z2 and zebrasrv is still the top process 18:10 jcamins mib_jd1z2: yes, there should be one for bibs and one for authorities. 18:09 mib_jd1z2 i rebooted the server 18:09 mib_jd1z2 no but there are two instances of zebrasrv when I run ps -u koha 18:08 gmcharlt is there a running zebraidx process? 18:07 gmcharlt it just handles queries 18:07 gmcharlt zebrarsrv itself doesn't do the indexing 17:56 mib_jd1z2 "/etc/init.d/koha-zebra-daemon stop" ? 17:54 mib_jd1z2 from libraryworld.com 17:54 mib_jd1z2 no, just a batch of marc21 records 17:54 jcamins mib_jd1z2: did you import authorities, too? 17:53 mib_jd1z2 actually, looking over the log, the import didn't finish until 22:00 hours last night 17:53 jwagner 19K should only take maybe 10 minutes to index. 17:53 jcamins But, perhaps so. 17:53 jcamins With nineteen thousand? That seems odd. 17:52 mib_jd1z2 from what i've read, it can take that long right? 17:52 mib_jd1z2 currently 19000 17:52 jcamins How many records do you have? 17:52 mib_jd1z2 how do i kill it? 17:52 jcamins That doesn't sound good. 17:51 mib_jd1z2 it's the "top" process 17:51 mib_jd1z2 way more system load than normal... hd light been on for almost 16 hours now 17:51 mib_jd1z2 not like this 17:51 jcamins mib_jd1z2: that's the server. It should always be running. 17:51 mib_jd1z2 the daemon 17:51 mib_jd1z2 zebrasrv 17:50 gmcharlt rebuild_zebra? 17:50 gmcharlt what is working, exactly? 17:50 mib_jd1z2 unless that's what you mean 17:50 mib_jd1z2 no, it's still working on my import from yesterday 17:50 gmcharlt mib_jd1z2: if a rebuild_zebra is already running, you can kill it 17:49 chris jwagner: yup :) 17:49 mib_jd1z2 does it matter that zebrasrv is currently trying to index all these records? 17:49 jwagner chris, since I'm not likely to have any functioning brain cells by the time I get there, booking in advance seems like a good idea. Thanks. 17:49 chris a taxi will be $25-40 17:48 gmcharlt yes 17:48 mib_jd1z2 and then just run rebuild_zebra.pl -b -r 17:48 mib_jd1z2 great 17:48 gmcharlt mib_jd1z2: yes 17:47 chris will cost around $15-20 nz 17:47 jcamins drulm: okay, now it should work for you. 17:47 chris you could email them, and book one 17:47 chris jwagner: http://www.taxis.co.nz/Vehicles/Shuttles.html 17:47 jwagner Great, thanks. 17:47 jcamins drulm: actually, let me change that again. 17:47 mib_jd1z2 delete from biblio where biblionumber not in (select biblionumber from items); 17:46 chris and a ton of taxis too 17:46 chris yeah there will be some vans, right outside the door 17:46 mib_jd1z2 so to delete the records without items, would this be a correct mysql statement? -- 17:46 jwagner Just ask at the airport? 17:46 chris cheap, but no walking involved 17:46 chris i think for you, a shuttle is what you want 17:45 chris taxi, shuttle or the flyer bus 17:45 chris for wellington, you have 3 choices 17:45 chris ah that was for dorkland 17:44 jwagner chris, you posted something a while back about the best way to get from the airport to hotels, and of course I didn't keep that post. Do you have it at hand? 17:43 jcamins drulm: is this better? http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/SQL_Reports_Library#Records_without_items 17:43 mib_jd1z2 still working on setup 17:43 mib_jd1z2 definitely not thyen 17:43 chris but if you arent, then no need to worry about that 17:43 chris if you were using acquistions there is a possibility that some of those biblio might have orders attached 17:42 chris cool then that should be ok 17:42 mib_jd1z2 i don't believe i'm using acquisitions 17:41 mib_jd1z2 count = 14268 17:41 chris mib_jd1z2: do you use acquisitions? 17:39 gmcharlt select count(*) from biblio where biblionumber not in (select biblionumber from items); 17:39 gmcharlt try this first to verify the count 17:39 mib_jd1z2 sorry, i'm still a noob with the mysql 17:38 gmcharlt yes, mod any typos 17:38 mib_jd1z2 is that verbatim? 17:37 gmcharlt select biblionumber from biblio where biblionumber not in (select biblionumber from items); 17:36 mib_jd1z2 what is the name of the field that would be null for a record without item(s)? 17:36 gmcharlt you can delete the relevant rows from bibio and biblioitems, then run rebuild_zebra.pl -b -r 17:35 mib_jd1z2 yes 17:35 gmcharlt mib_jd1z2: are you using Zebra? 17:35 mib_jd1z2 is it something i could do in mysql without screwing up the index? 17:35 mib_jd1z2 ... so can I then setup a procedure to delete records without items, or do I have to manually remove 15000 records? 17:34 jcamins Ah, yes, IF. 17:33 jcamins Good morning. 17:33 jcamins Does MySQL have a ternary operator? 17:31 chris morning 17:30 jcamins You're right. The link to the OPAC is wrong. 17:23 jcamins I've never actually tried the report. 17:23 jcamins drulm: does it not work? 17:21 drulm The linking... 17:21 jcamins mib_jd1z2: http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/SQL_Reports_Library#Records_without_items 17:20 jcamins One moment while I find the link to the report I'm thinking of. 17:20 jcamins mib_jd1z2: I do not think there is an automatic way, but you could run a report to get a list of MARC records without items. 17:15 mib_jd1z2 is there any method to do this? 17:15 mib_jd1z2 i'd like to batch delete all biblios without items 17:14 mib_jd1z2 however, the items were not attached to the records 17:14 mib_jd1z2 I recently imported the marc records from our previous catalog 17:14 mib_jd1z2 Hi all -- I need some help with a cataloging issue and hope someone can help 17:04 cyrixbmx But since there is double quote in the string, koha can not translate the sentend with : msgstr "les donn�es d'Amazon sur l'interface professionnelle (y compris les critiques et les liens \"Recherche interne\" sur les pages de d�tails de l'ouvrage). Ceci n�cessite une demande de cl� d'acc�s et la saisie de cette m�me cl�." 17:04 cyrixbmx Why in Koha when I have a double quote in my sentence I can not translate de sentence in my file .po? Exemple : in the file fr-CA-pref.po I have the following string : msgid "enhanced-content.pref#AmazonEnabled# data from Amazon on the staff interface (including reviews and \"Search Inside\" links on item detail pages). This requires that you have signed up for and entered an access key." 16:21 brendan heh :) 16:21 jcamins rhcl: brendan just keeps weird hours. ;) 16:21 brendan yes my wife and I are expecting a baby girl in December so I'm going to use sometime then :) 16:20 rhcl ? for real 16:20 brendan ;) 16:20 brendan I'm in Cali - not going to Kohacon 16:20 rhcl_away so why are brendan and munin chatting away? 16:20 jcamins rhcl_away: I'm not in NZ. :( 16:19 jwagner Thanks :-) 16:19 rhcl_away Oh, well, Ok, you're excused. 16:19 jwagner I _am_ in my office :-) leaving this afternoon.... 16:19 rhcl_away I can't believe all these people vacationing in NZ are chatting on IRC just like they were in their offices. If I was so lucky to be in NZ, I'd be out fishin'. 16:12 jwagner not too different :-) 16:12 munin jwagner: The current temperature in Langley Fork Park, McLean, Virginia is 12.9�C (12:24 PM EDT on October 22, 2010). Conditions: Scattered Clouds. Humidity: 47%. Dew Point: 2.0�C. Pressure: 30.16 in 1021.2 hPa (Rising). 16:12 jwagner @wunder 20817 16:12 munin jwagner: The current temperature in Wellington, New Zealand is 10.0�C (5:00 AM NZDT on October 23, 2010). Conditions: Partly Cloudy. Humidity: 87%. Dew Point: 8.0�C. Pressure: 30.15 in 1021 hPa (Steady). 16:12 jwagner @wunder wellington nz 16:09 munin brendan: The current temperature in Northwest Goleta, Goleta, California is 14.4�C (9:20 AM PDT on October 22, 2010). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 85%. Dew Point: 12.0�C. Pressure: 30.04 in 1017.2 hPa (Rising). 16:09 brendan @wunder 93117 14:51 drulm Heh 14:50 owen gmcharlt: If you had been historically accurate your interruption would have lasted 30 minutes and preempted whatever show I was hoping to see at the time 14:49 * jcamins is a bit slow today, apparently 14:49 gmcharlt heh - I was afraid I was going to have to explain my joke 14:47 jcamins Got it. 14:47 jcamins Oh! 14:47 owen :D No, not an R there! 14:46 jcamins gmcharlt: oh no! I recommend hot chicken soup. 14:45 reva gmcharlt, I think you are meaning documentary standard. They have quite a few of those mostly regional standards such as those from Jamaica Bureau of Standards, Trinidad and Tobago Bureau of Standards. 14:45 gmcharlt ah, imagine that with an extra 'r' 14:45 the_gippe morning! 14:44 drulm jcamins: no doubt. it is a bit obscure. 14:44 gmcharlt reva: how much do they have in the way of technical reports or the like that would require original cataloging? 14:44 reva jcamins, that is always a drawback to Peace Corps work. No accountability is expected from host agencies as we do not hand out money. 14:43 reva I found a lot z39.50 targets, so we do a lot of copy cataloging of our material. 14:43 jcamins Well, assuming the Bureau is able to maintain it, at least. 14:42 reva Considering they did not have a catalog of any kind, this is good start. 14:41 reva jcamins, I am here through the 12th November. (I might add I am off to Varna, Bulgaria on another assignment, doing much less work having to do with library technology:).) Probably not enough time to master anything useful. But I have install the Live CD in the hard drive and we have production quality records in them. 14:41 jcamins drulm: fear not, I completely failed to recognize it. 14:40 drulm That quote indicates no political affilation :) 14:37 jcamins reva: how much longer do you have at the Standards Bureau? 14:36 drulm Yeah, it feels like a new day! "It's morning in the library!" - (modified quote) 14:35 reva Thanks gemcharlt. So basically if you require rigour in description display, all of them require some lib tech help I see. Thanks. 14:34 moodaepo gmcharlt++ # Yay on 3.2.0 14:33 drulm Thanks Galen and everyone else! 14:33 gmcharlt jcamins: good morning 14:33 reva gmcharlt, yes; displays of marc tags. 14:33 drulm OK, got 3.2, will start testing it w/ our data - fun stuff! 14:33 jcamins gmcharlt: good morning! 14:33 gmcharlt i.e., one would edit a template file on the server 14:33 gmcharlt if that's what you mean, Evergreen has roughly the same level of complexity or ease of configuration in that respect, depending on how you look at it 14:32 gmcharlt reva: displays of MARC tags? 14:32 owen Sorry, I don't know about Evergreen 14:31 reva owen, also could I ask about something you might know the answer to? Does Evergreen (which is big in a lot of state public library consortia in the US) have easy solutions for turning displays on or off? 14:29 owen In that case you will be well served to study XSLT and craft your display to your liking 14:28 reva owen, I realize that as I come from the library cataloging end (not the library technology end, as you can tell). So I have the habit of being persnickety. 14:27 owen According to the framework 020z is "Cancelled/invalid ISBN." I don't suppose most people think this is very important to display. 14:26 owen No, 3.2 doesn't display 020z 14:26 reva owen, is this fix integrated in the 3.2? I am trying a virtualbox install of 3.2. If that works, and this code is already incorporated into 3.2, then I will not worry with it. Thanks for the book reference jcamins. 14:24 jcamins See also http://www.w3schools.com/xsl/xsl_intro.asp although that won't be enough information. 14:23 jcamins reva: you'll have to modify the stylesheet. In order to do that you'll need to learn XSLT. I recommend Michael Fitzgerald's _Learning XSLT_ (O'Reilly, 2003), Doug Tidwell's _XSLT: Mastering XML Transformations_ (O'Reilly, 2008), and Mangano's _XSLT Cookbook_ (O'Reilly, 2005). 14:23 owen It's not a simple process. 14:23 owen But you'd have to learn about XSL first. 14:22 owen reva: You would have to modify, for instance, /intranet-tmpl/prog/en/xslt/MARC21slim2intranetDetail.xsl 14:21 reva Thanks owen; so, what would I do? add code to some file? (I can do that provided I have precise instruction.) 14:20 owen By default Koha does not display thta data reva. In order to make Koha do so you would probably have to modify the XSL display 14:12 reva hi good morning. The 020 (ISN) $z does not show; neither in staff client Normal view nor in OPAC Normal view. Is this a bug or do I have to turn something on? Thanks for any help. 14:06 drulm Yeah, alright on 3.2, I just saw it. 14:06 jcamins Happy 3.2 Release Day! 14:05 jcamins And, good morning, owen 14:05 owen Yes 14:05 jcamins Looks like slef's website. 14:04 jcamins http://owu.towers.org.uk/planets/koha/index.rss 14:04 jcamins The Koha Related Posts feed... 14:03 drulm Hello 14:03 owen What are you referring to jcamins ? 14:03 jcamins Not exactly crisis-level, but I wasn't sure if that was something you were managing. 14:02 jcamins Seven hours ago it reposted a ton of posts. 14:02 brendan I think nengard is not totally sure 14:01 jcamins brendan: does ByWater administer the Koha RSS planet thing? 14:00 brendan got one here too ;) 13:59 jcamins brendan: nah, I'll leave that to my friend who has his own backyard microbrewery. 13:59 brendan time to make your own ;) 13:58 jcamins schuster: the problem is that we're in the States, and the good beer -- as I understand it -- is in NZ. 13:51 schuster at least the good beer! 13:41 jcamins gmcharlt++ # woohoo! Bring out the champagne! 13:24 kmkale bye all 13:23 cyrixbmx But since there is double quote in the string, koha can not translate the sentend with : msgstr "les donn�es d'Amazon sur l'interface professionnelle (y compris les critiques et les liens \"Recherche interne\" sur les pages de d�tails de l'ouvrage). Ceci n�cessite une demande de cl� d'acc�s et la saisie de cette m�me cl�." 13:23 cyrixbmx Why in Koha when I have a double quote in my sentence I can not translate de sentence in my file .po? Exemple : in the file fr-CA-pref.po I have the following string : msgid "enhanced-content.pref#AmazonEnabled# data from Amazon on the staff interface (including reviews and \"Search Inside\" links on item detail pages). This requires that you have signed up for and entered an access key." 13:19 brendan got 9 last night 13:19 brendan I go in phases - but usually 8 hours is what I shoot for 13:09 schuster I'm lucky I got my dad's gene of not haveing to sleep much. I usually do pretty well on 6 hours if I get a full 8 my body starts to revolt! 12:53 brendan I should sleep an extra 4 hours then 12:53 schuster He's trying to virtually get on the right timezone as NZ so brendan can FEEL like he's at the conference with everyone else. 12:50 owen good practice for fatherhood 12:50 brendan been going to sleep early 12:49 brendan :) 12:49 owen Hi brendan, you're up early 12:49 brendan morning 12:43 schuster Congrats gmcharlt great work in difficult times. 12:40 gmcharlt howdy 12:38 kmkale hi all 12:32 Mizstik Thanks for answering. :-) 12:32 gmcharlt building them now 12:32 Mizstik oh :-o 12:32 gmcharlt Mizstik: about 20 minutes or so 12:29 munin 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=5128 normal, PATCH-Sent, ---, gmcharlt, NEW, Define default 9xx fields for Unimarc setup in all languages 12:29 hudsonbot Galen Charlton: bug 5128: fix syntax errors in previous patch 12:29 hudsonbot Project Koha build (88): SUCCESS in 9 min 39 sec: http://bugs.koha-community.org:8080/job/Koha/88/ 12:29 Mizstik Is there an ETA for all-translations release of 3.2 yet? 12:28 Mizstik Hello. :-) 12:28 zipporah Let me lookup that, thanks for now. 12:27 jwagner Otherwise, not offhand 12:27 jwagner I'd say to check if your system preferences allow holds, and do you have a number set in the maxreserves syspref? (I think that's the name of it) 12:26 zipporah jwagner, would you have an answer to my question? 12:24 jwagner Haven't left yet! This afternoon.... 12:23 gmcharlt jwagner: how was the flight over? 12:23 gmcharlt tcohen: thanks 12:22 jwagner zipporah, there probably aren't a lot of people online at the moment. 12:22 tcohen gmcharlt: congrats 12:19 hudsonbot Starting build 88 for job Koha (previous build: SUCCESS) 12:15 zipporah I am asking for help as to how to indicate number of copies of a book in the Koha 3.0.6. 12:11 munin New commit(s) kohagit: bug 5128: fix syntax errors in previous patch <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=6f80cb06631c5856736f2ce7c08b0a08b054f308> 12:09 zipporah how do I indicate the number of copies on the koha biblio records say for each book to be able to put an hold in the circulation? When I try to place an hold on a book, I get the message "no copies available". How do i introduce number of copies for each book? 11:35 zipporah how do I indicate the number of copies on the koha biblio records say for each book to be able to put an hold in the circulation? When I try to place an hold on a book, I get the message "no copies available". How do i introduce number of copies for each book? 11:32 jwagner Hi Amit 11:31 Amit heya jwagner 10:55 zipporah When I try to place an hold on a book, I get the message "no copies available". How do i introduce number of copies for each book? 10:51 zipporah how do I indicate the number of copies on the koha biblio records say for each book to be able to put an hold in the circulation? 10:17 munin slef: The operation succeeded. 10:17 slef @later tell magnus 0745 or 0845? 09:41 slef thought it was 0745 :-/ 09:40 slef 0845? 09:15 magnus thanks, chris - sleep tight! 09:12 * chris goes to bed 09:12 chris enjoy the road trip 09:12 chris right, gonna be a busy few days, and im wiped out already, time to get some sleep 09:11 magnus hi Amit 09:11 chris hiya Amit 09:11 Amit heya magnus,. chris 09:10 chris yep, it should be good fun, nengard, sekjal, nate and nengards husband all arrived in wellington today 09:09 magnus yeah, really looking forward to the trip and wellington and the conference and everything! 09:08 chris cool :) 09:08 magnus chris: yep, everyone arrived in the end, including cait! and we all had a lovely spanish dinner down by the harbour tonight. we leave the hotel at 08.45... 09:06 chris and did cait arrive ok? 09:06 chris magnus: what time do you guys hit the road? 09:01 magnus gmcharlt++ # for getting 3.2 out the door! yay! 08:30 chris you head to rotorua tomorrow ? 08:30 ALEX_A HEHE 08:30 chris hows it going? 08:29 * hdl in auckland 08:29 hdl hi chris 08:27 chris hi hdl 08:25 chris this is my fave bit 08:20 WIZZYREA aha 08:20 WIZZYREA lol what's on? 08:20 chris 7days is a good comedy show 08:19 chris WIZZYREA: tv3 08:17 FRANCHARB LETS GO BACK TO WORK 08:17 FRANCHARB WELL 08:15 FRANCHARB AHAH 08:15 munin FRANCHARB: Error: "WIZZYREA++" is not a valid command. 08:15 FRANCHARB munin, WIZZYREA++ 08:15 FRANCHARB WIZZYREA++ 08:15 FRANCHARB WHAT? 08:15 FRANCHARB ;) 08:15 munin FRANCHARB: Error: "WIZZYREA++" is not a valid command. 08:15 FRANCHARB @WIZZYREA++ 08:14 FRANCHARB IT'S GONNA BE FUN FOR THE CODING! ;) 08:13 chris heh 08:13 wizzyrea_ lol 08:13 francharb HEY GUYS, AT BIBLIBRE, WE ARE FOLLOWING THE INTERNATIONAL CAPS LOCK DAY TODAY, HOPE YOU WILL JOIN US ;) 08:01 chris heh, its quiet in here since most of the europeans i chat too are now here 07:34 chris yeap 07:34 wizzyrea_ kk ttyl Congrats again :D 07:34 wizzyrea_ ug, those are the worst. 07:33 chris stuffies and low fever 07:33 wizzyrea_ ? 07:33 wizzyrea_ :( tummy bug or stuffies 07:33 chris we'll see how he is tomorrow 07:33 chris yeah, its just a mild one, curse of kindergartens 07:32 wizzyrea_ poor fella 07:32 wizzyrea_ :( oh no 07:32 wizzyrea_ no 07:32 wizzyrea_ er 07:32 * wizzyrea_ looked pretty great 07:32 chris kahu has the flu :( 07:31 chris it gets busy on friday nights 07:31 wizzyrea_ yea, it was 07:31 chris cuba street would have been starting to ramp up by the time you were heading back 07:31 wizzyrea_ he's pretty wicked good at iphone apps >.> 07:31 gmcharlt so is spud ready to join the hackfest? 07:31 chris :) 07:31 gmcharlt :) 07:31 wizzyrea_ but he did alright 07:30 wizzyrea_ >.> 07:30 wizzyrea_ yea, it wasn't the most kid centered meal ever 07:30 chris nice 07:30 wizzyrea_ and garlic bread 07:30 wizzyrea_ he ate some of my gnocchi, and some of thatcher's fish 07:30 chris what did spud have? 07:28 chris ah plum is good 07:28 wizzyrea_ had gnocchi 07:28 * wizzyrea_ went to a place called plum 07:28 wizzyrea_ but dinner itself was lovely 07:28 wizzyrea_ and nicole ddn't know how to get them 07:28 wizzyrea_ we couldn't find them :( the number of the room the desk gave us wasn't right 07:27 chris did you scoop up nate and sekjal too? 07:27 chris how was dinner wizzyrea_ ? 07:26 wizzyrea_ that's really great :) Good job folks 07:25 wizzyrea_ i likes 07:25 chris its a proverb 07:25 chris with my basket, and your basket, the people will prosper 07:25 wizzyrea_ of the text at the bottom of the notes 07:25 wizzyrea_ what's the translation? 07:23 gmcharlt thanks! 07:23 wizzyrea_ Congratulations!!! 07:23 * wizzyrea_ hugs gmcharlt 07:23 wizzyrea_ AHA 07:23 gmcharlt wizzyrea_: you assume I've gone to bed ;) 07:23 wizzyrea_ gmcharlt, when you wake up, BEEEG HUGS 07:22 chris CGI141: http://koha-community.org/documentation/3-2-manual/?ch=x4334#AEN4359 07:22 wizzyrea_ !!!! 07:22 wizzyrea_ OMG WOOT! 07:22 chris wizzyrea_: see the topic ! 07:21 chris 2 secs ill just find you a good page 07:21 CGI141 Yes. 07:21 chris CGI141: do you mean adding another Z3950 server to search? 07:20 CGI141 How do I add MARC databases? I am working in Armenia and need to use data from the Union Catalog (in Armenian) 07:15 chris heya rach 07:12 chris *nod* 07:12 gmcharlt to say nothing of hudson 07:11 chris ill have to set up the stats to run on the 3.2.x branch too now 07:09 chris heh 07:07 gmcharlt you're too good at finding translators ;) 07:07 chris yeah they take a while 07:06 gmcharlt now I'm just waiting for the translations to finish building so that I can put out the all-translastions tarball 07:03 chris yeah, reckon so 07:03 gmcharlt methinks it's time to split up updatedatabase.pl 06:59 chris they are all off having dinner in various places 06:58 chris hehe 06:57 gmcharlt my sense of time is all off 06:57 gmcharlt it is weird having everybody in New Zealand 06:49 chris woo hoo 06:48 gmcharlt http://koha-community.org/koha-3-2-0/ 06:13 hudsonbot * Galen Charlton: update AUTHOR in Makefile.PL 06:13 hudsonbot * Galen Charlton: DB revision - general release of Koha 3.2.0 06:13 hudsonbot * Galen Charlton: Release notes for Koha 3.2.0 06:13 hudsonbot Project Koha build (87): SUCCESS in 8 min 57 sec: http://bugs.koha-community.org:8080/job/Koha/87/ 06:04 hudsonbot Starting build 87 for job Koha (previous build: SUCCESS) 06:04 munin New commit(s) kohagit: update AUTHOR in Makefile.PL <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=7e633749de169c66f86215a29b0a40b171f7596c> 05:54 munin New commit(s) kohagit: DB revision - general release of Koha 3.2.0 <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=9db75fee05f13da6fe1ad08d9bf70948fbd56bc2> / Release notes for Koha 3.2.0 <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=65a8f2af503a8bdb61dd39aa62ac5ccd80e1e788> 04:33 chris So that's almost everyone landed in nz now 04:27 hudsonbot * Galen Charlton: standardize name of ILS-DI:AuthorizedIPs syspref 04:27 hudsonbot * Galen Charlton: updated to installation instructions 04:27 hudsonbot Project Koha build (86): SUCCESS in 7 min 53 sec: http://bugs.koha-community.org:8080/job/Koha/86/ 04:19 hudsonbot Starting build 86 for job Koha (previous build: SUCCESS) 04:13 munin New commit(s) kohagit: standardize name of ILS-DI:AuthorizedIPs syspref <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=7a72f49ecf05da25a08b8d5fcce342feb7e76404> / updated to installation instructions <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=38dafd23debf173111bc55b5c0d741be1c909bb6> 03:19 Amit heya masonj 03:19 masonj very chatty bots!! 03:12 munin 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=3597 normal, P1, ---, gmcharlt, ASSIGNED, "Delete all items" doesn't check issues 03:12 hudsonbot * Galen Charlton: bug 3597: DelItemCheck now refuses to delete items in transit for holds 03:12 hudsonbot * Galen Charlton: bug 3597: "delete all items" no longer deletes checked out or waiting items 03:12 hudsonbot Project Koha build (85): SUCCESS in 7 min 46 sec: http://bugs.koha-community.org:8080/job/Koha/85/ 03:04 hudsonbot Starting build 85 for job Koha (previous build: SUCCESS) 02:53 munin New commit(s) kohagit: bug 3597: DelItemCheck now refuses to delete items in transit for holds <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=12b440276080e453061f699e85dfeca072920c1a> / bug 3597: "delete all items" no longer deletes checked out or waiting items <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=424127ae40bad7d869d56102d5acfafabe9ba4c4> 02:48 slef chatty bots 02:42 munin 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=5128 normal, PATCH-Sent, ---, gmcharlt, NEW, Define default 9xx fields for Unimarc setup in all languages 02:42 munin New commit(s) kohagit: bug 5128: leave record.abs to French defaults <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=731be74e4042751c1d4a2dd981c451cd22d2c437> / Bug 5128 [3.2] Unimarc default for holdings. Written with French default <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=cfb1d46f7f47207e88a0132587dd15b6695e2fa5> 02:42 hudsonbot * Galen Charlton: bug 5128: leave record.abs to French defaults 02:42 hudsonbot * Zeno Tajoli: Bug 5128 [3.2] Unimarc default for holdings. Written with French default 02:42 hudsonbot Project Koha build (84): SUCCESS in 7 min 43 sec: http://bugs.koha-community.org:8080/job/Koha/84/ 02:34 hudsonbot Starting build 84 for job Koha (previous build: SUCCESS) 02:27 munin 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=4972 blocker, PATCH-Sent, ---, henridamien, RESOLVED FIXED, updatedatebase fails to create aqbasketgroups and aqcontract 02:27 munin 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=3881 blocker, P5, ---, paul.poulain, RESOLVED FIXED, No Page for Opac Privacy 02:27 hudsonbot * Colin Campbell: Bug 4972 Fix table creations failing due to foreign key checks 02:27 hudsonbot * Galen Charlton: bug 3881: remove unused OpacPrivacy syspref 02:27 hudsonbot Project Koha build (83): SUCCESS in 7 min 53 sec: http://bugs.koha-community.org:8080/job/Koha/83/ 02:21 munin New commit(s) kohagit: Bug 4972 Fix table creations failing due to foreign key checks <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=a0065707d88d8e89a0480795eae7ef5d7581671a> 02:19 hudsonbot Starting build 83 for job Koha (previous build: SUCCESS) 02:13 hudsonbot Galen Charlton: fixing various links to point to *.koha-community.org 02:13 hudsonbot Project Koha build (82): SUCCESS in 8 min 4 sec: http://bugs.koha-community.org:8080/job/Koha/82/ 02:11 munin New commit(s) kohagit: bug 3881: remove unused OpacPrivacy syspref <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=dcbcf8815cf6702d9120700c35a88d5ae3946a08> 02:04 hudsonbot Starting build 82 for job Koha (previous build: SUCCESS) 02:01 munin New commit(s) kohagit: fixing various links to point to *.koha-community.org <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=ce5e2429db712951724156c8c7bc7a417bd4d42d> 01:57 munin 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=3756 blocker, PATCH-Sent, ---, cnighswonger, ASSIGNED, new sys prefs - no way to add a new local use preference 01:57 hudsonbot Galen Charlton: bug 3756: remove disused system preference from database 01:57 hudsonbot Project Koha build (81): SUCCESS in 7 min 48 sec: http://bugs.koha-community.org:8080/job/Koha/81/ 01:49 munin New commit(s) kohagit: bug 3756: remove disused system preference from database <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=e54910dfe2b649b724db380218a9e6a5546dd7c8> 01:49 hudsonbot Starting build 81 for job Koha (previous build: SUCCESS) 01:42 munin 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=4176 normal, P5, ---, gmcharlt, ASSIGNED, MIME missing from sys prefs interface 01:42 hudsonbot * Robin Sheat: Update changelog and build script in preperation for 3.2.0 release 01:42 hudsonbot * Galen Charlton: bug 4176: remove references to unimplemented system preference MIME 01:42 hudsonbot Project Koha build (80): SUCCESS in 7 min 48 sec: http://bugs.koha-community.org:8080/job/Koha/80/ 01:39 munin New commit(s) kohagit: Update changelog and build script in preperation for 3.2.0 release <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=383ad2ed6998b5a8d7cc92b8a8f01aab98febd9e> / bug 4176: remove references to unimplemented system preference MIME <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=b49a0a30a15ea416bbf4e01d23d3db1e4e21ea0f> 01:34 hudsonbot Starting build 80 for job Koha (previous build: SUCCESS) 01:27 munin 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=3756 blocker, PATCH-Sent, ---, cnighswonger, ASSIGNED, new sys prefs - no way to add a new local use preference 01:27 hudsonbot * Galen Charlton: bug 3756: remove more references to disused sysprefs 01:27 hudsonbot * Galen Charlton: remove last vestiges of NOTMARC mode 01:27 hudsonbot * Galen Charlton: bug 3756: start removing references to disused sysprefs 01:27 hudsonbot Project Koha build (79): SUCCESS in 7 min 49 sec: http://bugs.koha-community.org:8080/job/Koha/79/ 01:20 munin brendan_2: The operation succeeded. 01:20 brendan_2 @later tell Nate chat me up when you get back I'm around 01:19 hudsonbot Starting build 79 for job Koha (previous build: SUCCESS) 01:17 munin New commit(s) kohagit: bug 3756: remove more references to disused sysprefs <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=5bd8e829ae5e961fd5c69fcd8e23576b11a09fef> / remove last vestiges of NOTMARC mode <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=c0fedbab3c00eff8753ee9641bb1ebf3da0c641c> / bug 3756: start removing references to disused sysprefs <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h 01:08 jcamins gmcharlt++ # for removing some of the functions that were confusing me 00:42 hudsonbot Galen Charlton: remove two disused functions 00:42 hudsonbot Project Koha build (78): SUCCESS in 7 min 43 sec: http://bugs.koha-community.org:8080/job/Koha/78/ 00:34 hudsonbot Starting build 78 for job Koha (previous build: SUCCESS) 00:25 munin New commit(s) kohagit: remove two disused functions <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=49e13b94174f173e17bafb595ca31da99a2d3864> 00:15 masonj robin++ !! 00:15 hudsonbot * Galen Charlton: remove a couple duplicate lines 00:15 hudsonbot * Henri-Damien LAURENT: (bug 3536) fix homeorholdingbranch on return 00:15 hudsonbot Project Koha build (77): SUCCESS in 10 min: http://bugs.koha-community.org:8080/job/Koha/77/ 00:10 robin yay, it works :) 00:10 robin -rw-r--r-- 1 robin robin 21K Oct 22 13:13 /var/cache/pbuilder/result/koha_3.2.0-1_all.deb 00:10 robin -rw-r--r-- 1 robin robin 28M Oct 22 13:13 /var/cache/pbuilder/result/koha-common_3.2.0-1_all.deb 00:10 robin $ ls -lrth /var/cache/pbuilder/result/*3.2.0*deb 00:05 munin New commit(s) kohagit: remove a couple duplicate lines <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=7e9a72301b2e5b3e490a5f356327e10d9cd8e1bd> / (bug 3536) fix homeorholdingbranch on return <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=45604b8d17e05adb98a98a8a2184bd290f72997a> 00:05 hudsonbot Starting build 77 for job Koha (previous build: SUCCESS) 00:02 darling more tourist info -- http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/crime/4263189/Tourists-avoid-court-by-getting-dirty