Time Nick Message 01:58 munin New commit(s) kohagit: Bug 5011 install debian graphicsmagick not imagemagick <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=9a085653942df5e5eb3f46105079438c4e99912f> / wr72054 fixing the z3950 search for acquisitions <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=cb06075e77d76d4ac6cd455a60b95e0e11951264> / Bug 2505: Quieting warns in acqui/z3950_search.pl <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=comm 01:59 chris yay 02:10 munin New commit(s) kohagit: Fix for Bug 5013 "New patron" menu button broken on patron select screen <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=3452d0f2673ef7c110829329c5ff29848d0c7e81> 05:07 rono Hi 05:08 rono how do we use this chat room 05:09 wasabi depends what you wanna do... 05:09 wasabi ask some questions, if you have any, etc... 05:09 larsw we asks questions and we answers them and we jokes around and we watches the silence with happinesses 05:10 rono i think i might find help on how-to do things around koha 05:10 rono am new 05:10 * wasabi pats lars... 05:11 wasabi me and lars live in new zealand 05:12 wasabi an you?, rono 05:12 rono i from Solomon Islands 05:12 wasabi oooh, beautiful! 05:13 wasabi i have never been, but i plan to :) 05:13 rono yap small country 05:14 rono you can find me easily 05:14 rono i can't hide cos its small 05:16 wasabi rono: joining the koha emailing-lists is the best place to ask complex questions 05:18 wasabi http://koha-community.org/support/koha-mailing-lists/ 05:19 rono thanks wasabi 05:58 cait chris: around? 05:59 cait gmcharlt: aorund? 11:10 druthb howdy, #koha! 11:54 hdl hi druthb 12:12 owen gmcharlt: Thanks for the topic branch for Bug 3652 12:12 munin 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=3652 critical, P5, ---, oleonard, ASSIGNED, XSS vulnerabilities 12:13 gmcharlt sure 12:13 owen I've got a bunch more updates. Almost halfway done with the staff client. 12:18 owen gmcharlt: My patches from 14 Jul are minor and string-safe. I hope they can make it into 3.2 12:25 * gmcharlt wonders if there is a good reason why the intranet doc-head-open.inc does not include <title> while the opac version does 12:26 munin New commit(s) kohagit: Minor markup correction to send Cart form <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=5bd02c5b9b6c71f6da3b67d4cda4994126fc9371> / Markup corrections <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=df49cace363652c8a55a8f52f8e1b238e0b19139> / Bug 3756 Difference between original and local sysprefs <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=4dc85d2f0a7b8fb682fb0f492cc0 12:26 owen Heh... I'm the one who would know, and I don't know :) 12:28 chris i blame godzilla 12:29 druthb now, there's an enhancement to git-blame. "Who didn't put in a line that should be here?" 12:30 gmcharlt @bug 5025 12:30 munin gmcharlt: 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=5025 trivial, P5, ---, oleonard, NEW, discrepancy between opac doc-head-open.inc and staff doc-head-open.inc 12:31 gmcharlt druthb: that's coming in Git 2.46 - git-suggest-the-patch-you-really-meant-to-write 12:32 druthb I saw the roadmap for 2.5, the other day-- git-suppress-Really-Bad-Idea finally made the cut. 12:33 gmcharlt aka git-auto-revert ? 12:33 druthb that's the one, yeah. 12:34 druthb you have to have Coder::Psyhic installed; that's still got some bugs, so it's a blocker for now. 12:34 owen The one where you try to commit something and an eerie voice says "I can't let you do that. Dave." ? 12:34 gmcharlt hey! that's my job! 12:35 druthb no, that's a stem routine of the Skynet:: module, owen. 12:35 gmcharlt owen: any thoughts on dpavlin's patch for @bug 5009 12:35 munin 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=5009 enhancement, PATCH-Sent, ---, oleonard, NEW, add autocomplete="off" to borrowernumbers and barcode forms 12:36 munin New commit(s) kohagit: Bug 5021 Formatting of undefined serials dates <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=ebf7f0cad0148e3ab859fd8bd572794a19f40361> / Fix for Bug 4999, OPAC error pages have incorrect markup structure <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=0f61cacf4aac5b6bce17bcf38dcb0ae09a8f8d31> 12:36 owen gmcharlt: Personally, I don't like it. I use the browser's autocomplete sometimes 12:37 owen part of me doesn't like it just because the autocomplete attribute is non-standard, but we are using it elsewhere. 12:37 owen Should we be coding for an issue that can be solved through browser-configuration? 12:37 owen i.e. turn off form history? 12:39 owen On the other hand, I don't know how much the browser's autocomplete is really used on the front lines of the circ desk 12:39 owen They have a lot more data getting entered than I do 12:39 gmcharlt perhaps a different approach is in order - adding IDs to those form elements; then somebody can use a bit of jQuery to turn off automcmplete 12:40 druthb +1 12:40 owen There's a pretty good chance that the HTML structure is already there for that 12:40 gmcharlt as far as the circ desk is concerned ... since only Koha devs repeatedly checkin and check out the same items 12:40 gmcharlt autocomplete is great for us 12:40 gmcharlt but a Real Live Circ Desk (TM) is presumably dealing in unique items every day 12:41 gmcharlt some of those forms are wrapping on identified divs 12:41 gmcharlt although glancing at the patch 12:42 gmcharlt not all 12:43 owen gmcharlt: Can you remind me of the proper way to format my patch submissions so that it's clear that they're for a topic branch? 12:44 gmcharlt just include the bug number as usual if a bug's been diverted to a topic branch 12:44 gmcharlt if it's not oterwise clear in context, adding a bracketed tag to the subject line can be done was weel 12:44 gmcharlt e.g., [new/branch_foo] 12:49 owen And isn't there a flag for git send-email that does that? 12:50 gmcharlt owen: no; git format-patch --subject-prefix 12:51 owen Thanks. I should add that to the wiki. 13:13 jcamins Good morning, #koha 15:40 brendan morning 15:40 jwagner Morning, brendan 15:40 brendan hi jwagner 15:46 brendan @wunder 93117 15:46 munin brendan: The current temperature in Eastern Goleta Valley, Santa Barbara, California is 22.1�C (8:46 AM PDT on July 16, 2010). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 71%. Dew Point: 17.0�C. Pressure: 29.90 in 1012.4 hPa (Rising). 15:54 jwagner @wunder 20740 15:54 munin jwagner: The current temperature in Hollywood, College Park, Maryland is 33.1�C (11:55 AM EDT on July 16, 2010). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 54%. Dew Point: 23.0�C. Pressure: 29.93 in 1013.4 hPa (Steady). Heat advisory in effect until 9 PM EDT this evening... 17:06 jwagner @quote random 17:06 munin jwagner: Quote #56: "* jdavidb makes sure no kitty carcasses are among the dead bugs." (added by gmcharlt at 08:34 AM, February 11, 2010) 17:08 hdl hi 17:09 jwagner Bonjour 17:13 jwagner Anyone using autoBarcode with the branch prefix? The note for the syspref says it will generate barcodes like "hbyymmincr of the form HB08010001 where HB=Home Branch", but it doesn't seem to work. Setting it to straight incremental works fine. 18:21 cait hi all :) 18:21 brendan heya cait 18:22 cait hi brendan 18:25 nengard hi all, i'm working with frameworks and I marked a few subfieds as hidden with an 8 in the field 18:25 nengard but they still show in the framework 18:25 nengard is this a bug? or was I reading the help wrong? 18:26 cait what is the entry in the help? I use -5 most of the time, to hide in editor 18:29 nengard cait i chose 8 to hide in everything - editor, opac, etc 18:29 nengard i'll try -5 18:29 sekjal 8 leaves the field uncollapsed in the editor 20:03 chris morning 20:04 sekjal morning, chris 20:07 brendan morning chirs 20:07 brendan happy weekend ;) 20:08 brendan s/chirs/chris 20:09 jcamins Good morning, chris. Shouldn't you be out enjoying the beautiful weather that is apparently part and parcel of living in NZ? 20:12 chris not today it isnt 20:12 jcamins Oh. :( 20:12 chris @wunder wellington nz 20:12 munin chris: The current temperature in Wellington, New Zealand is 10.0�C (8:00 AM NZST on July 17, 2010). Conditions: Light Rain. Humidity: 94%. Dew Point: 9.0�C. Windchill: 8.0�C. Pressure: 29.68 in 1005 hPa (Steady). 20:12 jcamins Yeah, that doesn't sound so nice. 20:12 chris that light rain is more like heavy rain 20:13 chris http://metservice.com/national/maps-rain-radar/rain-radar/all-nz-rain-last-6-hrs 20:17 chris typical, big rugby game tonight, been dry all week, now it rains 20:26 chris sekjal: any luck with finding airfares? 20:27 sekjal looking at around $1600 for me, $1350 for my wife (USD) 20:27 chris hmmm, she is flying from a different place? 20:27 sekjal at a different time 20:27 chris ahh 20:27 sekjal she's going to come down part of the way through the conference 20:27 chris makes sense 20:28 sekjal she's got a big work event when I plan to fly out 20:28 chris right 20:28 chris you fly via lax, then akl, then wlg? 20:29 sekjal jfk -> lax -> akl -> wlg, yes 20:29 chris nengard is flying virginaustralia, so she is phl->lax->sydney->wlg 20:29 wizzyrea oh jebus, that's a confulence of huge airports that makes dieties cry 20:29 wizzyrea confluence, even 20:29 brendan you may want to compare prices from LAX first... you can fly to LAX cheaper 20:29 chris *nod* 20:29 sekjal good idea 20:30 brendan nengard got a good deal from LAX 20:30 brendan plus if you go from LAX - you stop by and say hi 20:30 chris :) 20:30 brendan or wave when you go over 20:31 chris http://www.vaustralia.com/?siteselect=1 20:31 sekjal one new wrinkle: my wife just got accepted to a professional immersion program in mid-Nov, which will cut into our vacation time 20:31 wizzyrea just as in, just now? 20:31 wizzyrea like, 2 minutes ago? 20:31 wizzyrea that's an amazing coincidence :) 20:32 sekjal well, it was a couple hours ago 20:32 chris 448 and 445 20:32 chris $893 including tax USD, return lax to wlg 20:33 sekjal I'm seeing it... much nicer 20:33 chris yeah 20:33 chris plus they have usb charges on the plane :) 20:33 chris also, means you clear customs and immigration in wellington 20:33 brendan beagles? 20:34 chris much smaller airport, 1 international flight at a time, no queues 20:34 brendan but are there beagles? 20:34 chris and yes 3 beagles 20:34 brendan YAY 20:34 brendan sudo make install 20:34 brendan :) 20:34 brendan whoopies 20:35 wizzyrea at least it wasn't your password 20:37 chris heh 21:50 CGI778 hello 21:51 CGI778 is eny bady there 21:51 pianohack [sudo] password for brendan: 21:51 pianohack ;) 21:51 pianohack Hi CGI778 21:51 pianohack What's up 21:51 CGI778 fine and u? 21:52 pianohack Good. Just wondering if you had any Koha questions we could help with 21:53 CGI778 i want to know is koha for selling books ? 21:53 CGI778 a have a huge kibrary 21:53 CGI778 *library 21:54 pianohack CGI778: A personal or public library? 21:54 CGI778 pblic 21:54 CGI778 but is bussines 21:55 CGI778 and i give books for loan 21:55 pianohack CGI778: Koha doesn't really have much functionality in it for selling books 21:55 CGI778 and i want to sell 21:55 pianohack renting and checking out just about anything, and keeping a catalog, those it can do 21:55 pianohack selling is tougher. Koha isn't really built for it 21:56 pianohack The approach we use here at our library when we're selling a book (usually an old, unused one) is to remove it from the Koha catalog, then sell it and keep track of the money using other software 21:56 brendan heya painohack 21:56 pianohack Hi brendan 21:56 CGI778 ok thank 21:56 CGI778 s 21:57 CGI778 now im using koha 21:58 CGI778 and is very useful 21:58 CGI778 do u know about a software that has the selling module? 22:09 pianohack CGI778: On the well-known, professional side, there's quickbooks 22:09 pianohack not sure if there's any free alternatives 22:16 Nate Have a great weekend Everyone! 23:06 rhcl_away /part