Time Nick Message 22:01 chris :) 22:00 chris_n2 hmm.... mass exodus 20:51 mason heya richard/chirs 20:49 mason ... they should have used a 'butter-bomb' (topical) 20:48 mason http://www.stuff.co.nz/world/middle-east/3757615/Condemnation-after-Israel-storms-aid-ships 20:47 richard hi chris and mason 20:47 mason ' oh my god, they've got clubs!' 20:45 mason crazy news day... 20:44 chris hi richard 20:43 richard hi 20:35 chris morning 17:38 cait gmcharlt: sent :) 17:17 cait oh, cant send the mail, message size exceeds maximum 17:15 cait I started translation of marc21 frameworks months ago, glad I finally finished them 17:15 cait thx! :) 17:14 gmcharlt cait++ 17:14 cait gmcharlt: I will send the patch. I will add the new permissions once they are in git. and you can tell me if something more needs to be done or is missing. I did an installation in German with all sample data that worked fine. 17:07 cait hm, should I send my patch now or wait until the granular permissions got in? 17:06 gmcharlt right, those will need to be reconciled 17:04 cait userpermissions.sql was not changed for all languages 17:01 cait they are not in git yet, I saw that they were not added to all languages 17:00 cait another question, I saw that there were some patches with new granular permissions 16:59 cait ok 16:59 gmcharlt you can attach the patch 16:59 cait can i just attach the patch to the email in this case or do I need to break the lines? 16:58 cait i get this error message: fatal: 0001-German-web-installer-files-including-translation-of-.patch: 192: patch contains a line longer than 998 characters 16:58 cait I just finished one of my big projects: translation of all web installer files including marc frameworks 16:58 cait hi there :) 16:58 gmcharlt cait: for a little bit 16:58 cait gmcharlt: around? 15:21 kmkale Bye all. good night 14:48 kmkale back 14:34 kmkale brb. 14:32 kmkale ok. 14:32 chris_n kmkale: probably waiting a bit is best as C4::Search is slated to undergo a major refactor and the labels search relies upon that module 14:29 kmkale or attempt to hack it if nobody else is working on it.. 14:29 kmkale chris_n: right. I should add a wish for barcode range selection then for 3.4 14:28 chris_n it will probably be rewritten for 3.4 14:28 chris_n kmkale: I'm not sure on either count; I did not write the labels search code and have only fixed a few things in it long ago 13:53 cait I think I solved it by creating the German template files before starting the web installer 13:49 cait hm, I created a folde de-DE in installer and translated all files, deleted my database and wanted to install using German, I was able to select de-DE but now Step 1 is broken, I see the header but nothing else 13:32 kmkale whats the standard number in the drop down for? 13:30 kmkale does the search box take any wildcards? 13:29 chris_n but I don't think so atm 13:28 chris_n kmkale: I'm not sure 13:27 kmkale in the label creator, is it possible to search for a range of barcodes? like for example THN-1 to THN-100 13:25 kmkale hi chris_n 12:50 cait good morning chris_n 12:48 chris_n g'morning 11:55 albertos i'll try... 11:45 cait not sure, but perhaps this is possible 11:40 albertos by adding the some params there? 11:40 albertos can i change the html post for search to search only in one lib? 11:39 albertos but... 11:39 albertos to bad 11:39 albertos :-( 11:38 cait I dont think this is possible right now 11:36 albertos meaning that entries will have to be confirmed before get published in opac? 11:36 albertos is there a way to have this kind of workflow? 11:35 albertos oops 11:35 albertos ημμμ 11:33 cait I does not limit search 11:33 cait etc. 11:33 cait it hides the library name from facetted search, advanced search, item table 11:33 cait single branch mode is for libraries with only one branch 11:17 albertos can this help? 11:17 albertos there is a "single Branch" mode 11:15 albertos is there any solution for this? 11:15 albertos so? 11:13 cait yes 11:13 cait http://koha-community.org/documentation/3-2-manual/?ch=c19#AEN2405 11:12 albertos searcgmylib is only for registered users i think 11:12 cait I never tested this sys pref, so not sure how it workds 11:11 cait not sure you can really do that, but perhaps searchmylibraryfirst could help? 11:11 albertos but untill then... how can we limit the opac search only to the main lib? 11:10 albertos and then edit the entries to go over the main library 11:10 albertos the thing we are trying to do is... have some catalogers to insert books in a Test Lib 11:10 albertos but ... is there a way to limit my opac to search only in one or some of them? 11:09 albertos i can add as many libs as i want 11:09 albertos i would like to ask something about koha 11:09 albertos hi all 10:38 Amit mpelletier: i think use 856 tag 10:33 mpelletier Greetings everyone. Does anyone know where I can find instructions on cataloging e journals in koha or using koha as a single point of entry type system for electronic journals? 10:30 kmkale hi chris 10:29 kmkale hi cait 10:29 cait hi chris, Amit and kmkale 10:25 Amit same from my side 10:25 Amit same for my side 10:24 kmkale good. how about you? 10:24 Amit kmkale: how is going on? 10:24 kmkale hi amit 10:23 Amit heya kmkale 10:18 Amit heya cait 10:18 chris hi cait 10:11 cait hi #koha 09:50 mason set up a debian vm, do it on a test-box 09:49 CGI456 i think i need a dedicated server for this... i cant edit the apache config file 09:24 mason '6. Run the Web Installer, populate the database, initial configuration of settings' 09:24 mason check that stuff, on your box 09:23 mason '4. Configure and start Apache' 09:22 mason http://git.koha-community.org/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi?p=koha.git;a=blob;f=INSTALL.debian 09:22 mason have a read of this... 09:21 CGI456 its not in the root... 09:20 mason now, hit it with your web-browser :) 09:20 CGI456 but now I don't know where to go next.... how do I login or get into the web interface, or a more general question... what comes next after installing?????? 09:20 mason cool! 09:19 CGI456 apache is set up. i installed KOHA on a webserver that's already hosting a website..... i followed the directions on the INSTALL file. 09:11 mason and config/test your apache 09:11 hdl_laptop run cronjobs and connect to the intranet interface 08:50 CGI456 i just installed it on my server... via commandline... what do i do next? 08:49 CGI456 i have a KOHA installation question 08:31 hdl_laptop hi CGI456 08:24 CGI456 hello 06:58 ray how can i enable amazon book jacket retrieval? 06:37 ray ahm ok. 06:35 mason i havent really checked :/ 06:34 mason google-jackets may not play nicely with proxy-caches 06:33 mason http://www.squid-cache.org/ 06:33 ray aw.. ok.. thanks! 06:33 mason sadly... i gotta switch back to some work now-ish 06:32 ray ahm.. what's squid and can i configure may apache config file 06:32 mason from NZ google-jackets speed is fine 06:31 mason use squid and a tweaked apache config to help with that 06:30 ray there's a delay of approximately 3-5 seconds and i think that will annoy users 06:29 ray i observed that amazon book cover look up is faster in the demo site but i can't get it to work 06:29 mason yep, extra request to google for the jackets 06:27 ray aw... by the way.. is it normal to have a delay in the opac if i turned on the google book jacket option? 06:26 mason afaik , their demo-koha hasnt been 3.0-stable for ever 06:25 mason pass, have a look 06:25 ray and the demo site is 3.0.3? 06:24 ray i think my koha is in higher version... i'm using 3.0.5 06:23 mason fyi: iirc your koha is probably is quite different than the liblime one your are comparing againist 06:21 ray hehehe.... i just missed it when i compared the preferences in the demo site 06:18 mason thats sounds like a smart idea 06:18 mason hmm, perhaps 'BiblioAddsAuthorities' syspref ignores the 'authtypecode' values 06:17 mason cool, np 06:16 ray thanks for the time 06:16 ray i just set BiblioAddsAuthorities to on 06:16 mason im not sure what state the liblime demo site is in 06:16 ray oops... i think i solved my problem 06:15 mason that should do it 06:15 mason mysql> update marc_subfield_structure set authtypecode = null; 06:14 mason fyi: looks like the way to flick auths off , is a framework change - not a syspref, my bad 06:12 ray and i already checked its preferences 06:11 ray ahm... i tried to look for the demo site of liblime. It accepts new topical term 06:08 mason them u prolly dont need them :) 06:08 ray i can't figure it out what authorities are for and how can i make use of them 06:07 mason takes a little extra admin etc... 06:07 mason or you could use authorites too ;) 06:05 ray what specific preference? 06:05 mason flick them off in your sysprefs 06:04 ray so what should i do? 06:04 mason ray: your've prolly got 'use-authorties' on 06:03 ray hello 05:57 ray anyone knows? 05:47 ray why can't i add a topical term when creating a new marc bibliographic entry ? 05:42 kmkale hey Amit. How is it going? 05:42 Amit heya kmkale 04:53 kmkale good morning all 03:57 chris hi Amit 03:36 Amit heya brendan, chris