Time Nick Message 22:59 hdl_laptop tired. 22:59 chris not too bad thanks, just working through monday, how are you? 22:58 hdl_laptop hi how are you ? 22:58 chris yep 22:58 hdl_laptop chris: there ? 20:35 chris_n hmm.... http://www.cnn.com/2010/HEALTH/03/28/fatty.foods.brain/ 20:07 * chris_n waves to all the people in Monday 19:57 bgkriegel hi chris 19:50 chris morning 19:39 richard hi 18:28 munin` chris_n: The current temperature in Dunn, North Carolina is 21.7�C (2:24 PM EDT on March 28, 2010). Conditions: Overcast. Humidity: 12%. Dew Point: -9.0�C. Pressure: 29.59 in 1001.9 hPa (Falling). 18:28 chris_n @wunder 28334 12:21 cait hi #koha