Time  Nick              Message
00:11 chris_n           heya mason
00:12 mason             arent you sposed to be outside!
00:12 * mason           wags finger in a stern manner
00:13 mason             altho its prolly getting dark now, for you..
00:14 chris_n           yup, but it was nice for awhile :)
00:15 mason             we have gale-winds over here :/
00:15 * chris_n         hands mason a kite ;)
00:15 mason             http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/3499631/Gales-hit-Wellington
00:16 mason             we only *just* landed in wellington, nz on monday
00:16 chris_n           wow, 130kmh
00:16 mason             ... before the airport got closed
00:17 mason             the pilots got 3 rounds of applause ;)
00:18 * mason           had his seat firmly in the upright position
00:18 * chris_n         would rather be on the ground when it gets that windy down low
00:18 chris_n           vertical_wind_shear--
00:19 chris_n           though we get them all the time here
00:19 chris_n           and some buildings don't survive
01:32 chris_n           g'night #koha
06:18 Nouman            hi all
06:18 Nouman            I want to add more virtual shelves in koha, How can I add
06:19 Nouman            there are some samples values in virtual shelves, which are present after installation
06:20 Nouman            I want to add values in virtual shelve how can I add
06:25 IrmaCalyx         Hi #Koha
06:25 Nouman            ?
06:26 Nouman            I want to add some shelves. How can I add
06:26 Nouman            there are some samples values which are present right from installation
06:34 Nouman            is any one there?
06:46 Nouman            ??
06:56 Nouman            what is the difference b/w authorized values and item types
07:01 chris             you should read the manual, the answers to those questions are in there
07:01 Nouman            I read but not getting
07:01 chris             i cant explain it better than the manual
07:02 Ropuch            Hi chris
07:02 Nouman            mean I want to ask which one is performing function for shleves
07:02 Nouman            authorized values or item types
07:02 chris             neither
07:03 Nouman            I want to create different shelves for different subjects. just like religion, philosophy
07:04 chris             yep, you just name them something like that and add items to it
07:04 Nouman            and want to keep each and every book in different shleve
07:04 Ropuch            Hm
07:04 Ropuch            Nouman: I have the feeling that you're mixing virtual shelves with location
07:04 Nouman            mean?
07:05 Nouman            I read Lists, loc and authorized values but not getting yet
07:05 Ropuch            Virtual shelves - "Lists" are just what they're named
07:05 Ropuch            LITS
07:05 Ropuch            uh
07:05 Ropuch            There's no point to have "each and every book" on different list
07:06 Ropuch            If you want to "divide" your books into categories: reiglion, philosophy, economy, whatever
07:06 Ropuch            Use Location
07:06 Nouman            Yeah exactly
07:06 Nouman            mean authorized value
07:07 Nouman            ?
07:07 Ropuch            Yup, Category Location
07:07 Nouman            then what is the list
07:07 Nouman            is it favourites?
07:07 Nouman            of individual patron
07:07 Ropuch            Kinda
07:08 Ropuch            There's 3 types of lists: open, public and private
07:08 Ropuch            I think Lists were named virtual shelves before
07:08 Nouman            how can I see all books placed in one loc like (eg: philosophy)
07:09 Nouman            I read it all open,public private... but what is the exact purpose of virtual shelve...Im still confuse
07:10 Ropuch            Let's call list a list and forget the "virtual shelves"
07:10 Ropuch            In the there is an option to "Browse Shelf"
07:11 Ropuch            Its showing the books with same "Location"
07:11 Nouman            browse shelf?
07:12 Ropuch  
07:12 Ropuch            See the "Browse Shelf link"?
07:12 Ropuch            I believe it has to be enabled in sysprefs
07:13 Ropuch            But to see all the books with Location=Philosophy
07:13 Ropuch            Hm
07:13 Nouman            ok thanks
07:13 Nouman            what is mean of Hold?
07:14 Ropuch            Nouman: in which context?
07:15 Nouman            if some one is want to hold book mean he  is requesting for that book to staff
07:15 Nouman            is it?
07:15 Ropuch            http://lu.com/odlis/odlis_H.cfm#
07:15 Ropuch            When a book or other item is currently on loan, most libraries permit another borrower to place a "hold" on it by contacting the circulation desk. The patron who has the item checked out will not be permitted to renew it, and the person placing the "hold" will be entitled to check it out after it has been returned. Some online catalogs include a feature that allows the user to place an item on hold without staff assistance.
07:16 Ropuch            odlis is good place to check if you're unsure with some library related words [;
07:17 Nouman            ok thanks
07:17 Nouman            sorry to say, I want to ask another Question
07:17 Ropuch            It's no problem :)
07:18 Nouman            'browse shelve' show the books of all in shelve loc
07:18 Nouman            orl lists
07:20 Ropuch            It shows adjacent boks with the same LOCation value
07:20 Nouman            mean shelve loc
07:20 Nouman            ?
07:21 Ropuch            Yes
07:22 Nouman            is it possible from opac, that he can view the different LOC valye
07:22 Nouman            Location Values in library
07:23 Ropuch            Hm
07:23 Ropuch            It should be possible
07:23 Ropuch            Does your call number consists of loc value?
07:25 Nouman            I dont know ?
07:25 Nouman            how can I see it
07:37 Ropuch            What your call number looks like?
07:41 Nouman            Im not getting
07:46 Nouman            Im not getting call no
08:11 crackjack         hello all
08:11 crackjack         I have a problem in KOHA records and items
08:12 crackjack         while importing data from MARC -- converted form ISO, it makes record for each data
08:13 crackjack         with no items in it
08:13 crackjack         but what I need is that, the record must contain 1 item with the accession number as the barcode of the item
08:13 crackjack         is this possible?
08:16 chris             item data is stored in the 952 field in MARC for koha
08:16 chris             you could use something like marcedit to add those to your MARC file then import
08:17 crackjack         ok
08:17 crackjack         does that mean that I use accession number in iso and use field 952 for the barcode?
08:18 chris             952 subfield p is where the barcode goes
08:21 braedon|home      anyone here good at coming up with software project code-names, or resultant "product" names?
08:22 chris             im a fan of names that have nothing to do with the project, i hate descriptive names
08:22 chris             or worse acronyms
08:22 braedon|home      even recursive acronyms?
08:22 chris             well the original one is good :)
08:23 braedon|home      i agree for codenames
08:23 chris             i like ones like apache, firefox etc
08:23 braedon|home      but not for product names
08:23 braedon|home      not that i would only take descriptive product names :P
08:24 braedon|home      my last uni project was codenamed articuno. we never came up with a product name
08:25 braedon|home      (not that it was really required for a uni project, but it was a little strange calling it articuno in the final report)
08:26 chris             i dunno, some of the most succesful products are non descriptive codenames
08:27 braedon|home      how do you feel about geek referential names? :P
08:27 chris             depends entirely on who your target audience is
08:28 braedon|home      do you prefer no one gets it, to preserve the illusion of non description, or that everyone does?
08:28 chris             people can know what it is, without the name saying it
08:28 chris             i know a prius is a car
08:29 chris             its not called electric-petrol-hybrid car
08:29 braedon|home      haha
08:30 braedon|home      well, i'm not about to call it "peer-to-peer-extended-web-cache", don't worry :)
08:30 chris             :)
08:30 braedon|home      and i don't think PTPEWC is a acceptable acronym
08:30 chris             i think the main thing is a name that isnt already in use
08:30 braedon|home      yah
08:31 chris             and then the byline is the next most important
08:32 braedon|home      the only idea i have had so far was "twine"(vaguely descriptive), influenced by one of the research systems ours will be partially drawing from, and from "philotic twining" in enders game
08:32 chris             :)
08:33 braedon|home      but, alas, there is a web service of some kind using it
08:33 chris             yeah
08:33 braedon|home      now i can't break away from the enders game reference idea
08:34 * braedon|home    curses his one track mind
08:34 chris             twixt
08:34 braedon|home      (someone would probably try to sue me if i called it "Ansible")
08:35 chris             ah darn, thats in use too (a board game)
08:35 braedon|home      ya
08:35 braedon|home      go wikipedia
08:35 chris             betwixt and between i was thinking :)
08:35 braedon|home      (or rather damn it for removing ignorance as a defence)
08:36 chris             :)
08:38 braedon|home      http://www.codenamegenerator.com/ lets try this - i need a codename urgently so i can create a repository
08:42 braedon|home      TINARA.D
08:42 chris             heh
08:42 braedon|home      TINARA.D Is Not A Recursive Acronym. Damn
08:43 * braedon|home    is useless at this
09:02 braedon|home      chris: my flatmate just suggested twinelight :)
09:04 braedon|home      so tempted....
11:21 crackjack         hello all
11:22 crackjack         how can I change the dafault currency to my country's currency
11:35 crackjack         how can I change the dafault currency to my country's currency
11:35 crackjack         how can I change the dafault currency to my country's currency
11:45 * jdavidb         goes "harrumph!"
11:45 * jwagner_meeting says "that's MY line!"
12:02 jdavidb           @wunder 20817
12:02 munin`            jdavidb: The current temperature in Langley Fork Park, McLean, Virginia is 7.3�C (8:01 AM EDT on March 24, 2010). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 72%. Dew Point: 3.0�C. Windchill: 7.0�C. Pressure: 29.93 in 1013.4 hPa (Rising).
12:07 chris_n           long meeting jwagner ;)
12:07 chris_n           @wunder 28334
12:08 munin`            chris_n: The current temperature in Dunn, North Carolina is 7.6�C (8:06 AM EDT on March 24, 2010). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 92%. Dew Point: 6.0�C. Windchill: 8.0�C. Pressure: 29.68 in 1005.0 hPa (Steady).
12:20 jdavidb           @quote random
12:20 munin`            jdavidb: Quote #21: "<owen> I think we need more quotes!" (added by jdavidb at 12:18 PM, August 06, 2009)
12:21 kf                chris: wow
12:30 jwagner           chris_n, those meetings do drag on....
12:33 chris_n           heh
12:45 jdavidb           Here's a patron-search thing...when searching for a patron by name, you have to specify the first part of the surname.  "Brown" will find John Brown, but not Jane Smith-Brown.  I see how that's done in C4::Members::SearchMember--surname LIKE $searchstring%.
12:46 jdavidb           One of our customers is suggesting that it work like so:  surname LIKE %$searchstring%
12:46 jdavidb           Thoughts from anyone on that?
12:48 owen              jdavidb: I notice in our production version,, a search for "van" will return firstname "vanessa", surname "van dyke" and surname "vandyke"
12:49 owen              That's certainly how I would expect it to behave--but doesn't sound like the behavior you're seeing
12:49 jdavidb           Ours is doing that too.  But I bet it won't find Jane Thompson-Vandyke
12:50 jdavidb           In the advanced-search method that is most-used, it's searching for surname or firstname or othernames LIKE <foo>% or % <foo>%.  (note that space in the second.)
12:50 owen              Oh, because "van" is at the beginning of my results
12:50 jdavidb           got it.
12:51 jdavidb           But I don't want "smith" to return Jerry Oversmith, so LIKE %<foo>% is probably a bad idea.
12:52 jdavidb           I'm thinking add another OR to look for %-$searchstring%, to explicitly handle hyphenated names.
12:52 owen              Right, a search for "ivan" doesn't return "sullivan" but it returns "Ivankovic"
12:53 owen              I wonder if we're looking for a technical solution to a meatspace problem: "Hey lady, what's your last name?"
12:55 jdavidb           I've known some women who were tetchy about that sort of thing, so I'm hoping to user-proof the interface here.  The way it's coded, you can enter "Steuben" and get "Von Steuben" but not "Von-Steuben".
12:58 owen              I guess if it's intelligently interpreting the space it makes sense to extend that to the hyphen
12:58 owen              (I wonder if our French colleagues have this problem)
12:58 * jdavidb         pings France.
12:59 jdavidb           Would it be useful to make that a regexp, to ignore punctuation appearing prior to the entered term, in all cases?
12:59 jdavidb           so that Angelo would return D'Angelo?
13:02 jdavidb           surname REGEXP '[:punct:]$searchstring'  , in other words.
13:05 hdl_laptop        hi jdavidb
13:05 jdavidb           howdy, hdl_laptop.  :)
13:05 hdl_laptop        good.
13:05 hdl_laptop        longing to see your patch for  multiple reserves ;)
13:06 hdl_laptop        jdavidb: depending on your icu configuration but I guess this is already done.
13:06 jdavidb           :)  So jwagner was telling me.  I'm trying to kill some support tickets, and get that out to you soon.    Things have been a little crazy.
13:07 jdavidb           How does icu configuration affect patron search in circulation?  (Lordy, have I missed out on something *that* huge?)
13:07 hdl_laptop        jdavidb
13:08 hdl_laptop        For us this would not be quite we want.
13:08 jdavidb           Okay.    What would work, that wouldn't break things for y'all?
13:09 hdl_laptop        jdavidb: I had not read the logs before speaking of icu
13:09 jdavidb           :P  oh.  whew!
13:13 hdl_laptop        we were asked to search only on field start with and not word start with. But I also guess ppl hadnot thought about those compound names such as d'anglesy or Laurent-Vauclare
13:13 jdavidb           I'd like to get at the post-punctuation part of punctuated last names, but don't want to break things for others--changing the LIKE % $search% to REGEXP '[[:punct:][:space:]]$search' would do what I want, I think.
13:15 hdl_laptop        I think this would be ok.
13:15 hdl_laptop        In performance terms, how does regexp compres with Like ?
13:16 jdavidb           Ick.  A quick Google search points out that LIKE is much, much faster.
13:21 jdavidb           It'd be cheaper to add another LIKE to look for the hyphen, than to change the LIKE-space to REGEXP.
13:26 jdavidb           hdl_laptop: take a look here:  http://www.introsites.co.uk/support/fast-regexp-search-solution.html    he combined a more-general LIKE with REGEXP to get the precision they want, without the huge speed sacrifice of just REGEXP.
13:28 jdavidb           mysql apparently does the LIKE first, then REGEXPs against what's left in the set.    I'll experiment with that approach, and see how it goes.
13:38 jdavidb           hm...is it worth saving 3/100 of a second, on a db of 34,000-ish patrons..?
13:39 * chris_n         notes that YUI3 has depricated CSS Grids
13:39 chris_n           deprecated even
13:43 hdl_laptop        jdavidb: 3/100 no. But REGEX only compared to LIKE with regexp went from 6 seconds down to .2
13:43 hdl_laptop        say .3
13:43 hdl_laptop        thats a factor 20
13:45 jdavidb           The like-with-regexp returns the same result for me as the just-regexp version, too.  Sounds like it'll be worth it to do it that way.
13:45 owen              chris_n: Deprecated them? As in, no more YUI Grids?
13:46 jdavidb           For smaller DBs, won't make a *huge* difference, in truth, but it could, for big ones.
13:46 hdl_laptop        jdavidb++
13:46 jdavidb           :)  Thanks, hdl_laptop!
13:47 hdl_laptop        jdavidb: don't forget me... please :D
13:47 jdavidb           I won't! :)
13:48 chris_n           owen: it sort of sounds like they are going to roll out entirely new CSS grids: http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/3/cssgrids/
13:49 * chris_n         imagines a script which will generate n rows of valid random bibs/patrons/etc to be used to create various sized dbs for performance testing
13:49 owen              An upgrade to YUI3 would be a pain in the ass in general.
13:50 owen              ...but I haven't found CSS Grid system I like better than YUI for the kind of thing we do
13:50 owen              Lots and lots of good CSS Grid systems for exclusively fixed-width designs, few with flexible options
13:53 * owen            questions the wisdom of releasing YUI3 without a Grids component while promising to put it back later
13:53 * owen            imagines releasing Koha 4.2 without a cataloging module because we decided to rewrite it for 4.6
13:55 jwagner           owen, sounds like a plan to me :-)
14:02 chris_n           owen: lol
14:02 chris_n           yeah, I thought grids was most of the point of yui
14:03 owen              This is actually just another piece of evidence that the YUI people don't care about grids.
14:03 owen              I've asked questions about grids on the YUI forum and not gotten a single response.
14:03 chris_n           I'm working on a small in-house app and was going to use yui3, but will probably fall back to 2 now
14:03 owen              Whereas I've asked questions about Javascript and gotten a response right away: RTFM!
14:04 * owen            uses YUI only while holding his nose
14:04 chris_n           I've asked questions on their irc channel and had about the same level of response there
14:04 * chris_n         looks around for his cloths pin
14:05 * jwagner         says "On the Internet, no one can see you hold your nose"
14:05 Ropuch            Hello #koha
14:05 owen              I'm encouraged by yesterday's release of the latest version of jquery-ui. I would replace much of our YUI widgets with jquery ones if I could
14:06 owen              For instance, new in jquery-ui 1.8: http://jqueryui.com/demos/button/
14:08 chris_n           nice
14:12 owen              No built-in menu handling like YUI has with their button widget though.
14:35 wizzyrea_home     question for the international folks
14:36 wizzyrea          do you have a translation engine of choice for automagic translations?
14:39 bgkriegel         wizzyrea: no. We use to "tune" a po file, then feed it to google or another program to translate, but the results are not good. There are many word that translate differently depending on context. But could be a starting point.
14:40 * wizzyrea        is looking at automagic translations for the koha-community site
14:40 wizzyrea          so you were using google
14:40 bgkriegel         at the very beginning
14:41 wizzyrea          my options are: google translation services, promp online translator, altavista babel fish, freeTranslator
14:41 wizzyrea          promt
14:41 bgkriegel         we use this, and all online dictionaries
14:45 wizzyrea          http://screencast.com/t/MGM3NjI1N
14:48 wizzyrea          can somebody who speaks/reads one of those languages check how well it works?
14:48 wizzyrea          i know it probably suffers from the context recognition problems that all online translators do, but it's better than nothing, right?
14:49 bgkriegel         It's a good starting point :)
14:49 Ropuch            wizzyrea++
14:50 Ropuch            Translation are clumsy, but - as bgkriegel said - it's good starting point :)
14:50 wizzyrea          yay! ok thanks very much for looking at it. We can pick a different translation engine if someone knows of one that's better than google
14:51 Ropuch            wizzyrea: i think thoe automated putput is pretty much the same
14:51 Ropuch            You're able to grab "what the hell is that page about", but that's all ;>
14:51 Ropuch            *the aoutomated output
14:51 Ropuch            ugh
14:51 Ropuch            I'm tired ;>
14:52 wizzyrea          yea, that's been my experience with the automated translations
14:52 wizzyrea          if you're feeling perky you can get a little out of it anyway
14:53 wizzyrea          I think I want to put the translation flags in the footer though
14:56 Ropuch            Yup - it's good to have them anyway :)
15:00 chris_n           gmcharlt: *snap* :)
15:01 gmcharlt          heh
15:02 * chris_n         can't type fast enough
15:19 wizzyrea          ok, the oracle at google is failing me: I have a connection to a remote mysql server, I want to pull the results of a query back to my local machine as CSV... can it be done? I've tried INTO OUTFILE but that puts it on the remote server
15:20 wizzyrea          (yea, i've got the terminated by and enclosed by bits in there as well to make it CSV)
15:20 wizzyrea          (but getting the output local is what I really need)
15:21 gmcharlt          wizzyrea: if you're using the mysql client, you can just pipe into a file
15:22 wizzyrea          like, do a mysql -e > myfile?
15:22 gmcharlt          yep
15:22 wizzyrea          der
15:22 wizzyrea          th
15:22 wizzyrea          ank you
15:22 wizzyrea          I think I've only had chocolate and coffee since yesterday noon
15:23 wizzyrea          which I'm sure to some seems like the perfect day
15:23 wizzyrea          but it does lend itself to not thinking properly
15:23 gmcharlt          wizzyrea_wired: quick!  type!  faster!
15:23 wizzyrea          lol
15:25 kf                hm, I think we have a problem with grace periods and intervals > 1 - when invervall is 7 , first charge is seven days after due date. In my opinion it should be the day after grace period ended - but I think this might be not what all libraries expect?
15:26 wizzyrea          gold star gmcharlt. Don't you like it when it's an ez question?
15:26 gmcharlt          indeed I do :)
15:27 wizzyrea          kf: i think that's what I would expect
15:27 kf                wizzyrea: so im not alone :)
15:27 wizzyrea          no fines until I was a week overduye
15:27 wizzyrea          overdue, even
15:27 kf                ah ok
15:27 kf                hm
15:27 kf                perhaps its because we are used to different behaviour
15:28 wizzyrea          I mean, that's the definition of "grace period" where I come from anyway
15:28 kf                our other liberaries (not koha) charge weekly in this state
15:28 wizzyrea          AH
15:28 kf                they have grace periods from 0 - 7, often 2
15:28 kf                days
15:28 kf                so you have a little more time to give the book back and then you get the first charge, a week later the second...
15:29 wizzyrea          so you are setting your fining interval at 7 days, the fines accrue every 7 days
15:29 kf                but 7 days is too long for most
15:29 kf                yes
15:29 kf                but if I do that - grace period is irrelevant
15:29 wizzyrea          and you want the first week free?
15:29 kf                no
15:29 wizzyrea          right
15:29 wizzyrea          ok, so yea, you wouldn't set the grace at all in that case
15:29 wizzyrea          I think
15:30 wizzyrea          because the first fines wouldn't be charged until the end of the 1st week
15:30 wizzyrea          its like a built in grace period
15:30 kf                I would prefer: day_after_due_date = first_fine_date and seven days later second fine
15:30 hdl_laptop        I think that we fixed that on a dev branch
15:30 kf                harrumph g
15:31 kf                hdl_laptop: can I take a look at it?
15:31 wizzyrea          then yea, it doesn't work how you want it to
15:31 hdl_laptop        -    WHERE date_due < CURDATE()
15:31 hdl_laptop        +    WHERE DATE(date_due) < CURDATE()
15:31 wizzyrea          which I'm sure you're like "well duh, I told you that"
15:31 wizzyrea          :)
15:31 hdl_laptop        try this in GetOverdues
15:32 kf                wizzyrea: yes, I knew, but I was not sure if its intended to work like that or a bug
15:33 kf                hdl_laptop: not sure if we are talking about the same thing, but this seems to solve something else I noticed
15:46 juan-xercode      hi community
15:46 * community       waves at juan-xercode
15:46 * gmcharlt        stops being meglomaniac ;)
15:47 juan-xercode      :)
15:47 juan-xercode      i got a question
15:47 juan-xercode      about apache proxy ...
15:47 juan-xercode      to serve several koha installations with only one domai
15:47 juan-xercode      domain
15:48 juan-xercode      i want to do this stuff
15:48 juan-xercode      www.domain.com/koha1 -> goes to koha1 installation
15:48 juan-xercode      www.domain.com/koha2 -> goes to koha2 installation
15:49 juan-xercode      i put this on other type of software and it works perfectly, but not in koha
15:49 gmcharlt          juan-xercode: if you can, it's easier to using subdomains and do koha1.domain.com, koha2.domain.com, etc.
15:49 juan-xercode      yes,
15:49 juan-xercode      at this time i have it working with subdomains
15:50 juan-xercode      and several koha installations under por 81, 82 ...
15:58 wizzyrea          i guess he gave up
15:58 kf                me too...
15:58 kf                hm, not really
16:11 wizzyrea          erg
16:11 * jdavidb         hands wizzyrea the duct tape
16:19 wizzyrea          I apple-w'd on the wrong window
16:20 jdavidb           "Then don't do that," the doctor said...
16:27 wizzyrea          hi nicomo
16:28 wizzyrea          this is on koha-community.org, using google translator, what do you think? http://screencast.com/t/Yzk2ZDFk
16:28 hdl_laptop        wizzyrea: just read it. And...; Well, it is ggl translate.
16:28 hdl_laptop        Better than nothing
16:28 hdl_laptop        And quite cool
16:28 wizzyrea          is there something better that we should be using?
16:29 wizzyrea          (besides humans, of course)
16:29 wizzyrea          is that an ok location on the page for the translations?
16:29 wizzyrea          i'm having a web design waffle moment
16:30 * jdavidb         hands wizzyrea the butter and syrup.
16:30 wizzyrea          mmm tasty waffle
16:35 chris_n           wizzyrea: Belgian?
16:37 hdl_laptop        wizzyrea: not that I know of
16:40 wizzyrea          man I make killer waffles with apricot beer
16:40 wizzyrea          come to kansas some day and I'll make them for you
16:40 wizzyrea          well any fruit beer really
16:40 wizzyrea          we made some pretty good waffles with (terrible to drink) pumpkin beer
17:13 * chris_n         feels sorry for those with no zebra
17:19 jdavidb           chris_n++ # "many sorrows..."
17:25 kf                ok, time to leave :)
17:26 kf                bye #koha
17:33 juan-xercode      sorry gmcharlt, i loose my internet connection
18:12 acj4296           does anyone know if there is a way to batch search a list of ISBN numbers in Koha?
18:13 owen              For what purpose acj4296?
18:15 acj4296           i have a list of 450 books that i'd like to see if we have and am looking to avoid searching title by title.
18:15 owen              acj4296: Can you query mysql directly?
18:17 acj4296           owen: i could try, but my sql is quite terrible.
18:17 chris_n           owen: what attribute controls the color a link turns when hovered over?
18:18 owen              a:hover
18:18 chris_n           tnx
18:19 owen              chris_n: Extra tip: It is recommended to declare link colors in a specific order. a:link {}, a:visited {}, a:hover {}, a:active {}
18:19 chris_n           ahh, will do
18:19 owen              ...because of precedence issues
18:19 owen              (which I've never encountered myself, but I'm dutiful)
18:24 owen              Sorry acj4296 I don't know what to suggest
18:24 acj4296           thanks
18:31 cait              hi #koha
18:36 jwagner           hi cait
18:36 cait              hi jwagner
18:37 cait              hm learning math for exam on friday or work on xslt files?
18:38 jwagner           cait, I'd say None of the Above :-)
18:41 cait              hm
18:41 cait              thats my problem
18:53 chris_n           cait: learning the math will go quicker ;)
18:53 chris_n           and be less frustrating
18:54 cait              chris_n: not sure
18:57 cait              math can be very frustrating too
18:58 wizzyrea          here cait
18:58 wizzyrea          http://feeds.seriouseats.com/~r/seriouseatsfeaturesvideos/~3/v7C0a0OIGDo/congratulations-to-the-2010-pi-day-bake-off-pies-winners.html
18:59 wizzyrea          this will make you feel math-ier
19:02 cait              hm cake... :)
19:02 cait              it makes me hungrier :)
19:03 jdavidb           Math is delicious!  http://www.topatoco.com/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=TO&Product_Code=QC-MATH-TOTE&Category_Code=QC
19:06 cait              :)
19:06 * chris_n         will trade math work for xslt work :)
19:11 cait              :)
19:26 richard           hi
19:27 chris             morning
19:27 richard           hi chris
19:32 cait              hi chris
19:33 chris             heya cait, did you see this? http://koha-community.org/ada-lovelace-day/
19:35 cait              chris: yes, I was really surprised!
19:36 jwagner           Me too!  But honored by the company :-)
19:38 cait              yes - great company :)
19:39 chris             hopefully we have even more to list next year :)
19:39 chris             jwagner: use it for your performance review ;-)
19:41 jwagner           chris, THERE'S a thought!  But I just had mine last month, so it would have to wait for a year....
19:44 chris             ahh :)
19:46 cait              performance review?
19:47 chris_n           nice chris
19:47 jwagner           cait, yearly review of how well an employee has done the job -- identify problem areas, areas for personal development.  Also used as input for pay raises :-)
19:47 cait              ah
19:48 cait              thx! :)
19:48 jwagner           Gotta run, see you all tomorrow.
19:48 cait              bye jwagner
19:51 rhcl              so cait, what area of math are you studying? I've recently developed an interest in statistics
19:53 chris             ohh thats not math
19:53 cait              distance study computer science - so not really math, its the first course, its about logic, I dont know all the english terms
19:54 chris             says the math major ;)
19:54 rhcl              ic
19:54 chris             you want to get into pure maths, set notation, group theory ... thats the fun stuff
19:54 * chris           is biased of course
19:55 rhcl              I had elementary stats way back when, and found it mildly interesting, but not enough to per sue after that.
19:55 cait              I like graph theory - does that count? started to explain something yesterday with: imagine it is a graph... this course really changes something in your mind
19:55 chris             graphy theory is fun too
19:55 rhcl              But my last couple of grad classes in stats were really interesting.
19:56 wizzyrea          what is it they say... there are lies, damn lies, and statistics?
19:56 rhcl              graph theory? Is that like matrix math?
19:56 chris             matrix, lists
19:56 chris             its the basis of a lot of computer science
19:57 rhcl              http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matrix_%28mathematics%29
19:57 chris             http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matrix_(mathematics)#Graph_theory
19:57 * chris_n         wrote a program in pascal once to solve simultaneous equations using matrices
19:58 rhcl              chris_n: interesting
19:59 rhcl              Anybody use R? http://www.r-project.org/
20:00 cait              uh http://techblog.wikimedia.org/2010/03/global-outage-cooling-failure-and-dns/
20:01 cait              no wikipedia - cant study math :)
20:01 chris             rhcl: naw, we had to use some hideous proprietary thing when i was doing statistics at university
20:03 rhcl              The University of Kansas-Lawrence (WizzyRea's hometown) uses it and they have an R Users Group.
20:03 rhcl              Would like to attend but just a bit too far to drive.
20:04 rhcl              SPSS has an OSS equivalent in PSPP, we had to use SPSS
20:08 * owen            asks rhcl to say it not spray it
20:09 wizzyrea          lol
20:09 wizzyrea          my hubs just sent me http://www.mathisfun.com
20:09 wizzyrea          which I said was inherently in opposition to my beliefes
20:09 wizzyrea          beliefs
20:12 rhcl              Fly Spray is actually fairly useful.  http://flyspray.org/using_flyspray
20:12 rhcl              http://flyspray.org/start  <- better initial link
20:17 rhcl              Can you imagine a Windows 2003 server in command of this?  http://www.fastcompany.com/1594671/bill-gates-goes-nuclear-with-toshiba-tie-up
20:21 * wizzyrea        cowers
20:42 * chris_n         thinks it would work better if it were powered by embedded *nix
21:15 hdl_laptop        bye
21:15 chris             cya hdl_laptop
21:15 chris             hi Jo
21:15 rhcl              bye
21:18 cait              good night :)
21:18 wizzyrea          jo: how's your daughter?
21:23 Jo                Hi Liz
21:23 wizzyrea          heya
21:23 Jo                just had a call from her
21:23 Jo                she is pretty upset
21:23 wizzyrea          I've been thinking of you and your family all day
21:23 Jo                we got the video pulled from youtube within 6 minutes of asking for help on twitter
21:23 wizzyrea          what a terrible thing to have happen :(
21:24 wizzyrea          but that is amazing (the video thing)
21:24 Jo                but she gets to school today and itturns out the police didn't go and get the cellphones off the 3 girls who videoed it
21:24 Jo                and the video is now feral in our community
21:24 wizzyrea          omg, that is awful
21:25 Jo                rb
21:25 Jo                brb
21:29 Jo                headmaster on phone ... interviewed the girls involved. at least the father of the main instigator is appalled at his daughters behaviour
21:33 wizzyrea          :(
21:33 wizzyrea          kids can be so mean
21:35 wizzyrea          if that was my kid she'd wouldn't have another cell phone until she could pay for it herself. And maybe not even then.
21:35 wizzyrea          (or any other device capable of recording anything)
21:35 * wizzyrea        mutters
21:36 Jo                I am appalled at how nasty these girls are
21:36 Jo                the beating is one thing but the ongoing bullying of the video is just breath taking
21:36 Jo                Chris: just looking at dates for go live.
21:36 wizzyrea          ok, I'm going to pick up some seeds and my spud.  jo, tell your daughter that we are thinking of her
21:37 wizzyrea          if there's anything internet-y we can do to help out, let us know.
21:37 chris             righto Jo
21:37 Jo                I'm just so glad she didn't get pummelled - but she is now racked with guilt that she didn't defend her friend
21:37 Jo                the wtitter response was awesome last night
21:37 chris             Jo: she did the right thing
21:38 Jo                yep - I know.
21:38 Jo                her brother cried when he saw the video - asked her why she didn't get in the thick of it - she was her friend!
21:39 Jo                i explained its a boy thing - testerone - boys are different to girls
21:39 chris             yeah, thats a boy reaction, we have to save the day even if it ends up making everything worse
21:39 chris             if she got involved it would have spiraled
21:39 Jo                and it would have turned the 1:2 fight into an all out brawl
21:39 chris             and then the dad wouldnt have been able to break it up
21:39 Jo                right
21:39 Jo                back to koha
21:40 Jo                you wanty to come to #hlt
21:40 chris             done
21:41 Jo                hiya
21:41 Jo                so we are looking at official formal launch on 35th may
21:41 chris             psst over at #hlt
21:41 Jo                staff training from 10th may
21:41 Jo                bum
21:41 Jo                (jo is an idiot)
21:45 larsw             does Koha have a target operating system (and release)? I was setting up a development environment yesterday, and Koha in git seems to require newer modules than the lenny release of Debian has
21:45 larsw             so I wondered if that was intentional
21:46 eythian           larsw: I think currently they're versioned at about Debian testing.
21:46 larsw             some where even newer than that: the Storable perl module, for example: Koha wants 2.21, Debian (even unstable/sid) has 2.20.
21:49 eythian           larsw: dh-make-perl is your friend then :)
21:50 larsw             sure, but I do not know if the versioned dependencies are intentional or not
21:53 chris             unintentional
21:53 chris             for the most part
21:54 chris             i think ppl when adding the dependency just add the latest cpan version, if if there is nothing in that they need
21:55 larsw             right
21:55 larsw             so I should bring this up on a case-by-case basis on the devel list, I guess
21:57 chris             yes please
22:05 CGI181            hello
22:06 CGI181            3-day newbie here :)
22:07 CGI181            :(
22:09 CGI181            can anyone answer a question?
22:10 CGI181            In the Implementation Checklist, it says NoZebraIndexes = 0
22:10 CGI181
22:10 CGI181            But in the manual, it says that we should leave the default value.
22:10 CGI181
22:10 CGI181            What should I do? Leave it as default or should I write a 0?
22:10 CGI181
22:17 CGI181            anyone here besides me?
22:17 larsw             CGI181, I do not know the answer, but I would guess that if you use Zebra, you can set it to 0; if it does not work, you can change it later
22:19 CGI181            thanks, i was thinking: what if i just leave things as they are, i.e. if NoZebra is OFF then what does it matter what the indexes are... Makes sense? (Just bouncing off ideas)
22:35 CGI181            re
22:59 CGI181            there things on the Implementation Checklist that do not even appear on the system anymore or have been moved
23:08 CGI181            anyone?
23:08 CGI181            anyone with at least some experience?
23:10 CGI181            sos
23:15 bgkriegel         perhaps are all sleeping
23:15 CGI181            yes!
23:16 CGI181            lol
23:25 CGI181            someone should write a koha for dummies
23:26 russ              brooke did an excellent koha for newbies for v2
23:26 CGI181            really, where is it, i'll google it
23:28 CGI181            is it the one by B W Johnson?
23:29 russ              ype that is it
23:29 CGI181            oh ok
23:29 CGI181            i had it already
23:29 CGI181            i will review it again
23:29 russ              it will be way out of date
23:30 CGI181            yes
23:30 CGI181            right now i wanna know one basic thing
23:30 CGI181            my library is brand new there are no records to migrate
23:30 CGI181            meaning i have to start adding records from scratch
23:31 CGI181            through copy cataloging i guess
23:32 CGI181            so in Koha i should just go to cataloging>new record?
23:39 CGI181            ...