Time Nick Message 23:15 gmcharlt thanks 23:15 chris crap, i musta sent it from the wrong branch, ill fix and resend 23:13 gmcharlt chris: your XSS patch would add a merge conflict marker 20:29 chris yeah 20:29 * gmcharlt worries about having tons of specialized parameter tables, but feels it's better than abusing authorised_values too much 20:28 gmcharlt thanks 20:28 chris gmcharlt: will has taken your suggestion on board, and is going to rework the fines work he did, to use its own db table 20:12 munin gmcharlt: The operation succeeded. 20:12 gmcharlt @later tell fredericd chris noticed that pref-trans is GPL 2.1 - could you change that to use same wording as Koha (e.g., GPL 2 or later) 20:11 gmcharlt I don't think fredericd will mind 20:11 chris *nod* 20:11 gmcharlt ah, missed that - I would prefer same as Koha 20:10 chris gmcharlt: do we care that the pref-trans script is locked to gpl version 2.1 .. (doesnt have the or later clause the rest of Koha does?) 20:10 chris_n and wishes for an open source gps unit 20:09 * chris_n attempts to update the maps in a nuvi 855 20:08 chris_n hey chris 20:00 chris but it was really good 19:59 chris all finished, back at work today 19:59 gmcharlt how's camp? 19:59 gmcharlt hi chris 19:58 chris morning 19:42 chris_n heya gmcharlt 19:42 gmcharlt chris_n: snap 19:41 brendan thanks 19:41 gmcharlt brendan: ouch, sorry to hear that 19:41 chris_n howdy Ropuch 19:41 * brendan just getting ready to head out on the town with my wife 19:41 chris_n sorry to hear that 19:41 chris_n ouch 19:41 brendan doing much better today 19:41 Ropuch Hi brendan, chris_n 19:41 brendan so I'm a slow typer for awhile 19:41 * brendan drop a fence post on my forearm and had to get stitches 19:40 chris_n doing great; how's your weekend? 19:39 brendan hiya chris_n 19:39 brendan yup getting up there 19:38 chris_n heat wave :) 19:38 munin chris_n: The current temperature in Dunn, North Carolina is 9.3�C (2:35 PM EST on February 14, 2010). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 14%. Dew Point: -17.0�C. Windchill: 8.0�C. Pressure: 29.53 in 999.9 hPa (Steady). 19:38 chris_n @wunder 28334 19:35 brendan hiya Ropuch 19:33 Ropuch @wunder Wroclaw 19:33 brendan wow short-sleeve shirt today :) 19:32 munin brendan: The current temperature in Northwest Goleta, Goleta, California is 17.9�C (11:28 AM PST on February 14, 2010). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 61%. Dew Point: 10.0�C. Pressure: 30.05 in 1017.5 hPa (Steady). 19:32 brendan @wunder 93117 17:32 munin gmcharlt: The operation succeeded. 17:32 gmcharlt @later tell nengard looks like you go your first documentation patch sent via the patches list. congrats. ping me if you need help on the mechanics of grabbing a patch from the mailing list 16:41 gmcharlt owen++ 10:33 cait hi #koha 07:30 Genji okay, there a method of using zoom::query just to 'find' how many results there will be from a query, instead of actually retrieving all the results? 05:55 munin brendan: The current temperature in Northwest Goleta, Goleta, California is 10.3�C (9:52 PM PST on February 13, 2010). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 72%. Dew Point: 6.0�C. Pressure: 30.02 in 1016.5 hPa (Rising). 05:55 brendan @wunder 93117 01:07 Genji anyone going to respond to liblime and ptfs falling out? 00:33 munin chris_n: The operation succeeded. 00:33 chris_n @later tell nengard: I submitted a patch for the docbook documentation correcting some invalid markup