Time Nick Message 23:52 CGI899 hello all, We are doing our first import into koha and want to know about how long does it take to import the file into koha? 23:43 imp dunno, never heard one :D 23:42 rhcl Well, nothing can be as bad as the old Compaq G1's and G2's. 23:42 imp my experience is, the older sun products are loud and at the lower frequency range, the new ones are /screaming/ more or less higher ;) 23:41 rhcl just need to add a data disk 23:41 rhcl But yea, the specs are pretty decent.... 8 GB of memory, dual SCSI drives, dual Opteron CPU's, DVD... 23:40 imp ok :D 23:40 rhcl Well, I just ordered two. I'll let you know. :) But I have a server room that's already loud. 23:39 imp rhcl: the hardware sounds great :) (and i guess it's loud as hell :D) 23:39 rhcl If you can work with Solaris 10 anyway. :) 23:35 rhcl this might be one option... http://www.techsoup.org/stock/Category.asp?catalog_name=TechSoupMain&category_name=Sun&Page=1 23:34 rhcl For US libraries needing a Koha server, or maybe even for vendors to suggest to library clients for a server to minimize costs... 23:33 imp or is the irc server really unreachable, even for the ones on the same network? 23:32 imp maybe somebody should put the freenode channel here into the topic too? 23:31 chris_n masonj: at least not for the next minute or so ;-) 23:30 masonj i was all set to send a ranty email to the list, bout TC... looks like i wont need to now 23:29 brendan and we're back 23:28 chris lets hope telstraclear dont bust their routes again 23:28 masonj . 22:00 munin schuster: The operation succeeded. 22:00 schuster @later tell owen - can you look at bug 2930? Is this something that is a template change or??? It is an enhancement, but would seem to be fairly easy. 21:59 schuster catch him tomorrow... 21:59 schuster Owen gone yet? 21:37 wizzyrea yes, I encourage this 21:37 hdl_laptop Well... speaking of TimeMachine.... My inner machine is going down for some rest see you ;) 21:36 chris ok im going to get some more sleep, try to shake off this flu 21:36 chris but the good thing is it isnt contigent on any of the other work 21:36 imp just get everybody on a plane and let's travel with the sun -> more hours per day ;) 21:36 hdl_laptop jwagner: developer is one thing, brain somtimes seems to be other one ;) 21:36 chris c4::search is rapidly moving to my top priority for 3.4 21:35 cait ;) 21:35 cait hdl_laptop: yes, someone should rewrite that... need more hours 21:35 jwagner and C4::CloneDeveloper 21:35 gmcharlt hdl_laptop: you forgot C4::TimeMachine 21:34 hdl_laptop Well days are only 24 hours ;) 21:34 hdl_laptop TT2..... 21:34 hdl_laptop I forgot DBIx::Class 21:34 hdl_laptop and complexity 21:34 hdl_laptop And planned by order of priority 21:34 jwagner There ought to be some way to schedule regular virtual hackfests. Not everyone is going to get to NZ for Kohacon, and any regional meetings aren't going to include everyone. 21:33 hdl_laptop Circulation - Serials - items - Search engine. 21:33 hdl_laptop jwagner: should be organised with some virtual rooms. 21:33 chris monolithic_modules-- 21:32 jwagner hdl_laptop, hackfest or virtual hackfest? 21:32 chris yeah 21:32 gmcharlt hdl_laptop: possible could break it down further - QueryParser, Search, Search::Zebra, Search::NoZebra (if we must ;), Search::Solr, etc. + ResultsFormatter 21:32 hdl_laptop I think it would be good to be able to discuss such things with more ppl... 21:31 hdl_laptop gmcharlt: I would not even scare everyone out of 3.2 with such an idea ;) 21:30 gmcharlt but I agree that it would be nice to have it be a priority for 3.4 21:30 hdl_laptop I can see two modules at least. Query and Engine with submodules. 21:30 gmcharlt hdl_laptop: yeah, redoing it is not an option for 3.2 - we'll have to keep the spit-and-bailing-wire going 21:29 hdl_laptop But redesign would be really really not trivial. 21:29 hdl_laptop gmcharlt: chris I am really really concerned about C4::Search. 21:27 hdl_laptop getting facets and process of items for status out of the getRecords would be first step 21:26 hdl_laptop But indeed, C4::Search needs serious work 21:25 hdl_laptop http://git.biblibre.com/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi?p=koha;a=commit;h=0cd0da000b6d7903c9a23000163ed9f87d0ab540 21:25 hdl_laptop chris_n: maybe this kind of thing is what you want to do. 21:24 pmlozeau yep total newb 21:24 chris :) 21:24 pmlozeau finally learning and understanding how irc works 21:24 hdl_laptop sorry... was back reading logs. 21:24 pmlozeau hi chris 21:23 chris hi pmlozeau 21:23 hdl_laptop But it hard codes all the ccl rather than getting it from the ccl.properties files. 21:23 munin 04Bug http://bugs.koha.org/cgi-bin/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=3584 major, PATCH-Sent, ---, nahuel.angelinetti@biblibre.com, ASSIGNED, Set a default index to search on. 21:23 hdl_laptop bug 3584 21:22 hdl_laptop nahuel sent fixes for the C4/Search on 3.0 21:21 hdl_laptop again, 21:21 hdl_laptop chris_n: 21:21 chris_n bbl 21:20 chris cool 21:19 imp just remind me next week and i'll take a look if it's something possible to do for me 21:18 * chris_n adds another item to the fix list of C4::Search 21:17 chris_n searchResults counts each item available separately regardless of if it is a duplicate copy or not 21:17 chris_n the logic is out of sync with the display 21:16 chris_n exactly 21:16 gmcharlt branch (number items not checked out, lost, or missing) - although duplication is odd 21:14 chris_n in opac-search.pl: exactly what information is this line supposed to convey: Availability: Copies available: Jones Library (1), Jones Library (1), 21:14 imp :D 21:14 cait ;) 21:14 imp cait: pssst ;) 21:13 cait he has to learn for an exam, dont help him to avoid it 21:13 jwagner I definitely heard that too! 21:13 imp cait: nope, "programming languages and compilers", the practical exercise 21:13 chris_n hehe 21:13 cait poor imp 21:13 chris :) 21:13 chris sounds like imp just volunteered to me 21:12 imp but i never wrote anything big in perl 21:12 cait swp? 21:12 * imp wrote a parser for a programming language at the uni 21:09 gmcharlt there's the Google-style type syntax that most people *really* want 21:08 gmcharlt there's CQL 21:08 gmcharlt yeah, there are several - CCL itself is ill-defined 21:08 chris_n imp: all of them :-) 21:08 imp is there a formal definition of the /language/ the parser should be able to parse? 21:07 cait :) 21:07 imp :D 21:07 chris heh 21:07 * chris_n runs out of the room screaming 21:07 chris yeah i think a tighter syntax that is more consistently parsed is the win 21:06 gmcharlt + possibly a URL rewriter to handle old style search links - I suspect that as part of rewriting the parser, we'll have to constrain the syntax it accepts a bit 21:05 gmcharlt s/lined up/silly enough to be standing around so that we can dragoon them into/ 21:05 chris one being the parser, another that does the search 21:05 chris im thinking it would be better split into 2 modules 21:05 cait hi all 21:04 chris no one has been crazy enough to volunteer yet 21:04 gmcharlt chris: who's lined up to redo C4::Search? 21:03 chris that whole query parser is just a big mess 21:01 chris cool thanks, yeah that second patch (the quick comment out) was ill advised 20:59 chris_n then I'll submit this fix and mark the other patch as deprecated 20:59 * gmcharlt waggles finger at chris, though - breaking OPAC search links, though? 20:59 jwagner Don't worry, I'll hand them right back. 20:59 * wizzyrea has passed on her memes, and now has no reason to exist 20:59 wizzyrea my work here is done. 20:59 wizzyrea !!! 20:59 gmcharlt chris_n: it is, but none of our options are particularly good 20:59 chris it was pretty hugely broken, in that anything with a : couldnt be searched on 20:58 chris_n lol 20:58 jwagner to quote wizzyrea: Squeeeeeee 20:58 chris yep 20:58 jwagner But the _end result_ is going to be a fix for the 3:10 type search, right? (she said hopefully) 20:58 chris_n gmcharlt: do you agree that this is a less havoc-wreaking fix then the former? 20:57 jwagner Oh, well, win some/lose some.... 20:57 chris the other stuff is what we are trying to fix 20:57 chris but it broke other stuff 20:57 jwagner YEAH!!!!! 20:57 chris_n I'm not sure I've caught all of the limit operators or not 20:57 chris jwagner: it fixed that 20:57 jwagner chris or chris_n, is this going to solve the problem of searching for a title like 3:10 to Yuma? (can't search if it has the colon in it)? 20:56 chris yeah, the whole C4/Search is slated for a rewrite 20:56 chris_n gmcharlt: but less stuff than before :-) 20:56 gmcharlt as any other ccl indexes that people may have built permalinks off of would still be broken 20:56 chris_n and the query parser ought to be fixed 20:56 chris nope, that seems like a much nicer one, the original problem broke any searches that had : in them 20:56 gmcharlt still breaks a lot of stuff 20:56 * chris_n thinks it is preferable to the many code changes required otherwise 20:55 chris_n do you see any problem if I submit that change? 20:55 chris yup 20:55 chris that's better 20:55 chris_n appears to be a more tolerable workaround 20:55 chris_n $query =~ s/(?<=(ti|au|pb|su|an|kw|mc)):/=/g; 20:55 chris_n so 20:55 chris_n this causes a bunch of links in opac-detail.pl to break 20:54 chris_n you submitted a patch that commented out $query =~ s/:/=/g; 20:54 chris yep 20:54 chris_n chris: C4::Search... about line 1099 20:53 munin brendan: The current temperature in Northwest Goleta, Goleta, California is 16.3�C (12:46 PM PST on January 28, 2010). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 62%. Dew Point: 9.0�C. Pressure: 29.99 in 1015.5 hPa (Falling). 20:53 brendan @wunder 93117 20:53 jwagner So nice to have everyone back :-) 20:53 chris chris_n: yep whats up? 20:53 munin gmcharlt: The operation succeeded. Quote #52 added. 20:53 gmcharlt @quote add <wizzyrea> Ahh, it's like putting on your slippers 20:52 chris_n wow, sorry munin 20:52 wizzyrea Oh THAT 20:52 walter i'm usually hanging out in #kete and #katipo, of course 20:52 munin chris_n: Error: You must be registered to use this command. If you are already registered, you must either identify (using the identify command) or add a hostmask matching your current hostmask (using the "hostmask add" command). 20:52 chris_n @quote add <wizzyrea> Ahh, it's like putting on your slippers 20:51 wizzyrea what'd I do? 20:51 gmcharlt hi walter 20:51 walter hey brendan and everyone 20:51 chris_n hi walter 20:51 chris_n wizzyrea++ 20:51 brendan hi walter 20:51 wizzyrea ;) 20:51 wizzyrea it's a shame really 20:51 walter not something i do very often 20:51 moodaepo wizzyrea++ 20:51 * walter hangs out in #koha for a little 20:50 wizzyrea Ahh, it's like putting on your slippers 20:48 chris_n chris: you up to a question? 20:48 pianohacker no other way to do it, that's a grubby module 20:48 chris_n complaining bitterly as I go 20:47 * chris_n munges through C4::Search 20:47 pianohacker Hello again oceania 20:47 chris a bit, still pretty crappy, but getting better 20:46 brendan heya chris 20:46 chris_n feeling any better? 20:46 chris_n heya chris 20:46 chris :) 20:45 chris_n wb #koha 20:45 brendan hi 06:25 Steven i m wondering how come my koha 2.9 didnt generate the overdue fine automatically... 06:12 Steven i m wondering how come my koha 2.9 didnt generate the overdue fine automatically... 06:12 Steven can u? 06:11 Steven cant help me 06:06 Amit hi steven 05:59 Steven anybody 05:58 Steven 15nybody 05:52 Steven anybody there? 04:52 brendan :) 04:52 brendan night #koha 04:04 Amit heya si 04:03 Amit heya richard 04:01 masonj performance wise... which i can actually do now :) 04:01 masonj i wanna see what the difference is between a 32bit-PAE install, and a AMD64 install 03:59 si lets you address more RAM, and they have > 4GB RAM on their servers 03:59 masonj i was expecting to compile the yaz/zebra stuff myself at least, but no.. 03:58 si hlt has been on amd64 koha for a while 03:58 masonj twas a *very* easy setup tho 03:58 richard :) 03:57 masonj bout 2 days ;) 03:57 richard how long have had koha set up on the AMD64 box? 03:57 masonj heya richard 03:57 richard hey masonj and Amit 03:54 Amit k 03:54 masonj fyi: http://www.debian.org/ports/amd64/ 03:52 masonj i will get back to you with my results ;) 03:51 masonj im curious to see if there are any performance improvements to 64bit koha 03:51 Amit ok 03:51 masonj i have not started benchmarking 32bit and 64bit systems yet 03:49 Amit ok 03:49 Amit Intel 03:49 masonj centos x86_64 = debian AMD64 03:48 masonj CentOS-5 x86_64 (AMD64 and Intel EMT64) architectures. 03:48 masonj aaah... 03:46 Amit what about koha performance with AMD64 03:46 Amit not on AMD64 03:46 Amit no Centos 64 bit OS 03:46 masonj centos AMD64? 03:46 Amit on centos 03:45 Amit yes i have already done on 64bit OS 03:45 masonj 1 year ago, even? 03:45 masonj you have already done this AMD64, yes? 03:44 masonj i have just started playing with koha3 on a debian AMD64 dual-core box 03:44 Amit mason: yes after long time everything is fine here 03:44 masonj busy with much koha stuff? 03:44 masonj long time no chat, how is everything over there? 03:43 Amit heya mason 03:43 masonj hiya amit 03:37 Amit morning #koha 03:37 Amit hi chris 02:45 chris_n2 gmcharlt: sorry, my question was regarding the search url's given above 02:10 Steven anyone can guide me on fines running scripts 01:55 Steven i know....just tat my college is running under Windows platform 01:52 chilts not to my knowledge, though I do know that 2.9 is an older version of the software, there are newer versions which you might want to try 01:50 Steven you have this problem? 01:50 Steven thzx 01:48 chilts someone will answer if they can :) 01:48 chilts sorry Steven, I can't help ... there are others around though (but remember, irc is a non-interactive messaging system, people might be away or busy) :) 01:47 Steven anybody there 01:43 Steven can anybody help me 01:41 Steven how come my Koha system didnt calculate overdue fine autimatically....eventhrough i have done the setting for issuing rules and there is 1 book is overdue 01:40 Steven i m using Koha2.9 01:40 Steven hi...anybody there? 01:14 chris nod: my brain is pretty fried, ill try to catch up tomorrow 00:04 nod School Management Sytems that is 00:04 nod chris: you see all that talk about SMS's on nzoss?