Time Nick Message 22:38 chris hmm im not sure john is actually reading what people are saying to him, i think ill give up on that thread 22:32 * chris_n2 gives up hope of finding arcane knowledge of dmake 22:31 chris thats like a pack of crayons 22:31 chris omg 22:31 gmcharlt joetho: materials - my wife came back from a training session and mentioned another attendee, whose budget was all of $22 :( 22:31 chris i think LL->I dont want LEK so im going to EG instead 22:30 chris_n2 maybe LEK->EG.... 22:26 joetho Salaries. 22:24 SelfishMan I can think of many things I would rather see my library spending money on 22:21 chris im just happy a library is using free software, wether it's EG or Koha 22:21 brendan I think there are a few LL -> EG -- like chris says 22:21 chris EG is pretty nice software 22:20 chris i dont think there have been any EG -> Koha migrations, i think there have been or will LL -> EG migrations though 22:20 joetho you know what I mean 22:20 joetho whatever 22:19 chris thats not proprietary :-) 22:19 chris but i think we probably have libraries from each of the others 22:19 joetho evergreen? 22:19 chris not polaris i dont think 22:19 joetho although, if you had to migrate every year, you would keep things clean and simple 22:19 chris i wonder if we have covered all the proprietary ILS's yet 22:19 joetho migration being the annual event 22:18 joetho yes, but there is migration, and then there is IMmigration 22:18 SelfishMan from what I have heard it is a regular thing for people to dump athena for koha 22:18 joetho omg that is a horrible image to leave you with, but hey 22:17 joetho like geese 22:17 joetho The term "Migration" would seem to indicate something occurring regularly 22:17 chris heh 22:16 SelfishMan athena is so much "fun" to migrate from 22:16 SelfishMan hope it works out 22:16 joetho Youdaman. 22:16 joetho @selfishman : thanks for the tips and general encouragement 22:15 joetho selfishman 21:56 richard bummer. i was looking forward to a dry weekend 21:44 Jo warm though 21:44 chris hmm northerly here, so that means we'll get it too 21:43 Jo raining mate 21:43 chris cloudy up your way levin? 21:43 Jo Chris: yes to biblio data and take borrowers too if you can usefully anonymize it 21:43 Jo Hi all 21:39 chris hi fsx, nengard and IrmaCalyx 21:15 gmcharlt hi paul_p 21:14 chris heya joetho and paul_p 20:18 chris_n hdl_away++ 20:16 gmcharlt good night 20:16 chris good night 20:16 chris you deserve it 20:16 hdl_away good night 20:16 hdl_away but 1st, sleep 20:16 chris :) 20:16 hdl_away have to translate in french now 20:16 owen *whew* 20:16 hdl_away wooot 20:15 chris its up :) 20:15 chris http://download.koha.org/ 20:11 hdl_away gmcharlt: i just sent him answer on . 20:11 chris hdl_away: nice work on the release :) 20:09 gmcharlt hdl_away: cool - you'll need to email that to cfouts, as he isn't in channel 20:08 hdl_away gmcharlt: chris cfouts : location is /home/hdl 19:58 chris Jo: got an email from Waitaki, they would like a demo site, so ill use your bibliographic data if thats ok 19:57 chris hiya Jo 19:47 chris id just be quoting you anyway :) 19:47 chris if you have time that would be great 19:46 chris_n chris: shall I reply? 19:46 chris_n it took some muscling to get some of the modules installed the other night 19:45 chris *nod* 19:45 chris_n however, it is not for the faint-of-heart atm 19:45 chris_n I think he would be well advised to work with strawberry 19:44 chris i think the answer for him is dont use activestate use strawberry .. is that right? 19:44 chris chris brown-syed is cool, he was teaching a class on Koha at Buffalo Uni, way back in the day 19:44 chris_n throw a brick through it... :) 19:43 chris from another chris, on the mailing list :) 19:43 chris_n ich... go ahead 19:43 chris chris_n: some windows questions for ya :-) 19:42 chris hehe 19:40 chris_n and thinks of accidentally dropping his chewing gum into the processor fan 19:40 * chris_n tries to imagine goobers working on a web server ;-) 19:40 richard hiyas chris and chris 19:40 chris_n hi richard 19:39 chris im sorry but im allout of patience 19:39 richard hi 19:39 chris will move the stuff off then you goobers 19:39 gmcharlt usual excuse given: with mixture of LL and koha.org assets on same virtual server, LL feels it is inappropriate to give shell access to non-LL employees to koha.org servers, etc. 19:38 chris ahh hopefully get that soon, i wanna do a blogpost about it but not before the file is up 19:38 gmcharlt unfortunately, I no longer have shell access to the download.koha.org box, so have no ability to do it myself 19:38 gmcharlt chris chris_n: cfouts has responded, and is awaiting file location from hdl 19:37 * chris_n thought gmcharlt had sent cfouts an inquiry concerning that 19:36 * chris wonders if hdl has lost access to put the tarball up on download.koha.org 19:35 chris hdl_away: you gone to bed? 19:35 chris hmmm 19:32 chris 1673 commits in 3.04 19:32 chris http://stats.workbuffer.org/koha-20001220-now/tags.html 19:32 chris should be updated now 18:37 chris_n chris: stats don't seem to be updated atm? 18:34 sekjal I'm making a documentation pitstop first; get some details down on our wiki 18:34 brendan now onto 18:34 brendan sekjal -- no onto zebra :) 18:22 sekjal okay, after a couple tries, the work-around for bug 2474 worked. I have a dev-install at last! 18:21 Ropuch I'm hoping to arrange a couple of people to cooperate with the project 18:20 Ropuch I'm going to speak about koha on opensolaris con 18:15 chris http://stats.workbuffer.org/koha-20001220-now/tags.html <-- stats for 3.0.4 18:13 Ropuch I reaaly need get familiar with git soon 18:12 Ropuch chris: thanks 18:11 chris git checkout -b 3.0.x --track origin/3.0.x 18:11 chris not until you do 18:10 Ropuch Is git clone git://git.koha.org/pub/scm/koha.git kohaclone getting me w 3.0.4? 18:09 brendan hi Ropuch 18:08 Ropuch Eveneing #koha 18:07 chris_n hey brendan 18:07 brendan morning chris_n 18:07 brendan morning chris 18:07 sekjal ah, I'm experiencing bug 2474 18:04 chris_n hi chris 18:03 chris hdl_away: when you are back, looks like the 3.0.4 isnt on download yet 18:03 wizzyrea nengard: it was a trick, to be sure. I'm sure it's worse when you don't have access to the big config files. 18:02 chris morning 17:54 sekjal I just get the config files from my standard install copied over into the dev-install 17:54 sekjal the makefile is correctly created, as far as I can tell 17:54 brendan ah -- 17:54 sekjal yeah. I run Makefile.PL, put in my dev-system configs, and then run make 17:53 brendan so you're working on the dev-install now 17:53 sekjal trying to. My production install is standard 17:52 brendan are you working with a dev-install 17:51 sekjal my koha-conf.xml, koha-httpd.conf and koha-install-log keep copying over from the other install, even though my makefile seems to be listening to the options I put into Makefile.PL 17:50 sekjal has anyone else experienced this? 17:50 sekjal I'm having trouble doing a dev install on a box that already has a standard install on it. 17:34 nengard gonna ask my host to do it for me :) 17:34 nengard wizzyrea - i can't get MU to install on my server 16:53 sekjal hmmm.... my dev install doesn't seem to be generating a koha-install-log; rather, it's using the one from my production install 16:48 ricardo Going home. See you! 16:47 sekjal best to limit the variables where I can 16:47 sekjal my original dev machine is kind of a clunker, and isn't exactly the same platform as our production 16:46 wizzyrea ooh that's exciting! 16:45 sekjal I hope to be heart-dancing by the end of the day; I'm looking to do a new dev install, then upgrade to 3.0.4 16:43 sekjal I love that feeling 16:43 sekjal I'm really glad it's coming together 16:43 wizzyrea so thanks for reminding me to look at that again :) 16:42 wizzyrea if you could see what was in my heart right now, you'd see dancing. 16:42 sekjal awesome! 16:42 * wizzyrea is sorry, she just had to share 16:42 wizzyrea I think (squee) that I'm going to move all of my sites into wpmu 16:41 wizzyrea yea 16:41 sekjal oh? 16:41 wizzyrea I just had a wpmu zen moment 16:41 wizzyrea sekjal: remember our talk about WP and WPMU? 16:28 ricardo http://lists.koha.org/pipermail/koha-patches/2009-October/004751.html 16:27 ricardo [Koha-patches] [PATCH] Updated references to Portuguese translation in Release Notes 16:27 ricardo hdl_away: OK. I sent the patch just now: 16:26 IrmaCalyx * 16:15 ricardo hdl_laptop: OK, cool... Doing it now 16:15 hdl_laptop well, yes 16:14 ricardo hdl_laptop: Cool... Thanks :) Should I submit it as a patch? 16:14 hdl_laptop you can 16:13 ricardo hdl_laptop: May I still write a few small corrections for the Release Notes, concerning (only) the Portuguese translation(s)? 16:12 * nengard lunching 15:51 owen I realize the obvious answer is to check to see whether the fines cron job is being run, but I wondered if there was something else up 15:50 owen Re: the "Fine Accrual" message to the Koha list, does anyone know of an outstanding bug that prevents fines from being accrued? 15:48 ricardo wizzyrea: right :) 15:48 wizzyrea yep, I do have that 15:48 ricardo wizzyrea: OK... but then you have to edit your local "hosts" file to resolve "myservername.org" to the IP address of the server (or have it registered in DNS) 15:46 wizzyrea and the error went away 15:46 wizzyrea I just added ServerName "myservername.org" into my apache2.conf 15:45 owen wizzyrea: No, what did you find out? 15:41 wizzyrea (I found the answer) 15:40 wizzyrea owen: did you ever get your apache to stop whining about not finding the FQDN for your server in your test install? 15:06 nengard jwagner - someone told me it did work - but not on sites on a shared server .... not sure if that's accurate or not 15:05 jwagner Speaking of sending reports, has anyone ever figured out the problem with the Schedule function? See Bug 1993 -- it hasn't worked in ages but the Schedule link is still there on the reports page. 15:03 gmcharlt i.e., you can't send notices if a report has nothing to do with patrons 15:03 gmcharlt although "arbitrary report" would need qualifiers 15:03 gmcharlt hdl_laptop: I like the idea of being able to turn an arbitrary report into notices 14:59 hdl_laptop sorry 3203 14:59 gmcharlt hdl_laptop: perhaps - question though, what bug did you mean? 3023 doesn't seem relevant 14:52 hdl_laptop gmcharlt: I think that 3023 and 3383 are two bugs that can be coped with improving reports and enabling call of reports in letters. 14:50 gmcharlt of course, if it doesn't happen ... we have larger problems 14:50 gmcharlt let's give Clay a chance to deal with it (he's on Pacific time, so may not be awake yet) 14:50 hdl_laptop ok. thx 14:49 hdl_laptop Or should I post it on www.biblibre.com to be sure it is on the web ? 14:49 gmcharlt hdl_laptop: it's pending action by cfouts, per the message I CCed you on 14:49 hdl_laptop gmcharlt: is there a way to have a download link ready ? 14:46 nengard cabber the patch you're looking for though was in August: http://git.koha.org/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi?p=Koha;a=commit;h=ae5b76c89b8a61ad82528ea85d1c3673f3318a09 14:45 cabber so it looks like .032 dates back to May 11 ... 14:44 nengard http://git.koha.org/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi?p=Koha&a=search&h=3bab38c3fcd7a57c21488e30f634fc284a039951&st=commit&s=DB+rev 14:43 nengard I skimmed here: http://git.koha.org/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi?p=Koha;a=shortlog for titles that started with 'DB rev' 14:43 nengard http://git.koha.org/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi?p=Koha;a=commit;h=58ee841a73ea02d38d465e8c4663ab7bf509a62e 14:43 nengard looks like 61 is the most recent: 14:42 nengard I have to upgrade mine :) 14:42 nengard cabber - i was wrong - it's base .058 14:42 cabber hanging :-) 14:42 nengard cabber it's in the git log somewhere .. hang on 14:41 cabber is there a way to find out when each version of koha was released? v. for example? 14:34 cabber woo, it works ... ok, then 14:34 owen Hi cabber 14:33 cabber just testing koha.org cgi interface ... hi, all ... cab from nh 14:31 hdl_laptop severe bug which need a general solution 14:31 hdl_laptop Will write an RFC to slove that 14:30 hdl_laptop mmm... 14:21 jwagner hdl_laptop, owen, gmcharlt -- catching up a bit here. There are some existing bugs about other types of notices not being able to read items.content. See Bugs 3203 and 3383. It's a problem we've been seeing as well. 13:58 ricardo hdl_laptop: Cool 13:52 hdl_laptop done 13:50 ricardo hdl_laptop: Thanks! :) 13:46 hdl_laptop will update that straight away 13:46 hdl_laptop ricardo oh you're right 13:43 ricardo hdl_laptop: right 13:43 hdl_laptop release notes are http://git.koha.org/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi?p=Koha;a=blob;f=misc/release_notes/release_notes_30004.txt;h=44318a6cd1dd6c9dec388f544daaadfdfb27442a;hb=2eba46985bb67eadf7fe896dbe50df4d995e03a5 13:42 ricardo hdl_laptop: Actually, only "koha-devel" is "wrong" (using "lists.nongnu.org"). koha-translate is correct (already using "lists.koha.org") 13:41 hdl_laptop oh sorry wanted to say release announcement 13:41 hdl_laptop ricardo: where are those listed ? 13:41 slef hdl_laptop: I thought you said http://biblibre.pastebin.com/d6f4e7b39 was the release notes :-/ 13:41 ricardo hdl_laptop: http://lists.koha.org/mailman/listinfo/koha-translate 13:40 hdl_laptop slef you have them in the release notes. 13:40 ricardo hdl_laptop: http://lists.nongnu.org/mailman/listinfo/koha-devel 13:40 hdl_laptop which lists ? 13:40 slef hdl_laptop: can it list the bug numbers please? 13:39 ricardo hdl_laptop: I just have one suggestion for now. Update the URLs for the mailing lists so that they don't point to lists.nongnu.org anymore... Do you want me to submit a patch for that? 13:38 ricardo hdl_laptop: Just saw your Release Notes for 3.0.4. That's great! :) 13:38 gmcharlt yes, I agree 13:38 hdl_laptop Do you agree ? 13:38 hdl_laptop gmcharlt: I could also add itemscontent processing to C4::Letters since this will be shared between more than one script. 13:38 chris_n slef: I hope to be back working on it next week 13:37 ricardo Hi everyone! :) 13:37 hdl_laptop http://biblibre.pastebin.com/d6f4e7b39 for release notes if you want to provide your opinion 13:36 gmcharlt hdl_laptop: yes, may as well make that bit consistent for now 13:36 hdl_laptop gmcharlt : Should I create itemscontent parameter on advancenotices.pl and use it just as in overduenotices ? 13:35 hdl_laptop owen : in advance notices, there are no input for itemscontent. 13:32 gmcharlt I've asked cfouts to revive it 13:32 chris_n gmcharlt: we miss munin 13:32 gmcharlt hi chris_n 13:31 chris_n hi gmcharlt :-) 13:17 gmcharlt hi Amit 13:17 Amit hi galen 13:04 Nate hi owen! 13:03 owen Hi Nate 12:58 Nate mornin all 12:55 hdl_laptop owen seems really old stuff 12:51 owen Okay, hence pianohacker's comment yesterday that "branches.pl is very strange" 12:51 gmcharlt owen: it just seems to be adding logic specific to branches.pl - I don't think it's meant to be general purpose pattern 12:50 slef owen: I don't understand why it's doing it in a different way either, but me and the template system aren't best friends anyway. 12:50 owen Hi schuster, CGI926 12:48 owen No takers on "default()"? 12:39 slef biab too 12:39 slef chris_n: it's the patron card creator which is haunting me. 12:37 chris_n bbiab 12:32 chris_n slef: the same problem will ultimately haunt the patron card creator as well... so it all needs to be fixed for good 12:31 owen I understand that this is setting the MESSAGE2 variable, but I don't understand why it's doing it in a different way than other template variables 12:31 owen I'm curious about something I'm seeing in admin/branches.pl: "default("MESSAGE2",$template);" 12:31 chris_n ie a table of codes vs. gliph description (for pdf) 12:31 chris_n right, but UTF-8 and ASCII are basically the same in the method by which they describe text 12:30 slef yes, that would be great... updating bug 2246 should let me know 12:29 slef UTF-8 not ASCII 12:29 chris_n slef: I'll get back with you in the next week or so if that's ok 12:29 chris_n as the fundamental issue resides in the difference between how pdf describes text and how ascii describes text 12:28 slef tell me what resources you need and I'll see what we can raise 12:28 chris_n it is not an easy issue 12:28 chris_n I will have some hours to devote to it in December, but it may need some co-sponsorship as well 12:28 slef amen 12:27 chris_n but time is a factor at present 12:27 chris_n as you can see, I intend on working on the *real* fix 12:26 chris_n yup 12:26 * chris_n looks 12:26 slef ? 12:26 slef chris_n: http://www.nabble.com/Diacriticals%2C-Unicode%2C-and-PDF's-to25654563.html#a25654563 12:26 chris_n slef: it produces a broken pdf 12:26 slef I'm pondering an ugly transliteration hack to the current code to stop it barfing. 12:26 chris_n slef: there is a post in the list archives recently in which joe and I discuss it a bit 12:24 slef how badly? better than barfing? 12:24 slef yeah, I need to review it 12:24 chris_n slef: not well 12:24 hdl_laptop slef: I know chris_n worked on that 12:20 slef Does the new label printer cope with unicode? 12:20 owen He's pianohacker at gmail.com 12:20 slef I was mainly wondering if jesse was likely to fix a bug currently assigned to him. 12:19 owen Or was that not your question>? 12:19 slef owen: not yet. I'm wondering whether to take a bug off him. Opinions? 12:19 owen slef: Did you find jesse's email address? 12:18 chris_n g'morning 12:16 nengard nicomo_laptop reading your long email now :) hehe - will reply soon 12:16 nengard howdy owen 12:16 owen good morning nengard 12:14 hdl_laptop Noe are you around ? It is the Flood here 12:10 hdl_laptop welcome back 12:09 gmcharlt simple 12:09 hdl_laptop I had been told on the channel that you were on training session. Tough training ;) 12:09 hdl_laptop simple or swine flu ? 12:08 jwagner gmcharlt, have some virtual chicken soup :-) 12:08 hdl_laptop hi miguel-xercode 12:08 gmcharlt hdl_laptop: just flu, and over now 12:08 hdl_laptop oh.... Hope it is not a serious disease 12:08 owen munin must be at gmcharlt's house fetching him soup 12:07 gmcharlt sorry, been sick the past few days 12:07 gmcharlt hdl_laptop: back 12:07 hdl_laptop gmcharlt: around ? 12:07 hdl_laptop hi owen 12:07 hdl_laptop hi slef no 12:00 slef ? 11:59 slef hi all. Is Jesse Weaver still @liblime 09:16 kf hi #koha 09:03 tajoli Ok, I close the bug 3712 07:49 tajoli so all OK for bug fix 3712 ? 07:48 hdl_laptop tajoli: mmm I don't think so. 07:46 tajoli hi henri daminen, do you ask for me ? 07:02 hdl_laptop hi 01:28 chris_n2 g'night 01:24 ricardo Time to go to bed... Take care everyone! :) 01:03 pianohackr|work back tomorrow, bye all 00:46 ricardo Back in 30 mins or so... 00:44 ricardo http://lists.koha.org/pipermail/koha-patches/2009-October/004749.html 00:44 ricardo [Koha-patches] [PATCH] Added Locale::PO dependency in Makefile.PL 00:44 ricardo Patch sent: 00:20 ricardo chris: Cool :) 00:19 chris sounds good to me 00:18 ricardo chris: Debian 5.0.2 ("lenny") has Locale::PO version 0.17... Maybe the same one as a minimum should be required? 00:17 ricardo wb chris