Time Nick Message 13:31 |Lupin| OT: any LaTeX users (experts) around ? 14:43 |Lupin| Is it possible in koha to create set of values where a value has an ID, a short textual representation and a long one ? 14:44 |Lupin| I guess it's not, so I'm asking just to be sure. 14:44 atz for some things... sounds like you are talking about authorities though? 14:45 |Lupin| atz: I don't konw 14:45 |Lupin| atz: I'm trying o find the best way to define a concept of format fr Koha 14:45 |Lupin| format -> file format 14:46 atz like .exe, .pdf, .txt, etc? 14:46 |Lupin| For that I'd need an id that may appear in tables, an extension and a description 14:46 |Lupin| at least these 14:46 |Lupin| but this may be a bit too much for KOha... 14:46 |Lupin| atz: yes, exactly 14:46 joetho it might be helpful to know why you need it. 14:47 |Lupin| joetho: we are trying to re-build a fornt end for a digital library around Koha, that's a story which is a bit long.. 14:48 |Lupin| first I though creating an authorized value may be enough 14:48 |Lupin| but this one can't store extensions, for example 14:48 atz yeah, the part that would fall out is the "short textual description" 14:49 atz you only get one description field for auth. vals 14:49 atz but you can get an icon associated, which is nice for filetypes 14:50 |Lupin| atz: hmm. Assuming we use an icon, would there be an alternative text dsplayed ? 14:51 atz yeah, see http://atz.dev.kohalibrary.com/cgi-bin/koha/opac-search.pl?q=heart 14:52 atz The small "book" icon, for example 14:54 |Lupin| atz: the thing is we really need a textual desciption, since we wnat to say things like "word document but no structure", or "word document which is well structured". 14:54 |Lupin| And we also need file extensions. 14:55 |Lupin| atz: perhaps I could create an authorized value for the formats, which would store the long descriptions, and then another table in Koha's database which would bind each identifier to the other information Imay need ? 15:00 atz you could... sounds like a fair amount of design work though 15:00 atz you'd have to deal with zebra indexing and searching also, if you want that 15:01 |Lupin| atz: right... but I think it is something I can't avoid. After all, the intended use of koha is a bit special, so I don't think it is reasonable to expect being able to do everything without a bit of hacking. 15:01 |Lupin| atz: just trying to minimize this and to find the most elegant way of doing the adaptation... 15:01 atz right 15:02 |Lupin| atz: not sure I'll have to care about indexing so far, actually 15:02 |Lupin| atz: the file formats will be our CCODEs 15:02 |Lupin| atz: so I guess if we index them things will (should) work just fine. 15:03 |Lupin| the things kept in a separate table, such as extensions and so on, we don't really want to index... 15:05 |Lupin| atz: just one quesiton for clarifiaciton, pls 15:05 atz ? 15:06 |Lupin| atz: if in a table an authorizsed value is expected, what will apear in the table ? is it the content of the authorised_value field, or is it the content of the id field ? 15:07 atz not sure what you mean.... the authorsed_values table has a numerical primary key 15:08 |Lupin| yep 15:08 |Lupin| well 15:08 atz other tables typically use the "authorised_value" 15:08 |Lupin| assume you restrict a marc field to an authorized value field 15:08 |Lupin| ahah 15:09 |Lupin| atz: ok that's the answer I was looking for. 15:09 atz with the interface constraining the value to those available from a given category 15:09 |Lupin| atz: right 15:09 |Lupin| atz: and koha never has to go from an authorised_value to its primary kay ? 15:10 |Lupin| key 15:10 atz only when the key value itself is being updated, i think 15:11 atz not 100% sure on that 15:11 |Lupin| atz: ah I see, like if one wants to change the definition of one given value ? 15:11 atz that's what i'm thinking, yeay 15:12 atz *yeah 15:12 |Lupin| atz: ok. But then koha has to go through all the places where this value is used and update them ? 15:13 atz that does sound weird... i guess i don't know 15:14 |Lupin| atz: ok, sorry for bugging you 15:14 atz s'ok, sorry i'm not more help 15:16 |Lupin| atz: np ! just going through a dump to see whether I couldn't figure it out 15:22 |Lupin| couldn't find anything obvious in the database 15:36 |Lupin| cioa tutti 15:51 kf hm, i'm looking for the Koha-Logo to use on on my documentation sheets - the logo http://koha.org/about/logos/logos-for-download/?searchterm=logo reads free library system - the logo on fan stuff free library system und the logo used on login in my installation open-source integrated libary systems - i'm confused 15:51 kf ah, second is: open source library system, but there are three versions for the text 16:01 kf ok, nobody interested in logos ;) but I think you could get all versions and the green one on the old koha.org, now its only jpg and black and white :( 16:07 atz weird... feel free to use any of the current ones 16:09 kf I used "free library system" because I could download it from koha.org - would have preferred open source library systme, but cant get it - its on the cups and magnets 16:16 kf ok, time to go home - bye #koha 17:46 chris morning 18:08 pianohacker Good morning 18:09 pianohacker You're up early 18:09 chris yeah earlier than id like ... but not too bad 18:11 cait hi chris 18:11 cait thx for the logo! 18:13 chris no problemo 18:56 schuster wizzyrea around? 18:56 pianohacker schuster: Nope, doesn't seem to be around 18:56 pianohacker @seen wizzyrea 18:56 munin pianohacker: wizzyrea was last seen in #koha 3 days, 3 hours, 57 minutes, and 50 seconds ago: <wizzyrea> hey, it made me laugh :P 18:57 pianohacker Anything we can help you with? 18:57 schuster Drat. 18:57 schuster Just curious what version of Koha they were running in production before I have LibLime upgrade my production server. 18:57 chris you can usually tell by looking at the source schuster 18:58 schuster I can tell what I'm running, I was curious what they were running and if they have run into any particular "bugs" that were problematic. 18:58 chris ame="generator" content="Koha 3.0100037" 18:58 chris i mean the html source :) 18:59 schuster OK so you are smarter than me when it comes to this Koha stuff, but we've known that for a LONG time! 18:59 chris got that by viewing the source of http://nekls.kohalibrary.com/cgi-bin/koha/opac-search.pl?q=fish&kcs_submit=Search 19:01 chris its a handy trick when you are nosey like me :) 19:01 pianohacker schuster: My library is on the same version 19:01 pianohacker What about yours? 19:07 schuster My test system is now running 0100032 so that is what my production will upgrade to. 19:09 jdavidb I know how come they're getting that date calc error--it's trying to check in an item that was not due. 19:09 jdavidb rackum...sorry, folks...wrong window. 19:09 chris we have a whole wiki page for that at work jdavidb :) 19:10 jdavidb I'm sure. 19:10 pianohacker Does forgetting that you disabled your screensaver and typing your password into an IM window qualify? 19:10 chris yep 19:10 jdavidb Done that, too. 19:11 chris almost all of them involve needing to then change your password :) 19:11 pianohacker Heh 19:11 pianohacker In my case, it was at least someone I trusted (who didn't know it was my password) 19:11 pianohacker bash.org has a few examples of typing it into a busy channel (hate to be them) 19:13 joetho someone you trusted? 19:13 joetho hmmm. 19:16 joetho I have another reports question- this one is about patrons and circulation 19:17 pianohacker shoot 19:18 joetho to get a report on patrons who haven't checked anything out, i join to issues.issuedate with a WHERE issues.issuedate IS <01/01/01 -right? 19:18 joetho date syntax is probabbly wrong but I'll look it up[ 19:19 pianohacker I think there is a borrowers who haven't checked anything out canned reported 19:19 pianohacker *canned report 19:19 joetho doesn't work. 19:19 pianohacker Not very surprising 19:19 joetho that's what 'canned' means. 19:20 jdavidb If you join to issues, I don't think you'll get what you want. If a user hasn't checked anything out, then no issues point at their borrowernumber. 19:20 pianohacker SELECT borrowers.* FROM borrowers left join old_issues using (borrowernumber) where issues.issuedate is null; 19:20 pianohacker should do the trick 19:20 pianohacker It does have to be old_issues, since checkouts get moved there once they're returned 19:21 joetho ahh 19:21 joetho no wonder this was not making sense. 19:21 jdavidb pianohacker++ 19:21 joetho Yes. 19:22 joetho gotta run off to a meeting but I will try this later. 19:22 joetho The Colorado Kid rides back over the ridge 19:23 joetho searching for another town that needs some LAW 19:24 pianohacker Actually, mainly just for a town with a restaurant. It's 1:23, and I haven't had lunch yet 19:24 schuster jdavidb - thanks for the info earlier everything was there. 19:24 jdavidb Thought it would be, schuster. 19:24 paul_p hello US ! 19:25 pianohacker Hi, paul 19:25 paul_p lot of ppl here today. 19:25 paul_p 9PM in France. Nice weather in Marseille. and july 14th (holiday) tomorrow... 19:27 pianohacker Ahh, Bastille Day, yes 19:27 pianohacker Have any plans? 19:27 paul_p with my 4 boys, probably going to the beach (10mn by foot from my home. lucky me ;-) ) 19:28 pianohacker Very nice. 19:30 chris paul_p: same here ... but unfortunately it would be freezing at the beach today :) 19:30 paul_p hi chris ! No more sleeping ? 19:31 chris 7.30am .. getting kahu dressed and fed (at the feeding part now) 19:31 paul_p chris is a true geek: chatting even when eating... 19:31 chris and shout "Vive la Révolution!" 19:32 jwagner Allons enfants de la patrie (that's as much as I remember) 19:32 paul_p le jour de gloire est arrivé 19:33 jwagner Marchons, citoyens, formez vos batailles (apologies for spelling, it's remarkable what the mind dredges up when prompted) 19:34 jwagner I was a summer exchange student in France once -- was in Paris for 14 July. Fireworks were very nice :-) 19:34 paul_p "vos bataillons" (not bataille) a bataillon is a warrior group. "battaille" is the battle itself. 19:34 jwagner Hey, I said I'd forgotten most of my French by now :-) 19:34 paul_p lot of dancing parties outdoors too 19:34 paul_p jwagner: lol 19:37 chris whats the hymn? 19:37 jdavidb "God of our Fathers." 19:37 chris i never knew that 19:37 chris nz has 2 anthems (and one is sung in english and maori .. so kinda 3) 19:38 pianohacker jdavidb: I didn't know that either 19:38 jdavidb yep. My daughter's band director had a thang for that song, and so it got played at the football games, in addition to the anthem. 19:39 pianohacker Butchering the anthem is definitely a danger, though; "And the laaand, of the freeeeEE<erk>" 19:39 jwagner chris, one of the MAJOR drawbacks to being a baseball fan and going to live games (or watching them on television) is that you have to hear people who think they can sing try to sing the Star Spangled Banner. It's painful. I was at a game with a friend once -- we went to see a very good player who was going to retire at the end of the year. We speculated on how many times he'd had to listen to the song over his career and it came to 2-3 THOUSAND. 19:39 chris ouch! 19:39 jdavidb pianohacker: It happens all. the. time. 19:39 chris here we only have anthems at international events 19:39 jwagner And very few people can actually sing it well.... 19:39 chris if 2 nz teams are playing, no anthem 19:40 jdavidb It's not like it's that hard, as composed. But any embellishment you put on it just automatically sounds bad, because there's really no room for it. 19:40 paul_p in France, la marseillaise is only played for major finals 19:40 jwagner The tradition of singing it at baseball games goes back to World War I. Not sure if all the other sports go back that far, but it's sung at all the major pro sporting events. 19:40 ecorrado I also get to hear the Canadian anthem at a lot of the tracks in New York as well 19:41 pianohacker It does sound good on piano, though. Better than the vocal version, to my mind 19:41 pianohacker Hi, ecorrado 19:41 ecorrado hi pianohacker 19:42 jdavidb There's a fellow in Abilene who does it really well. He sings it tune-perfect, but throws the tempo out the window, when singing a capella. Takes his sweet time finishing, and if you're not on your feet cheering, you're probably deaf. 19:45 chris the nz one sounds horrible all the time (well IMHO) 19:47 chris http://www.mch.govt.nz/anthem/index.html 19:53 chris ok, off to work i go, via 'simply paris' to get some croissant :) 19:53 chris ttyl 19:53 jdavidb See ya, chris. 19:54 paul_p good day chris 20:37 chris back 20:38 jdavidb Chris, I think the NZ anthem is a lovely piece of music. :) 20:39 jdavidb Not trivially easy to sing, to be sure. 20:39 chris hehe, to each his own :) 20:40 jdavidb It helps, I think, to hear the first verse in Maori--since I don't speak it. Then I have to listen to the *music*. It's nice. 20:43 paul_p bye & good "bastille day" to everyone (even if it means nothing specific for you ;-) ) 20:43 pianohacker bye, you too 20:57 richard hi 20:57 chris heya richard 20:57 pianohacker richard: good morning 20:57 chris working from the lovely island bay today? 20:58 richard yep. my day of the week in wellington's costa del sol :) 20:58 chris :) 21:01 chris pianohacker: what do you use to read your mail? 21:01 pianohacker GMail 21:01 pianohacker you? 21:01 chris mutt 21:01 chris + offlineimap + buffycli 21:02 chris was gonna show you buffycli, which i love .. but if you use gmail it wont help :) 21:02 chris http://www.ohloh.net/p/buffycli 21:04 pianohacker This does look interesting, though I wish she had a gitweb up 21:05 chris ill ping her 21:13 joetho where is sekjal today? 21:13 chris at ala 21:13 chris in the liblime coming soon session 21:13 chris http://scls.typepad.com/link2koha/2009/07/liblimekoha-demonstrations-at-ala.html 21:13 joetho but of course. 21:14 joetho that explains my verrrrry interesting twit feed that I just noticed. 21:14 chris oh excellent my question was answered, it will be in 3.2 21:23 joetho hello nahuel 22:33 Jo morning 22:34 chris hi jo 22:39 Jo just sending an email reminder about Friday. 22:39 Jo no word on whether Catalyst might like to sponsor lunch for 12? $180 22:40 Jo if not no problem - its a cheap enough day anyway 22:41 chris i think its a no i havent been able to pigeonhole a director long enough to get an answer 22:42 Jo no worries 23:20 pianohacker bye 03:24 Amit hi chris, Jo 03:24 Amit Good morning #koha 03:29 Novice I would like to send an aotometic notification mail to book borower if h/she near to deadline 03:29 Novice can any one suggest me anything that how could i do that? 03:29 Novice i m learning koha.....not expart user 03:32 Amit hi novice 03:33 Novice hello amit 03:58 Amit heya brendan 03:59 brendan heya Amit 07:08 SelfishMan My eye is twitching from trying to fix the old "Cannot decode string with wide characters" in Encode.pm error 07:09 SelfishMan For future reference: pulling the latest XML::LibXML from cpan makes it all shiny and happy 07:11 SelfishMan I also pulled the latest Encode, XML::SAX and XML::Simple before that so that may be part of it 07:11 SelfishMan (in that order) 07:11 chris i had lunch with Grant who wrote XML::Simple and still maintains no one should actually use it :) 07:12 SelfishMan I say that about *all* my code 07:13 chris http://search.cpan.org/~grantm/XML-Simple-2.18/lib/XML/Simple.pm#WHERE_TO_FROM_HERE? 07:13 SelfishMan My standard warning starts with "If you are desperate enough to use this then seek immediate help. If you insist on continuing, read on..." 07:14 SelfishMan This has been haunting me on a single install in one location and it pops up at random times for what seem to be no reason. Personally, I blame OCLC. 07:14 chris http://search.cpan.org/~grantm/Encoding-FixLatin-1.00/ this is my current favourite module of his 07:14 chris it sounds like dubious encoding, something saying its utf8 when it isnt, or vice versa 07:16 SelfishMan Yeah, it certainly is and it looks like the bug has been lurking in koha installs since 2006 07:16 SelfishMan http://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=19367 07:17 chris yeah, using expat is documented 07:17 chris in the install file 07:19 chris at least in the INSTALL.debian one it is anyway 07:19 chris well, something to do with SAX and Expat :) 07:20 SelfishMan The expat thing didn't fix it though. I tested it after I upgraded every one of those modules and it filed until I updated XML::LibXML 07:20 SelfishMan Expat was the first thing I played with 07:20 chris yeah thats what it says actually 07:20 SelfishMan eh? 07:20 chris You must be sure you're using the XML::LibXML SAX parser, not Expat or PurePerl, both of which have outstanding bugs with pre-composed characters. 07:21 SelfishMan hmmm... 07:21 chris section 2.3 of INSTALL.debian 07:21 SelfishMan where was that file when I needed it ;-P 07:23 chris :) 07:23 SelfishMan I guess that means it is time for bed 07:24 chris hehe 08:51 slef http://scls.typepad.com/link2koha/2009/07/liblimekoha-demonstrations-at-ala.html is interesting, especially Joann Ransom's comment. Are LibLime aware of it? 08:55 chris the blog post, or jo's comment? 08:56 chris if its the former then yes, if its the latter, no idea :) 08:57 slef more about the comment... it reads like mild irritation that ALA conference-goers are knowing more than long-time koha community players, which I can understand, even if I suspect it may not be the case 08:58 slef marketing and truth aren't always best friends 08:58 chris *nod* 09:07 chris hi indradg 09:08 indradg chris, hi there :) 09:35 fredericd hi 09:35 fredericd Framework subfield definition 'hidden' seems not to work anymore. Has it worked at all? You can't control this way if a subfield is by default collapsed or expanded. 09:35 fredericd Can someone confirm? 09:36 fredericd (in biblio record editor) 10:31 greenmang0 indradg: hello 11:12 Amit hi galen, indradg 11:12 gmcharlt hi Amit 11:14 gmcharlt @later tell pianohacker I'll look into my notes about the skip-commit patch 11:14 munin gmcharlt: The operation succeeded. 11:42 Amit hi jwagner 11:46 gmcharlt hi jwagner