Time Nick Message 12:17 hdl_laptop gmcharlt: building release 12:22 gmcharlt hdl_laptop++ 13:45 brendan morning #koha 13:47 gmcharlt hi brendan 13:47 brendan good morning gmcharlt 13:47 brendan how's the weather there? are you getting all the rain new england has been getting? 13:48 gmcharlt not a drop 13:48 gmcharlt sunny day 13:50 brendan my parents in CT have had nothing but rain for about 3 solid weeks now 13:51 hdl_laptop gmcharlt: releasenotes for 300003.txt donot come into tarball ... 13:51 hdl_laptop Is it owed to manifest ? 13:51 hdl_laptop do I have to commit those ? 13:52 hdl_laptop first ? 13:52 gmcharlt commit the release notes first? probably 14:15 hdl_laptop gmcharlt: uploading the tarball 14:16 hdl_laptop gmcharlt: I donot have rights on the published path so I will ask you to mv it 14:17 hdl_laptop gmcharlt: about the suggestion of zeno to use koha-maintenance as a testing branch for 3.0.x I think I agree with him. 14:17 hdl_laptop we need a branch for testing before release and a branch. 14:19 hdl_laptop So maybe i should answer onlist that we will keep koha-maintenance with all candidate patches and then rebase koha official But no more direct patches integration on stable release. 14:19 hdl_laptop What is your opinion about it ? 14:32 hdl_laptop gmcharlt: upload terminated 14:33 gmcharlt better try again 14:35 hdl_laptop Do you mean I have to upload to a certain path ? 14:36 gmcharlt no, try the upload again - I assumed you meant that it just dropped the conection 14:36 gmcharlt in the middle of the upload 14:37 hdl_laptop Oh... No the upload is now over. 14:37 hdl_laptop it is in my userhome 14:38 gmcharlt ah, gotcha - "terminated" doesn't have quite the same meaning as "finished" 14:38 gmcharlt more of a connotation of "interrupted" 14:41 hdl_laptop I get it now. 14:41 gmcharlt hdl_laptop: ok, files transferred to the download directory 14:41 gmcharlt go ahead and tag the release and announce 14:42 hdl_laptop thx 16:03 rhcl_out gmcharlt: busy? 16:08 gmcharlt rhcl_out: what's up? 16:14 rhcl_out I noticed from the Liblime site that Maria Laude was working there now. She was our trainer when we went to Unicorn about five years ago. 16:14 rhcl_out Is she on chat at all? 16:14 gmcharlt not very often 16:14 rhcl_out She's a very good trainer, btw. 16:15 gmcharlt and a very good support rep for us 16:15 gmcharlt :) 16:15 rhcl_out Yea, I'm sure. 18:52 wizzyrea ah none of them are here, but good article from the NZ folks 18:52 wizzyrea :D 19:00 brendan wizzyrea++ 19:09 slef Bug 3301 19:09 munin 04Bug http://bugs.koha.org/cgi-bin/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=3301 enhancement, PATCH-Sent, ---, jmf@liblime.com, NEW, rebuild_zebra is slow 19:09 slef hi all :( 19:12 gmcharlt hi slef 19:30 wizzyrea slef: hiyas 20:39 wizzyrea now I'm wondering what I got +'d for 20:51 gmcharlt agreeing your comment regarding the C4L article, I assume 20:59 brendan yes wizzyrea -- for the comment about C$L article 20:59 brendan C4L 23:38 thd gmcharlt: are you present? 01:35 pianohacker Ahh, home again