Time Nick Message 11:56 Amit by galen have a nice weekend 11:20 Amit hi hdl 11:12 hdl_laptop here you are 11:09 gmcharlt true, but I think the patch can be improved slightly before it's submitted for HEAD and 3.0.x 11:08 hdl_laptop But my patch fixes the problem. 11:07 hdl_laptop No I had not 11:06 munin 04Bug http://bugs.koha.org/cgi-bin/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=3334 blocker, PATCH-Sent, ---, henridamien@koha-fr.org, NEW, circ/hold-transfer-slip.pl missing in 3.0.x release tarballs 11:06 gmcharlt hdl_laptop: did you see my comment for bug 3334? 11:06 hdl_laptop gmcharlt: ? 10:52 Elwell_ rememberthemilk. Nuff Said. 10:51 gmcharlt you know, you got a bad deal if you sold your soul for a TODO list ;) 10:51 gmcharlt heh 10:51 Elwell_ (guess who spent this morning hacking on a script rather than Real Work :-) 10:51 Elwell_ OK I'll stick it on the TODO_list_from_hell then 10:48 gmcharlt but would be interesting 10:48 gmcharlt I haven't done that sort of timeline analysis 10:47 gmcharlt there's still time, Elwell_ :) 10:47 Elwell_ showing which developers stay with a project and which (ahem, like me) chuck in a single patch and give up 10:46 Elwell_ feeling up for a challenge since I managed to produce http://andrewelwell.blogspot.com/2009/06/svn-stats-munging.html this morning 10:46 gmcharlt hdl_laptop: about? 10:46 gmcharlt Elwell_: concerning what? 10:46 Elwell_ right - has anyone done any developer analysis of the svn / git logs? 10:32 gmcharlt hi Amit 10:32 Amit hi galen 10:15 mahesh_c Hello Amit .. 10:14 davi hi Amit 10:14 mahesh_c Can i use koha with SSHA encrypted password (in ldap)? 10:13 Amit hello mahesh 10:13 mahesh_c Hello 10:11 Amit hi davi 09:40 davi__ hi 09:10 hdl_laptop hi chris 09:08 chris evening 08:15 Amit hi slef 08:01 slef Kivutar: yes, I read it. My comment was 20 minutes before you mentioned it, unless bugzilla's timezones have got me again :) 08:00 slef morning 06:39 nicomo 'morning all 06:39 nicomo hello Amit 06:38 Amit hi nicomo 06:32 brendan Good night #koha 06:08 Amit chris: DPL catalog is available is on hindi please select hindi languages 04:33 greenmang0 Amit: 04:32 Amit hi greenmang0 04:20 Jo well we are trying .. 04:14 brendan looks like chris is on top of it 04:13 brendan sorry Jo -- off on another computer 03:59 chris :) 03:59 chris see my message 03:59 Jo f i sent you privately the url and login and password etc to carnaby can you acces this? 03:59 Jo and still waiting 03:59 Jo and now we wait ... 03:59 chris yep 03:58 Jo and then continue 03:58 Jo i have to choose a make manufacture: i select epson. 03:58 Jo ok -0 this is driving me batty 03:56 chris try that 03:56 Jo (thats a clue yes?) 03:56 chris smb://CIRCASUS/EpsonT70 03:56 chris ahh 03:56 Amit sure i will come 03:56 Jo the spac to enter the devioce uri has smb preentered 03:56 Jo Hi 03:56 Amit hmm Jo 03:55 Jo Brendan and Amit are clever boys - come on lads - step up!) 03:55 Jo (we need a windows expert ... 03:55 Jo i think it might be lpd://CIRCASUS/EpsonT70 03:54 Jo socket://hostname:9100 03:54 Jo or socket://hostname 03:54 Jo or lpd://hostname/queue 03:54 Jo ipp://hostname/ipp/port1 03:54 Jo or ipp://hostname/ipp/ 03:54 Jo http://hostname:631/ipp/port1 03:54 Jo examples: http://hostname:631/ipp/ 03:54 Jo its giving examples of a format for the uri (using the samba option) 03:54 Jo no . 03:53 chris did it give you a queuename? 03:53 Jo just trying it again 03:53 Jo sure. 03:53 chris r 03:53 chris if it works it will try and print a page to the receipt printer .. which will waste a bunch of pape 03:53 chris actaully dont do that 03:52 chris is there an option to print a test? 03:52 chris sounds plausible 03:50 Jo its droppinmg me into an admin screen 03:47 chris you might not need it, you can often just pick the generic 03:47 Jo ok - i have that 03:47 chris yep like that 03:46 Jo like a driver file? 03:46 chris its the printer description file 03:46 Jo whats a PPD file? 03:45 Jo yep me too 03:45 chris im thinking \\CIRCASUS\EpsonT70 03:44 chris then its likely to be SAMBA 03:44 Jo now it wants a device uri 03:44 chris if you can see it from your windows machine 03:44 chris yeah 03:44 Jo probably the latter 03:43 Jo or it could be a windows printer or SAMBA 03:43 chris worth a crack 03:43 Jo i'm picking its an lpd/lpr host or printer 03:43 Jo its asking what kind of device 03:43 Jo yep - copying that one now. 03:42 Amit heya brendan 03:42 brendan heya amit, jo, chris 03:42 chris can you see how the old leviss one is set up? 03:41 chris well rightish :) 03:41 chris i think the path you had above looks right 03:40 Jo i'm looking at the pattern for the other printers to see the pattern 03:39 chris and then add that queue to koha 03:39 chris for that printer 03:39 chris but yes, you might be able to make a new queue there 03:39 Jo realised after i hit enter that that was dum thing to do 03:39 Jo phew ... 03:39 Jo ok 03:39 chris only ppl on your lan can see that 03:39 Jo lol 03:39 chris i cant :) 03:39 Jo yes i can 03:38 chris thats an internal ip 03:38 chris cant see that 03:38 Jo (we should off channel :) 03:38 Jo is that the kind of thing it should look like 03:38 Jo 03:38 chris so you can add printers to it? 03:38 Jo i can access the print queue from my desktop 03:38 chris yep 03:38 Jo but he's just a new baby girl ;) 03:37 chris and then that is what goes there 03:37 Jo i thought so .. 03:37 chris and tell you what the queue is called 03:37 chris you might need si to set up a printqueue for it 03:37 Jo so is the path:CIRCASUS/EpsonT70 03:37 chris hmmm 03:37 Jo the printer sharename is EpsonT70 03:37 Jo the pc is called CIRCASUS 03:36 Jo no yet 03:35 chris did it work/ 03:33 Jo Thanks for helping) 03:32 chris righto 03:32 Jo may have to add new i think .. 03:32 chris yeah try that 03:32 Jo so edit levin issues 03:32 chris or add a new one 03:32 Jo so i need to add a new one 03:31 chris you need to change that to whatever the new one is called 03:31 Jo yep. 03:31 chris the old one used to be called leviss 03:31 Jo and the list of printers. 03:31 Jo i see that url 03:31 chris if you can it will be the name .. see that url? 03:31 chris or to the laser printer? 03:31 Jo ah cool. 03:31 chris the same way you can to say the returns one? 03:31 chris can you print to it from the workroom 03:30 Jo (not sure i understand what you are telling me sorry :) 03:30 chris ahh no it needs to be set up in the printqueue 03:29 chris if so you go to http://koha.library.org.nz/cgi-bin/koha/admin/printers.pl 03:29 Jo (was supposed to be a newtork printer with an ethernet jack but turns out not to have one) 03:29 Jo so its share name? 03:29 Jo its a local printer on the new circ box. 03:29 chris do you know the name of its print queue? 03:29 Jo the bit i can't do is get koha circ module to print to the new printer. 03:28 chris right 03:28 Jo i have the epson printer attached to the new circ box, it prints fine, and is shared on the network. 03:28 Jo day before baby was born 03:28 chris cool 03:28 Jo yep. 03:28 Jo after discussing it with si, i got a new aaa box with xp on it, and a new epson receipt printer. 03:28 chris stink, hardware fail? 03:27 Jo our issues/circ linux box died. 03:27 chris yep 03:27 Jo hey can i ask yuou a question about koha? 03:27 chris hi Jo 03:27 chris could go either way 03:26 Jo Hi Chris 03:26 Jo Hi Amit 03:25 Amit chris: what about today match Srilanka vs WI 03:25 chris :-) 03:22 Amit chris: Cong! south africa out of T-20 world cup 03:22 Amit hi chris, Jo, mason 02:52 pianohacker good night 00:08 vedran :) 00:08 vedran cya 00:08 pianohacker Cool 00:08 vedran pianohacker: great :)) it is 2.00 AM here so I will go to sleep , but I will be back here these days. :)) 00:07 pianohacker *for , rather 00:07 pianohacker Hey, that's what we're here fore 00:06 vedran pianohacker: I will these days start to learn how to use KOha and probably from time to time ask questions here. I hope this is OK. 00:02 pianohacker good 00:02 vedran pianohacker: teh second installation went smooth. I use opensuse 11.0 and it went very well :) 00:01 pianohacker Ah very nice 23:57 vedran SirStan: I installed Koha on my laptop too so I can present it on various workshops :)) 22:52 vedran SirStan: ok, it works somehow 22:48 SirStan use a different source/ 22:19 vedran I have difficulties reaching cpan.cpantesters.org during installation. does anyone have teh same issue right now. any advise? 21:14 gmcharlt bbl 21:08 vedran pianohacker: have a nice time :) 21:04 pianohacker bbl, weekly library trip 20:43 maja pianohaker: I am now from other computer with nick vedran. I will part as "maja" but I wil stay here 20:33 hdl_laptop utf8::SWASHNEW : marc has a way to come around this. 20:32 pianohacker utf8/xml parsing seem to be the only two remaining large items 20:32 pianohacker You've definitely knocked out the major ones 20:28 SirStan chris: http://vtwireless.com/nytprof/ << opac-main.pl, 3.00.02 stock w/ our mods. 20:26 pianohacker >:) 20:26 pianohacker Well, if I had a macbook, of course that's what I would mean 20:25 SirStan of course.. by windows xp.. you mean... inside parallels on your macbook 20:25 SirStan ooooh. 20:25 pianohacker windows xp -> vmware -> linux -> _wine_ -> java -> jython 20:25 SirStan srsly. 20:25 pianohacker Bah 20:23 Elwell_ maja: virtual machines are wonderful for that 20:21 maja pianohacker: I will install KOha on my laptop for the sake of exercise ande being able to study it more while I am not in teh school 20:14 pianohacker cool. Gotta promote the website 20:13 maja pianohacker: yes, indeed 20:13 pianohacker Cool. Have you seen http://koha.org/ ? Lots of documentation and links to demos and libraries already using Koha 20:12 maja pianohacker: I logged in teh system. I guess I need to study documentation. But I will fiorstly install it on my laptop so I can study it a bit more 20:12 pianohacker I made a syspref mutator (C4::Context->set_preference) as part of my new sysprefs editor (in progress) that would be useful in that memoizing work 20:11 chris ok, now i really have to make some breakfast before kahu gets mad :) 20:10 chris but i think C4::Context might be a target for some memoizing 20:10 pianohacker maja: Okay, cool. Just wanted to check, minor security problem. 20:10 chris there will be specific hogs, for specific pages, that we can tackle next 20:10 maja pianohacker: I used mine that I defined fro teh user and databse, in some cases it was default 20:10 chris SirStan: i went for that one, since it is used on everypage 20:09 pianohacker maja: Very nice! Did you use the default password during the install ? 20:08 SirStan chris: 28% faster. you got the big one. (26% faster with your one chaneg) 20:08 maja pianohacker: yes, it owrks so well so far. Koha will be library system for the Anglo American School. http://www.angloamericanschool.net 20:07 SirStan timing now. 20:07 SirStan down to ~15 queries (from 200+) 20:07 SirStan cut & paste of your code with a diffrent temp file 20:06 SirStan chris yea.. langues_get_description and GetAllLanguages 20:06 chris (different files of course) 20:06 chris SirStan: caching to files also? 20:06 pianohacker maja: Cool. The password will be at the bottom of your koha-conf.xml 20:06 maja pianohacker: thanks, it works, congratulkations, I am looking for password now 20:04 SirStan chris: i tossed three more memoize staements in 20:04 pianohacker maja: try changing <VirtualHost> to <VirtualHost> 20:03 chris and ill go make my son breakfast 20:03 chris could you run the profiler and see what subroutine is the slow one in the languages module now? 20:03 maja pianohacker: http://pastebin.ca/1465268 20:02 chris could well be 20:01 SirStan in the same file 20:01 SirStan so there must be another place to memoize. 20:00 SirStan well -- it probably cuts them in half. 20:00 SirStan chris: oddly.. no 20:00 pianohacker Often, the opac will be at, say, http://localhost/ and the staff client will be at http://localhost:8080/ 19:59 pianohacker maja: Do you have the same port in both sections? 19:59 SirStan chris : one sec 19:59 maja SirStan: I have the same IP in teh both VirtualHost ections and I guess that is an issue. I get maintenance.pl, buT I dont have installer started. any advise? 19:59 chris does it drop the number of mysql queries? 19:59 chris SirStan: yeah so i reckon we just memoize the bottlenecks, at least the ones it is safe to do so 19:57 SirStan maja: remove your default vhost file 19:57 maja pianohacker: I see only :"It works!" but it does not redirect me anywhere 19:57 SirStan http://vtwireless.com/koha/memoize.html 19:55 chris so i think its worth continuing on the memoize path (did you see fredericd's results) 19:55 SirStan ill post before|after timings 19:55 SirStan one sec 19:55 chris sweet 19:55 SirStan I ran 100 queries, 5 concurrent users. 19:55 chris just for kicks please 19:55 chris try running it again SirStan 19:55 pianohacker maja: What does it do? 19:54 chris cool, thats worth doing properly then 19:54 maja pianohacker: When I want to start installation it does not redirect me to installer.pl file. any advise 19:54 SirStan 27% performance gain 19:54 SirStan Time per request: 5600.573 [ms] (mean) -> 4128.802 [ms] (mean) 19:52 chris but in reallife i will probably use memcached, then i can use different caching namespaces, so multiple koha's dont fight over a file 19:52 chris ahh, yeah i used MLDBM because it can serialise objects 19:52 pianohacker Hahahaha 19:52 SirStan the error comes up 500% faster than the results diod though 19:51 SirStan I didnt have MLDBM 19:51 SirStan chris: just kidding. 19:51 chris SirStan: awesome :-) 19:51 chris http://lists.koha.org/pipermail/koha-patches/2009-June/003771.html 19:51 SirStan chris: 500% gain 19:51 pianohacker maja: Cool 19:50 maja pianohacker: thanks, I corrected it works 19:50 chris fredericd has been doing some good work with that 19:49 chris which actually is very useful in a lot of places in koha 19:49 chris by default, memoize caches to memory, so it expires when the script ends 19:49 chris (to provide persistence and expiration) 19:48 chris the real patch would probably use Memoize::Expire and Memoize::Memcached 19:48 maja SirStan: Ok, thanks, just a second 19:48 pianohacker maja: Is that Listen 8080 inside the <VirtualHost> block? It needs to be before it 19:48 chris this is just a test 19:48 chris it gives you the result, rahter than re executing the function 19:47 chris and when you call the function with the same arguments 19:47 chris yep 19:47 SirStan chris: so somehow memoize maps itself infront of the called function? 19:47 chris SirStan: you can tell it to expire 19:46 SirStan maja: can you please pastebin the exact errors. 19:46 maja SirStan: for example it says that there is syntax error on line 7 in koha-httpd.conf where I put Listen 8080 as it was requested 19:46 SirStan chris: how does Memoize know when the cache is dirty? 19:45 SirStan maja: what is the error message (exactly)? 19:45 chris (i have all the languages enabled tho, so your mileage may vary (i was testing it on the koha i use for testing translations)) 19:45 maja SirStan: yes, of course 19:44 SirStan pre-benchmarking 19:44 SirStan chris: doing so now! 19:44 chris SirStan: it almost halved the execute time, so you might want to try it out 19:43 SirStan maja: do you have mod_rewrite enabled? 19:43 chris http://koha.pastebin.com/m54d62fb6 19:43 maja SirStan: I am modifying koha-httpd.conf according to instructions but I cannot restart apache since it always says that modeule rewriet is not there although there is word reqrite in apache modules section 19:42 chris 2 secs 19:42 SirStan no! 19:42 chris did you see the pastebin thing i did? 19:42 SirStan chris: I turned on mysql logging -- an this is the query log for a single hit to the opac -- http://vtwireless.com/mysql.log 19:42 chris yep 19:41 SirStan chris: remember I was bitching about the language modules loading slowly yesterday? 19:41 chris yep im semi here, sup SirStan ? 19:41 SirStan maja: ask away. 19:41 SirStan no queston; added info. 19:41 maja I am installing Koha on opensuse 11.0 . I have some issues . can anyone help? 19:41 pianohacker ah 19:41 SirStan pianohacker: i wanted to follow up with something from yesterday. 19:40 liz chris: it has some advantages over colloquy, that's for sure 19:40 pianohacker SirStan: He might be busy - could I help you with something? 19:39 SirStan hey chris -- you around? 19:38 liz I think I like it 19:37 chris how are you liking quassel liz? 19:03 pianohacker working_at_home++ 19:02 joetho slaving away in these windowless dungeons has predictable results. 19:01 pianohacker good mornafternooning 19:01 joetho afternoon 19:00 chris morning 17:41 pianohacker schuster: He mentioned debian, so I think he's going that route 17:36 atz so i feel a bit out of place revising it when my focus is really on SIP, even if the code was begging for it 17:36 atz it's ok, i just know how central returns is to real operation 17:35 gmcharlt atz: I'll take a look, but don't expect to get to until the evening 17:28 atz i think i dealt w/ all the messy conditionals (outside SIP) 17:27 atz gmcharlt: would appreciate any thoughts on patchset for returns 17:19 schuster Oh shucks I was going to remind saintmike - there isn't a windows version is there? 17:17 saintmike pianohacker : thanx again....... 17:10 pianohacker liblime/liblime 17:09 saintmike what's the default username and password for this demo? 17:08 pianohacker http://koha.org has links to documentation, and live OPACs for many libraries running Koha; good resource 17:07 pianohacker saintmike: Not a problem. Good luck 17:07 saintmike pianohacker : thanx... 17:07 pianohacker /nick my_new_screen_name 17:07 joetho hmmm, how to change screennames in irc...? 17:06 joetho I was hoping you had forgotten that. 17:06 pianohacker joetho: Don't get any ideas, mr. rubber cheesecake 17:06 joetho heh heh heh 17:06 joetho you are so obedient, pno 17:05 pianohacker saintmike: http://liblime.com/demos 17:05 joetho liblime demo? 17:04 saintmike pianohacker : is there a link where i can see the interface for 3.0.2? 17:03 joetho as relates to local item information in a koha marc record 17:02 pianohacker joetho: Presumably, items on a virtual shelf, but what are you quoting? 17:02 joetho what exactly are "virtual shelf entries"? 17:02 pianohacker Also http://koha.org/news/koha-version-3-released 17:01 pianohacker http://wiki.koha.org/doku.php?id=22_to_30 17:01 pianohacker Yes 17:01 saintmike can i import the existing database which is from 2.2.8 to 3.0.2? 16:59 pianohacker Nicer looking interface 16:59 pianohacker Many, many new features, not to mention bugfixes 16:59 saintmike okay...may i ask what is the difference between 2.2.8 and 3.0.2? 16:57 pianohacker 3.0.2 is much more pleasant 16:57 pianohacker It should be, though there's no reason to use 2.2.9 on a non-windows system 16:55 saintmike would this feature still available in version 2.2.8 in debian OSes? 16:55 saintmike there is a folder icon on the right side and i clicked it...i think i got it... 16:52 pianohacker Okay then. Let me figure out how you would do that on 2.2.9 16:52 saintmike well im using koha229 for windows? 16:50 pianohacker Then, click on the blue edit link for the item in question (I'm assuming you're on Koha 3.0; are you on 2.2?) 16:50 pianohacker Okay, so from the "Normal" (detail.pl) page, click on Edit, then Edit items 16:49 pianohacker One sec 16:49 saintmike do you mean the "Edit biblio" button? 16:47 pianohacker Sorry for the misunderstanding 16:47 pianohacker Ahh, okay. Then all you have to do is click the edit link at the far left 16:47 saintmike id like to edit existing items... 16:47 pianohacker saintmike: Are you trying to create new items, or edit existing ones? 16:46 saintmike pianohacker : cause i wanted to fill the details of additem.pl page so that it would be easier to alter what is necessary...i would not want to rewrite every details, that should not be altered... 16:43 pianohacker You might try looking for a related bug on http://bugs.koha.org/ , voting for it if there is one, or creating one if there isn't 16:42 pianohacker It's kind of annoying that you have to fill in, say, the homebranch for every single item, even when they're all entered together 16:42 pianohacker saintmike: No, there isn't 16:41 saintmike hi im new to koha and i wanted to know if there is a way to automatically populate the additem.pl page if i initially came from detail.pl page... 16:39 danny ah, glad I could help, it was something I was trying to figure out as well :) 16:37 schuster danny - Thanks for the more I was sitting here wondering how to get that! Too bad it doesn't have the indicator information too! 16:33 Snow_Fox <- nooberific 16:33 Snow_Fox nm 16:33 Snow_Fox oh wait 16:32 Snow_Fox is it me or is munin missing a few characters 16:28 munin SirStan: unknown tag 952 16:28 SirStan @marc 952 16:27 munin danny: downloading the Perl source 16:27 danny munin++ very cool 16:27 munin danny: [a,b,c,d,f,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,2,3,6,8] 16:27 danny @more 16:27 munin danny: The information needed to locate and access an electronic resource. The field may be used in a bibliographic record for a resource when that resource or a subset of it is available electronically. In addition, it may be used to locate and access an electronic version of a non-electronic resource described in the bibliographic record or a related electronic resource. (Repeatable) (1 more message) 16:27 danny @marc 856 16:26 munin danny: Error: That's all, there is no more. 16:26 danny @more 16:23 munin schuster: The information needed to locate and access an electronic resource. The field may be used in a bibliographic record for a resource when that resource or a subset of it is available electronically. In addition, it may be used to locate and access an electronic version of a non-electronic resource described in the bibliographic record or a related electronic resource. (Repeatable) (1 more message) 16:23 schuster @marc 856 16:23 schuster Hey that MARC thing is way cool! 16:21 SirStan chris: around? 16:12 kf bye #koha - off from work for 1 week now :) 16:10 munin kf: Lake Constance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lake_Constance>; Lake constance travel guide: <http://www.world66.com/europe/germany/badenwrttemberg/lakeconstance>; Lake Constance (lake, Europe) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia: <http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/133720/Lake-Constance>; Lake of Constance Holidays and Hotel Information: (2 more messages) 16:10 kf @google lake of constance 16:08 kf very cool 16:08 munin kf: The control number assigned by the organization creating, using, or distributing the record. The MARC code for the organization is contained in field 003 (Control Number Identifier). [] 16:08 kf @marc 001 16:07 Sharon http://www.oclc.org/bibformats/es/0xx/080.shtm 16:06 munin danny: Title 16:06 danny @marc 245 a 16:05 munin danny: unknown field/subfield combination (080/a) 16:05 danny @marc 080 a 15:57 munin eb_inLibro: A number taken from the Universal Decimal Classification scheme. (Repeatable) [] 15:57 eb_inLibro @marc 080 15:57 munin eb_inLibro: unknown tag 080a 15:57 eb_inLibro @marc 080a 15:55 danny thats very cool 15:55 munin danny: The title and statement of responsibility area of the bibliographic description of a work. [a,b,c,f,g,h,k,n,p,s,6,8] 15:55 danny @marc 245 15:51 munin gmcharlt: HTTP Error 501 Not implemented Explained: <http://www.checkupdown.com/status/E501.html>; HTTP/1.1: Status Code Definitions: <http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html>; How to solve HTTP 501/ HTTP 505 error ? - Yahoo! Answers India: <http://in.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080921235411AAagdpx>; HTTP 501 – Status Code Definition definition - SEO (1 more message) 15:51 gmcharlt @google HTTP 501 15:48 wizzyrea but that's wild speculation 15:48 wizzyrea so I wonder if it's something to do with all the dots 15:48 wizzyrea addresses 15:48 wizzyrea the ones that are sending via the default address *seem* to be @lib.ks.us 15:47 wizzyrea the messages come* that is 15:47 wizzyrea some libraries with defined email addresses come from the default address 15:47 wizzyrea no, by not work I mean 15:47 wizzyrea but at quick glance it *appears* to be the case 15:47 joetho "some work and some don't" sounds like a smtp problem 15:47 wizzyrea (I mean, this is kind of anecdotal, hard evidence I don't have) 15:46 wizzyrea instead of @something.com 15:46 wizzyrea is that the libraries in question have blah@something.lib.ks.us addresses 15:46 joetho wizzy and I should compare how that works when you have indep branches turned on (me) and off (wizzy) 15:45 wizzyrea the only thing that I can see wouold be different 15:45 wizzyrea (is the only one I have evidence for, currently) 15:44 wizzyrea well overdues, specifically 15:44 pianohacker Is it not working for some kinds of notices, or for all of them 15:43 wizzyrea right, but in some of our libraries it is set, but not working... hm 15:43 pianohacker wizzyrea: You should also be able to set it per-library, in the libraries and groups screen 15:43 wizzyrea that notices get sent from? 15:43 wizzyrea is there only one place to set the outgoing email address for an entire koha system? 15:43 SirStan :) 15:39 gmcharlt SirStan: feel free to send a patch 15:39 SirStan silently failing is horrible 15:38 SirStan doesnt produce any usable errors/notiecs 15:38 SirStan he one that comes with koha 15:38 pianohacker The one packaged with Koha, or the one that comes with the package? 15:38 SirStan the zebra startup script needs to be fixed quite a bit 15:35 SirStan god no 15:35 SirStan its idzebra-2.0 now 15:35 pianohacker SirStan: It might be easier to install from source 15:35 SirStan ah.. 15:35 SirStan im using indexdata.. 15:35 SirStan Get:3 http://ftp.indexdata.dk hardy Release [3454B] 15:34 SirStan one sec 15:34 pianohacker Ack, it disappeared from the repo? 15:34 SirStan i wrote the Ubuntu install docs on the wiki. 15:34 pianohacker atz: returns are never simple; I remember trying to duplicate returns functionality in AJAX before eventually just giving up and showing a popup window 15:34 SirStan pianohacker; there used to be :( 15:33 atz i'm cleaning returns code now... for what should have been a simple thing 15:32 pianohacker Okay. I believe there is a package you can install (you can find it with apt-cache search zebra) 15:31 SirStan ubuntu 15:31 pianohacker SirStan: What distro are you on? 15:31 SirStan so - how does one -- install it 15:31 SirStan ah i didnt. 15:31 pianohacker How did you install zebra? 15:30 pianohacker Huh 15:30 SirStan cmd not found. 15:30 pianohacker That'll run it in the foreground, with the correct privileges 15:29 pianohacker SirStan: Try running sudo -u koha zebrasrv -f <path to koha-conf.xml> 15:29 SirStan nothing occurs.. no process.. no logs.. nothing 15:29 Snow_Fox heh 15:28 munin wizzyrea: The operation succeeded. Quote #7 added. 15:28 wizzyrea @quote add Snow_Fox: a rift opens in space the information is shuffled to dev_hyperspace rift then closes 15:27 Snow_Fox :-P 15:27 Snow_Fox a rift opens in space the information is shuffled to dev_hypersapce rift then closes 15:27 SirStan n 15:27 pianohacker It should; does ps ax | grep zebrasrv show anything ? 15:27 SirStan a process rns in the background .. anyting? 15:27 SirStan shouldnt something happen? 15:27 SirStan when i run koha-zebra-daemon start 15:22 kf using rebuild_zebra.pl 15:22 kf perhaps you have to reindex 15:22 kf g 15:16 SirStan i say that -- but now my searches arent working 15:15 pianohacker Oh, cool 15:14 SirStan impresive 15:14 SirStan i mean -- i typed 5 commands, one syspref, and zebra is running. 15:14 pianohacker that its just working 15:13 SirStan How do I mean what 15:05 pianohacker SirStan: How do you mean? 15:05 pianohacker There might not be a syspref 15:04 pianohacker kf: You might be right 15:04 kf perhaps its somewhere else 15:03 kf I think faceted search cant be turned off - at least there is no syspref in searching 15:00 SirStan its just working. 15:00 pianohacker Just disable the NoZebra syspref on the Cataloguing tab 15:00 SirStan oh wow. 14:59 wizzyrea there is a syspref iirc 14:59 pianohacker SirStan: It's easy to switch 14:59 SirStan i installed zebra-- but i thought when i installed koha i said 'dont use zebra' 14:59 kf no option, its just there, but perhaps only with zebra 14:59 pianohacker SirStan: Mainly, just install Zebra and index your database 14:58 SirStan pianohacker: is there an easy roadmap to go from nozebra to zebra? 14:58 pianohacker SirStan: I believe there's a Facets option under the Searching tab in Global System Preferences (though you'll need Zebra for it to work) 14:57 gmcharlt pianohacker: indeed 14:57 Snow_Fox he is kinda inhabiting that atm 14:57 pianohacker gmcharlt: beetlejuice? 14:57 Snow_Fox www.userfriendly.org 14:56 pianohacker Even the returns screen that _works_ is a twisted nightmare 14:56 SirStan how do I enable a fasceted search on the side of the koha search ersults window? 14:55 gmcharlt ... 14:55 gmcharlt hastur 14:55 gmcharlt hastur 14:55 wizzyrea don't say that! 14:55 wizzyrea >.< 14:55 pianohacker Oh god the returns code 14:55 wizzyrea :) 14:55 wizzyrea hence, aspirin 14:55 wizzyrea ewps 14:55 wizzyrea but not trap holds 14:55 wizzyrea (invisibly) 14:55 wizzyrea it will transfer items home 14:54 wizzyrea we just discovered that "return all" from moremember doesn't trigger holds 14:52 kf lol 14:52 wizzyrea lol 14:52 wizzyrea yes, that's the one I was looking for 14:51 munin wizzyrea: Quote #6: "gmcharlt: kf: hold requests are a plot to sell more aspirin ;)" (added by wizzyrea at 04:13 PM, June 16, 2009) 14:51 wizzyrea @quote get 6 14:51 munin wizzyrea: Error: There is no Quote with id #7 in my database for #koha. 14:51 wizzyrea @quote get 7 14:51 munin wizzyrea: Quote #5: "<jwagner> Why is it every Koha rock I turn over produces a zillion (metaphorical) ants, each with a new question????" (added by kf at 01:13 PM, June 12, 2009) 14:51 wizzyrea @quote get 5 14:51 wizzyrea AH thanks 14:51 munin pianohacker: Quote #3: "< bignose-work> the only constant in climate over the next several decades will be that the climate doesn't match what you just got used to." (added by chris at 01:55 AM, June 12, 2009) 14:51 pianohacker @quote get 3 14:50 munin wizzyrea: I suck 14:50 wizzyrea @quote 3 14:50 munin wizzyrea: Quote #1: "<pianohacker> resolve, rather, I doubt it needs lotion" (added by gmcharlt at 03:05 AM, May 31, 2009) 14:50 wizzyrea @quote random 14:50 munin wizzyrea: I'll give you the answer as soon as RDA is ready 14:50 wizzyrea @quote 13:51 munin 04Bug 3144: normal, P5, ---, jeanandre.santoni@biblibre.com, NEW, anti-spam for opac-suggestions 13:51 Kivutar slef: have you read my comment on http://bugs.koha.org/cgi-bin/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=3144 ? 13:13 SirStan are there docs on how to moev from nozebra to zebra?