Time Nick Message 12:00 chris i have no idea :) 12:01 jwagner Good night, and pleasant dreams of Footrot Flats! 12:46 magnusenger Using Colloquy on MacOS X, /away doesn't seem to work. Anyone have any experience with that? 13:11 slef coo... TTLLP software.coop now a local phone call in over 300 cities worldwide 13:13 slef or maybe it's only over 200 13:16 hdl_laptop SIP phone ? 13:16 slef yep 13:17 slef only +33-1-79-99-79-99,*261-822-3595# in France 13:18 hdl_laptop so you have asterisk infrastructure ? 13:18 slef we do, but this doesn't use it 14:42 wizzyrea_away @karma 14:42 munin wizzyrea_away: Highest karma: "paul_p" (50), "hdl_laptop" (39), and "chris" (29). Lowest karma: "savannah" (-3), "encoding" (-3), and "ie" (-2). 14:42 wizzyrea_away aw, paul's winning 14:42 wizzyrea_away I think the french are cheating 14:42 wizzyrea_away :D 14:43 hdl_laptop strange that gmcharlt is not in. 14:43 wizzyrea_away I think he's traveling? 14:43 hdl_laptop in karma i meant 14:43 danny @karma gmcharlt 14:43 munin danny: Karma for "gmcharlt" has been increased 22 times and decreased 0 times for a total karma of 22. 14:43 hdl_laptop @karma atz 14:43 munin hdl_laptop: Karma for "atz" has been increased 17 times and decreased 0 times for a total karma of 17. 14:44 wizzyrea hehe 14:44 wizzyrea i have like, 2 14:44 wizzyrea :) 14:44 hdl_laptop which period of time has it taken into account ? 14:44 wizzyrea not sure 14:44 atz wizzyrea: yeah, galen should be in columbus today 14:45 atz or en route anyway (a few storms here) 14:45 wizzyrea yea, we had those storms last night 14:46 ccurry We're testing Koha for a rollout alongside XTF. We'll be using Koha for our printed materials and XTF for our manuscript collections. We'll plan to use Aeon for manuscripts paging in our reading room. Since we don't want to have two separate circulation systems, we plan to try Aeon with Koha as well. Anyone have experience using the two together? Is it possible to disable the circulation syst 14:46 ccurry em in Koha, or do I just have to edit the templates to remove circulation functionality from the public face? 14:47 atz ccurry: the circulation only happens on the staff side 14:48 ccurry I'm referring to the buttons for requesting items from the Koha OPAC 14:48 atz otherwise, you can control the "availability" with normal circ type parameters (not for loan, not for reserve) 14:49 atz and you can disable reserves altogether via sysprefs 14:49 ccurry awesome...I thought I might be able to do that, but I couldn't find the right preference. Thanks...I'll look harder. 14:50 ccurry @karma atz 14:50 munin ccurry: Karma for "atz" has been increased 17 times and decreased 0 times for a total karma of 17. 14:51 ccurry atz+ 14:51 ccurry obviously, I don't know the syntax for doing that... 14:51 danny atz++ 14:51 danny @karma atz 14:51 munin danny: Karma for "atz" has been increased 18 times and decreased 0 times for a total karma of 18. 14:51 atz heh, thx danny 14:51 ccurry atz++ 14:52 danny hehe just two ++ and you will add karma, thats it 14:52 ccurry @karma atz 14:52 munin ccurry: Karma for "atz" has been increased 19 times and decreased 0 times for a total karma of 19. 14:52 ccurry thanks 14:53 atz ccurry: the syspref is "RequestOnOpac" 14:54 ccurry thanks 14:54 slef wizzyrea: did you get my fdl link? 15:14 wizzyrea hmm.. no 15:14 wizzyrea but I would like it :) 15:15 wizzyrea oh, I scrolled back... found it 15:15 wizzyrea ...reading 15:30 wizzyrea so slef: if you leave of the -nc of CC license, and only use -by and -sa from the 3.0 licenses... what's the problem there? 15:31 wizzyrea (I see why nc is problematic in terms of koha... plenty of commercial peeps need to be able to use the docs) 15:32 wizzyrea I just (probably ignorantly) think the gpl is for software, and would like a license that covers multimedia 15:32 wizzyrea everything I've seen negative about CC is based on the 2.0 licensing scheme 15:37 wizzyrea In contrast to the CC-SA 2.0 license, version 3.0 is considered to be compatible to the DFSG.[13] 15:37 wizzyrea (wikipedia) 15:48 slef wizzyrea: CC's main problem is being long and ambiguous 15:48 slef wizzyrea: it might ban DRM/TPM media but no-one seems sure about that 15:48 Fox-Workin hello all 15:50 slef hello Fox-Workin, who are you? :) 15:50 Fox-Workin well im a tech speciliest out of kansas trying to catch up on a few things 15:50 Fox-Workin Koha being one of them 15:51 slef pleased to meet you. I'm a software.coop worker who should be hacking koha but is spending too much time managing stuff today. 15:51 Fox-Workin ah 15:51 Fox-Workin im a bit of a new hire and its my job to over see koha when its implimented 15:52 slef Who's supplying it, if you don't mind me asking? 15:52 Fox-Workin thats a good question :-P 15:52 slef or is it an in-house task? 15:52 Fox-Workin our support is liblime i belive 15:54 slef erm, why is Kansas City in Missouri, or am I not reading this map? 15:55 Fox-Workin heh 15:55 Fox-Workin Kansas City is in missouri but its also in kansas 15:55 Fox-Workin it was founded on the missouri side of the river 15:55 slef city fathers love swimming 15:56 Fox-Workin im in Salina myself 15:58 Fox-Workin system seems pretty streight forward 15:58 Fox-Workin at least in usability for the users 15:59 Fox-Workin whats the admin side aspect like? 15:59 slef remember - this is recorded and may be used against you later ;-) 15:59 Fox-Workin imagine me noobie green 16:00 Fox-Workin im a network tech thrown into the middle of this :-P 16:10 jatillaso hello 16:11 pianohacker hi 16:11 jatillaso i have a problem with mod_perl under apache2 16:11 jatillaso configurated with perlRun 16:12 jatillaso anyone has koha under mod_perl with ModPerl::PerlRun ?? 16:13 jatillaso laurence, are you Henry Laurence? 16:14 laurence jatillaso no I am Laurence Lefaucheur :) 16:15 jatillaso ahhh 16:16 pianohacker jatillaso: Koha currently has a few oddities in its code that prevent it from working well with mod_perl (circular dependencies, for one) 16:16 pianohacker Given the speed boost, though, I'd be interested in hearing what problems you're having 16:16 jatillaso i tried to run mod_perl with perl registry 16:17 jatillaso but i had a lot of problems with 500 errors 16:17 jatillaso but under PerlRun, i dont have error like those error 500 16:18 pianohacker What kind of errors do you have? 16:18 jatillaso now, in our apache logs, we saw a lot of warnings like 16:18 jatillaso Prototype mismatch 16:18 jatillaso functions with this header ($$$;$$) or ($$) ... 16:18 pianohacker Yeah 16:18 jatillaso generated warnings 16:19 pianohacker I don't think koha uses prototypes too much; do they tend to focus on one specific file 16:19 pianohacker ? 16:19 jatillaso can i delete those ($$$) ?? 16:19 jatillaso on Koha.pm 16:20 jatillaso and others 16:21 jatillaso aparently when i remove those ($$$) i dont have any warnings, but i dont know if i'll have problems in the future 16:23 jatillaso pianohacker: what do you think 16:23 jatillaso ?¿ 16:23 pianohacker Hmm 16:23 pianohacker Could you paste some of the more frequent warnings into pastebin.com ? 16:23 jatillaso yes 16:24 jatillaso wait a second 16:24 pianohacker You _should_ be able to remove those warnings, but it will depend on the function 16:24 jatillaso Prototype mismatch: sub ModPerl::ROOT::ModPerl::PerlRun::var_www_kohaclone_opac_opac_2dsearch_2epl::output_html_with_http_headers: none vs ($$$;$) at /var/www/kohaclone/opac/opac-search.pl line 12 16:25 jatillaso for example 16:25 wizzyrea Fox-Workin: hi from Lawrence KS 16:25 wizzyrea Fox-Workin: you can also join us in #kohakansas on Freenode 16:26 Fox-Workin ill have to do that 16:26 wizzyrea :) 16:26 Fox-Workin freenode another irc server? 16:26 wizzyrea yessir 16:26 pianohacker jatillaso: line 12 ? That's quite odd. What version of Koha are you running? 16:27 jatillaso we have developed some functionalities on koha 16:27 jatillaso my line 12 is... 16:27 jatillaso use C4::Output; 16:28 jatillaso we have koha running well under CGI 16:28 pianohacker OK, that at least makes some sense 16:28 pianohacker Let me see 16:28 jatillaso but under mod_perl we are debugging some warnings we have 16:29 jatillaso ok 16:29 pianohacker Is the $cgi variable being initialized properly under PerlRun ? 16:30 jatillaso how could i confirm it? 16:30 wizzyrea Fox-Workin: http://public-staff.demo.kohalibrary.com/ user:liblime pass: liblime 16:30 jatillaso i go to paste my perlRun configuration under apache2 16:30 jatillaso wait 16:30 jatillaso 678 PerlModule ModPerl::PerlRun 16:30 jatillaso 679 <Files *.pl> 16:30 jatillaso 680 SetHandler perl-script 16:30 jatillaso 681 PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::PerlRun 16:30 jatillaso 682 PerlOptions +ParseHeaders 16:30 jatillaso 683 Options +ExecCGI 16:31 jatillaso 684 PerlSetVar PerlRunOnce On 16:31 jatillaso 685 </Files> 16:31 jatillaso 686 PerlRequire /var/www/kohaclone/startup.pl 16:31 jatillaso there is ... 16:32 Fox-Workin thanks wizzyrea ive been playing with that for a good part of the day so far 16:33 jatillaso i have $cgi initialized in opac-search.pl -> my $cgi = new CGI; 16:33 wizzyrea cool :) 16:34 pianohacker Hrm 16:35 jatillaso :( 16:35 pianohacker I'm kind of at a loss. What's in your startup.pl script? 16:36 jatillaso this 16:36 jatillaso 1 #!/usr/bin/perl 16:36 jatillaso 2 16:36 jatillaso 3 use strict; 16:36 jatillaso 4 use warnings; 16:36 jatillaso 5 use lib qw(. /var/www/kohaclone /var/www/kohaclone/installer /var/www/kohaclone/C4 ); 16:36 jatillaso 6 #use lib qw(/koha/rel_3_0); # this line fixe PERL5LIB ! 16:36 jatillaso 7 16:36 jatillaso 8 # you can add here what you want. 16:36 jatillaso 9 # see perl.apache.org for more details. 16:36 jatillaso 10 16:36 jatillaso 11 1; 16:36 pianohacker Aha! Is this startup.pl script executed in-line with each script? 16:36 slef cd 16:36 slef oops 16:37 jatillaso yes, because this script is included under apache2.conf 16:37 pianohacker jatillaso: OK. You'll probably have to remove use strict; and use warnings; since there are parts of Koha that cannot yet run under them yet 16:38 wizzyrea slef: at least you didn't type your password in :D 16:38 pianohacker slef: irc_clients_that_dont_look_like_terminals++ ;) 16:38 wizzyrea pianohacker: SNAP! 16:38 jatillaso pianohacker: when we remove use strict, we have a lot of errors 16:39 pianohacker Hrm. Removing it causes errors? That's odd, what kind? 16:39 jatillaso let me see 16:40 jatillaso no, not a lot of errors, 16:41 jatillaso now i remove those lines, but i have the same warning in error.log of apache2 16:43 jatillaso we have no warnings, only errors like Prototype mismatch: sub ModPerl::ROOT::ModPerl::PerlRun:: ......... 16:44 pianohacker Grr. You could _probably_ remove the prototype headers, but you'd want to be careful of course 16:44 pianohacker Especially if it involves anything related to the database 16:44 jatillaso ok 16:44 jatillaso i will try it , 16:45 jatillaso thank you pianohacker 16:45 jatillaso bye 16:45 pianohacker Not a problem, sorry I haven't been more helpful than "grargh poke this and see what happens" 16:45 pianohacker Good luck 16:46 jatillaso thanks 17:15 slef pianohacker: I have one of those too. the actual problem is typing faster than the internet connection and not realising which screen has focus 17:15 pianohacker Heh, yeah 17:15 pianohacker I've noticed a similar problem where GVim extends ever so slightly into the next virtual desktop, stealing focus 17:15 pianohacker Drives me nuts- 17:16 slef bbl 17:18 pianohacker atz: around? 17:18 atz ? 17:19 pianohacker I'm taking a look at some small modifications to Letters::parseletter. Are you the original author of that code, or should I dig deeper with git-blame ? 17:19 atz i think that was john beppu 17:19 pianohacker Okay. Thanks 17:19 atz i did a lot of cleanup in there, so that's probably what you are seeing 17:19 atz it's a major performance pinch point in our larger configurations 17:20 pianohacker Given that parseletter_sth uses SELECT *, the results should be identical, no? 17:20 atz good question. if the row_from_table is a hashref, then yeah, you should get the same keys 17:21 atz but you won't get them in order, for what that's worth 17:21 atz pianohacker: also, if you don't get a row, then show columns would work, but keys wouldn't 17:22 pianohacker Hmm. That last part could be important 17:23 pianohacker Although I'm pretty certain that most of the code that uses parseletter cleans up any remaining <<>>'s afterwards 17:29 brendan @wunder encino, CA 17:29 munin brendan: The current temperature in Encino, Encino, California is 18.2°C (10:28 AM PDT on June 11, 2009). Conditions: Overcast. Humidity: 72%. Dew Point: 13.0°C. Pressure: 30.05 in 1017.5 hPa (Steady). 17:29 brendan thanks munin 17:31 pianohacker @wunder Canon City, CO 17:31 munin pianohacker: The current temperature in Rockvale Colorado, Rockvale, Colorado is 17.4°C (11:26 AM MDT on June 11, 2009). Conditions: Overcast. Humidity: 57%. Dew Point: 9.0°C. Pressure: 29.00 in 981.9 hPa (Falling). 18:05 eb_inLibro @wunder montreal, quebec 18:05 munin eb_inLibro: The current temperature in Montreal, Quebec is 21.0°C (1:00 PM EDT on June 11, 2009). Conditions: Mostly Cloudy. Humidity: 64%. Dew Point: 14.0°C. Pressure: 29.87 in 1011 hPa (Falling). 18:06 rhcl Fox: our publicity guy used to be the newspaper editor in Salina. 18:54 pianohacker chris: ouch, I think I remember you worrying about missing a committer somewhere in the middle 18:57 chris :) 18:57 chris yeah caused a bit of a shuffle 18:58 pianohacker Kahu wake you up again? 18:59 chris nope, my own fault this time 19:00 pianohacker What happened? 19:01 chris at some point in the past, for some reason, i set an alarm for 6.30am today on my mobile phone 19:02 pianohacker Ahh, I've done that 19:02 chris who knows when, or why, or if it was one of my workmates playing a trick on me when i left my phone unlocked at some point 19:02 chris :) 19:03 pianohacker Or Kahu; you might want to keep an eye on him :) 19:03 chris hehe 19:03 wizzyrea yea, man, my kid is getting far more competent with my iphone than I'd like from a 16mo old 19:06 pianohacker They start earlier and earlier these days 19:17 chris :) 19:19 Fox-Workin before long id imagine they will come as a matched set 19:19 chris http://www.trademe.co.nz/Home-living/Laundry/Washing-machines/Top-loader-6kg-under/auction-223309871.htm 19:20 chris one of the funniest things ive seen in a while 19:20 pianohacker "bell factory" :D 19:22 Fox-Workin ok 19:22 Fox-Workin thats absolutly funny 19:22 chris whats even more funny is someone is willing to pay 265$ for it, even after reading that :-) 19:23 Fox-Workin someone must hate there neighbors 19:23 Fox-Workin i was kinda tempted to get it 19:23 Fox-Workin just to see how bad it really is 19:25 chris hehe 19:26 chris its near auckland pianohacker, they are all weird up there 19:27 wizzyrea chris: ...wow 19:28 wizzyrea that is seriously an epic washer. 19:28 wizzyrea I like the "i drew pictures of the dinosaurs I saw. They're partly red b/c the green felt ran out" 19:28 wizzyrea how long would it take to drive north tip to south tip? 19:29 wizzyrea if you could drive it 19:30 Fox-Workin NZ 19:30 Fox-Workin if i remember right a good whack of the southern half is rain forest 19:30 chris of which island wizzyrea ? 19:31 chris you kinda cant drive all the way, cos umm there is like the ocean 19:31 chris heres how i describe it 19:31 chris NZ is the size of colorado if you squash it up 19:32 chris but it has more coast line than the US (not counting alaska) 19:32 pianohacker Ahh, very convenient description 19:32 chris from wellington (at the bottom of hte north island, where i live) to auckland nearish the top, is about 10 hours in a car 19:33 chris but then there is the whole south island, and then stewart island 19:34 chris i think about 3 hours by car is the furthest away from the sea you can get, at any point 19:35 danny google maps says it will take 1 day and 7 hours to get from the north to the south, however, there is this like ocean piece in the middle they don't make it real clear about how to get across that, i guess you switch to your boat 19:35 danny hehe 19:35 chris yeah, the ferry goes past my house 19:35 slef swim! 19:35 danny there ya go 19:35 chris you can take a car on it, the ferry crossing takes about 3 hours 19:35 pianohacker http://xkcd.com/461/ (couldn't resist) 19:35 chris and yep, people do swim it too, but they are slightly mental 19:36 danny lol pianohacker 19:37 chris http://www.cookstraitswim.org.nz/Swims/Glover_Dompost_April_2008.htm 19:38 chris pianohacker++ 19:38 pianohacker Wow, he did about 16 miles at faster than walking speed 19:38 pianohacker That's nuts 19:38 chris its a nice boat ride on a good day 19:41 gmcharlt chris++ # may you never have to deal with remembering Koha committer 3.5 ;) 19:42 chris course when the 14m swells come in .. its not so pleasant 19:42 chris gmcharlt: hehe 19:43 chris http://image32.webshots.com/33/5/73/78/271657378UnmChW_ph.jpg 19:44 chris fun fun 19:44 pianohacker eek 19:44 chris word to the wise, that is the bluebridge ferry 19:44 chris which is cheaper than the interislander 19:45 chris but has crappier stabilising .. if the weather is good, take it, if not, get the interislander instead :) 19:45 wizzyrea omg 19:45 wizzyrea seriously?! 19:45 wizzyrea looks terrifying 19:46 gmcharlt wizzyrea: does Kansas have any hills made of earth that tall, let alone water? ;) 19:46 Fox-Workin yes 19:46 Fox-Workin we do 19:46 Fox-Workin and pot holes big enough to eat buses 19:47 chris http://www.ourspace.tepapa.com/media/10 19:47 chris i live on the hill between owhiro bay, and island bay ... in case anyone cares hehe 19:48 Fox-Workin cool 19:48 wizzyrea Fox-Workin++ 19:48 wizzyrea yes, we do 19:48 wizzyrea in fact, I live in the town with the highest hill in kansas 19:48 wizzyrea and I can't remember the elevation thereof... one moment 19:49 chris http://tinyurl.com/mcahar 19:49 wizzyrea http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mount_Oread 1037ft above sea level 19:49 chris my house 19:50 chris and thats the highest? 19:50 wizzyrea O.o you lucky duck! 19:50 wizzyrea yep 19:50 wizzyrea in kansas 19:50 pianohacker wizzyrea: That's much higher than I expected 19:50 gmcharlt indeed 19:51 chris @gcalc 1037 feet in metres 19:51 munin chris: 1037 feet = 316.0776 meters 19:52 chris thats decently high 19:52 chris http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mount_Cook 19:52 chris thats our highest 19:53 wizzyrea ...google street view is kind of creepy, and neat at the same time 19:53 wizzyrea aoraki is the maori name? 19:54 chris yep 19:54 chris south island maori use a k instead of ng 19:54 chris so it is in aorangi 19:54 chris for north island maori 19:54 chris rangi=sky ao=world 19:54 wizzyrea neat! 19:55 chris kahurangi = blue (rangi=sky kahu=cloak) 19:55 wizzyrea so the cloak of the sky is blue? 19:55 chris yep 19:55 wizzyrea nice and poetic, I like that 19:56 wizzyrea I was thinking that aoraki would make a neat name for a kid 19:56 chris if they were tall :) 19:56 wizzyrea hehe 19:56 wizzyrea well I guess you can never guarantee that, eh? 19:57 chris give the drs time, and you will be able to 19:58 wizzyrea hehe, you live close to happy valley 19:58 chris hehe yeah 19:58 chris its actually cold shadowy valley 19:59 wizzyrea aw 19:59 wizzyrea well that's not as good :/ 19:59 chris yeah, i think a real estate agent named it 19:59 chris or something 19:59 wizzyrea were the namers trying to think positively? 20:00 chris if you do a get directions to 150 willis street wellington, thats pretty much the bus route that i take to work 20:01 wizzyrea what's the story on the odd obviously human shaped jut of land near the stadium? 20:01 wizzyrea humanly* shaped 20:02 chris the adelaide road route that is 20:02 chris oh yeah we ran out of land so we pushed some of the hills into the harbour 20:02 wizzyrea >.< 20:03 chris those are actually piers :-) 20:03 chris its all on poles 20:03 chris (but we did actually do some land reclamation too) 20:04 wizzyrea Ohhhhh... well that makes more sense 20:04 chris if you zoom in close theres lots of logs 20:04 chris sitting there waiting to be shipped to japan 20:04 chris and tons of containers 20:04 wizzyrea Ahhh I see now 20:05 chris if you find lambton quay 20:05 wizzyrea neat! 20:05 chris that was the shoreline before a big earthquake 20:06 wizzyrea Seriously?! The earth is neat 20:06 wizzyrea earth++ 20:06 wizzyrea how long ago was that? 20:07 wizzyrea oh, and you get google traffic... don't take 1... it's very busy 20:07 chris 1855 20:08 wizzyrea lots of earthquakes? 20:08 wizzyrea lol sorry I'm full of questions :P 20:08 chris http://www.stuff.co.nz/dominion-post/wellington/webcams/aotea-quay-traffic-camera 20:09 chris doesnt look that busy :) 20:09 chris yeah we are on a bunch of faultlines 20:10 chris http://geonet.org.nz/earthquake/quakes/recent_quakes.html 20:11 wizzyrea ooh, a bunch 20:13 chris my wife laurel (an american refugee from pittsburgh hehe) felt her first earthquake ever in wellington in 2000 20:14 chris which i found quite funny, her .... not so much 20:15 rhcl Gee chris, you have a bunch of earthquakes per month over 3.x. I never realized you had so many. Do you people walk around wearing outriggers so you don't tip over? :) 20:15 chris rhcl: hehe its the depth that gets ya 20:15 chris they are usually very deep 20:16 chris so you mostly never feel them 20:16 rhcl Yea, well, that 6.7 on May 16th probably woulda reached up out of the deep and touched you. 20:17 chris http://geonet.org.nz/earthquake/historic-earthquakes/ 20:17 chris those ones .. people felt them :) 20:19 wizzyrea I imagine i'd probably be fairly alarmed myself in an earthquake 20:20 wizzyrea the google fu is strong with you, chris 20:20 wizzyrea hm... so every 10-20 years you get one that destroys stuff 20:20 rhcl OK, well, just to put in some bragging rights, I was in this one... 20:20 rhcl http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1983_Coalinga_earthquake 20:20 chris rhcl: that was way off the coast .... white island is an active volcano tho, that might blow up and tsunami the crap out of us 20:21 wizzyrea and only for about 3 months a year 20:22 chris rhcl: ohh yeah i remember that one 20:23 rhcl wizzyrea: our tornado warning sirens went off in the thunderstorm last night 20:23 chris generally, just because we have far less people and built up areas, even with bigger quakes we get less damage if that makes sense 20:24 rhcl I presume you have pretty strict building codes too. 20:24 chris course and 8.2 like 1855 20:24 chris is gonna flatten us 20:24 chris no getting round that :) 20:25 chris yeah, the new museum here is built on rubber stabilisers 20:25 wizzyrea rhcl: texas? 20:25 rhcl Me? St. Joseph Mo 20:25 wizzyrea OH yea, I heard atchison got wholloped 20:25 Fox-Workin never good to hear a town get nailed 20:26 wizzyrea rhcl: you too if you want should come hang out with us in #kohakansas on freenode 20:26 chris tornadoes freak me out 20:26 wizzyrea it's all about what you're used to I thik 20:26 wizzyrea think 20:26 Fox-Workin chris its just like a typhon only really really smaller 20:26 rhcl Hey Fox, did you see my earlier note? Our publicity guy was the former newpaper editor in Salina. 20:26 Fox-Workin really 20:27 Fox-Workin see this is where i kinda chant its a small world after all 20:27 Fox-Workin :-P 20:27 chris now i have to go google what the difference between a typhoon and a hurricane is 20:27 Fox-Workin pacific is typhoon hurricane is atlantic 20:27 chris ah ha 20:27 Fox-Workin essentially the same thing except one spins the other way 20:27 Fox-Workin i think..... 20:27 chris saved me the trouble, thanks 20:27 rhcl Yea, so he claims. :) He still goes back there pretty often. I think you guys are having a big event this (next?) weekend...a summer festival or something? 20:27 chris we get cyclones 20:27 chris too 20:27 wizzyrea river festival, right? 20:27 Fox-Workin ya the Smokey Hill River Festival 20:28 Fox-Workin festival jam is actually tonight 20:28 rhcl Yea, that's it. 20:28 wizzyrea ooh... I never understood why it was on a weeknight, festival jam 20:28 rhcl Well, look for Alan this weekend. He's about 7.5 feet tall. 20:28 Fox-Workin ill keep a eye out 20:28 chris http://www.aoml.noaa.gov/hrd/tcfaq/A1.html 20:28 rhcl or maybe it's only 6 something. :) 20:28 Fox-Workin heh 20:28 chris noaa is cool 20:29 richard hi 20:29 wizzyrea LOL (This is not to be confused with the condition mid-latitude people get during a long, cold and grey winter wishing they could be closer to the equator ;-)) 20:29 rhcl Hi Richard. 20:29 wizzyrea ah meteorologists. 20:29 chris morning richard 20:30 rhcl Anybody know of a users guide to address munin? 20:30 Fox-Workin i used to work pushing carts for Sams so watching the sky became a important aspect of survival 20:30 rhcl Most of the online stuff seems to be for programming. 20:31 chris rhcl: next time gmcharlt is around, ask him 20:31 rhcl yea, will probably do that. 20:32 rhcl @munin info 20:32 munin rhcl: I suck 20:32 wizzyrea munin is a supybot, so presumably you could look up that documentation 20:32 munin wizzyrea: I'll give you the answer as soon as RDA is ready 20:32 rhcl well, ok, yes, maybe you do, but that didn't work apparently 20:32 wizzyrea munin help 20:32 munin wizzyrea: (help [<plugin>] [<command>]) -- This command gives a useful description of what <command> does. <plugin> is only necessary if the command is in more than one plugin. 20:32 wizzyrea munin help wunder 20:32 munin wizzyrea: (wunder <US zip code | US/Canada city, state | Foreign city, country>) -- Returns the approximate weather conditions for a given city. 20:33 wizzyrea munin help bug 20:33 munin wizzyrea: (bug <bug_id> [<bug_ids>]) -- Reports the details of the bugs with the listed ids to this channel. Accepts bug aliases as well as numeric ids. Your list can be separated by spaces, commas, and the word "and" if you want. 20:33 wizzyrea munin help gcalc 20:33 munin wizzyrea: (gcalc <an alias, 0 arguments>) -- Alias for "Google calc $*". 20:33 wizzyrea munin help karma 20:33 munin wizzyrea: (karma [<channel>] [<thing> ...]) -- Returns the karma of <text>. If <thing> is not given, returns the top three and bottom three karmas. If one <thing> is given, returns the details of its karma; if more than one <thing> is given, returns the total karma of each of the things. <channel> is only necessary if the message isn't sent on the channel itself. 20:35 rhcl munin help wolframalpha 20:35 munin rhcl: Error: There is no command "wolframalpha". 20:50 ryan @seen kyle 20:50 munin ryan: I have not seen kyle. 20:50 ryan @seen kyleh 20:50 munin ryan: I have not seen kyleh. 20:50 pianohacker @seen gmcharlt 20:50 munin pianohacker: gmcharlt was last seen in #koha 59 minutes and 44 seconds ago: <gmcharlt> indeed 21:11 wizzyrea @karma pianohacker 21:11 munin wizzyrea: Karma for "pianohacker" has been increased 7 times and decreased 0 times for a total karma of 7. 21:12 wizzyrea ooh, you're popular 23:45 pianohacker Paul's got me beat :) 23:56 brendan good late afternoon #koha 23:56 pianohacker Hello 23:57 brendan heya pianohacker 23:57 brendan any new stuff for munin added recently? 23:57 pianohacker Hmm 23:57 pianohacker @marc 245 a 23:57 munin pianohacker: I suck 23:58 brendan I've seen the @wunder @gcalc @quote 23:58 pianohacker Well, there was a MARC command for a short while 23:58 brendan yeah saw that one but don't remember it 23:58 pianohacker There's always the odd problem like bug 2545 23:58 munin 04Bug http://bugs.koha.org/cgi-bin/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=2545 normal, P3, ---, galen.charlton@liblime.com, RESOLVED FIXED, wrong syspref controlling XSLT bib detail display 23:58 brendan right 23:59 brendan munin 23:59 pianohacker gmcharlt and I got old karma stats migrated 23:59 pianohacker @karma 23:59 munin pianohacker: Highest karma: "paul_p" (50), "hdl_laptop" (39), and "chris" (30). Lowest karma: "savannah" (-3), "encoding" (-3), and "ie" (-2). You (pianohacker) are ranked 15 out of 243. 23:59 brendan @karma brendan 23:59 munin brendan: Karma for "brendan" has been increased 1 time and decreased 0 times for a total karma of 1. 00:00 brendan the first one is always the hardest 00:00 pianohacker Heh 00:00 pianohacker You're doing better than poor benighted savannah 00:00 brendan heh 00:58 pianohacker hey 01:36 brendan @wunder goleta, ca 01:36 munin brendan: The current temperature in Near Shadow Hills, Santa Barbara, California is 19.6°C (6:30 PM PDT on June 11, 2009). Conditions: Scattered Clouds. Humidity: 51%. Dew Point: 10.0°C. Pressure: 29.35 in 993.8 hPa (Falling). 01:39 brendan hehe 01:39 pianohacker It can be a pain, tho 01:39 brendan well I lived inthe humidity for so many years and that was just miserable 01:40 brendan I really like it here in Santa Barbara -- where the temp is close to 80 everyday of the year 01:40 pianohacker That does sound quite nice 01:43 bignose-work enjoy it while it lasts 01:43 bignose-work the only constant in climate over the next several decades will be that the climate doesn't match what you just got used to. 01:44 brendan sigh 01:45 brendan @quote 01:45 munin brendan: I'll give you the answer as soon as RDA is ready 01:53 pianohacker @help quote 01:53 munin pianohacker: Error: There is no command "quote". 01:53 pianohacker Ahh. @ quote add 01:54 brendan @quote 01:54 munin brendan: downloading the Perl source 01:55 pianohacker @quote random 01:55 munin pianohacker: Quote #2: "<jwagner> Hope springs eternal in little kitty hearts. Better watch the doors :-)" (added by gmcharlt at 04:04 PM, June 03, 2009) 01:55 chris @quote add < bignose-work> the only constant in climate over the next several decades will be that the climate doesn't match what you just got used to. 01:55 munin chris: The operation succeeded. Quote #3 added. 02:11 pianohacker Good night, all 03:17 brendan hey Jo 03:24 chris hey jo, hope the kids are feeling better 03:28 brendan chris -- I need a vacuum - all I have is a shop vac -- so I only vacuum like every two weeks 03:29 brendan surprisingly missing the evening/morning hello from amit 03:29 chris yeah, i think he is still at home 03:30 brendan so he's back in delhi 03:30 brendan delhi has to be one of the craziest cities on the planet 03:31 brendan @wunder new delhi, india 03:31 munin brendan: The current temperature in New Delhi, India is 33.0°C (8:30 AM IST on June 12, 2009). Conditions: Mostly Cloudy. Humidity: 36%. Dew Point: 16.0°C. Pressure: 29.59 in 1002 hPa (Steady). 03:33 chris wow i didnt realise quite how big the company he works for is 03:34 brendan @gcalc 33 celsius in fahrenheit 03:34 munin brendan: 33 degrees Celsius = 91.4 degrees Fahrenheit 03:34 chris jo: http://www.osslabs.biz/kete_digital_library_system/services.html 03:35 chris http://www.osslabs.biz/about/#11 03:39 richard way cool 03:44 Jo hi ya 03:45 Jo Chris: wow ! 03:45 Jo is that Amit? 03:45 chris they of course do koha too 03:46 Jo his fiorm, I mean 03:46 Jo has walter seen this 03:46 chris yep thats who he works for 03:46 chris not sure 03:47 chris richard can cut and paste it on #katipo for him ;) 03:48 Jo i pasted it too twitter too 03:48 Jo hes busy doing "yes's" lol 03:48 chris hehe 03:49 chris that is a great movie 03:49 richard yep - pasted in 03:51 Jo I'm keeping the kids drugged ... seems to work quite well 03:52 chris flu? 03:52 Jo they areall sprawled in front of the wood burner wityh assorted cats and dogs and blankets and teddies 03:53 Jo dunno - they aren't oinking yet 03:53 chris heh 03:53 Jo but i think so 03:53 chris i give it 2 more weeks tops 03:53 chris before all this quarantine thing goes away and they just treat it as a mild form of seasonal flu 03:53 Jo yep - I agree. 03:54 chris more ppl died in one week of seasonal flu in the us, than have died cos of swine flu in the world this whole year 03:54 Jo ok - time to go back to the kitchen ...I'd rather be a librarian than a mummy sometimes! 03:54 chris cya later 03:54 richard they will have to find another tactic to keep the global sense of unease up 03:54 Jo cya 03:54 richard cya 03:54 Jo Richard; the site koha 3.0 opac is gorgeous 03:54 Jo so gorgeous. 03:54 chris be nice if they focused on malaria, or something .. but only brown people get that, so they wont worry 03:55 chris hehe 03:55 Jo please do - the artists is thrilled to bits with it. 03:55 richard that is excellent news. i was a bit worried if she wouldn't like it 03:56 Jo no way - quite definitely the oppossite 03:56 chris ohh pleasing that artist, double pats for dean 03:56 chris that=the 03:56 Jo :) 04:00 Jo would be cool to have KohaCon 2012 in India - I havn't been then yet 04:00 Jo and so want to 04:01 brendan hey Jo -- http://wiki.koha.org/doku.php?id=kohausers&s[]=pacifica got my first one up there -- the library posted it up there -- I really need get them on the IRC 04:03 brendan good for amit 04:27 richard cool stuff brendan 04:28 brendan sweet thanks richard 04:37 brendan @gcalc a squared plus b squared equals c squared 04:37 munin brendan: Google's calculator didn't come up with anything. 04:37 brendan @gcalc a2 + b2 = c2 04:37 munin brendan: Google's calculator didn't come up with anything. 04:37 brendan munin the answer is Pythagorean theorem 04:37 munin brendan: I'll give you the answer as soon as RDA is ready 04:46 Jo Brendan: go you! well done. may it be the first of many 04:46 brendan thanks Jo - hope the kiddos are doing ok 04:50 brendan hey chris -- I forgot what does Korerorero mean ? 04:51 chris discussion 04:51 brendan thanks 04:51 chris korerero = talk, korerorero = discussion 05:16 bignose-work trying to follow (and update, while I go) the instructions at <URL:http://wiki.koha.org/doku.php?id=koha_3_install_guide_ubuntu_hardy> 05:16 bignose-work attempting to satisfy the perl package dependencies, I get: 05:16 bignose-work Couldn't find any package whose name or description matched "libnet-z3950-zoom-perl" 05:16 bignose-work is that package needed? where do I get it from if the repositories don't have it? 05:19 chris did you do this bit 05:19 chris http://wiki.koha.org/doku.php?id=koha_3_install_guide_ubuntu_hardy#package_repositories 05:20 chris if so try http://ftp.indexdata.dk/pub/ubuntu/ 05:20 chris with hardy instead 05:21 chris i dont know why its trying to use sarge, but the perl module is probably in the backports section anyway 05:22 bignose-work not sure what you're saying. I should change the IndexData repository config? 05:23 bignose-work oh bollocks 05:23 bignose-work I *did* miss that step :-) 05:24 chris yeah add that step, but id leave backports the same, but change the indexdata to do the ubuntu repo instead of sarge 05:24 bignose-work so, change the line to: 05:24 bignose-work deb http://ftp.indexdata.dk/pub/debian/ hardy main 05:24 bignose-work ? 05:25 chris hmm, do you know your way around apt ? 05:25 bignose-work yes 05:26 chris change debian to ubuntu 05:26 bignose-work deb http://ftp.indexdata.dk/pub/ubuntu/ hardy main 05:26 chris yep, that looks ok 05:26 chris that will contain the files you need for zebra and yaz 05:27 chris and backports should have the z3950 perl module, if not you can cpan it on 05:27 bignose-work okay. if that works I'll update the "install on Ubuntu 8.04" instructions with that. 05:27 chris cool 05:27 bignose-work what would be the CPAN package name for z3950? 05:28 chris Net::Z3950 05:28 brendan something like net::z3950 05:28 brendan chris ++ 05:30 bignose-work and I *don't* want 'libyaz2-dev', right? 05:30 bignose-work instead I want the 'libyaz-dev' from IndexData? 05:35 brendan bignose-work which manual are you working off ? 05:35 bignose-work brendan: <URL:http://wiki.koha.org/doku.php?id=koha_3_install_guide_ubuntu_hardy> 05:36 bignose-work updating it as I go 05:36 bignose-work I mistakenly thought 'libyaz2-dev' was the name needed, before I realised I'd missed the IndexData repository. 05:37 brendan did you get some error with lib-yaz2 05:37 bignose-work now I'm just confirming that 'libyaz-dev' is actually the name of the package I want. 05:37 bignose-work true? 05:38 brendan i think you can get lib-yaz2 through the backports 05:39 bignose-work I can, yes. do I want that one, or do I want 'libyaz-dev'? 05:39 bignose-work backports has 'libyaz2-dev'. 05:39 brendan did you also add the deb-src data.dk/pub/ubuntu/ hardy main 05:39 bignose-work brendan: see the discussion in this channel for the past half hour 05:40 bignose-work ah, deb-src? no. 05:40 bignose-work why? 05:40 bignose-work none of the instructions need any source packages. 05:40 brendan yaz zebra etc need the source packages 05:41 brendan everything else is in the ubuntu src 05:41 bignose-work okay, it seems there's no 'libyaz-dev' at all. only 'libyaz2-dev' from backports. IndexData doesn't make any difference there. 05:41 brendan yeah not sure about that one 05:42 bignose-work brendan: how do they need the source packages? I just finished installing all the CPAN packages after mistakenly not having IndexData in there at all 05:42 bignose-work and it appeared to work. 05:42 bignose-work is that a false appearance? when are the source packages needed? 05:43 brendan correct -- indexdata is for yaz and zebra... 05:43 bignose-work yes, but when does it need the source? 05:43 brendan not sure what your asking there 05:44 bignose-work you asked me if I have the 'deb-src' line (in addition to the binary packages 'deb' line, I presume). 05:44 bignose-work I'm asking, when are those packages needed? I've gone through the whole "install all the perl packages" process and it didn't seem to be a problem. 05:45 bignose-work AFAICT from the instructions, it never uses any source packages, only the binary 'libfoo-dev' packages. 05:46 brendan correct -- the deb and deb-src you need to add to get yaz and zebra ,, since that is not in the ubuntu binary packages 'deb' line - how I understand it 05:47 brendan sorry debian guy not an ubuntu guy 05:47 bignose-work but do I need both the 'deb' line *and* the 'deb-src' line? the latter is only used when getting a source package, not a binary package. 05:48 bignose-work development versions of libraries are binary packages. 05:48 brendan ok I think I see what you saying -- yes you need both the lines 05:48 bignose-work okay. why? what needs the source packages? 05:49 bignose-work I'm asking to determine if I've already gone too far. 05:49 brendan I think the deb-src line comes in during these commands 05:49 brendan sudo aptitude install yaz idzebra idzebra-doc 05:49 bignose-work no, that cannot install source packages. 05:49 bignose-work that installs binary packages only. 05:49 brendan ok -- not sure then 05:49 bignose-work (there's no way for 'aptitude' to fetch source packages, AFAICT.) 05:50 bignose-work okay. there's no 'libyaz-dev', but there is (now, after setting the IndexData repository) a 'libyaz3-dev' 05:50 bignose-work and it seems I need that for setting up the Perl packages from CPAN 06:00 mason fyi: u dont need the src files... 06:01 mason unless you are building something on an unsupported arch 06:02 bignose-work okay. I'll remove that from the install instructions then, to reduce confusion. 06:02 mason i assume those instrcutions are there as a catch-all 06:03 bignose-work I wouldn't assume that; they are much more like leading-me-by-the-hand 06:03 mason historically amd-64 boxes needed the src to comple - as there wasnt a binary .deb 06:04 bignose-work if I want to hack on the code of dependent packages, or re-build them, I'm going to need rather different steps anyway 06:04 brendan heya mason 06:05 mason heya brendan 06:09 mason agreed - the src line in the ubuntu-guides does look unneeded 06:29 chris good morning europe 06:39 nicomo evening Chris and Oceania 06:45 thd good morning nicomo 06:45 magnusenger good evening, antipodeans 06:45 nicomo hi thd and magnusenger 06:46 nicomo magnusenger: starting to have long hours of sunlight up there, or not yet? 06:47 magnusenger good morning, nicomo! Long hours, indeed! The sun was shining into our living room at half past midnight yesterday (or today, really) 06:48 nicomo very cool 06:48 nicomo i have to go see that some day 06:48 chris i bet you need good curtains :) 06:49 magnusenger good curtains is a must have, yes! 06:49 nicomo shutters 06:49 nicomo with foam injected in the cracks 06:50 magnusenger The hard part isn't getting to sleep, that's why we have dark curtains - the hard part is actually getting into bed, when the sun is shining... ;-) 06:50 chris i can believe that 06:51 kf hi all :) 06:51 magnusenger you're very welcome nicomo! Perhaps we could have some kind of Koha-do up here, some time in the future? :-) 06:51 thd hello kf 06:51 nicomo hi kf 06:54 nicomo well, magnusenger : what's the temperature, and the weather? You know, I live 1 hr and a half from the Mediterranean, I'm not sure I could handle the climate 06:55 chris @wunder bodo, normay 06:55 munin chris: The current temperature in Bodo, Norway is 12.0°C (8:20 AM CEST on June 12, 2009). Conditions: Partly Cloudy. Humidity: 72%. Dew Point: 7.0°C. Pressure: 29.95 in 1014 hPa (Steady). 06:55 chris there you go nicomo :) 06:56 nicomo hum 06:56 magnusenger Right now it's all of +11C... We could have a bunch of winter clothes for you mediterraneans... 06:56 nicomo @wunder Lyon, France 06:56 munin nicomo: The current temperature in Lyon Satolas, France is 16.0°C (8:30 AM CEST on June 12, 2009). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 68%. Dew Point: 10.0°C. Pressure: 30.24 in 1024 hPa (Rising). 06:56 nicomo that's acceptable : 16°C at 9am 06:56 magnusenger Hah, that's just 4 degrees warmer than here! 06:57 nicomo yes, I'm actually surprised by that 06:57 nicomo we'll run the request next december 06:57 nicomo :-) 06:57 magnusenger the difference might be a bit more then... 06:58 thd @wunder new york city 06:58 munin thd: The current temperature in Peter Cooper Village, New York, New York is 18.1°C (2:57 AM EDT on June 12, 2009). Conditions: Overcast. Humidity: 98%. Dew Point: 18.0°C. Pressure: 29.49 in 998.5 hPa (Steady). 06:58 nicomo warm, wet and sticky 06:58 thd very wet, I have been waterlogged on my walk home 07:05 kf @wunder konstanz 07:05 munin kf: The current temperature in Konstanz, Germany is 15.0°C (9:00 AM CEST on June 12, 2009). Conditions: Scattered Clouds. Humidity: 55%. Dew Point: 9.0°C. Pressure: 30.22 in 1023 hPa (Rising). 07:06 chris @wunder wellington, new zealand 07:06 munin chris: The current temperature in Wellington, New Zealand is 13.0°C (6:00 PM NZST on June 12, 2009). Conditions: Light Rain. Humidity: 88%. Dew Point: 11.0°C. Pressure: 29.92 in 1013 hPa (Steady). 07:10 brendan @wunder 93117 07:10 munin brendan: The current temperature in Northwest Goleta, Goleta, California is 15.3°C (12:10 AM PDT on June 12, 2009). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 73%. Dew Point: 11.0°C. Pressure: 29.92 in 1013.1 hPa (Steady). 07:15 magnusenger Looks like NY is the winner so far... 07:15 brendan @wunder new delhi, india 07:15 munin brendan: The current temperature in New Delhi, India is 40.0°C (12:30 PM IST on June 12, 2009). Conditions: Mostly Cloudy. Humidity: 20%. Dew Point: 13.0°C. Pressure: 29.59 in 1002 hPa (Steady). 07:15 chris 40 is crazy talk 07:15 brendan tops for temp 07:16 brendan @wunder miami florida 07:16 munin brendan: The current temperature in Doral, Florida is 26.0°C (3:15 AM EDT on June 12, 2009). Conditions: Mostly Cloudy. Humidity: 66%. Dew Point: 19.0°C. Pressure: 29.88 in 1011.7 hPa (Falling). 07:16 chris @wunder gainesville florida 07:16 munin chris: The current temperature in Central Gainesville, Gainesville, Florida is 26.2°C (3:16 AM EDT on June 12, 2009). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 32%. Dew Point: 8.0°C. Pressure: 29.75 in 1007.3 hPa (Steady). 07:17 brendan @gcalc 40 celsius in fahrenheit 07:17 munin brendan: 40 degrees Celsius = 104 degrees Fahrenheit 07:17 brendan 40 is def crazy talk 07:17 chris yep 07:20 magnusenger a bit over the top, yes 07:42 chris hdl_laptop: is paul not around today? i was going to ask if he is watching the rugby tomorrow 07:46 hdl_laptop mmmmm.... He should come in and out 07:46 brendan heya nahuel 07:46 nahuel hey 07:46 nahuel :) 07:47 brendan :) 07:56 kf hi nahuel 07:56 nahuel hi kf 09:05 slef morning 09:06 slef @wunder Weston-super-Mare, SOMERSET 09:06 munin slef: The current temperature in Weston-Super-Mare, United Kingdom is 14.1°C (10:05 AM BST on June 12, 2009). Conditions: Mostly Cloudy. Humidity: 76%. Dew Point: 10.0°C. Pressure: 30.16 in 1021.2 hPa (Steady). 09:06 chris heya slef 09:06 slef that's pretty much it 14C and Mostly Cloudy 09:06 slef ugly summer day 09:11 davi @wunder Madrid. Spain 09:11 munin davi: The current temperature in Madrid, Spain is 27.0°C (11:00 AM CEST on June 12, 2009). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 32%. Dew Point: 9.0°C. Pressure: 30.18 in 1022 hPa (Steady). 09:15 chris i think davi wins 09:17 davi I am looking for more humidity 09:18 chris @wunder wellington, new zealand 09:18 munin chris: The current temperature in Wellington, New Zealand is 12.0°C (9:00 PM NZST on June 12, 2009). Conditions: Mostly Cloudy. Humidity: 94%. Dew Point: 11.0°C. Pressure: 29.83 in 1010 hPa (Falling). 09:19 chris you can have some of mine 09:23 slef @bug 2771 09:23 munin slef: 04Bug http://bugs.koha.org/cgi-bin/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=2771 major, P1, ---, paul.poulain@biblibre.com, NEW, 245n and 245p should show in the staff client 09:56 |Lupin| Hi everybody 09:56 chris hi |Lupin| 09:59 |Lupin| Just wondering: what does C4 mean ? 10:02 chris :) ok 10:03 chris horowhenua library trust's old system was called C2 10:04 chris so the working name for Koha (before we named it Koha) was C4 ... either twice as good, or liable to explode 10:04 chris (it was called kumara for a brief period of time too, before Koha was settled on) 10:04 |Lupin| chris: ah I see, thanks. A qite private joke, in the tradition of Unix ones, it seems to me. 10:05 chris had to amuse ourselves somehow :-) 10:05 |Lupin| chris: thanks a lot for having explained 10:05 chris no problem 10:07 chris thanks slef 10:07 |Lupin| I thought to something in the same style as C14n for canonicalization, or i18n for internationalization 10:08 |Lupin| :-) 10:08 slef if so, they got it wrong 10:08 slef if you look at it like f5g for a variation of the f-word, it's very rude 10:09 chris dont even go there :) 10:12 slef http://wiki.koha.org/doku.php?id=faq#behind_the_scenesmodules_config_and_so_on 10:12 slef updated 10:14 |Lupin| just another question and then I'll keep quite (because lunch time is approaching!) 10:14 |Lupin| is there documentation for the Biblio.pm modules ? 10:14 |Lupin| (and perhaps for oher modules one may want to re-use in scripts...) ? 10:15 slef if there is, it'll be shown by perldoc path/to/C4/Biblio.pm 10:15 slef or sometimes by perldoc C4::Biblio or man C4::Biblio 10:16 |Lupin| slef: oh okay, many many thanks 10:25 chris andrew moore was making html versions of them at one point 10:25 chris which wouldnt be hard to cron 10:27 chris he had the cool smoulder server and was running smoke tests too 10:27 chris i miss him 10:31 slef he's gone? 10:32 slef I think we need a "so long and thanks" from the koha community as well as "welcome to..." ones ;-) 10:32 chris yeah good idea 10:32 slef I can't keep track 10:32 slef maybe we can do it in some semi-automatic way, like 6 months since last activity 10:33 slef might even persuade some people to come back or tell us their news 10:33 chris good idea 10:33 slef some like pate go on to work on other interesting stuff 10:33 slef want a "Life After Koha" blog series? 10:34 chris i found pate on twitter the other day 10:34 chris gnupate 10:34 chris hes all ruby'y 10:34 chris :) 11:14 nicomo chris: "mormon Ruby, Linux, and Soccer geek" 11:14 nicomo for gnupate 11:14 nicomo that says it all, i guess :-) 11:15 chris pate++ 11:15 chris hello paul_p :) 11:15 chris will you be watching the game tomorrow? 11:15 paul_p hello chris & others 11:16 paul_p chris: I don't think so. too much work & family needs me. So it will be either Aix-Marseille Universities or Sandrine 11:17 chris i wont blurt the score out on irc then :) 11:17 paul_p my bet: 45-10 (for NZ of course) 11:17 slef I'm out at the regional AGM of one of my co-ops. One of my rare days off from software.coop this month. 11:19 chris paul_p: i think it will be a bit closer, but i think nz will win, france are sending quite a strong team this year 11:21 nicomo you guys talking about that sport they play in some parts of rural, southern france with an odd-shaped ball? 11:22 chris heh 11:22 nicomo I don't even get the rules. 11:23 nicomo I'd rather see cricket : at least that's exotic to a french northerner like me 11:23 slef nicomo: in England, it's played by posh men who like putting their heads by other men's bums 11:23 nicomo eheh 11:23 slef not cricket 11:24 slef cricket is how to stretch a perfectly reasonable sports game into a week off work 11:24 chris in england cricket is played by people who like losing to their former colonies :) 11:24 nicomo lol 11:24 nicomo and win "ashes" 11:24 nicomo what's that for a trophy 11:24 slef chris: I think you'll find the Netherlands colonised us 11:24 slef William of Orange 11:24 chris oh true 11:25 chris maybe you just lose to everyone now :-) 11:25 slef sure we beat someone this week 11:25 chris still, at least you made it to the super 8 .. better than australia 11:25 slef else we wouldn't be in round 2 11:25 chris yeah 11:26 slef nicomo: are you watching the T20? are you in Northern France (= can get BBC easily)? 11:26 nicomo slef: the problem with rugby in France is : the "posh" element didn't cross the Channel 11:26 nicomo No I can't : I'm FROM northern France, but doesn't live there 11:26 nicomo I'm half-exiled half-way to the south 11:26 nicomo in Lyon 11:27 slef most of France can get BBC but it gets fiddly 11:27 gmcharlt good morning 11:27 nicomo full disclosure : i don't own a tv set 11:27 nicomo i'm that type of librarian, you know... 11:27 nicomo morning gmcharlt 11:27 chris sri lanka vs pakistan starting soon, should be a good game 11:28 slef http://www.lyngsat-maps.com/maps/astra2d.html 11:28 chris slef: england beat pakistan 11:28 slef nicomo: so you're listening on 198kHz, right? Or does RMC blot it out? 11:28 chris heya gmcharlt 11:28 slef chris: a memorable victory, eh? 11:28 chris heh didnt watch that one ;) 11:29 chris i watched england vs south africa last night tho 11:29 slef might watch that at lunch 11:29 slef BBCi highlights loop++ 11:35 nicomo "Cannot play media. Sorry, this media is not available in your territory." 11:36 slef bounce it off a uk proxy 11:37 slef it's pretty easy, like hulu in the USA 11:37 slef but broadcast reception is still easier than online 11:37 slef which does suck rather 11:37 slef especially as it's trivial to copy mpegs from satellite recordings onto my PC 11:38 nicomo slef: yes, bus it's just my mother will never "bounce it off a uk proxy" 11:39 chris :) 11:40 slef yeah, these measures generally punish the people who would obey any copying rules anyway 11:41 slef or who would probably pay for what they watched if there was a way to do so 11:41 slef but I think nicomo's mother could cope with moving a USB memory stick from the TV to PC and copying files, which is the alternative way to watch on a PC. 11:41 slef also harder for the broadcaster to track 11:42 slef and easier for mothers to copy for their friends 11:42 slef instead of sharing a link to the broadcaster's streaming site 11:42 slef so broadcasters can't target advertising as easily 11:43 slef anyway, I've been ranting about this for years and it shows no signs of improving. 11:43 slef Rumours say that the UK's second broadcaster is contemplating encrypting again. 11:44 slef And we'd only be allowed to subscribe via Rupert Murdoch's non-standard systems.... so that would be "bye bye itv" for me. 11:44 slef </rant> 11:45 slef lunchtime 11:46 gmcharlt is there no media market free for Murdoch's touch? :( 11:46 gmcharlt *of 11:47 nicomo gmcharlt: yes, italy 11:47 nicomo it's under Berlusconi's fist 11:47 nicomo :-) 11:48 gmcharlt hehe 11:48 chris hehe 11:49 |Lupin| hi Galen 11:49 gmcharlt hi |Lupin| 11:50 |Lupin| (I'm Sebastien IRL) 11:52 chris where in france are you |Lupin| ? 11:52 slef I guess Paris 11:54 |Lupin| yes 11:54 |Lupin| slef: how do you know ? 11:57 paul_p |Lupin|: reminder: chris is a kiwi, kiwi is the country of all blacks, so chris like Rugby. Sometimes we speek of Rugby. Probability increase when there is a All Black <=> France match. (we were speaking of the match a few minuts ago. You may get some words about that. 11:57 paul_p |Lupin|: and if you like Rugby, feel free to give your comment & your bet 11:58 chris :) 11:58 magnusenger Rugby and Ruby. Hm, is there a connection? 11:59 paul_p nope, that's why Koha is in Perl :D 11:59 nicomo personally, I'm betting on France to lose, but not too heavily -> that's the best bet for a limited media coverage, which is what I'm aiming for 11:59 gmcharlt I'd be interested in seeing a game of Rugby on Rails 11:59 paul_p lol