Time Nick Message 08:34 eiro hello 02:44 SelfishMan Add that to the bug quotes database. 02:44 SelfishMan I'm an idiot. 02:35 SelfishMan Anyone have any insight why apache would spit out the error "Can't locate C4/Auth.pm..." even though it shows the include path as being hte correct location? 02:06 nahuel but perhaps :p 02:06 nahuel don't think 02:05 nahuel hats ? 01:58 liz_nekls_ there are hats?! 01:57 owen Everyone remember to wear your Official KohaCon2009® Hat tomorrow so we recognize each other 01:55 liz_nekls_ oi, i'm glad to be in the same time zone 01:48 nahuel we have 7 hours of jetlag 01:48 nahuel hehe 01:47 nahuel (in the bed ;) ) 01:47 nahuel trying to repair our jetlag 01:46 nahuel paul and me are at 320 01:46 owen Yup, Rm. 311 01:46 nahuel ) 01:46 nahuel (seen at your hostname 01:46 nahuel you're in holiday inn ? 01:46 nahuel ho 01:45 owen Hi 01:45 nahuel hi owen 00:37 owen So kohacon people, anything going on? 00:03 Jo does 115 registrations for kohacon sound right? 23:29 Jo Chris: you got an updated number of many are expected to attend kohacon? 22:35 liz_nekls_ cool... may just do that :D 22:33 chris we are in 108 if you want to say hi 22:31 liz_nekls_ rar 22:31 nahuel probably you have the same hostname 22:30 liz_nekls_ my gps coords are probably the same as yours 22:30 liz_nekls_ no, but I think we're in the same physical location ;) 22:29 nahuel it was you ? 22:29 liz_nekls_ i'm probably upstairs 22:29 liz_nekls_ hehe! 22:28 nahuel just meet another librarian in the hallway 22:16 Jo http://library-matters.blogspot.com/2009/03/live-blog-of-future-of-libraries-non.html 22:14 Jo she live blogs too 22:14 nahuel another one english accent to learn :p 22:14 Jo blogger: librarians matter 22:13 nahuel ok 22:13 Jo Australia 22:13 nahuel from where she 'is ? 22:13 nahuel ^ 22:12 Jo you might need to open the door and spill into the hallway .. like a varsity hostel set up 22:11 Jo great :) 22:11 chris i think she has already talked to some librarians in the lobby 22:11 nahuel too much people in this room 22:11 nahuel into a couple of minutes we won't more oxygen 22:11 Jo glad she made contact 22:10 Jo ah cool. glad she got there .. she doesn't know anyone but she's a very cool lady 22:10 nahuel cool :) 22:10 chris she said she will be here in 10-15 mins 22:10 nahuel (in your room) 22:10 nahuel why she don't come ? 22:10 nahuel chris, oh ? 22:10 chris she is in the hotel 22:10 Jo anyone seen / met up with Kathryn Greenhill yet? 21:59 nahuel didn't understand what you mean 21:59 nahuel ni ? 21:59 eiro ok ... it's midnight there ... good night all 21:58 eiro what ? you meant that it's so terrible to write it in python they done it for ya? this langage is impressive ;) 21:57 nahuel (from module doc) 21:57 nahuel eiro, The optional argument count is the maximum number of pattern occurrences to be replaced; count must be a non-negative integer. If omitted or zero, all occurrences will be replaced 21:57 nengard eiro :) it's okay 21:57 nahuel eiro, it's the python api :) 21:56 eiro nengard, ok .. sorry 21:56 nahuel don't think 21:56 nengard eiro nahuel I am way out of practice and you're testing me when I'm jetlagged :) 21:56 eiro nahuel, don't you forget /g ? 21:55 eiro sub sanitize_eol { s/\\n/\n/g } 21:55 eiro nengard, the nahuel's link is the python variant for 21:54 nahuel nengard, http://pastebin.com/d74a19672 21:54 nahuel nengard, ? 21:54 eiro nahuel, and you really think it's more readable :) 21:54 nahuel eiro, http://pastebin.com/d74a19672 21:53 eiro (sanitize_eol transform the string "\n" by an end of line) 21:53 nengard eiro i would need to look up what sanitize does - but it looks like it's cleaning up something related to the user 21:53 eiro sanitize_eol for @user{qw<resume notes>} 21:52 eiro does 21:52 eiro nengard, can you guess what sanitize_eol for @user{qw<resume notes>} 21:52 eiro regex confuses librarians (and it's logical: we all have to remember the first time we seen it) 21:51 nengard eiro makes perfect sense 21:51 eiro nengard, that's what i want to tell to nahuel: the pb isn't the langage itself but the techniques it uses. 21:50 eiro something like regex.compile("\\n").matches(my.line).replace_with("\n").globally.please("and the bill") 21:49 nengard eiro regex does confuse the heck out of me :) always has 21:49 eiro python 21:49 eiro nengard, because you don't deal with regexp ... i think the pb will be thhe same in pytnon 21:48 paul_p but I'm happy to be here anyway ! 21:48 eiro you can lambda it ? no ... no you can't :)) 21:47 eiro it's impossible ... just because python doesn't work with implicity 21:47 Jo hi Paul: yes nice to meet you too :) .. wish I was there too 21:47 eiro rewrite it in python :) 21:46 eiro (sanitize_eol) 21:46 eiro nahuel, that was my exemple 21:45 paul_p hi jo ! nice to catch you on the channel. Not that common ;-) 21:45 eiro well ... beginner french librarian ? 21:45 eiro ok ... standard *french* librarian ... 21:45 eiro :) 21:45 eiro nengard, i mean: standard librarian 21:44 nengard nahuel no ..... not that :) 21:43 nahuel nengard, you understand this : sub sanitize_eol { s/\\n/\n/g } ? 21:43 nengard but i'm a special type of librarian :) i was a developer first 21:43 nengard eiro i'm a librarian :) I can read them 21:43 nahuel write it in perl like a monger, and i'll write in python 21:42 nahuel gimme a function to write in python 21:42 nahuel eiro, ready for a test ? 21:42 nahuel don't think so :) 21:42 eiro nahuel, i think that for a librarian: python and perl are both unreadable 21:41 nengard :) 21:41 eiro nengard :)) 21:40 nahuel the number of lines is not important 21:40 nahuel but perhaps i'm wrong 21:40 eiro that's powerfull: easy to write and maintain ... how many lines of python for that ? 21:40 nahuel eiro, i think this is not readable for nengard or laurence 21:40 Jo yep ... i do that to my kids on msn sometimes in the lounge :) just to make the point there are real people to talk to as well! 21:40 nahuel nengard, talking to ? 21:40 eiro sanitize_eol for @user{qw<resume notes>} 21:39 nengard okay - you know you're a geek when you're sitting next to the people you're chatting with :) 21:39 eiro sub sanitize_eol { s/\\n/\n/g } 21:38 nahuel eiro, perl is unreadable for librarians :) 21:38 eiro hmm ... wait 21:38 eiro perl is readable ... but you have to learn some concepts 21:37 nahuel powerfull in which sens ? 21:37 eiro nahuel, because it's still more powerfull than every other langage :) 21:37 nahuel if perl is readable, it's no more "perl" 21:37 nahuel so why it's named perl ? :) 21:36 eiro nahuel, AFAIS: perl6 will loose a lot of perl5 tips to perform onliners. focus is on readability 21:35 nahuel eiro, perl6 class as oneline style 21:34 chris hey Rosa :) 21:31 eiro perl6 is the langage for next generation ILS ;) 21:31 chris jo: yep lots of fun so far 21:30 eiro no: perl6 class 21:30 nahuel oneliner :) 21:30 nahuel ^^ 21:26 eiro cya all! 21:25 eiro class Biblibrian is coworker does Sleep { has $.eight_hours_of_night; } 21:23 Jo you well? good trip? 21:23 Jo just got Rosalie on twitter so she can follow live tweets 21:23 Jo hi Chris 21:23 chris hey jo 20:52 chris hehe 20:51 nahuel chris, "room", because it isn't a "normal" room size :p 20:38 chris its a mini conf in my room :) 20:19 gmcharlt heading to airport - see y'all later 18:59 eiro bye all 18:59 eiro it's fun: u became w 18:59 eiro oopps .. s/couard/coward/ 18:57 eiro grmbl! couard! come back here ! 18:57 nahuel :) 18:57 nahuel we will talk about it later 18:57 eiro scponly :) 18:57 nahuel eiro, well good night :) 18:57 nahuel well coming in a couple of secs 18:57 eiro nahuel, winscp for windows users, fuse for macos users, kde for linux users 18:56 nahuel ok 18:56 chris yep she is in my room 18:56 nahuel and what about if you don't want to give a shell access ? 18:56 nahuel eiro, scp for end users ? 18:55 nahuel coming 18:55 nahuel chris, oik 18:55 chris nahuel^^ 18:55 chris hmm my phone just rang, i think nicole is here 18:55 eiro is it great ? 18:55 eiro nahuel, simple is use scp as it's done for it ... but anyway: tell me about TX! 18:54 nahuel KISS concept 18:54 nahuel eiro, why do it complicated when you can do it simple ? 18:53 eiro nahuel, cat over ssh does the job too :) 18:53 chris but ajaxterm is nicer than doing that :) 18:53 eiro that can be a great oss project: gopher-ng! 18:53 chris my other trick, was to change the port on my ssh server to be port 80 18:53 eiro gmcharlt :-)) 18:52 chris :) 18:52 nahuel s/of/is/ 18:52 nahuel ftp over ssh of cool :) 18:52 eiro webdav ? 18:51 chris yes, we have clients who want to use it, such a pain 18:51 eiro scp rocks :) 18:51 eiro chris, i'm kidding: it's a shame ftp still exists 18:51 chris if you try to use ftp at my work, the sysadmins will come and hit you :) 18:51 gmcharlt git over gopher! that's the tickect! ;) 18:51 chris sftp is ok :) 18:51 nahuel misc/ 18:51 chris ftp eeewwww 18:50 nahuel migration_tools/ 18:50 eiro tell me where is the script to create authorities from biblios 18:50 eiro ok ... you got me! :-P 18:50 nahuel to share your work, to communicate about your projects you need more than ftp and gopher 18:49 nahuel :) 18:49 nahuel git over ftp ? 18:49 eiro ;) 18:49 eiro sure ... but ftp is sufficient for it :) 18:48 nahuel else open source software shouldn't be developped as well as now 18:48 nahuel "internet" rocks :) 18:48 nahuel depends minitel web sucks 18:47 eiro but actually: it sucks :) 18:47 eiro arf ... my guess is that we don't have better to share documentations ... so WHTFTWIC (we have to find that web is cool) 18:46 nahuel ;p 18:46 nahuel (and not weak) 18:46 nahuel WebIsCool ! 18:45 nahuel WIC ! 18:45 nahuel eiro, ^^ 18:45 eiro wow! cool 18:45 eiro nahuel, i discovered the web with koha ;) 18:44 chris http://antony.lesuisse.org/software/ajaxterm/ 18:44 nahuel ? 18:44 nahuel eiro, you don't know ajaxterm 18:44 chris yup 18:44 nahuel chris, :) 18:44 eiro kidding ? you access remote with a browser ? 18:44 eiro ?! 18:43 chris_in_tx there we go, irc via ajaxterm, screen and irssi 18:43 eiro but we had NATO conference here ;) 18:42 eiro hello from ... Strasbourg ... fr ! 18:40 chris so i can get a shell on it that way :) 18:40 chris oh word of warning, the net at the conf center is locked down tight, no ssh, or irc, im just installing ajaxterm on my server at home now 18:39 chris nicole is coming round and we are going to all go get some lunch 18:37 chris not yet :) there is a starbucks in the mall, its debatable wether that is even coffee though :) 18:36 gmcharlt found any better coffee yet? 17:02 qiqo ohh... ok 17:01 gmcharlt qiqo: sorry, nobody's picked it up AFAIK 16:59 qiqo are there any developments with koha 3.0 for windowS? 16:59 qiqo hi 16:39 ryan_ gmcharlt: ok, thx 16:39 gmcharlt MARC to ISBD in general would expect that subfield order would be retained, particularly for 505 fields 16:38 gmcharlt our implementation 16:38 ryan_ gmcharlt: isbd or our implementation of it ? 16:38 gmcharlt ryan_: I don't think it accommodates that currently 16:37 ryan_ it's displaying ‡a‡a‡a‡t‡t‡t‡g‡g‡g 16:37 ryan_ is it possible in isbd to display them in the order found in the tag ? 16:36 ryan_ hmm.. so for a 505 which can have ‡a‡t‡g‡a‡t‡g‡a‡t‡g ... 16:32 ryan_ oh, really? 16:32 gmcharlt ryan_: check scrollback or #koha log - was discussed this morning coincidentally 16:30 ryan_ #505|<br/><br/>|{ 505a }{ 505t }{ 505r }{ 505g }{ 505u }| 16:30 ryan_ specifically, what's expected if there are many 505's and you have this : 16:30 ryan_ anybody here know isbd syntax ? 15:32 slef stock record.abs as supplied with koha 15:31 slef grs 14:59 gmcharlt I assume they're MARC21 - are they using the GRS1 filter or the DOM filter for authority records 14:59 gmcharlt slef: I'd check for changes to the authority record.abs 14:53 slef anyone got thoughts on http://bugs.koha.org/cgi-bin/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=2976 solution? 13:35 Crusoe thanks to everybody, now it looks clear %-) 13:35 nahuel chris, break-faaassst ! 13:35 nahuel chris, i think it'll be better :) 13:34 chris :) 13:34 chris i wont be doing that again 13:34 chris yeah big mistake 13:34 gmcharlt chris: you actually drank the coffeee available in your hotel room? ;) 13:34 chris ok, shall we breakfast? 13:34 chris woke up too many times nahuel, but mostly good, i think tonight will be better :) 13:34 liz_nekls kool kool 13:33 liz_nekls hehe! 13:33 nahuel chris, had a good night ? 13:33 chris im the one moaning on twitter about coffee :) 13:33 paul_p chris: he's back ;-) 13:33 liz_nekls or you can tag your tweets with #kohacon09 13:33 nahuel hi chris ! 13:33 liz_nekls hey, I'm collecting twitter usernames for the coveritlive I'm setting up for kohacon 13:33 chris and atz? 13:33 chris ahhh 13:33 gmcharlt no, I get in around 21:30 tonight 13:32 chris gmcharlt: do you get in the same time as nicole? 13:32 chris cool 13:32 paul_p i'll say when he is back 13:32 paul_p nahuel is in the bathroom. 13:32 chris meet you there in 5 mins? 13:31 chris yes indeed 13:31 paul_p chris: ready for breakfast ? 13:31 gmcharlt hi chris 13:31 paul_p chris: hello neibourgh ;-) 13:31 gmcharlt and open hackfest the second 13:31 gmcharlt paul_p: yes. we can talk more tomorrow, but basically what I have in mind is discussion and architectural battles [ ;) ] the first day 13:31 chris morning paul_p and nahuel 13:31 chris otoh i hate this coffee 13:30 chris i love openvpn 13:30 paul_p gmcharlt: did you think about a schedule for our devweek(-end) ? 13:28 gmcharlt can't mix differeent fields on the sam eline 13:21 Crusoe q3. May I mix different fields, like 461 and 463 on a single line? Or how can I suppress the space between two lines? 13:19 Crusoe cool! 13:10 hdl_laptop This should work. 13:09 hdl_laptop #225h||{225h, }{225i}| 13:08 hdl_laptop yes 13:02 Crusoe The record is expected to have 225#1$aMain series title$hPart I$iTitle of the part I$hSub-part 14$iTitle of sub-part 14... 13:00 Crusoe ? 13:00 Crusoe q2. Is it possible to say: 'display 225$h which is possybly followed bu 225$i. repeat', something like {225$h, {225$i}} 12:59 gmcharlt yes 12:58 Crusoe q1. #650 does mean 'look for each 650'? 12:56 gmcharlt then 650$3, $a, $b, $c, $d, $e, and then subdivisions ($x, $y, $z) preceded by '--' 12:56 gmcharlt display "<br/><br/><label>Subjects--Topical Terms: </label>" first 12:56 gmcharlt look for each 650 12:56 gmcharlt e.g., #650|<br/><br/><label>Subjects--Topical Terms: </label>|{\n6503 }{\n650a}{ 650b }{ 650c }{ 650d }{ 650e }{--650x}{--650z}{--650y}{--650v}| 12:55 gmcharlt 4. text to insert afterwards 12:55 gmcharlt 3. { } specifies the individual fields and subfields to display 12:54 gmcharlt 2. text to insert before 12:54 gmcharlt 1. tag/subfield to look for 12:54 gmcharlt | divides each line into fields 12:54 gmcharlt Crusoe: the # is a line separator 12:42 Crusoe Could anyone explain ISBD system variable syntax? What do '|','()','{}' mean? 12:18 nahuel well it's 7:20 am 12:18 nahuel hi :) 12:18 gmcharlt hi nahuel 12:18 gmcharlt the sleeper awakes 12:09 paul_p nengard+++ 12:08 gmcharlt nengard is renting a car, btw 12:08 paul_p ok. 12:08 gmcharlt no, a Hampton nearby 12:08 paul_p gmcharlt: you're at Holiday Inn ? 12:07 gmcharlt paul_p: I land at Dallas at 21:30 12:07 kf :( 12:06 paul_p gmcharlt: when do you arrive at Plano ? 12:06 paul_p hi kf. I don't think so, but I may have missed something 12:06 kf will 3.2 acquisition be recorded? I would really like to see it. 12:05 kf hi paul 12:04 Crusoe not a simple one. 12:04 Crusoe in 3 hours I found the answer on my question! 12:03 Crusoe Open source is a great thing! 12:03 paul_p gmcharlt: I don't know, nahuel still sleeping, and window closed & darkened (frenchism suspected) 12:02 paul_p good morning from Plano ! 12:02 gmcharlt what's the weather like in Plano? ;) 12:02 gmcharlt hi paul_p