Time Nick Message 10:13 Amit anasha, this is ur URL http://www.kohaindia.org/debian-lenny/index.html 10:06 anasha Amit, bolo 10:05 Amit hi anasha 10:00 anasha hi hdl_laptop 10:00 Amit ok 10:00 anasha hi hdl_laptio; 09:59 hdl_laptop hi anasha 09:59 hdl_laptop Is it not with postprocessing ? 09:59 hdl_laptop Have you really seen that zebra was the bottleneck ? 09:58 hdl_laptop Amit : why this question ? 09:58 hdl_laptop Amit : you could drop xpath indexing if you donot use it 09:42 Amit we can run several zebra server in one machine 09:41 Amit there is one question how to increase the performance of zebra 09:36 hdl_laptop hi Amit 09:26 Amit hi hdl 09:18 hdl_laptop quiet or quite ? ;) 09:17 brendan very quite day on IRC 09:16 brendan good night all 08:38 paul_p hi chris 08:38 chris hi paul 08:37 chris cool :) 08:35 hdl_laptop he should be baptised in May 08:35 hdl_laptop No photo added though. 08:35 hdl_laptop he is getting bigger. 08:34 chris your little one must be getting big by now? 08:33 hdl_laptop SO cute ;) 08:23 chris hdl_laptop: http://photos.bigballofwax.co.nz/gallery2/main.php?g2_itemId=69337 08:18 hdl_laptop hi chris 08:17 chris hi hdl_laptop 08:16 hdl_laptop hello 08:13 fredericd hi Chris! 08:08 chris hi fredericd 06:57 nicomo hi brendan 06:57 chris heya brendan 06:57 brendan heya chris , nicomo 06:53 chris yep had a nap, ill stay up for a couple more hours then go to bed 06:52 nicomo did you get some sleep? 06:52 nicomo hi chris 06:52 chris hi nicomo 06:45 nicomo 'morning koha 06:01 chris yep, hopefully no pages tonight 05:53 SelfishMan feeling better? 03:20 Amit hi chris good morning 02:09 SelfishMan Sleep is overrated 02:09 SelfishMan [Xwire]: It won't hurt to install them since you decide whether to use Zebra later in the config process 01:40 chris slept even 01:40 [Xwire] me neither 01:40 chris i havent sleep in the last 24 hours 01:40 [Xwire] haha well i'll try anyways 01:39 chris but i wouldnt listen me 01:39 chris at least i think so 01:39 chris yep 01:38 [Xwire] could i install those without zebra installed 01:38 [Xwire] i just don't know 01:38 [Xwire] Install the Zebra configuration files? (no, yes) [yes] 01:28 chris the liblime guys have more experience tuning zebra than i do, so they might have some ideas 01:26 chris i bet, that usually does for pretty much anything :) 01:26 SelfishMan Turning off all the logging helped a lot though 01:26 SelfishMan I've noticed that a lot myself. Overall it just doesn't seem to perform that well. 01:25 chris well someone said it was slow 01:25 SelfishMan "supposed to be fast..."? 01:24 chris the reason to use zebra is its supposed to be fast .... 01:24 chris and maybe a few other things 01:24 chris you can run without it, but the search doesnt do limiting by itemtypes 01:23 chris semi optional 01:18 [Xwire] does koha require zebra, or is it optional? 00:56 Jo poor Chris :) 00:54 chris i might try again after some sleep though 00:54 chris not me, on both the questions 00:53 SelfishMan Did anyone have advice for k12linux earlier in regards to the zebra performance question? 00:52 Jo and if so, where and how do you create the collections in admin? 00:51 Jo hi there. I wonder if anyone could help with a question about collections in Koha 3. Can you gather together a number of different item types into 1 collection? 00:25 [Xwire] the docs cover everythign except how to install it 00:22 [Xwire] is their a manual on how to install version 3? 00:20 [Xwire] i think they are all reading 00:20 SelfishMan Are there logs available for this channel? 00:19 [Xwire] is there an install manual for ver 3 i can seem to find it on the site 00:18 [Xwire] so i downloaded it now what 23:13 k12linux Can anyone point me to a link on improving performance with Koha v3.x when using zebra? I'm getting 5-6 seconds for simple searches. 16:08 slef sorry 16:08 slef hello dr nick! 15:58 brendan morning #koha 15:24 danny ok 15:23 gmcharlt danny: just noticed it. our sysadmin is looking into it 15:22 danny is koha.org having some problems? 14:44 slef the bot's sane (or as sane as it has ever been) 14:43 gmcharlt ok, so it's not the bot 14:43 gmcharlt !seen slef 14:43 hdl_laptop slef: he was there yesterday evening. 14:43 slef thanks anyhow 14:43 slef !seen fredericd 14:43 hdl_laptop fredericd 14:41 slef anyone know his nickname and if he IRCs? 14:41 slef !seen frederic 12:00 Amit hi paul