Time Nick Message 08:58 mason go team cormack! 08:54 chris thank you :) 08:54 paul_p i've seen you'll have another kind of deadline in some months. congrats ! 08:54 chris hi paul 08:54 paul_p hello chris 08:53 chris hdl: just deadlines 08:53 hdl hi mason 08:53 mason heya guys... 08:53 hdl troubles ? 08:52 chris at work still unfortunately 08:52 chris yep 08:52 hdl chris around ? 02:52 jaakkome anyone there?-) 00:56 mason anyone about for a git clue? 23:22 hdl gmcharlt: have you read ILS-DI draft ? 22:57 chris that'd work, ive never needed to though 22:56 SelfishMan One of the options I tend to use with Apache::DBI is to have my startup script initialize the DB connection and perform the keepalive 22:55 chris i love it :) 22:55 chris Do NOT change anything in your scripts. The usage of this module is absolutely transparent ! 22:55 SelfishMan yeah 22:54 chris it just works *tm* 22:54 chris thats the beauty of it 22:54 SelfishMan You aren't initializing Apache::DBI? 22:54 chris i have PerlModule Apache::DBI in my virtualhost 22:53 SelfishMan Hmm 22:53 chris theres not a lot to it :) 22:53 chris 1; 22:53 chris use lib qw(/home/chris/git/koha.git); 22:53 chris if ( ! {MOD_PERL}) { die "GATEWAY_INTERFACE not Perl!"; } 22:53 SelfishMan have fun 22:53 acmoore OK, I'd better jet. See y'all tomorrow. 22:52 chris 2 secs 22:52 SelfishMan What does your startup script look like for it? 22:51 acmoore yep, Apache::DBI buys you a lot. 22:51 chris before id recommend it for any 'real' use 22:51 chris but it needs a lot more testing, with concurrent users 22:50 chris the connection pooling alone is worth it 22:50 chris ive been running my dev koha with Apache::PerlRun and Apache::DBI 22:49 SelfishMan one of my biggest complaints is that there is a lot of overhead to the startup of each script so I think I might look into making it play nice with mod_perl 22:48 chris http://freshmeat.net/projects/mod_perlite/ 22:48 SelfishMan Apache::PerlRun is the one I was thinking of 22:48 chris this looks interesting 22:48 gmcharlt Apache::PerlRun, maybe, but I haven't tested that 22:48 acmoore but, now I can't recall which. 22:48 gmcharlt it wouldn't be safe under Apache::Registry 22:48 chris id suspect the short answer is no 22:48 acmoore I've heard that there is at least one module that koha requires that doesn't play well with mod_perl. 22:47 chris having not tested it enough 22:47 chris im not prepared to confirm nor deny that :) 22:47 SelfishMan is it safe under mod_perl with the apache::registry and similar modules? 22:46 SelfishMan let me rephrase that 22:46 SelfishMan is koha mod_perl safe? 22:44 chris heh 22:44 acmoore oh no. you just added about 94 zillion hours of work. 22:44 chris we should probably start using taint at least on the opac too 22:43 ryan acmoore: nice 22:43 chris sweet 22:43 acmoore so, if you're patching a file that doesn't use warnings, it prints something at you. 22:43 acmoore while we're on topic, here's a post-commit hook to let you know when files in your commit don't 'use warnings': http://arwen.metavore.com/~acm/git/post-commit-use-warnings 22:42 chris there are zillions of ways to do it :) 22:41 chris git is the perl of vcs 22:41 chris yep 22:41 ryan i am so glad though that we moved to git... can do _so_ many things that just weren't possible with cvs. 22:41 acmoore nothing improves learning like a good screw up. 22:41 chris its all stuff ive learnt from screwing things up :-) 22:40 chris np 22:40 ryan thx chris 22:40 ryan ah, that makes sense. 22:40 acmoore oh, interactive is probably the best idea. 22:40 chris or commit then do amend 22:40 chris with interactive on 22:39 chris git commit -a 22:39 chris you can also do 22:39 ryan that may be all i'm missing. 22:39 chris before the commit 22:39 chris then a bunch of git rm -f 22:39 chris then git status 22:39 chris --all 22:39 chris i often do a git add 22:38 ryan one of those things i always forget to experiment on until it's really not a good time to be experimenting :) 22:38 areinmeyer hence, the --all, i guess 22:37 areinmeyer there's a git add --all but that's pretty inclusive 22:36 ryan i recall doing a git add * before, with unpleasant results. 22:36 acmoore but I don't want to add the ton of unrelated files in my working directory. 22:36 acmoore I wonder if you can 'git add .' 22:35 acmoore ryan: I'd love to know the answer to that, too. I have to hope that I "format-patch" before hand so that I can look at what should be added in that patch. 22:34 ryan is there a way to add everything that changed to the index without doing it explicitly? 22:34 acmoore ok, gmcharlt. I just patchbombed about 5 patches for refactoring and warnings and such. If any of them don't seem to be OK, I can work on them before I send in this feature. 22:34 ryan before i can do the --continue . 22:34 ryan i need then to add everything i changed to the index, the way that 'git commit -a' would do 22:34 ryan while we're on random git usage... i sometimes have conflicts or on an 'edit' in rebase -i, i need to change a bunch of things, then do a rebase --continue... 22:33 acmoore my favorite part is when I "git fetch ; git rebase origin" and discover that there are *fewer* differences than before. That means that one of my prerequisite patches has been accepted and pushed. so, I have to manage fewer in my branch. 22:31 acmoore heh. time to edit my "my git workflow" page. 22:31 ryan :) 22:31 ryan acmoore: don't be embarrassed. i've been guessing at about how many patches to go back against, too 22:30 ryan ah, it makes sense now. 22:30 acmoore I guess I can make a new branch and try that. 22:30 acmoore ryan: I don't really know. If I were up to date with the origin, I'd exect there to be no commits to rebase. 22:30 acmoore perhaps I used "master' or something weird before. 22:29 ryan acmoore: does that work even if you're up to date with origin? 22:29 gmcharlt lol - yeah, I use git rebase --interactive origin all the time 22:28 ryan heh 22:28 acmoore how embarassing. 22:28 acmoore oh, I guess that actually works. I thought I had usuccesfully tried it before. 22:27 acmoore like "git rebase --interactive origin" or somesuch, maybe. 22:27 acmoore Do you know how to format that for "git-rev-parse" or whatever parses that? 22:27 acmoore while I'm asking you oddball stuff... I use 'git rebase --interactive HEAD^10' to get the last 10 commits and change them. And I sort of guess 10 being a good number. But, what I really want is all of the commits that aren't in the origin. 22:22 acmoore oh, I forgot about 2505, or maybe I didn't know about it. OK 22:22 acmoore OK. that makes sense. 22:22 gmcharlt except that you can use shared bugs like 2505 for turning on warnings 22:21 gmcharlt they should either have no bug number or a bug number for that indivdual improvement 22:21 acmoore So, should I attribute them to the koha bug that caused me to write them, or give them no bug numer at all? 22:21 acmoore they stand alone. I try to "percolate" them up to the newest of my patches, so that my functinoality depends on them. 22:20 gmcharlt i.e., a refactoring patch shouldn't add new functionality at the same time 22:20 gmcharlt I'd prefer them sooner, assuming that they stand alone 22:18 acmoore gmcharlt: I may have asked this before, but forgot. In the course of developing a large feature, I've produced some "refactoring patches" like adding warnings to scripts I'm just about to edit, or something like that. Do you care if you get those patches as I create them, or if you get them all along with the patches that add my feature? 20:48 chris oh i found out yesterday, that the senate library in thailand runs koha 20:44 chris yes, that makes sense, very important 20:44 paul_p so it's a "quite ou double" project. If it's a success, the next 3 years or so will be easy. Otherwise, they'll probably be hard... 20:44 chris let me know if there is anything i can do to help 20:43 chris awesome 20:43 paul_p chris: yes. and we know at least 20 french universities looking at this project. 20:42 chris that will be a lot of work i bet 20:39 chris *nod* 20:39 paul_p in the next quarter, we will be dedicated to Marseille Universities project. 20:39 chris i think there is quite a bit of work here for him too, so thats good 20:39 chris cool 20:39 paul_p we are quite happy to work with him, and we are thinking to continue our cooperation, if we have some stuff that could be done by him 20:38 chris hehe 20:38 paul_p yep. Mason is a "never sleeping" man... 20:38 chris excellent :) 20:38 chris ive seen mason working at all hours too 20:38 paul_p - create the patches & send them to patches@ for inclusion into 3.2 20:38 chris cool 20:38 paul_p - write a doc (in english) for the community 20:38 paul_p once they're live : 20:37 paul_p and there are still a lot of annoying problems 20:37 paul_p chris: yep. we have to finish new acq module for the SAN-OP. they go live on jan, 12th ! 20:34 chris busy after getting back from lyon? 20:34 chris congratulations paul :) 20:33 gmcharlt paul_p: happy anniversary! 20:33 paul_p hi chris 20:25 chris right, back after a bus ride, a coffee and a meeting 20:25 acmoore well, not pushing it into git, but looking at them and passing them along to the patches list. 20:22 acmoore gmcharlt: thanks for putting the branch transfer limits stuff in. I can't believe those patches still applied. They were a month or 2 old, I think. 19:47 liz oi, chris wasnt kidding... 18:48 atz_ chris: yeah... 18:47 chris wow, what a crud pile to wake up too 16:28 liz understanding* 16:28 liz this was my undrstanding, thanks 16:25 gmcharlt and the holds email notification in particular will make it in official 3.2 16:25 gmcharlt yes 16:21 liz hypothetically? 16:21 liz that will go in the release version of 3.2? 16:21 gmcharlt in which case settling on a common version makes sense 16:20 liz that's what I thought 16:20 gmcharlt barring cases where two groups contribute the same feature 16:20 liz lets take as an example some enhancements you've done for us, say the holds email notify one 16:20 gmcharlt ultimately, all contribs of sufficiently quality should make it in 16:20 gmcharlt liz: what do you mean? 16:20 liz up to the RM? 16:19 liz So, how do we know if a given enhancement (purchased or contributed) is considered "canonical" enough for a version upgrade? 16:19 liz question kind of in that vein 16:13 acmoore oh, that's too bad. 16:13 owen Our 27 year bookmobile feature was pencil and paper. Our bookmobile never lived to see offline circ. 16:12 acmoore maybe it's like a volume knob that goes up to 11, instead of just 10. 16:11 acmoore I guess the current implementation is only good for 26 years. 16:09 paul_p hi owen 16:09 paul_p ??? 16:08 owen "27 year bookmobile feature?" 12:46 gmcharlt it's only 07:45, not that early ;) 12:46 paul_p hi gmcharlt. early wake up for you it seems 12:46 gmcharlt hi hdl 12:45 hdl hi gmcharlt 12:45 hdl hi gm 12:45 gmcharlt hi paul_p 12:45 paul_p hello world