Time Nick Message 13:11 Amit hi 13:12 Amit the problem still same i have tested on debian box 13:12 Amit still availability not shown 13:12 Amit show only one branch 13:18 acmoore drive by bug report. 13:58 nengard owen - do i need a bug for the language issues on the patron permissions page: koha/members/member-flags.pl?member=51 13:58 nengard or can you eit it? 13:58 nengard edit it 13:59 owen The names and descriptions of the flags are stored in the database. So not only does it require an update to the database to correct them, it's not possible to translate them either. Needs a bug 14:02 nengard owen - done 14:03 nengard thanks 14:37 nengard hey all - search question - did we lose the 'did you mean' functionality in the OPAC? didn't we have that in earlier versions of Koha? 14:50 owen nengard: Yeah, we did lose that 14:51 nengard owen: hmm, bug? 14:51 owen I seem to recall the subject coming up recently, not sure if it was here or on the mailing list.. 14:55 owen nengard: It was a message to the Koha list: [Koha] Quesitons about make_spellcheck_suggest.pl 14:55 nengard owen i remember that suject - but i don't think i read that one 14:57 owen For posterity: http://www.nabble.com/Quesitons-about-make_spellcheck_suggest.pl-to19295088.html 16:28 nengard what? 16:28 nengard eeyore had children? 16:28 nengard Oh - hi Eeyore-Jr 16:31 owen http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eeyore 16:36 paul thx owen 16:49 Eeyore-Jr hi nengard 16:49 nengard hiya :) 16:49 nengard we were admiring your username 17:49 brendan hi guys - yea, I was working on the make_spellcheck_suggest.pl stuff. 17:50 brendan I found that the mysql stuff needed to be updated for the 3.0 mysql database scheme 17:50 brendan I've made some changes on my install, but I've been pulled away to other assignments. 17:50 brendan not done yet 17:51 brendan but I should have some time next week to look at it again 17:53 brendan I've also been investigating Ispell possibilities too 18:08 owen Thanks for the update brendan 18:20 danny hello #koha 18:20 owen Hi danny 18:21 danny question for you all about facets, trying to figure out how it determines what is a facet... 18:22 danny is there a system preference for setting up what is a facet? 18:22 owen I was under the impression it was hardcoded somehow... 18:22 nengard yep 18:22 danny it is hardcoded? 18:23 nengard as far as i know 18:23 danny ok 18:23 owen danny, see sub getFacets at line 687 of Koha.pm 18:23 owen That looks like the place 18:24 danny ah I see it, thanks 18:34 nengard owen - i skimmed through this: http://www.nabble.com/Quesitons-about-make_spellcheck_suggest.pl-to19295088.html but i'm not seeing anything about did you mean ... what am I missing? 18:37 owen Unless I'm mixing things up, "did you mean" == spell check. That is, Koha somehow indexes "valid" strings in the database and compares your input to that index in order to try to suggest "correct" search terms. 18:37 owen brendan is that right? 18:38 brendan yup that is how it should be working - not really a spell check but a suggestion 18:39 brendan as I understand it that make-spelling-suggestion.pl was designed for 2.2 18:40 brendan the database scheme changed and populating the spell-suggest needs to be adjusted to look for the information in new tables 18:41 brendan danny - we have been working on the facets recently - I can send you an example of one we did 18:44 danny brendan: that would be great, i'd be interested in seeing what you did 18:45 nengard brendan are you working on putting that feature back into 3.0? 18:45 nengard do you have a bug report for it I can follow? 18:45 brendan trying to get it working again - no bug report 18:47 owen Related: http://bugs.koha.org/cgi-bin/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=2539 18:53 brendan when I get back to the make_spelling_suggest.pl - I'm sure I'll have some questions then 18:55 brendan for now - the last lead I had was that many of the phrases that used to populate the spell-suggest database are now located in > table biblioitems > field marcxml 18:56 owen Or in the zebra index? 18:57 brendan not sure about zebra - but any other ideas you have could be useful. 19:04 danny brendan: thank you for the facet example, that is perfect 19:18 owen My notes say Bug 2420 is unresolved, but now I can't reproduce any problems. How about anyone else? 19:29 danny owen, i'm not seeing the problem 19:30 danny did google change something? 19:31 owen Don't know 20:16 chris morning 20:19 owen Hi chris 20:21 chris heya owen :) got all your power back? 20:22 owen yeah, only about 17hrs for me at home (most of it overnight) Some people in Ohio are still out, though 20:22 chris yucky 20:22 chris what caused it? 20:22 owen The remnants of Hurricane Ike. High winds. 20:23 chris ahh of course 04:04 Amit Hi 04:04 Amit Good morning Koha 06:38 Gupta Hi 06:38 Gupta i have solve the problem 06:39 Gupta for availibility 06:39 Gupta in koha stable 06:42 mc hello 07:12 Gupta 07:12 Gupta check for availibility 07:28 chris ohh, could you send a patch to the patches mailing list gupta? that would be excellent 07:28 Gupta ok 07:28 Gupta sir i will send very soon 07:28 Gupta in koha development list 07:29 chris if you could send a writeup to the development list, but the actual patch,to the patches list that would be best 07:29 Gupta ok 07:30 Gupta i will send it into patch list 07:30 chris http://lists.koha.org/mailman/listinfo/koha-patches 07:30 chris excellent thank you 07:31 Gupta ok 07:31 Gupta i will send it very soon 07:31 chris cool 07:36 paul hello chris. 07:36 chris hi paul 07:42 Gupta hello kados 10:15 chris dude has done nothing but whine .. for at least 5 years now