Time Nick Message 13:19 Amit any one tried koha on RPM 13:19 Amit base linux 13:19 Amit or production of koha on RPM based linux 13:20 Amit i have done this for delhi public library delhi, india 13:28 acmoore Amit: it seems that it's common to install Koha on Fedora. Is that RPM based? 13:28 Amit yes 13:28 Amit fedora is only for testing 13:28 Amit not on production 13:29 Amit i m using centos5.2 13:29 acmoore oh. If you have installation tips or help for that, I'm sure they would be welcome. We can make an INSTALL.centos document in the distribution. 13:31 Amit ok 13:31 Amit i am adding new search with zebra 13:31 Amit on indian languages 13:33 paul Amit : why do you say "fedora is for testing only" ? 13:34 paul there are stable fedora as well 13:34 Amit because fedora is redhat product 13:34 Amit and release for only 13:34 Amit testing purposes 13:36 Amit r u using fedora 13:37 paul Amit: no, sorry (debian, ubuntu, mandriva, some mac OSX, a few RH, but no centOS) 13:37 Amit centos is also 13:37 Amit RPM based linux 13:37 Amit i have tried also on openlx linux 13:37 Amit which is indian linux 13:38 mc paul, i think Amit means there is no commercial support on fedora 13:38 Amit yes 13:38 mc there are stable releases 13:38 mc but for non-professionnal users only 13:38 Amit our company provide support on koha on centos 13:38 Amit for delhi public library delhi 13:38 mc (as rpm based aren't professionnal ;) ) 13:38 Amit india 13:38 Amit why?? 13:38 mc Amit, just kidding 13:39 Amit k 13:39 mc i don't like them 13:39 mc but i don't troll about it 13:39 Amit but i like RPM based linux 13:39 Amit :) 13:39 mason rpm/redhat gave me years of dependency headaches 13:39 mc you're welcome 13:39 mc mason++ 13:40 johnny ++ 13:40 mc too many failed major upgrade 13:40 mc s 13:40 Amit this is your way 13:40 Amit but i m comfortable with RPM based linux 13:40 Amit so easy for me 13:41 Amit to configure koha on RPM based linux 13:41 Amit i have already done for delhi public library 13:41 Amit with zebra searching 13:41 mc never used debian ? :)) 13:42 paul Amit: mc & johnny are true geeks, with a long beard. don't follow them in their trolls ;-) 13:42 Amit ok 13:42 mc paul, :-P 13:42 Amit oh! sir no problem 13:43 Amit this is discussion 13:43 Amit i have also done koha on debian 13:43 Amit only one time 13:43 Amit for testing purpose only 13:43 Amit mc 13:44 mc ok 13:55 Amit good night 13:55 Amit :) 13:55 Amit list 14:21 danny hello #koha 14:30 brendan morning danny 16:56 owen gmcharlt around? 16:59 gmcharlt hi owen 16:59 owen Hi. 17:00 owen I'm still thinking about bookcount.pl vs. issuehistory.pl. 17:00 owen Now I'm thinking we may need to keep them both. bookcount.pl is really an item-level report, while issuehistory.pl is a bib-level one. 17:01 gmcharlt agreed 17:02 gmcharlt still presents possibilities for better naming and presenting the two types of reports 17:03 owen Differentiating the two I think is necessary, since right now the link to bookcount says "circulation history" and the link to issuehistory says "checkout history" 17:36 atz Should probably be "Circulation History (item level)" and "Circulation History (biblio level)" 19:07 owen git question: what's the best way to tell how your current branch differs from the main repo? 19:07 owen diff only tells you about what isn't committed 20:03 gmcharlt owen: you can do git diff <branch-name> 20:03 gmcharlt git-diff is a full service tool; diffs of uncomitted changes is just its default mode 22:01 hdl atz: around ? 22:01 atz ? 22:01 hdl hi 22:01 atz hello 22:01 hdl sorry to bother you. 22:01 hdl how are you ? 22:01 atz pretty good 22:02 atz what's up? 22:24 chris hmm 22:24 gmcharlt hi chris 22:26 chris heya gmcharlt 22:26 chris hows things? 22:26 gmcharlt ok 22:27 gmcharlt in class actually 22:27 gmcharlt subject to vagaries of net connection :) 22:27 chris ahh :) 03:39 Amit hi 03:39 Amit koha 06:53 Amit Hi 06:53 Amit #koha