Time Nick Message 10:29 masonj ok hunny 10:28 chris but now i must sleep 10:28 chris to the sort-string one 10:28 chris charmap word-phrase-utf.chr 10:27 chris or we try changin 10:27 chris so i guess we need an fr one of those? 10:26 chris is the one that u need for the search 10:26 chris so whatever is doing the :w or :p 10:26 masonj yeah, i got it now ;) 10:26 masonj ... as all of the mapping stuff in it was commented out 10:26 chris so that they order correctly 10:26 chris the sort i think is just for sorting 10:25 chris right 10:24 masonj it has a similar contents to 'sort-string-utf.chr', i thought it may have been a legacy file 10:23 masonj so it looks like 'word-phrase-utf.chr' is the real magical file for doing the subst. 10:20 chris but it seems plausible :) 10:20 chris im just guessing 10:20 masonj yeah, i think youre right there chris 10:19 chris 10:18 masonj aaah, click... 10:17 chris yep, but how do you tell it to use it for substitution, not just sorting? 10:16 masonj the profilePath points to either the 'fr' or 'en' dir, to determine which 'sort-string-utf.chr' file to use 10:16 masonj :/home/mason/koha/af-rc1/etc/zebradb/lang_defs/fr 10:15 chris which isnt what you want it to do is it? 10:15 chris i think what default.idx is doing there is using it for the sort 10:15 masonj the only import thing i could find was the profilePath value in ./zebra-biblios.cfg 10:14 masonj sure 10:14 chris charmap sort-string-utf.chr 10:14 chris completeness 1 10:14 chris sort s 10:14 chris # Sort register 10:13 chris the charmap bits presumably 10:10 masonj looking at the default.idx, what would i need to change in there?? 10:09 masonj but i couldnt find anything 10:09 masonj i looked about in the zebra-config dirs - to see if there was something i needed to update 10:07 masonj no, i havent edited any of the zeb config files yet 10:07 masonj but i need someone else to confirm that 10:06 masonj so im guessing that my zeb isnt doing the mapping correctly, as i would expect to see it also search for 'moutons' in that query 10:06 masonj . 10:06 masonj zebrasrv(21) [request] Search biblios OK 0 1 1+0 RPN @attrset Bib-1 @or @or @or @or @or @attr 1=36 @attr 4=1 @attr 6=3 @attr 9=32 @attr 2=102 moùtons @attr 1=4 @attr 4=1 @attr 6=3 @attr 9=28 @attr 2=102 moùtons @attr 1=4 @attr 4=1 @attr 9=26 @attr 2=102 moùtons @attr 4=6 @attr 5=103 @attr 9=16 @attr 2=102 moùtons @attr 4=6 @attr 5=1 @attr 9=14 @attr 2=102 "moùtons? " @attr 4=6 @attr 9=14 @attr 2=102 moùtons 10:06 masonj the zebrasrv [request] line doesnt seem to be doing the a search for 'moutons' anywhere, just lots of 'moùtons'.. 10:06 masonj or the ' zebrasrv(18) [log] dict_lookup_grep:XXXX lines too? 10:06 masonj line ? 10:06 masonj zebrasrv(18) [request] Search biblios OK 0 1 1+0 RPN @attrset Bib-1 @or @or @or @or @or @attr 1= 10:01 paul charmap ... 10:00 paul masonj: did you adapt default.idx accordingly to thisnew .chr file ? 09:59 masonj so , on a zebra that is doing accented character mapping correctly - is there any extra stuff happening in the... 09:56 masonj oops, missing a \n there 09:56 masonj $ file sort-string-utf.chr sort-string-utf.chr: UTF-8 Unicode English text 09:50 masonj right, let me send you this log ...., perhaps you can spot a difference in behaviour 09:49 paul it's sometimes a pain to be sure, as you may have it latin1 encoded, and, if your console is latin1 too, you won't see the problem 09:48 masonj ahh, yes i did remember an error vim? gave me about my sort file too, some months ago.. 09:48 paul (utf-8) 09:48 paul is it correctly encoded on your server ? 09:47 paul yep. 09:47 masonj hmm, my sort-string-utf.chr file? 09:47 paul is your file correctly encoded (utf-8) on your server ? I had some problems with that 09:46 paul or "moùtons" 09:46 paul try "moûtons" 09:46 paul mmm... bad choice, as Des is also an empty word, so if you have french empty words, it will be ignored 09:46 masonj yet that doesnt seem to be working for me :( 09:46 paul right 09:45 masonj because sort-string-utf.chr is doing a ' map êèéëÊÈÉË e' 09:45 masonj if i have a title 'des moutons' - and i search for 'Dés Moutons' i should get a result 09:43 paul yep, as I don't understand what you're speaking of... 09:42 masonj hmm, perhaps i should sentd you an email with some log output from my zebrasrv 1st 09:41 masonj im trying to debug it 09:41 masonj so, the Q is - do you get any interesting output from zebrasrv , when zebrasrv is doing the character substitution? 09:39 masonj ive been working with some french data, and experimenting with the zebra search behaviour 09:38 paul yep 09:38 masonj hey paul, could i ask you some little questions about the 'fr/sort-string-utf.chr' file 09:36 masonj ok, good to know 09:35 chris same for me 09:35 chris i concur 09:33 masonj . 09:33 masonj but if i do a search on mags and books, i get 0 results not 120 09:32 masonj and a search on magazines , and get 20 results 09:32 masonj so i can do a search on books, and get 100 results... 09:32 paul anymore 09:32 paul it doesn't work 09:32 paul hey... you're right 09:32 masonj lemme explain... 09:31 masonj hi paul 09:31 paul hi masonj 09:30 masonj can anyone successfuly do a ' ' search , with 2 or more itypes, and get results? 09:28 masonj i wonder if someone with a recent koha3-zeb can confirm something quickly for me.. 09:28 masonj anyone aboot? 06:59 chris hi mc 06:27 mc hello 21:05 cnighs bye paul 21:05 acmoore bye, paul. 21:05 chris cya paul 21:05 acmoore paul, I limited out one that was set against 3.2. that left me with 7. 21:03 paul i'll be here tomorrow (except for 2hours, meeting with my bank) 21:03 paul have a good day (end of wed of start of thurs...) 21:03 paul ok, time to leave for me. 21:02 paul the last one being "warn staff about resource hogging scripts" 21:01 paul 3 of them having a "patch sent", and 4 related to serials edit 21:01 paul mmm... I get 8 in my bugzilla list. 21:00 paul 4 of them being related to serials edition... 20:59 chris nice work 20:59 acmoore Looks like we have 7 remaining. 20:56 acmoore so, patch for 1980 sent. that's my last blocker. 20:55 acmoore well, I hacked around the part of it that looked like a bug to me. If I'm using it wrong, we can correct my calls to it later. I can't figure out for the life of me how to use it right. 20:53 paul patch sent 20:52 paul I'll submit a patch for that immediatly 20:52 paul the patch about Context.pm let a line 252 with "$context", which is useless & result in zillions of warnings in http conf 20:51 paul mmm... kados... 20:51 chris ahh :) 20:51 paul although alone those weeks, so I work late ;-) 20:51 paul yep. 20:51 chris you must be on your way to bed paul? 20:50 chris he's a very smart guy 20:50 chris knowing pierrick it would have been great once it was finished 20:50 chris yep 20:50 paul probably "unfinished" code... 20:50 paul was written a few weeks before pierrick leaved Ineo-ms... 20:49 chris apparently its awesome :-) 20:49 chris standard pagination method. This function also improves preformances. 20:49 chris language dependency. This function hugely simplifies templates and offers a 20:49 chris improved: C4::Output::pagination_bar builds an HTML pagination bar with no 20:49 chris it was written by plg .. april 2006, so its relatively recent :-) 20:44 kados acmoore: I never presume anything with code taht's been around a log time in Koha:-) 20:41 acmoore coinsidering that it's been around for so long, nearly unmolested, I have to presume I'm using it wrong, but I can't figure out how to do it right. 20:39 acmoore I'm presuming I'm using it wrong, although I'm using it just like other calls. 20:39 acmoore anyone know why C4::Output::pagination_bar makes links like http://example.com/cgi-bin/koha/acqui/neworderbiblio.pl?q=a?page=2 when you pass it a URL that already has some query_string n it. it seems like it doesn't realize it's supposed to be using &'s after there's already a ? in there. 18:59 Kyle Thanks. I really want to move away from 'doing my own thing' to contributing more directly to Koha. I've been moving stuff from koha-tools into dev_week. Recently, I rewrote our fines system ( which creates fines on an item's return, instead of nightly ) as part of Fines.pm in dev_week. It's been much more stable since. 18:56 acmoore Kyle, yeah, that would be great! It looks like you've been doing some cool stuff, and we could always use the help. 18:56 Kyle acmoore: I probably won't be porting the koha-tools stuff until we get closer to our switchover. I would like to rewrite as much as possible in perl and integrate it into Koha 3.0. That way it benefits more people and is easier to maintain. 18:44 sawariwap :) 18:44 sawariwap cool 18:44 sawariwap oh ok 18:41 kados this week for certain 18:40 kados sawariwap: today, tomorrow? 18:39 sawariwap any tentative date for the final release? 18:38 kados brilliant! 18:38 kados wow, you gotta love III, their errors always come back as "No error" 18:31 kados acmoore: *nod* 18:31 kados and I can grab then from there 18:31 acmoore kados, thanks. It's dinnertime in France, so we might not get them approved today, I guess. 18:31 kados Kyle: you could just point to them on a web server 18:31 kados Kyle: gmail will definitely goof up the attachments 18:30 kados acmoore: hdl is the moderator for that list 18:30 acmoore Kyle, have you been working on making your PHP enamcements work with koha 3? 18:29 acmoore Kyle, they'll get held up for moderation before they make it to that list if you're not subscribed. 18:28 acmoore kados, who is the moderator for the patches@ list, anyway? 18:28 acmoore Kyle, they'll probably work OK like that, though some mailers are known to goof up attachments. give it a try, though. 18:22 Kyle From what I'm reading, it sounds like I can just send them to patches@koha.org as attachments from my gmail account. Is this correct? 18:21 kados or postfix? 18:21 kados exim perhaps? 18:21 kados you may need to properly configure your outgling mail server 18:20 Kyle Is there something else I need to do? 18:20 Kyle I used the command 'git send-email filename' 18:19 Kyle Yes, however, I think it's a problem with mail email configuration. I'll cc them to you as well. 18:18 kados Kyle: if you want, you can also cc me, jmf AT liblime DOT com and I will confirm your outgoing mail is working 18:18 kados Kyle: it's possible they are in moderation, are you subscribed to the koha-patches list on lists.koha.orjg? 18:16 Kyle Hey all, I submitted some Koha 3 patches. I followed the git_usage guide on the koha wiki. I haven't seen them show up on the patches mailing list. Is there any way I can find out if they went through? 17:59 fbcit tnx 17:50 kados to the actual cataloger 17:50 kados fbcit: I'm adding some user errors to make it clear where the problem is 17:50 kados fbcit: it appears from furthe tests that the actual connections to innopac are failing for isbn searches 17:27 kados apparantly 17:27 fbcit so not only are we expected to fix koha, but other systems too, heh? 17:25 kados fbcit: I will figure out a way to fix this completely broken instance, but as to getting III to work, that'll have to wait 17:25 ccatalfo cool, can't wait to get details and try out... 17:25 kados more on that later :-) 17:25 kados should be pretty swank actually 17:25 kados it will allow us to pull from dbs like IRSPY and have local overrides on select values of fields, as well as add our own targets, per user 17:24 ccatalfo kados: ah, that sounds great 17:24 kados ccatalfo: I'll fill you in on the ID info when I have some time 17:24 ccatalfo kados: it's not in the main git repo yet, though 17:24 kados you rock 17:24 kados oh, cool 17:24 kados ccatalfo: and I have some good news from Index Data about how to manage a database of target information too 17:24 ccatalfo kados: as it happens, at some point over the last month i put a hack in place to let us do that in the biblios.conf file, but fallback on biblios' defaults if not specified 17:24 ccatalfo kados: yup 17:23 kados ccatalfo: each type of target is going to have different expectations for what a 'title' search is for example 17:23 kados ccatalfo: something to bear in mind for biblios 17:23 kados ccatalfo: yea 17:22 ccatalfo smth about using pazpar2 with different bib attributes per target? 17:21 ccatalfo sure am 17:21 kados ccatalfo: around? 17:21 kados fbcit: biblios already uses pazpar2 17:21 fbcit np, we'll work around it here 17:20 kados but I'm confident we can work on a solution for 3.2 using pazpar2 17:20 kados fbcit: I'm afraid this won't be fixed for 3.0 17:20 kados you can pass info about each target config separately before doing the federated search 17:19 kados this would be better handle with pazpar2 17:19 kados yep 17:18 fbcit sounds like we will have to have code to handle the various exceptions 17:17 kados fbcit: Ok, I"ll add this additional info to the bug report 17:17 kados 5-lb-spiders-- 17:17 kados yea 17:17 kados fbcit: in a way that they would feel warm and fuzzy about Koha ? 17:16 fbcit looks like a 5 pound spider rather than a simple bug 17:16 kados fbcit: do you think you could explain this problem to your catalogers? 17:16 kados so basically, I try a 1=1016 (actually keyword, but apparantly title in III), and it can't respond fast enough 17:15 kados Diagnostic message(s) from database: [100] Unspecified error -- v2 addinfo 'Search taking too much time. Server is disconnected.' 17:15 kados records returned: 1 17:15 kados Result Set Status: none 17:15 kados Number of hits: 0, setno 1 17:15 kados Search was a bloomin' failure. 17:15 kados Received SearchResponse. 17:15 kados Sent searchRequest. 17:15 kados f @attr 1=1016 "Who's Who in the Media and Communications 1998-99" 17:15 kados fbcit: this is great: 17:14 kados arrrg 17:14 kados but we're blamed for following the standard 17:14 kados this is an instance where Koha gets blamed 17:14 fbcit ok, code here is in sync now 17:14 kados this is why I get silly mad 17:14 kados fbcit: can we be blamed for conforming to the standard ? 17:12 kados Innopac Z39.50 server does not always use the. standard Bib-1 attributes. For example, the Any. Field search (use attribute = 1016) is actually a. title search 17:12 kados oh, you're kidding me ... 17:10 fbcit cool 17:09 kados http://irspy.indexdata.com/raw.html?id=Z39.50%3Acatnyp.nypl.org%3A210%2FINNOPAC 17:09 kados fbcit: http://irspy.indexdata.com/find.html?cql.anywhere=&dc.title=&zeerex.country=&net.protocol=&net.host=catnyp.nypl.org&net.port=&net.path=&zeerex.libType=&dc.description=&dc.creator=&_sort=&_search=Search&_count=10&_skip=0 17:08 kados OK, so there is something III catalogs are expecting that we're not providing 17:06 fbcit yea, titles do not cause failures here either 17:05 kados but no failures 17:05 kados nothing found 17:05 kados as title now 17:05 kados I'm trying 'Who's Who in the Media and Communications 1998-9' 17:05 kados yea 17:05 fbcit kados: it does not appear that any isbn searches work against those targets via z3960_search.pl 17:04 fbcit back even 17:04 fbcit bak 17:02 kados and if we try to find the same records via another mechanism does it fail? 17:02 kados any ISBN queries in particular? 17:02 kados fbcit: are any queries on those targets working? 17:02 fbcit brb 17:01 kados I suspect III is expecting a different set of arguments for queries than we're providing 17:01 kados the bib-1 error is somewhat telling 17:01 kados so that explains our difference :-) 17:01 fbcit this install was updated two weeks ago 17:01 kados just not the same one 17:01 kados but I still get an error 17:00 fbcit that might explain it 17:00 fbcit $marcdata = $rec->raw(); 17:00 fbcit my $marcrecord; 17:00 fbcit my $rec = $oResult[$k]->record($i); 17:00 kados might have been yesterday, MJ added a couple things 17:00 fbcit right 17:00 kados fbcit: the check for $rec? 17:00 fbcit if... 17:00 kados fbcit: ? what check? 16:59 kados something screwy going on here :/ 16:59 fbcit kados: when was that check added to z3950_search.pl? my version does not have it 16:58 kados returns no hits 16:58 kados f @attr 1=7 083793950X 16:58 kados interstingly, I get failyure with default settings in yaz-client for both cattnyp and unc 16:57 kados not sure 16:57 fbcit so if no results are returned I wonder why "if ($rec) {" fails? 16:57 kados fbcit: I'll try searching unc for that isbn using yaz-client 16:56 kados maybe we have different deubg levels or something 16:56 kados I don't get that error for some reason, i get the one above 16:56 fbcit it also produce that error on catnyp 16:56 kados if I search it in cattnyp with yaz-client it returns no results 16:56 kados huh 16:55 fbcit " 16:55 fbcit try 083793950X on the UNC target as that gives "Can't call method "raw" on an undefined value at /usr/share/koha/intranet/cgi-bin/cataloguing/z3950_search.pl line 216. 16:55 kados no, searcing catnyp, I'm talking about the error about raw() as documented in your bug report 16:54 fbcit which error are you referring to? 16:53 fbcit are you searching on 8423968146 @ UNC? 16:53 fbcit no on DEBUG 16:53 fbcit weird 16:52 kados fbcit: did you set DEBUG or something? 16:51 kados fbcit: where are you seeing the other, more useful error? 16:51 kados 16:51 kados [Wed Jul 09 11:50:45 2008] [error] [client] Premature end of script headers: z3950_search.pl, referer: http://staff-jmf.dev.kohalibrary.com/cgi-bin/koha/cataloguing/z3950_search.pl?frameworkcode= 16:51 kados [Wed Jul 09 11:50:45 2008] [error] [client] ZOOM error 1 "Permanent system error" (addinfo: "Permanent system error") from diag-set 'Bib-1', referer: http://staff-jmf.dev.kohalibrary.com/cgi-bin/koha/cataloguing/z3950_search.pl?frameworkcode= 16:51 kados 16:49 kados that's the error Im getting 16:49 kados fbcit: [Wed Jul 09 11:49:04 2008] [error] [client] ZOOM error 1 "Permanent system error" (addinfo: "Permanent system error") from diag-set 'Bib-1', referer: http://staff-jmf.dev.kohalibrary.com/cgi-bin/koha/cataloguing/z3950_search.pl?biblionumber=0&lccn=%20%202002398788&isbn=8423968146%20(O.C.)&isbn=8423968235%20(t.%201)&isbn=8423968243%20(t.%202)&title=Diccionario%20de%20la%20lengua%20espan%CC%83ola%20/ 16:49 gmcharlt practically, though, the syspref should never be changed from on to off 16:48 nengard k 16:48 gmcharlt nengard: it reverts to the original behavior, although the specific permissions are retained 16:47 nengard gmcharlt - i may have missed this - but what if this is on and then gets turned off later - does it change the user's permissions from the granular form to the original? or do they keep their permissions until their record is edited? 16:47 fbcit very 16:46 kados strange 16:45 kados fbcit: but right above it, we test for that 16:45 kados fbcit: oddly, the error is claiming that $rec is undefined 16:45 kados $marcdata = $rec->raw(); 16:45 kados my $marcrecord; 16:45 kados if ($rec) { 16:45 kados my $rec = $oResult[$k]->record($i); 16:45 nengard k 16:43 gmcharlt was renamed to GranularPermissions 16:43 nengard gmcharlt you mention a system preference: CheckSpecificUserPermissions - but i don't see it 16:43 gmcharlt nengard: and http://git.koha.org/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi?p=Koha;a=commit;h=70d33a82bb5d30c0455070e96cc5ad4fea545a9d 16:42 kados it's the start of further granularization of permissions for Koha 16:42 gmcharlt nengard: also see http://git.koha.org/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi?p=Koha;a=commit;h=cafaa26b4537fed3664f6dc658533d95912b5d6f 16:42 kados nengard: turn it ON and then edit a patron's permission, you'll see it for yourself 16:42 nengard I like kados's explanation - I'll take that nice short one 16:42 nengard acmoore :) hehe 16:41 acmoore OMG. ask gmcharlt. prepare for about 4 hours of explaining. 16:41 kados nengard: it turns on the little + button for some permission groups, like 'tools' 16:40 nengard what is GranularPermissions - this is something new to me 16:38 nengard my documentation 16:38 nengard thanks kados - just checking as I browse through 16:38 kados nengard: but there's a bug that we will fix in 3.2 to finally remove it 16:38 kados nengard: it still is necessary for some stuff 16:37 nengard owen (at least I think it was you) didn't we make it so that this preference 'OPACBaseURL' wasn't necessary ... or was that someone else I was talking with? 16:35 fbcit well, that does not fix the can't call method raw error 16:32 fbcit hrmm 16:32 kados and checking the sample data, it's in there 16:32 kados at least for me they do 16:32 kados yea, they have MARC-8 16:32 fbcit here they show nothing except where I set them 16:31 kados they I mean 16:31 kados from the display it looks like the all have marc-8 16:31 fbcit that column should probably be set NOT NULL 16:31 kados ahh, I wonder if that's the prob 16:30 fbcit I also notice that none of the z3950 targets installed by the webinstaller have a default Encoding set 16:30 kados intersting 16:30 fbcit even w/UNC set to MARC8 the error occurs 16:29 kados III-- 16:29 kados another innopac system 16:29 fbcit but also 083793950X with the UNC target 16:28 fbcit see bug 2327 for starters 16:28 kados fbcit: can you give me some examples? 16:27 fbcit z3950 searches still blow chunks with isbn's on certian targets 16:27 kados but for now, setting to MARC8 is a decent alternative 16:27 kados galen may have time next week to investigate what the specif problem with the III systems' UTF8 is 16:27 kados fbcit: OK, I'll update the bug 16:27 fbcit kados: works fine now 16:25 kados fbcit: i've also had terrible problems iwth the LOC's claimed UTF-8 encoding, use MARC8 there too 16:24 kados fbcit: if you change it to marc8, Koha will convert it to utf8 for you automagically 16:23 kados fbcit: I changed the chapel hill target to marc-8 and it's working now 16:21 kados I need another example from chapel hill if you have one 16:21 fbcit I'm trying to locate where they pulled it 16:21 fbcit no 16:21 kados fbcit: i wanna test marc8 16:21 kados is that at the chapel hill target? 16:20 kados k 16:19 fbcit kados: do a z3950 search on 8476456700 with all servers selected 16:17 fbcit hold on 16:16 kados fbcit: got another isbn for me so I can test something? 16:16 fbcit no 16:16 kados have you tried marc8? 16:16 kados while claiming to be utf8 16:16 kados I suspect that the encoding isn't utf8 16:15 fbcit I also added bug 2327 16:15 kados Ok, the title's showing up with a question mark, so it doesn't bode well 16:15 fbcit kados: it is definitely utf-8 afaict 16:14 kados fbcit: testing now 16:14 kados back I mean 16:14 kados fbcit: hack 15:19 fbcit utf8 encoding 15:19 fbcit innopac db 15:19 fbcit afton.lib.unc.edu:210 15:19 fbcit that record is being pulled from UNC @ Chapel Hill 15:17 fbcit ISBN 8423968146 15:17 kados (you could also teston koha.liblime.com, though the indexing wont' updat there, but you could see if the encodings work) 15:17 fbcit Diccionario De La Lengua Española 15:16 kados but I hvae to eat breakfast first, so if you could send me a list of ISBNs or titles to search for on LOC that trigger a problem for you, I'll check them out when I get back 15:16 fbcit k 15:16 kados if you could give me some specific examples, I'd like to make sure a properly encoded system handles those records correctly 15:15 fbcit so, fix config; export; import? 15:15 kados yep 15:15 fbcit diacriticals seem to be the issue 15:15 kados ok, that's a good sign 15:15 fbcit it does appear to be an encoding issue as it is occurring with every book in Spanish 15:15 kados are you certain that's the cuprit? 15:14 fbcit so after setting up mysql server for utf-8, I need to export my bibs and re-import them to correct encoding? 15:14 kados all I know is, I've seen some weird encoding issues without following things carefully 15:14 kados maybe not so much the server though ... 15:14 kados especially important is the encoding of the connection 15:13 kados yes, it really does 15:13 fbcit does it really matter what the mysql server is at that point? 15:13 fbcit the koha db is utf-8 and db/table/column level 15:12 kados fbcit: a bug where new items weren't getting added to zebraqueue would have thrown a wrench in that plan 15:12 fbcit kados: about mysql utf-8 15:12 kados fbcit: that's a huge relief, esp since I was hoping to get 3.0-stable out this week ;-) 15:11 rhcl OK, tnx 15:11 kados rhcl: do misc/migration_tools/rebuild_zebra.pl --help 15:11 kados rhcl: the -z flag is for the reubild_zebra.pl script 15:10 rhcl the man page for zebra doesn't show a "-z" flag. 15:10 fbcit it was grabbing them before I looked :-) 15:10 kados ok, so then it's probably entirely the zebraqueue daemon 15:10 kados ahh 15:10 fbcit no, they appear to be making it there, I was mistaken earlier due to zebraqueue daemon running 15:09 kados fbcit: and running rebuild_zebra.pl with -z option should clear those issues up 15:09 kados fbcit: I think the ebraqueue daemon issues are separate 15:09 kados so i can reproduce it 15:09 kados fbcit: if you are adding records that aren't making it into zebraqueue table, that sounds like abug, but I need specific examples 15:09 kados rhcl: ie, rather than a complete index re-build 15:08 kados rhcl: I'd recommend -z, it will use the zebraqueue table, so you can run it every 5 minutes or so 15:08 rhcl huh, just because I don't know? 15:08 fbcit kados: so do we are thinking this is a script problem rather than some weird record problem, right? 15:07 kados rhcl: why not -z ? 15:07 fbcit cron task is in place 15:07 kados I'll make sure that's clear in the install docs 15:07 fbcit k 15:07 rhcl we're using the flags "-w -b -a" for the cron rebuild 15:07 kados yea, I pretty much have given up on the zebraqueue daemon 15:06 rhcl For what it's worth, we had (have?) the _exact_ same problem here. Even though we still have the zebra daemon running, we either do a manual rebuild or wait for the cron job to rebuild zebra. 15:04 kados so use -z -a -b 15:03 kados for bibs and authorities 15:03 kados and add a cron task with rebuild_zebra.pl and the -z option 15:03 kados lets try this: turn off zebraqueue daemon, I don't trust it 15:03 fbcit most marc records are coming from loc here 15:02 fbcit but they do not show in a search 15:02 fbcit btw: zebraqueue daemon is running and the missing records are begin processed by it, contrary to my previous observation 15:01 fbcit yep 14:58 kados can you hook us up with the specific target info you have set up and which records specifically they are trying to import and subsequently add items too? 14:57 fbcit right 14:57 kados or some other process? 14:57 kados they are using Koha's built-in MARC editor with Z39.50? 14:57 kados weird 14:57 fbcit grrrr 14:57 fbcit the other does not 14:56 fbcit one of my data entry people has the problem now 14:56 fbcit that's the problem 14:52 kados fbcit: how can I reproduce the issue, which bibs is it happening with? 14:50 kados OK, goodie, now we're making progress