Time Nick Message 05:27 CGI170 im using koha for Windows... does anybody know how to add staff users in koha 2.2.8 on Windows...? 05:25 CGI170 anybody here? 22:25 gmcharlt thanks 22:25 matthew They were unmodified from the dist. 22:25 matthew I didn't. And I didn't make a backup. Bad sysadmin. Although it is the standard file from the 2.2.9 download 22:25 gmcharlt or were they unmodified from the distribution 22:24 gmcharlt matthew: did you happen to do a diff before you copied the files? 22:15 matthew on at least some of the servers. LOC was fixed and that was most important. 22:14 matthew cp /usr/local/koha/intranet/htdocs/intranet-tmpl/default/en/z3950/searchresult.tmpl /usr/local/koha/intranet/htdocs/intranet-tmpl/npl/en/z3950/searchresult.tmpl 22:14 matthew This solved my z39.50 search problem: 22:06 atz so that query never makes it to target z3950 22:05 gmcharlt atz: if I'm interpreting the error messgae correctly, it's trying to do an ISBN search on "/", meaning that the search string is being parsed incorrectly by Koha 21:30 atz it looks like that error is happening in koha 21:29 atz gmcharlt might be able to comment on that error 21:00 matthew Is the "malformed at opac" a clue to my problem? 21:00 matthew I'm getting the same result for every z39.50 server I try 21:00 matthew [Tue Feb 05 14:56:24 2008] [error] [client] 0 luis.indstate.edu error @attr 1=7 "/": Unsupported search (3) Missconfigured search, malformed at opac, referer: http://stam.library.test:8080/cgi-bin/koha/z3950/search.pl?oldbiblionumber=&isbn=0316346624 20:18 matthew all the z3950 servers I enter return Internal server error, except for infohawk.uiowa.edu but it returns no results 20:11 matthew z3950.loc.gov continues to give me an Internal server error. 20:08 matthew thanks for your help 20:08 chris ok i have to go for a bit to dress my son, bbiab 20:07 chris yep 20:07 matthew This one works fine, I think. 20:07 matthew [Tue Feb 05 13:58:53 2008] [error] [client] infohawk.uiowa.edu at /usr/local/koha/intranet/cgi-bin/z3950/search.pl line 161., referer: http://stam.library.test:8080/cgi-bin/koha/z3950/search.pl?oldbiblionumber=&isbn=0140183884 20:06 chris so looks ike its northwestern one not playing nice 20:05 chris yeah 20:05 matthew unsupported search? 20:05 matthew [Tue Feb 05 13:58:57 2008] [error] [client] Premature end of script headers: search.pl, referer: http://stam.library.test:8080/cgi-bin/koha/z3950/search.pl?oldbiblionumber=&isbn=0140183884 20:05 matthew [Tue Feb 05 13:58:57 2008] [error] [client] 1 zsrv.library.northwestern.edu error @attr 1=7 "/": Unsupported search (3) Missconfigured search, malformed at opac, referer: http://stam.library.test:8080/cgi-bin/koha/z3950/search.pl?oldbiblionumber=&isbn=0140183884 20:05 matthew [Tue Feb 05 13:58:57 2008] [error] [client] zsrv.library.northwestern.edu at /usr/local/koha/intranet/cgi-bin/z3950/search.pl line 161., referer: http://stam.library.test:8080/cgi-bin/koha/z3950/search.pl?oldbiblionumber=&isbn=0140183884 20:02 chris yep 20:02 matthew but LOC should be up 20:02 chris *nod* 20:02 matthew I've dealt with this before and the solution was to remove the offending servers. 20:01 matthew Let me check... 20:01 chris you getting anything in the error logs? 20:00 matthew_away I'm having problems connecting to the library of congress z3950 server through koha 2.2.9. Another server works, but returns no results for my search. The LOC returns Internal Server Error 19:54 chris :-) 19:53 fbcit seems we could check for the existence of a plugin in 952$p and conditional the additem.pl code based on that? 19:52 chris that there is a fight between trying to do it in the plugin (the right way) and in the additme.pl code ( the wrong way) 19:52 chris i think there is an element of what joshua saying too 19:51 fbcit chris: after setting it up like you showed me, it does not seem to work here with autoBarcode set to annual 19:45 fbcit nice 19:45 fbcit so as long as the autoBarcode option is not *OFF* it should work 19:45 chris you can set plugins for any subfield 19:45 chris but thats how it works in theory :-) 19:45 chris yeah i might have a syspref turned off 19:45 fbcit hmm doesn't appear to at that last link you posted 19:44 chris which should do something :) 19:44 chris you should have .... next to the barcode field 19:43 chris http://staff-crc.dev.kohalibrary.com/cgi-bin/koha/cataloguing/additem.pl?biblionumber=198 19:43 chris and then 19:43 fbcit I see 19:43 fbcit ahh... so edit the framework... 19:42 chris and choose the barcode.pl plugin in the plugin drop down 19:42 chris then go to p, then display more constraints 19:41 chris http://staff-crc.dev.kohalibrary.com/cgi-bin/koha/admin/marc_subfields_structure.pl?op=add_form&tagfield=952&frameworkcode= 19:38 chris 2 secs lemme pull up a url to show ya 19:37 fbcit so I should enter 'barcode.pl' in 952$p and click the ellipsis next to that field to generate the barcode? 19:35 chris or on the ... next to that input 19:35 chris should be executed when you click in the barcode text input 19:34 fbcit kados: so by adding barcode.pl to that field, the plug-in is executed when the form additem.pl is submitted? 19:26 kados IMO anyway 19:26 kados rather than hard-coding the behavior in the script 19:26 kados as a plugin 19:26 kados that's where barcode.pl should be enabled 19:26 kados check your marc framework 952 $p 19:26 kados no, it's not in the code, it's in the framework 19:25 kados some people (me) want to put all autobarcode behavior in the plugin, some in the additem 19:25 fbcit grep does not show any real refs to barcode.pl 19:25 kados I suspect there's a battle in the code around this :-) 19:25 kados hmmm 19:24 fbcit looks like the barcode is generated about line 103 in additem.pl 19:23 fbcit kados: hmm changing that from incremental to annual did not do anything here... can you confirm 19:22 kados fbcit: autoBarcode is the name 19:22 kados oops 19:22 kados fbcit: 4527 19:21 kados fbcit: yea, it's in the default framework, there's a syspref that lets you pick the type of barcode generation you have 19:07 fbcit is barcode.pl implemented anywhere currently? 18:01 atz interesting 18:01 owen Hmmm... adding the markup from dev_week seems to work 17:57 owen I see opac-export.pl, but I don't see it in the template 17:57 owen Anyone know if the export stuff has been integrated into the 3.0 opac? 17:26 atz btw, for cpan it's just "force install xxxx::yyyy" instead of install xxxx::yyyy 17:25 atz no problem... see you later 17:25 matthew_away Sorry, I have to leave for a while. Thanks so much for your help atz 17:23 matthew I've installed from source, too, so I can do that if necessary. 17:23 matthew what is the command for "with force" 17:22 atz you might have to install from CPAN with force, or manually pull down the .gz file 17:21 matthew I'm on ubuntu dapper 6.06 17:21 matthew but they are still either not up to date or missing. 17:21 atz are you on debian? 17:20 matthew I've tried to install all of these using cpan 17:20 matthew [Tue Feb 5 11:03:59 2008] Makefile.PL: Warning: prerequisite YAML::Syck 0.71 not found. 17:20 matthew [Tue Feb 5 11:03:59 2008] Makefile.PL: Warning: prerequisite XML::LibXSLT 1.59 not found. 17:20 matthew [Tue Feb 5 11:03:58 2008] Makefile.PL: Warning: prerequisite POSIX 1.09 not found. We have 1.08. 17:20 matthew [Tue Feb 5 11:03:56 2008] Makefile.PL: Warning: prerequisite Data::Dumper 2.12108 not found. We have 2.12104. 17:20 matthew [Tue Feb 5 11:03:56 2008] Makefile.PL: Warning: prerequisite DBI 1.53 not found. We have 1.50. 17:19 matthew I'll check to see what prereqs are missing... 17:18 atz hrm.... all that does is test use_ok('C4::Accounts') 17:17 matthew BRB 17:16 matthew failure 17:16 matthew is the first 17:16 matthew t/Accounts.t (Wstat: 256 Tests: 1 Failed: 1) 17:16 atz usually the first one to fail is the best place to start 17:16 matthew I am missing some prerequisites. I can find out which ones. I've been working through them and have most of them installed, but I'm having some trouble with a few, even using cpan. 17:16 atz ok, so you have to look further up and see which tests failed 17:15 matthew make: *** [test_dynamic] Error 1 17:15 matthew Failed 27/42 test programs. 26/62 subtests failed. 17:15 matthew Result: FAIL 17:15 matthew Files=42, Tests=62, 18 wallclock secs ( 0.38 usr 0.11 sys + 16.03 cusr 1.81 csys = 18.33 CPU) 17:15 atz what error do you get? 17:15 atz you probably are missing a pre-requisite 17:14 matthew I'm having trouble with the "make test" part of the Koha 3.0 installer. It fails and I don't know enough to know why. 17:13 matthew hello 17:07 ryan_ ok , resolved -- an odd caching issue 16:57 atz maybe if you have the "important links here" section filled out w/ some js 16:56 ryan_ possibly a leftover syspref ? 16:56 ryan_ hm, not that i know of 16:54 owen ryan_: there shouldn't be any clickMenu calls in the template anymore, unless you're adding one? 16:54 ryan_ to be more verbose 16:54 ryan_ [Break on this error] $('#toplevelmenu').clickMenu(); 16:54 ryan_ e()jquery.js (line 11) 16:54 ryan_ e([function(), function(), function()], function(), undefined)jquery.js (line 11) 16:54 ryan_ e()jquery.js (line 11) 16:54 ryan_ e()jquery.js (line 11) 16:54 ryan_ _()staff-global.js (line 7) 16:54 ryan_ $("#toplevelmenu").clickMenu is not a function 16:53 ryan_ causes styling to break for resident search and more dropdown 16:53 atz yeah, we're using the $ from YUI 16:53 ryan_ it's a nozebra install, from firebug 16:53 ryan_ which breaks yahoo stuf on top menu bar 16:53 owen ryan_: where are you seeing it? 16:52 ryan_ $("#toplevelmenu").clickMenu is not a function 16:52 ryan_ owen: (or others) have you seen this error before : 16:48 owen I don't suppose it is, I think no one has really tried to fix all instances 16:47 hdl Is it much trouble to harmonize ? 16:46 owen We handle item type images one way on this page, another way on that one 16:45 owen Inconsistent 16:45 hdl owen: what does spotty implementation mean ? 16:30 fbcit gmcharlt, kados: patch should be in kados' inbox 15:40 fbcit :) 15:40 gmcharlt (and oops, my bad) 15:40 gmcharlt fbcit: thanks -- if possible, please submit the patch ASAP, as this would be a blocker for the beta 15:39 fbcit I'll add the missing field 15:39 fbcit ahh 15:39 gmcharlt deleteditems.marc is a copy of the whole bib 15:39 gmcharlt fbcit: actually, no, but there should be a new deleteditems.more_subfields_xml 15:33 fbcit Items.pm throws an error when deleting an item and the record is not moved to deleteditems 15:33 fbcit kados or gmcharlt: should deleteditems.marc really be deleteditems.more_subfields_xml to match items.more_subfields_xml? 15:13 fbcit g'morning koha 15:01 hdl hi randym 14:33 randym hi owen 14:32 owen Hi randym 14:15 hdl could be an updatedatabase lack 14:04 lloyd_ yeah I had it too 14:00 owen item-level_itypes, "If ON, enables Item-level Itemtype / Issuing Rules", YesNo 14:00 hdl OK I added it. 13:59 owen Maybe it didn't make it into the database update? 13:58 hdl I didnot have this in my table. 13:58 hdl thx. 13:54 lloyd_ hdl, it's item-level_itypes 13:30 hdl kados around ? 13:29 owen sorry, I don't know the answer 13:29 owen Hi hdl 13:29 hdl owen : hi 13:29 hdl owen : what is the syspref in order to use itemtype on itemlevel ?