Time Nick Message 11:16 lloyd_ do login failures log to anywhere? 12:49 fbcit g'morning koha 16:23 hdl gmcharlt, atz :who is in charge of C4::Dates ? 16:23 hdl I have some questions. 16:23 atz hdl: most me 16:23 atz *mostly me 16:24 hdl http://pastebin.com/m5c0b50d5 16:24 hdl hi atz. 16:24 hdl Here is my code. 16:25 hdl I wonder why dateend and datebegin are the same when I display them. 16:25 hdl Is there a reason why it is so ? 16:26 atz perhaps you have older version of the code? 16:26 atz i erroneously used class namespace to store object data in earlier version 16:26 atz (i'll test your code on my system to see if results differ) 16:27 hdl it is the reason. 16:27 hdl Code on the machine I have this problem is quite old. 16:27 hdl On mine, there is no problems. 16:29 atz I get: 16:30 atz dateend :02/04/2008 at hdl_test.pl line 4. 16:30 atz Illegal date specified (year = 0, month = 0, day = 00) at hdl_test.pl line 7 16:30 atz datebegin :00/02/0 dateend :02/04/2008 at hdl_test.pl line 8. 16:30 atz the 2nd line is a warning from Dates.pm 16:42 hdl Thx atz 16:42 atz np 16:52 JustSomeGuy Hi. Anyone around? 16:56 atz sure, several ppl are in 16:56 JustSomeGuy Could be a silly question, but has the Koha 3 beta release been pushed back? 16:56 JustSomeGuy I was thinking it was coming Feb. 1. 16:57 atz Yes, Josh sent out an email to the list. It's pushed back a few days to deal w/ translation issues. 16:58 JustSomeGuy Hmmm, I must have missed that message. Ok. Is there a new ETA? 16:58 atz I don't think he gave a solid date, but I expect it to be this week. 16:59 JustSomeGuy Ok. I was holding off on trying the alpha, assuming that the beta would be a better way for me to get started with Koha. 16:59 JustSomeGuy If it's coming soon, I'll wait a little longer. 16:59 atz that's probably the best bet 17:00 JustSomeGuy Alrighty. Thanks for the help. 03:46 vimal Hi Koha friends 07:58 [K] *** join #koha@FreeNode: phasefx__ n=phasefx_@