Time Nick Message 00:32 [K] *** join #koha@FreeNode: phasefx n=phasefx@adsl-215-217-176.aep.bellsouth.net 00:13 atz what's up w/ arwen? 23:41 kados compared with say, acquisitions :-) 23:41 kados ie, it's not a long process, there's not much to the opac 23:41 kados but that's typically a weekend-sort-of-thing 23:40 kados I know I haven't 23:40 kados I don't think anyone's seriously audited anything in the OPAC for 3.0 yet 23:40 kados *nod* 23:40 atz but w/ valid data, it is a cool customizeability 23:39 atz that means the pages don't validate by default 23:38 kados which is better than having your local changes wiped out when upgrading 23:38 kados means that those modifs survive an update 23:38 atz yep, i noticed that, and then checked the default sql 23:38 kados which is also a syspref 23:38 kados A user-defined block of HTML in the main content area of the opac main page 23:38 kados also see OpacMainUserBlock 23:38 kados OpacNav syspref 23:37 kados so the user can add their own content without having to touch the template 23:37 kados also notice that it's a syspref :-) 23:37 kados should be <li> 23:37 kados *nod* 23:37 atz right... so we can't just throw text, or <p> or whatever other tags in there 23:36 kados a la search.myacpl.org 23:36 kados and it just pushes the other ones down 23:36 kados it's designed to be a place you can add new <li>s 23:34 atz actually... it can't really be much, since it falls in between the opening of <ul> and the first <li> 23:31 kados atz: agreed 23:30 atz hrm... the "Important links here." default should be changed to be valid HTML (inside tags) 23:04 kados git++ 23:04 chris yeah its pretty cool 23:03 pate git seems to be gaining momentum 23:02 pate I might take a look at it ... I'm not really up to snuff in Perl anymore though 23:01 kados pate: if you're keen to try it out ... 23:01 kados pate: http://wiki.koha.org/doku.php?id=en:development:git_usage 23:01 kados and we switched to Git for revision control 23:01 kados brand new installer 23:00 pate very cool 23:00 kados SRU/Z39.50 for searching, SIP2, LDAP, plus some native REST stuff for managing biblio data 23:00 kados we have APIs now! :-) 23:00 chris then tons of small features too ... independent branches is quite a nice feature too 22:59 chris the major one is a rework of how marc data is handled, and how searching is done 22:59 pate what big changes are going into 3.0? 22:58 pate I didn't realize you guys were making a push these days 22:58 pate oh, sweet! 22:58 chris in the push to get 3.0 out 22:58 chris lots of bugfixing :) 22:58 pate so, what's up in koha land? 22:57 chris *nod* 22:56 pate we've got a lot of data in our collection, and there are many conversations about indexing, cataloging, etc. 22:56 chris :-) 22:56 chris sweet 22:56 pate (actually, I'm hoping to talk them into meeting up with some folks here) 22:55 pate yeah, I'm looking forward to it 22:55 pate I didn't realize we sent anyone there 22:55 chris i hear you are gonna meet up with rach and si? 22:55 pate cool. 22:55 pate yup 22:54 kados for familysearch.org? 22:54 kados cool 22:54 pate working on genealogy stuff these days 22:54 pate not too much 22:54 kados pate: what's new with you? 22:53 pate yeah, thought I'd swing by and see what's up 22:53 kados pate: hey! 22:53 kados wow 22:53 chris hey is pate :) ltns 21:30 [K] *** join #koha@FreeNode: ru55el n=russel@203-118-134-114.netspace.net.nz 16:28 gmcharlt also, C4::Context does not appear to be enabling DBD::mysql's utf8 flag correctly 16:28 gmcharlt paul: so far, it looks like you need at least version 4.005 of DBD::mysql (which we're in the process of testing on a LL server, as Debian Etch ships with only version 3.008) 16:26 paul the 1st screen after login is correct, but thereafter, branchname is mungled 16:25 paul mmm... no 16:25 paul ??? the problem seems to have been solved. It works fine now 16:25 paul gmcharlt: DBD::mysql => 4.005 16:24 arsenic hi paul! 16:24 paul i'm back 16:21 fbcit hi arsenic 16:20 kados hey arsenic 16:20 gmcharlt paul: to answer your question from a while back, it looks like the version of DBD::mysql matters -- what version are you using? 16:19 gmcharlt hi arsenic 16:18 arsenic hello koha! 16:09 fbcit least also 16:09 kados yea 16:09 fbcit at lease warm standby 16:09 kados but for that you need a monitor 16:09 kados if configured as such 16:09 kados yes 16:09 fbcit so 'Slave' (above) == 'hot standby' ? 16:09 kados 2004-12-15 :-) 16:09 kados http://www.kohadocs.org/Backups_and_Restoring.html 16:09 kados here's an ancient one 16:09 kados hehe 16:08 kados and real-time backups with mysql replication 16:08 kados for periodic backups 16:08 kados you'll want to use mysqldump for the db 16:07 fbcit tnx that gives me something to chew on 16:07 fbcit adding the db to that should be a simple matter 16:06 fbcit and some Win32 stuff 16:06 fbcit I currently have an rsync server which handles backups of all other *nix systems on the network 16:06 kados rsync is your best friend for backups :-) 16:05 fbcit SAN 16:05 kados just set up rsync 16:05 kados waste of time IMO 16:05 kados *cough* 16:05 fbcit DDS 16:05 kados config files, etc. 16:04 kados unless you're running a completely vanilla system, you'll also want to have something in place to do off-server backups of your installation 16:04 kados which is easy to setup 16:04 kados and probably mysql real-time replication to another 'Slave' server 16:03 kados minimally mirroring of the database 16:03 kados in that case I'd highly recommend some form of RAID 16:03 fbcit performance will not be as much of an issue here as data protection 16:02 fbcit hehe 16:02 kados at that size you could probably run happliy on a soekris box with a 256MB flash drive ;-) 16:01 fbcit we on the small side with maybe 25k volumes 16:01 kados so you might have a web server or two that handle the OPAC, and a SAN for the database, etc. 16:00 fbcit I also try to run a separate drive for swap as well 16:00 kados if you have a big library, you'd want to split up the services into independent hardware platforms 16:00 kados and a second server that does real-time replication for all three 16:00 fbcit ahh 16:00 kados ideal scenerio would be to have a disk array for system/app, one for mysql, and one for zebra 16:00 fbcit or spare hardware :-) 15:59 kados it's a question of how much money you have :-) 15:59 kados yea, you can do that 15:59 fbcit do you keep the db on a separate drive/array from the system/app stuff 15:59 kados well, it depends 15:59 fbcit specifically HDD config 15:59 fbcit kados: how do you run your hardware config on koha servers? 15:57 fbcit morning koha 14:55 atz greets gmcharlt 14:55 gmcharlt hi atz 14:48 paul I have to leave for an hour or so. will brb 14:47 paul kados : almost. 14:46 paul (a famous village due to "Tartarin de Tarascon", a famous book heroes here in france) 14:46 kados paul: also on the coast of south France? 14:46 paul 1 hour travelling (in "Tarascon") 14:46 atz nearby? 14:45 paul at the end of this week, we will go to my sister home, because of 2 events : the beginning of 2008, and the beginning of my 40's (will occur jan 9th) 14:44 atz hi paul 14:44 paul hello atz 14:41 atz yeah, he's been there about 16 months... 14:39 kados wow, brooklyn ... 14:38 kados cool 14:38 atz we went up to cleveland area for xmas day 14:38 atz yeah, my brother and sister came home from brooklyn and florida, respectively 14:37 atz lol holiday/work 14:37 kados atz: stick around in Ohio? or did you travel? 14:34 kados lends itself well to getting stuff done ... holidays are my favorite time to work :-) 14:34 kados nice and quiet 14:34 kados not bad ... 14:34 atz how 'bout you? 14:33 atz it was nice. a little bit of everything... 14:32 kados atz: how was the holiday? 14:32 kados *nod* 14:31 atz still lots of _away'ers 14:30 atz greets 14:30 kados mornin atz 14:12 paul (I have only 1 small remaining problem : the encoding of the branch login (top right) that is mungled as well 14:12 paul gmcharlt: do you have an idea why I don't have the problem ? 14:11 kados gmcharlt: sweet, thanks 14:11 gmcharlt kados: I'll play around with the utf8 module -- had noticed this issue before and can come up with a patch quickly 14:11 paul nope 14:11 kados paul: do you have any hacked modules to fudge with the utf8 flag? 14:09 kados still double-encoded :( 14:08 kados I will test upgradeing 14:08 kados hmmm, I have 3.15 14:08 paul CGI = 3.29 14:07 kados scrolling_list is the one I meant 14:07 kados and CGI::scrolling_list 14:07 paul CGI::popup_menu ??? 14:06 kados what version of CGI are you running? 14:06 kados I have noticed that all CGI::popup_menu have bad encoding 14:06 paul seems OK 14:06 paul http://i15.bureau.paulpoulain.com/cgi-bin/koha/members/memberentry.pl?op=modify&borrowernumber=1&category_type=A 14:05 kados ok 14:05 paul testing with an uptodate repo... 14:05 paul but... i need to update my repo. 14:05 paul question 1 : works fine for me 14:05 kados so i don't have to ask again! :-) 14:05 kados I will update the nomenclature to be clear 14:05 kados thanks! 14:05 kados OK, now I understand 14:05 paul (in unimarc, you copy only 1) 14:04 kados let's s/report/copy/ 14:04 paul but what kind of copy could you want to do ? 14:04 paul you can't. 14:04 kados or more than one? 14:04 kados what if I want to put all the tags in? 14:03 kados ahh, ok 14:03 paul (maybe it's a frenchism ;-) ) it's the authority tag you copy in the biblio 14:03 kados what do you mean by 'report'? 14:02 paul in unimarc, PN=200,Congres=210,Common name=250, ... 14:01 paul the tag_to_report says : from the authority, you report the 200 field from the authority into the 7xx field of the biblio when the authority is choosen. 14:01 kados *nod* 14:01 paul (the authority number : I forgot to add a 001 to the authority) 14:01 paul 700$9your_authority_number_that_is_in_001_and_i_forget_to_add$aFerraro$bJoshua$d1975 14:00 paul in biblio, you'll have : 14:00 paul let's say joshua write a book as author. 14:00 kados *nod* 14:00 paul (LibLime = see also. and it's not in 450, but in 500) 14:00 kados :) 13:59 paul (kados = rejected term) 13:59 paul 450$aLibLime 13:59 paul 400$akados 13:59 paul 200$aFerarro$bJoshua$d1975-... 13:59 paul here is your authority entry : 13:58 paul (all examples for unimarc) 13:58 paul question 2 first : 13:57 kados 2. what is authorities 'report tag'? 13:57 kados ) 13:57 kados and it is mangled 13:57 kados (I have the Instiut protestant de Theologie 13:56 kados for me it's double-encoded 13:56 kados 1. when you edit a patron, does the drop-down for branch have encoding correct? 13:55 paul yep, throw your questions 13:55 kados paul: two actually :-) 13:55 kados paul: got a quick sec for a question? 13:54 kados he's our resident git expert :-) 13:54 kados if you are around in a few hours chris may be able to assist 13:54 kados yea, setup can be tough 13:52 kados it's rapper speak :-) 13:52 kados what's up? => sup? :-) 13:51 paul sup? ??? 13:50 kados paul: sup? 13:50 kados hey paul 13:47 paul do you have some minuts for a git question ? 13:46 paul_ hello kados 13:33 kados g'morning #koha