Time Nick Message 03:11 fbcit-1 hello kados 23:12 fbcit-1 and test. 23:12 fbcit-1 I'll try to get the rest tomorrow... 23:12 fbcit-1 kados: I got some of the sql ported... 21:44 fbcit k 21:44 chris probably the devel list 21:43 chris but you might want to check with others also 21:43 chris of too 21:42 chris not that im aware off 21:42 fbcit chris? 21:39 fbcit kados: is there any reason to prevent biblio.datecreated from being defaulted to now()? 20:57 kados cool 20:56 fbcit kados: let me work on this for a bit.... 20:53 kados fbcit++ for being able to spot it 20:53 fbcit sql syntax is a problem in several places as I look... 20:52 kados so we'll want to introduce some warnings in those subs to determine where the failure is happenning 20:51 kados ModBiblioMarc 20:51 kados _koha_marc_update_bib_ids 20:51 kados _koha_add_biblioitem 20:51 kados _koha_add_biblio 20:51 kados TransformMarcToKoha 20:51 kados that sub calls five other functions where the actual heavy lifting happens 20:50 kados C4::Biblio::AddBiblio 20:50 kados so I'm guessing the problem is in AddBiblio 20:49 kados ok, there are a few lines of sql, but only if you specify -d for delete existing data 20:49 kados C4/Biblio.pm 20:48 kados it should mostly be in Biblio.pm 20:48 kados there might be, but there shouldn't be 20:48 kados there shouldn't be any SQL in bulkmarcimport 20:48 fbcit so what exactly needs to be ported here? bulkmarcimport.pl? 20:47 kados this is where things get interesting :-) 20:47 fbcit can you say "s-y-n-t-a-x e-r-r-o-r"... :-) 20:46 kados any sql errors? 20:46 kados that means we have SQL to change 20:46 fbcit and ERROR... 20:46 kados ok, well that's good 20:46 kados hehe 20:46 masonj snap 20:46 masonj fbcit: or you can 'export PERL5LIB=/home/fbcdev-1/kohaclone1/intranet/modules' 20:45 kados or you could just add it to your PERL5LIB :-) 20:45 kados (presumes that /home/fbcdev-1/kohaclone1/intranet/modules contains the C4 directory) 20:44 kados perl -I /home/fbcdev-1/kohaclone1/intranet/modules /home/fbcdev-1/kohaclone1/misc/migration_tools/bulkmarcimport.pl -file outkoha.mrc 20:44 kados here's what you want: 20:44 kados ahh, that's not quite right 20:44 fbcit fbcit:/usr/lib/cgi-bin/koha# perl -I /home/fbcdev-1/kohaclone1/misc/migration_tools/bulkmarcimport.pl -file outkoha.mrc 20:43 kados to produce the error? 20:43 kados can you show me what you typed? 20:43 kados yep 20:42 fbcit looks good? 20:42 fbcit 500 0 outkoha.mrc 20:42 fbcit ----- ----- -------- 20:42 fbcit Recs Errs Filename 20:42 fbcit kados: marcdump says: 20:42 fbcit kados: back 20:42 masonj hiya owen 20:41 owen Hi guys 20:39 fbcit one moment 20:39 kados (should check for errors) 20:39 kados see if it's a valid marc file 20:39 kados can you run 'marcdump outkoha.mrc' 20:39 kados hmmm 20:37 fbcit Unrecognized character \x1E at outkoha.mrc line 1. 20:37 fbcit syntax error at outkoha.mrc line 1, near "00561nam a22002177a " 20:37 fbcit (Missing operator before nam?) 20:37 fbcit Bareword found where operator expected at outkoha.mrc line 1, near "00561nam" 20:37 fbcit kados: it says: 20:35 kados let me know if you get that far :-) 20:35 kados perl -I /path/to/modules misc/migration_tools/bulkmarcimport.pl -file /path/to/outmarc.mrc 20:35 kados oops 20:34 kados perl -I /path/to/modules misc/migration_tools/bulkmarcimport -file /path/to/outmarc.mrc 20:34 kados export KOHA_CONF=/path/to/koha-conf.xml 20:34 kados wget http://kados.org/stuff/outkoha.mrc 20:33 fbcit I can try it now... 20:33 kados just not the bulkimport from the interface 20:33 fbcit k 20:33 kados using the command-line utility 20:33 kados with your current structure you should be able to bulkimport 20:33 fbcit the changes in the structure... if I don't have the current schema will the import still work? 20:32 fbcit no :-) 20:32 kados fbcit: you asking about back-ticks? 20:32 kados er? 20:31 fbcit kados: I'm trying to update kohastructure.sql for Pg thinking this might affect that... 20:29 kados fbcit: did you ever batch load records in this morning? 20:28 kados fbcit: so regarding testing of pgres ... 20:01 fbcit I notice the back-tic is used in an inconsistent manner in the existing sql... 20:00 chris and use that 20:00 chris yeah we should find what the sql ansi standard is 19:59 fbcit chris: Pg uses single quote for that (')... 19:59 fbcit Pg does not like it. Eliminating it in some places may reduce redundancy. 19:59 chris unless your are using a reserved word as a column name 19:59 kados fbcit: you thinking of just remoing it globally? 19:58 chris no 19:58 fbcit kados: does mysql require the back-tic in its SQL? (`) 19:57 kados hiya fbcit 19:46 fbcit kados: ping 18:21 tinaburger I think 18:20 tinaburger Josh is on a demo now 18:20 tinaburger did you have a question about the independent branches issues? 18:20 tinaburger hi hdl 18:19 hdl hi tinaburger 18:13 tinaburger Josh asked me to hop on 18:13 tinaburger independent branches? 18:13 tinaburger ? 18:13 tinaburger what are we discussing/ 18:13 tinaburger hi paul:) 18:13 paul hi tinaburger 18:12 tinaburger hi everyone 17:57 fbcit I found it.... 17:57 fbcit hold it 17:56 fbcit is there more code somewhere I'm missing? 17:56 fbcit I still get prompted between every screen & there is a new row in session for every screen???? 17:56 fbcit kados: I have added pg support to Auth.pm session stuff. 17:53 kados sessions.id 17:53 kados yep 17:52 kados I think sessions 17:48 fbcit kados: what table is $sessionID stored in? 17:42 paul it works, but it is probably highly unimarc oriented. should be "easy" to add marc21 features. 17:42 paul did you investigate build_browser_and_cloud ? 17:41 kados the cloud, or hierarchy for subjects, etc. 17:41 paul I think the best & easiest way is to track small differencies 17:41 kados paul: i still can't get any of the new opac features working 17:40 kados I'll have to ask owen 17:39 paul may make template harder to maintain 17:38 kados maybe w/respect to breadcrumbs, instead of having many breadcrumbs, one on every page, just have includes 17:37 paul kados : except removing similar string by making them the same, no 17:37 kados paul: do you have any ideas for how to reduce the size of the .po files? 17:16 kados paul: pushed 17:16 kados yes 17:15 kados if you're explicit about utf8 everywhere there's no question 17:15 fbcit so the connection is utf8 17:15 fbcit ahh... 17:15 kados because that ensures that nothing is corrupted from perl -> database 17:15 fbcit sorry, I'm missing something here... 17:15 fbcit ? 17:15 fbcit why do we have to connect utf8 17:14 kados database level, table level, column level, connection level 17:14 kados fbcit: it's utf8 everywhere 17:14 fbcit it is the connection? 17:14 fbcit in mysql, the db is not typed as utf8? 17:12 kados (and marc21 french ;-)) 17:12 kados (and marc21 english) 17:12 kados paul: I can start testing both unimarc english and unimarc french 17:12 kados paul: also, if you could send me some sample data with unimarc I will add that to my testing 17:12 paul kados : done 17:11 kados paul: again, sorry about that, if you send the patch directly to rm@koha.org I'll push it up immediately 17:09 kados thanks even 17:09 kados paul: gthanks 17:09 paul Institut Protestant de Théologie 17:09 kados paul: what is a proper library name that has that character? 17:09 paul just enter a é in your library name, and you'll see immediatly (at login stage) any problem ! 17:08 kados paul: can you add such data to the installer/data/en/sample_patrons.sql ? 17:08 kados paul: one way I could test for that is if I had data that had diacritics in it 17:08 paul (which was not easy to understand why. Fortunatly, there were other diacritics before MARCdetail that were shown corrupted ;-) ) 17:07 hdl owen : dates in circulation are not set via a calendar is this a will or an overlook ? 17:07 paul (MARCdetail resulted in an internal server error !!!) 17:07 paul so could quickly understand where the bug come from 17:06 paul fortunatly, I spent 1 hour this morning rewiewing all yesterday commits 17:06 paul that was not properly set 17:06 paul the bug affect set NAMES=UTF8 17:06 kados so the bug only affected non-asci characters? 17:05 kados breakthrough, I think." 17:05 kados while in order to release it with Pg support, which will be a big 17:05 kados people are doing well with 2.2 ATM, so maybe 3.0 can be delayed a little 17:05 kados introduces great new features, I think most libraries and interested 17:05 kados "Supporting PostgreSQL now seems very important right now. While Koha 3.0 17:05 fbcit hi kados 17:03 fbcit I'll leave it with you then. 17:03 paul not yet, but in 1 hour yes 17:03 fbcit paul: have you submitted a patch? 17:03 kados fbcit: i'll have a look 17:03 paul fbcit: no worries 17:03 paul kados : yes, look at my mail "do we want postgress NOW" 17:03 fbcit sorry... 17:02 fbcit s/if ( $db_name eq 'mysql' ) {/if ( $db_driver eq 'mysql' ) {/ 17:02 kados paul: you had an issue after rebase? 17:02 kados hiya fbcit 17:02 fbcit ahh... 16:59 fbcit something I missed/deleted/etc? 16:58 paul a 1 line fix solves the issue 16:58 paul and all diacritics were corrupted in koha 16:58 paul thus, mysql was in latin1 16:58 paul sure : the mysql was not open with SET NAMES=UTF8 16:57 fbcit paul: can you give me a little more detail concerning the issues you had after rebase? 16:56 paul hi fbcit 16:56 fbcit hi paul 16:56 paul 16:56 fbcit kados: ping 16:50 fbcit g'morning #koha 16:07 hdl have you updated ccl.properties ? 16:06 kados I updated he index as well as the template 16:06 kados hdl: I think both work now 15:59 hdl kados : change from branch to homebranch for opac search is definitive ? Or is it subject to more changes ? 15:26 hdl hi 15:25 gmcharlt greetings to #koha 13:16 kados :-), I've got a cold, but other than that I'm well 13:16 hdl how are you ? 13:16 hdl Good morning. 13:16 hdl hi 13:16 kados hi hdl 13:16 hdl kados ?