Time Nick Message 07:42 Brooke howdy 21:15 chris sweet :) 21:15 thd chris: She is now commenting favourably about free software library automation, http://mail.archive.org/pipermail/ol-lib/2007-October/000162.html 21:13 thd chris: http://mail.archive.org/pipermail/ol-lib/2007-October/000161.html 21:13 chris hmm nope 21:12 thd chris did you see what nice things Karen Coyle is saying about LibLime? 21:11 chris sounds reasonable, yeah that will be it 21:11 thd I have a 2MB limit, the default PHP limit on my mail system 21:10 chris i suspect thats what happened 21:10 chris yeah 21:09 thd :) 21:09 thd so that would overload my mail server if the patch is uncompressed 21:09 chris so might have been to big for your mail client 21:09 chris i think it might attach the patch to the mail 21:09 chris and its been sent on to kados for final check 21:09 thd chris: why is it unreadable? 21:08 chris just telling you i signed off on it 21:08 chris ahh that was an automated mail from git 21:08 chris heya thomas 21:08 thd chris: I could not read your email message about the corrected patch I sent 16:11 qowQC hello everybody