Time Nick Message 12:19 hdl kados ? 12:20 hdl wow. No more dewey ? 12:25 hdl chris still around ? (hopefully not) 12:34 owen So, dewey is taking some hard-earned vacation. 12:36 paul lol... 12:36 paul owen : still no updated commits from you in the main repo ? 12:37 owen No, 6 commits that finally made their way through yesterday 12:38 paul mmm... i don't see them 12:38 paul ah ! kados just validated them it seems. 12:38 paul with 7 bugfixes from me 12:43 paul owen: where can I see the "toolbar" result ? 12:44 owen It's nothing pretty yet, but moremember and circulation have the toolbar now I think 12:45 paul ok, gotcha. 12:46 paul (except for separating real actions & viewing datas, which is a good thing) 12:46 owen Exactly. That's the main difference. The plan is to change the appearance of the toolbar to make it more like an application toolbar 12:47 owen At the very least, icons to go with some or all actions 12:48 paul would it be a good idea to immediatly add a class="add" on buttons to add something, class="modify" ... 12:48 paul that could have an img before ? 12:48 paul (in the css) 12:51 owen That's certainly an option. kados and I have been looking at various js-library solutions for styling buttons, but haven't settled on anything 12:52 owen We like the way this looks and works, but I'm not crazy about all the stuff it has to load to do it: http://blog.davglass.com/files/yui/button1/ 12:52 owen In Koha, we'd like to have a "New" toolbar item have a dropdown like the 'Options' button in that example. 12:53 owen In Members, the options would include adult, child, etc. 12:53 owen The "print" button could drop down to "Slip" or "Page" 12:54 paul about the js : keep it simple & small would be my preffered option : we want to be able to run Koha on small configs, like the one ppl have in africa or south america 12:56 paul I'm highly for a solution that would define standard buttons (generic add, add member, add biblio, check out, check in, & other librarians common needs) and let the others without pictures. 12:57 paul (generic modif, modif member, modif biblio, generic deletion, delete member, delete biblio,) 12:58 paul (in fact that's the way it works for yui : 12:59 paul #button_print .first-child { 12:59 paul 17 background:url(button3.gif) left center no-repeat; 12:59 paul 18 } 12:59 paul button3.gif being not really meaningful ;-) 13:04 paul http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/button/ 13:05 owen hdl? 14:03 hdl owen ? 14:03 owen Hi hdl 14:04 hdl hi. 14:04 hdl So it seems the Bug fix I commited didnot solve your problem. 14:04 hdl Did you apply this commit ? 14:05 owen Yes 14:06 paul hdl : could you specify the log you entered for this bugfix ? 14:06 paul (just to check i've submitted it) 14:07 paul bugfixing : password were modified ... is probably that 14:10 hdl yes. 14:10 hdl paul : did you commit that one ? 14:10 paul yep, it's in the rss feed 14:10 paul so it has been validated 14:29 owen Hi Brooke 14:29 Brooke howdy :) 15:00 hdl owen : in Members.pm 15:02 owen Yes? 15:02 hdl line 603 you find : $data{'password'} = md5_base64( $data{'password'} ) if ( $data{'password'} ne '' ); 15:03 hdl put it line 600 before foreach 15:03 hdl and it should work 15:04 owen Move it to line 600? 15:04 hdl yes 15:05 owen Looks like that fixed it 15:21 paul kados : mail in your mailbox 17:47 Brooke right. lunch! 18:16 cm kados, if you're around I have a puzzle for you. 18:50 ryan hi cm 18:50 ryan kados is afk for the day 18:56 cm hi ryan. thanks. 18:57 cm maybe you would have some idea, though. and owen, this applies to npl too. 18:57 cm i just found out that if you search for a title with "not" in it, the title isn't in the search results. 18:58 cm i'm assuming koha thinks it's a boolean operator. 18:58 owen Yeah, I've reported that one to Liblime before 18:58 owen Koha treats the "not" as a search instruction 18:58 cm ah. 18:59 owen No word on a solution, unfortunately. 18:59 cm maybe it's better in 3.0? 18:59 cm darn. 18:59 owen Since it's a Zebra thing, I'm not so sure 3.0 will be better. 18:59 cm that's what i was afraid of. 18:59 owen I'm working with a 3.0 test installation, but with a broken Zebra, so I can't test searching. :( 19:00 cm :( 19:00 cm do you know of anyone that has a public 3.0 demo up? 19:00 cm we've been wanting to play with it but haven't had time to do an install. 19:00 owen No I don't 19:01 cm oh, well. one of these days i'll get around to it. 19:08 owen hi offramp78 19:08 offramp78 hello there 19:17 owen twiggle: you're fine just the way you are :) 19:18 twiggle .<>.< been a long time since I've used IRC 19:29 ryan cm: yes, there are some issues there 19:36 ryan cm: this has been filed as a bug in dev_week; not sure if it's filed against rel 3. 19:47 cm hey guys, i found that you can force "not" to be included by escaping it with a \. (i.e., \not) 19:48 ryan yep- that works 19:48 cm pita but effective. :) 19:49 cm ryan, do you know if facets will be improved in 3.0? 19:50 cm in dev_week they only include facets for the first page of results instead of all of them. 19:50 ryan no, i don't think that's been addressed. 19:51 ryan amazon does the same thing. 19:51 cm really? 19:51 ryan pretty sure 19:52 ryan ok, scratch that comment :) 19:52 ryan amazon _used_ to do the same 19:52 cm ok. 19:52 cm i don't think amazon is completely accurate, though. 19:53 cm "knitting" produced 45,077 books, but when I clicked on it said there were 46,347 results. 19:53 cm still, not too shabby. :) 19:53 ryan yes, they have some nifty tricks i think 19:55 ryan owen: what 's the status of the facets in rel3 ? 19:56 owen No idea. I can't even test it because something about Zebra with my test install is not working 19:58 ryan i don't show facets in my test instance 20:02 ryan owen: do you get ZOOM errors ? 20:03 ryan perhaps try restarting zebrasrv with -l ~/zebra.log (log into your home dir, to ensure you have write perms.) 20:07 owen I'm new at this Zebra thing. What do I do to terminate the current process and restart? 20:10 cm just ps aux |grep zebra and kill it. 20:10 cm i start mine with -D to daemonize and -l for logging. 20:11 cm zebrasrv -D -l /var/log/zebra/zebra.log -f /etc/koha.xml & 06:27 Brooke howdy