Time Nick Message 19:45 chris you did? 19:44 pianohacker We lost Josh. :( 19:39 pianohacker chris: Yeah, I do. 19:31 thd kados: are you there? 19:05 chris so you work for a library? 19:02 chris but it changes every day :) 19:02 chris looking at MARC authorities right now 19:00 chris at the moment im doing all sorts 19:00 pianohacker Any part of it in particular that you work on? 18:59 chris yep 18:59 pianohacker So are you one of the Koha developers? 18:45 pianohacker Oh well. 18:45 pianohacker I guess the problem would be figuring out whether the problem is in issuingrules.pl or Circ2.pm. 18:43 pianohacker Okay. Thanks. 18:43 chris and in the meantime you can probably just uncomment 18:43 pianohacker getLoanLength goes through the issuingrules table and when it does a search for the borrower's category, a '*' itemtype, and an empty branch, it finds a row made mostly out of nulls, and returns that instead of a good set of values. 18:43 chris right, id drop a mail to the koha-devel list and ask there 18:41 pianohacker It could be one of those problems that only happens locally, but it's messing up my Koha install. 18:40 chris is where 2.2.8 and 2.2.9 get it from 18:40 pianohacker Okay. The problem still appears to exist in the most recent revision, though. (Still no check for empty data) 18:40 chris http://cvs.savannah.nongnu.org/viewvc/koha/admin/issuingrules.pl?view=log&root=koha&pathrev=R_2-2-7-1 18:39 chris n 18:39 chris hmm 2.2.8 doesnt come from mai 18:39 pianohacker http://cvs.savannah.nongnu.org/viewvc/koha/admin/issuingrules.pl?root=koha&r1=1.2&r2=1.3 18:38 pianohacker For some reason, issuingrules no longer checks for empty values. 18:37 pianohacker Well, it's bad in my downloaded version of 2.2.8, and it was changed in MAIN. 18:37 chris what branch? 18:37 pianohacker Yeah. 18:36 chris in cvs? 18:36 chris messed up where? 18:35 CGI058 Does anybody know if tipaul is here, or why he messed up the issuingrules.pl script? 18:34 chris hehe 18:34 owen That chris is always bugging me about my buglist! 18:33 [K] *** part FreeNode!#koha: ru55el n=russel@203-118-134-114.netspace.net.nz 18:33 [K] *** join #koha@FreeNode: ru55el n=russel@203-118-134-114.netspace.net.nz 18:11 [K] *** part FreeNode!#koha: ru55el n=russel@203-118-134-114.netspace.net.nz 16:20 darcilicious hola! 16:19 chris hey darci 16:01 [K] *** part FreeNode!#koha: darcilicious i=plinkit@c-76-105-203-39.hsd1.or.comcast.net 16:01 [K] *** join #koha@FreeNode: darcilicious i=plinkit@c-76-105-203-39.hsd1.or.comcast.net 15:31 owen Cool, I wasn't sure if there was something in the works that I wasn't aware of or not 15:30 kados :-) 15:30 kados owen: we're working on your first question on Monday 15:30 kados good question, we'll have to research that one 15:28 owen I got a question for you forward-thinking folks. Is there functionality in Koha or coming up in Koha to support special locations for items, like shelf locations? I thought I'd heard it discussed 15:24 kados http://git.koha.org 15:24 kados http://wiki.koha.org/doku.php?id=en:development:git_usage 15:24 owen Hi guys 15:23 kados we got git working yesterday 15:23 chris heya owen 15:23 kados owen: chris ryan and I are workin in the new office :-) 15:23 kados hey owen 15:14 owen Anybody around today?