Time Nick Message 11:59 Brooke :D 11:59 chris heya Brooke and js 11:58 Brooke so what's going on? 11:57 js hi 11:57 Brooke hi js 11:55 Brooke howdy 01:43 [K] *** part FreeNode!#koha: jaron n=jason@adsl-69-219-225-194.dsl.ipltin.sbcglobal.net 01:43 [K] *** join #koha@FreeNode: jaron n=jason@adsl-69-219-225-194.dsl.ipltin.sbcglobal.net 00:12 [K] *** part FreeNode!#koha: Presently42 n=Presentl@bas2-montreal02-1096717465.dsl.bell.ca 00:06 ganno I have two questions 00:05 ganno Hello 00:01 [K] <Presently42@FreeNode> Cheers. 00:01 [K] <Presently42@FreeNode> And again. 00:01 [K] <Presently42@FreeNode> Thank you agait. 00:01 jaron have fun 00:00 [K] <Presently42@FreeNode> Of course. 00:00 jaron now make sure that intranet password is good 00:00 [K] <Presently42@FreeNode> Bravo! I thank you most kindly. 23:59 [K] <Presently42@FreeNode> You did the impossible! 23:59 [K] <Presently42@FreeNode> AHA!!!!!!!!!! 23:59 jaron you got it! 23:59 jaron for the intranet 23:58 jaron try ServerName litwinlibrary.hopto.org:8080 23:57 [K] <Presently42@FreeNode> And, don't worry about leaving me hanging. You have been a tremendous help. 23:57 [K] <Presently42@FreeNode> http://pastebin.ca/643719 23:56 jaron even if I have to leave you hanging :( 23:56 jaron then I've got to go home :) 23:55 jaron and the virtual hosts set up should do that: paste it one last time 23:55 [K] <Presently42@FreeNode> We just need to make apache call koha. 23:54 [K] <Presently42@FreeNode> It seems to me that if I get the It works! message, we're one step away from seeing koha. 23:54 jaron yeah, that's what I've got 23:54 [K] <Presently42@FreeNode> ^^ from apache2.conf 23:53 [K] <Presently42@FreeNode> Include /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/Include /etc/koha-httpd.conf 23:52 [K] <Presently42@FreeNode> IYes. 23:52 jaron so you have "Include /etc/koha-httpd.conf" in apche2.conf? no quotes 23:51 [K] <Presently42@FreeNode> At the moment, koha-httpd.conf is loaded by apache2.conf. 23:50 [K] <Presently42@FreeNode> O, I tried that. It gave an error. I'll try again and show you. 23:50 jaron koha-httpd.conf is in sites-enabled or linked to it? 23:50 [K] <Presently42@FreeNode> I once did. Now, not so much. ;) 23:50 jaron you should be seeing koha 23:50 [K] <Presently42@FreeNode> Hehe 23:49 jaron well, then it doesn't work 23:49 [K] <Presently42@FreeNode> "It works!" being the apache message. 23:49 jaron well, that's progress I suppose 23:47 [K] <Presently42@FreeNode> From locally, It works! 23:45 jaron Only one Listen 80 ANYWHERE in apache config stuff 23:45 jaron check ports.conf too 23:45 [K] <Presently42@FreeNode> http://pastebin.ca/643707 23:44 dewey :) 23:44 jaron dewey: botsnack 23:44 dewey i heard error was not recoverable: exiting now 23:44 jaron what error? 23:43 [K] <Presently42@FreeNode> This gives errors when restarting apache2. 23:43 jaron that's what works for me 23:43 [K] <Presently42@FreeNode> Really.... 23:42 jaron you should have Listen 80 & Listen 8080 23:42 [K] <Presently42@FreeNode> I only have one Listen line and it is in koha-httpd.conf. 23:41 jaron if you have the two Listen lines uncommented in your koha-httpd.conf then you should comment them in other config files 23:40 [K] <Presently42@FreeNode> What about the Listen line? # or no #? 23:40 [K] <Presently42@FreeNode> Aha! 23:39 jaron only in Redirect 23:39 [K] <Presently42@FreeNode> After VirtualHost, ServerName and Redirect. 23:38 jaron where are you wanting to include http:// ? 23:38 jaron I still can't get to it :( 23:38 [K] <Presently42@FreeNode> Well, from both this laptop and the server. 23:37 [K] <Presently42@FreeNode> O. 23:37 [K] <Presently42@FreeNode> From everywhere. 23:37 [K] <Presently42@FreeNode> Should I be including http:// before the litwinlibrary.hopto.org? 23:37 jaron but only from the localhost right? 23:36 [K] <Presently42@FreeNode> I uncommented the listen line. With the linet line commented, nothing happens-. 23:36 [K] <Presently42@FreeNode> It works! 23:34 [K] <Presently42@FreeNode> Ok. 23:34 jaron then try lynx 23:34 [K] <Presently42@FreeNode> And it hasn't got a gui. 23:33 [K] <Presently42@FreeNode> I only ssh in to the server. 23:33 jaron try localhost from the same machine 23:33 [K] <Presently42@FreeNode> Yes. 23:33 jaron from a different machine? 23:33 [K] <Presently42@FreeNode> 23:33 jaron when you try to reach it locally what address are you trying? 23:32 [K] <Presently42@FreeNode> No. 23:32 jaron did you get an error? 23:32 [K] <Presently42@FreeNode> Don't be! You're trying to help a helpless dolt. 23:32 jaron just telling you what's worked for me 23:31 jaron I'm sorry 23:31 [K] <Presently42@FreeNode> Hehe. What a mess! :) 23:31 [K] <Presently42@FreeNode> Not even locally. 23:30 [K] <Presently42@FreeNode> Nothing works. 23:28 [K] <Presently42@FreeNode> Right-o. 23:28 jaron in that form 23:27 jaron localhost domain.org 23:27 [K] <Presently42@FreeNode> I'm not sure what you mean by add the address to Do you mean a space after localhost and then the http://litwinlibrary.hopto.org? 23:25 jaron I'm just taking stabs right now so you know :) 23:25 jaron try adding the address to 23:24 [K] <Presently42@FreeNode> http://pastebin.ca/643678 23:23 jaron localhost domain.org 23:23 jaron do you have you address listed in /etc/hosts ? 23:22 [K] <Presently42@FreeNode> [error] (EAI 2)Name or service not known: Could not resolve host name http://litwinlibrary.hopto.org -- ignoring! 23:21 dewey thanks jaron :) 23:21 jaron dewey: botsnack 23:21 dewey jaron: that doesn't look right 23:21 jaron and change the redirect as well to include the port 23:20 jaron for try ServerName domain.org:8080 23:20 [K] <Presently42@FreeNode> Yes. 23:20 jaron did you change both virtualhosts? 23:19 [K] <Presently42@FreeNode> And for :80. 23:19 [K] <Presently42@FreeNode> I still get [error] VirtualHost *:8080 -- mixing * ports and non-* ports with a NameVirtualHost address is not supported, proceeding with undefined results 23:16 jaron Redirect permanent index.html http://domain.org/cgi-bin/koha/opac-main.pl 23:15 [K] <Presently42@FreeNode> To what did you change your Redirect? 23:12 [K] <Presently42@FreeNode> Interesting. 23:12 jaron BTW, currently if I go to http://litwinlibrary.hopto.org I simply get the apache2-default page 23:10 jaron and changed the Redirect as well 23:10 jaron ServerName domain.org 23:10 jaron <VirtualHost *:80> 23:09 jaron ok, for one of my set ups behind a router I did it this way: I commented out NameVirtualHost.... 23:09 [K] <Presently42@FreeNode> But, the server's or the router's? 23:08 [K] <Presently42@FreeNode> IP address, apparently. 23:08 [K] <Presently42@FreeNode> Shall I put the http://litwinlibrary.hopto.org address in the NameVirtualHost argument, or the router's IP address? 23:07 [K] <Presently42@FreeNode> Let me try again. 23:07 [K] <Presently42@FreeNode> I think I did, but I think I did not do it correctly. 23:06 jaron instead of your 192.168... address have you tried using NameVirtualHost setup? 23:05 [K] <Presently42@FreeNode> The asterisk gave VirtualHost *:8080 -- mixing * ports and non-* ports with a NameVirtualHost address is not supported, proceeding with undefined results when I restarted apache. 23:02 [K] <Presently42@FreeNode> The file proper does not have it twice. Well spotted, though. 23:02 [K] <Presently42@FreeNode> It's an error of pasting. 23:01 [K] <Presently42@FreeNode> ...So there are.... 23:01 [K] <Presently42@FreeNode> And, I've not tried the *:80. 23:01 jaron in the paste there are two intranet ones 23:01 [K] <Presently42@FreeNode> I believe that the first virtual host is for opac and the second for intranet. 22:59 jaron did <VirtualHost *:80> not work for you? 22:59 jaron I'm not great with apache 22:59 jaron why is the intranet virtualhost set up twice? I'm just guessing here 22:57 [K] <Presently42@FreeNode> Its current setup is such that it is accessible locally. 22:56 [K] <Presently42@FreeNode> That's my koha-httpd.conf. 22:56 [K] <Presently42@FreeNode> http://pastebin.ca/643638 22:53 [K] *** part FreeNode!#koha: jaron n=jason@adsl-75-42-230-182.dsl.ipltin.sbcglobal.net 22:53 jaron yeah, I'm all outta suggestions 22:52 [K] <Presently42@FreeNode> Thanks for your time, by the bye. I appreciate it greatly. 22:51 [K] <Presently42@FreeNode> Aside from the router's? Nope. 22:51 jaron no other firewall that might be getting in the way? 22:50 [K] <Presently42@FreeNode> It, not in. 22:50 [K] <Presently42@FreeNode> I tried in, but there was no diference. 22:50 jaron and you've also forwarded port 80? 22:49 [K] <Presently42@FreeNode> It seems that http://portforward.com/english/routers/port_forwarding/Siemens/Speedstream-6520/Echolink.htm conficms that I have forwarded correctly. 22:45 [K] <Presently42@FreeNode> Name |Protocol |Port| Redirected to IP Address|Custom Configuration | TCP| 8080 | 192.168. 2. 13 22:45 jaron looks like this is a common question with these routers--have you googled a bit? 22:43 [K] <Presently42@FreeNode> What I see is Port Mapping Setup. 22:43 jaron you might also search for "port forwarding" 22:41 [K] <Presently42@FreeNode> The problem is that it uses proprietary software from my isp. The router is also from the isp: It is a Siemens 6500 series, not commercially available beast. 22:41 jaron Look for the IP forwarding setting 22:40 [K] <Presently42@FreeNode> Hmm. 22:40 [K] <Presently42@FreeNode> So it's the router. 22:40 masonj_ yeah, if you can get to your koha on 80 and 8080 from another local box, your apache is fine 22:37 jaron you can priv message me if you want someone else to test--I'll get on the other channel... 22:37 [K] *** join #koha@FreeNode: jaron n=jason@adsl-75-42-230-182.dsl.ipltin.sbcglobal.net 22:36 [K] <Presently42@FreeNode> Hmm. 22:36 jaron I'd look again at your router 22:36 [K] <Presently42@FreeNode> (My typing isn't too good to-day. Sorry.) 22:36 jaron then you're good as long as each Listen is only defined once 22:36 [K] <Presently42@FreeNode> And apache2.conf has nothing congerning Listen. 22:35 [K] <Presently42@FreeNode> I don't. There, I have Listen 8080. 22:35 jaron if you have Listen 80 in koha-httpd.conf too that's no good 22:35 [K] <Presently42@FreeNode> So I should remove this instance of it? 22:34 jaron the important bit about Listen is that it only be defined in one place 22:34 [K] <Presently42@FreeNode> Aha! It only says "Listen 80". 22:34 [K] <Presently42@FreeNode> I'm loking at the ports.con now. 22:33 [K] <Presently42@FreeNode> No problem. 22:33 jaron I was just hasty and didn't fully read your first message 22:33 jaron but masonj_is right again if you can get to it from any machine that's not the problem 22:33 jaron check /etc/apache2/ports.conf too 22:33 masonj_ if you can get to you koha box on 8080, then its in there , and working :) 22:31 [K] <Presently42@FreeNode> Should the Listen 8080 be in koha-httpd.conf? If so, it is there. If not, where? 22:31 jaron yeah, if you can see both locally but not over the internet then it seems like a router issue 22:30 masonj_ then its a probably a config issue with your router 22:29 masonj_ right :) 22:29 [K] <Presently42@FreeNode> first. 22:29 [K] <Presently42@FreeNode> Wait. The yep was for the ficst bit. 22:28 jaron ah I see 22:28 [K] <Presently42@FreeNode> yep. 22:28 jaron have you included koha-httpd.conf in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled? or something like that. you may also need to add a Listen 8080 22:28 masonj_ hmm, so you can get to your koha from another box on your local net? 22:24 [K] <Presently42@FreeNode> I'm using Debian unstable and the newest koha. 22:23 [K] <Presently42@FreeNode> Hello. I was in here a while ago, wondering how to get my koha server accessible from the internet. I was told to start with ip translating. I seem to have done this. Still, going to my router's ip adress :8080 does not bring up koha. I assume that I have not corectly configured koha-httpd.conf as i can only access the :80 and :8080 locally. 22:20 [K] *** join #koha@FreeNode: Presently42 n=Presentl@bas2-montreal02-1096717465.dsl.bell.ca 21:54 masonj_ http://www.avclub.com/content/interview/chuck_palahniuk_answers_your 21:53 masonj_ yea, was a fun read, i have a few friends that spent some time there, and they liked it too 21:52 [K] <darcilicious@FreeNode> any good? 21:51 masonj_ ah, i recently read a chuck palahniuk (fight club guy) book bout portland 21:48 [K] <darcilicious@FreeNode> i'm out here, near portland oregon 21:47 masonj_ hay, so where are you from darci, im in NZ 21:47 [K] <darcilicious@FreeNode> ha! :) 21:46 masonj_ waaay better after this coffee :) 21:40 [K] <darcilicious@FreeNode> heya! :) how's it going? 21:40 masonj_ heya darci 21:40 [K] <darcilicious@FreeNode> afternoon :) 21:35 masonj_ morning #koha 20:26 [K] *** join #koha@FreeNode: darci|work n=plinkit@ 20:07 pananohacker Bye. 20:07 pananohacker Thanks! 20:07 pananohacker Fixed by downgrading. 19:55 jaron I'd try to mailing list 19:55 pananohacker Damn. 19:55 jaron I've never seen that error before myself 19:55 pananohacker Yeah. 19:55 jaron ok, I see now that you've got a site up 19:54 jaron Do other things work? 19:53 pananohacker HTML::Template->output() : fatal error in loop output : HTML::Template::param() : attempt to set parameter 'issues' with an array ref - parameter is not a TMPL_LOOP! at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/HTML/Template.pm line 3069, referer: http://weaverhome.rlogin.org:8000/cgi-bin/koha/opac-user.pl 19:53 pananohacker Can you help me with a Koha error? 19:52 jaron mostly alive 19:52 jaron hi 19:52 pananohacker Anybody alive? 19:52 pananohacker Hello. 16:11 [K] *** join #koha@FreeNode: darci|mtg n=plinkit@ 15:30 [K] *** join #koha@FreeNode: darcilicious n=plinkit@