Time Nick Message 00:57 dbs yeah -- need to get a good feel for the 3.0 release so just trying to absorb as much as possible over the next month or two 00:56 kados dbs: Moving the IRC channel to freenode ;-) 00:56 kados dbs: note the third to the last item :-) 00:56 kados hehe 00:56 dbs managed to get the katipo.co.nz hostname set up in kopete :) 00:56 kados http://wiki.koha.org/doku.php?id=meetingnotes07jun18 00:55 kados dbs: you gonna join our dev meeting on June 18th? 00:55 dbs Heya kados 00:43 kados dbs: fancy seeing you here :-) 00:43 kados hey dbs 00:42 kados we need a mision statement