Time Nick Message 11:30 tumer thanks owen. 11:30 owen But I /am/ willing to open a Word doc ;) 11:30 owen Why not? I must say I'd rather be able to read the contents of the message inline rather than open an attachment...assuming plain text is understandable in the situation. 11:28 tumer so it should be notepad text than is it? 11:28 owen Linux can read Word fine if they have the right software. But he still won't like it 11:27 tumer what was i supposed to send, ahh linux can not read word? 11:26 owen tumer: prepare to get chided by MJ Ray for sending a Word document to the list ;) 11:26 paul pls 11:26 tumer ok i'll post mine with mod_perl, thanks 11:25 paul but not sure. 11:25 paul mmm... it was with mod_perl iirc 11:24 paul ah, ok. 11:24 tumer you send some becmark figures using benchmark.pl 11:24 paul my benckmarks ? 11:23 tumer paul:your bencmarks with mod_perl or not? i want to compare rel_TG 11:22 paul historical ones I bet 11:20 tumer paul: the way cvs is organisd is not very logical. Installer puts files to a more logical order and more secure as well. Any reason? 11:19 tumer it was a pain 11:19 paul tumer: commiter of the week once again ;-) 11:18 tumer i finished committing everything to rel_TG now 11:18 toins hello tumer 11:18 paul hi tumer 11:18 tumer hi paul,toins 11:12 toins hello paul 11:11 paul hi toins 11:11 paul hi toin 11:11 hdl add it to items subfields. 11:11 hdl Since he wants to add some MARC subfield from 082$a. 11:10 paul (Lea : he or she ?) 11:10 hdl No. 11:10 paul isn't rebuildnonmarc.pl what Lea is looking for ? 11:10 paul I don't understand the question in fact... 11:10 Lea afk 10 mins 11:09 hdl paul ? any answer to Lea ? Is it a new tool to write ? 10:45 Lea hi paul. 10:45 hdl Lea's question when itemcallnumber is set after populating database. 10:45 paul yep 10:44 dewey i think paul is 4 times' DADDY 10:44 hdl paul ? 10:43 Lea yeah, done that. Is there a need to run a script to update something as this value is not showing up in intranet catalogue searches? 10:43 hdl automatically 10:43 hdl will copy the content of this subfield to items.itemcallnumber linked item subfield. 10:42 hdl itemcallnumber sys prefs 10:40 Lea itemcallnumber now = 082a 10:39 Lea ok, well I've seen call number in the intranet search, and it was blank. So i changed the value in system prefs. Should that have worked? 10:38 hdl If your library uses Dewey to name shelves, then it is the same. 10:38 Lea yes, that's it 10:38 Lea well, the librarian told me we dont use call numbers, just dewey numbers. 10:38 hdl It is to say in which part of the library they are to be found. 10:37 hdl It depends. 10:37 Lea not classification, call numbers i meant 10:37 Lea hdl: classification numbers. What are they? Are they like Dewey decimal numbers? 10:36 hdl yes 10:36 Lea interesting 10:36 dewey hdl was last seen on #koha 29 minutes and 17 seconds ago, saying: tumer : I havenot seen XML_Write in rel_TG yet. [Wed Mar 28 02:07:16 2007] 10:36 Lea dewey: seen hdl 10:07 tumer hdl: in biblio.pm 10:07 hdl tumer : I havenot seen XML_Write in rel_TG yet. 10:04 owen Wow, that's a long time ago for kados! 10:04 dewey kados was last seen on #koha 3 days, 19 hours, 30 minutes and 18 seconds ago, saying: agrees [Sat Mar 24 06:34:04 2007] 10:04 owen dewey: seen kados? 09:49 hdl kados around ? 09:41 hdl Moreover, some biblios have some cyrillic characters. 09:40 hdl Indeed. 09:39 tumer big problem if no flag is set 09:38 hdl And make sure encoding is OK. before migrating to utf8 and MARC::File::XML 09:38 hdl So we have to know xhich biblios are not marc-8. 09:37 hdl We used to consider that our systems wrote proper iso-8859-1 and some z3950 provide marc-8 09:37 tumer if you use utf8 you should be OK 09:37 hdl I am having troubles with char set encodings. 09:33 tumer well XML_write does just that than 09:32 hdl But I wanted to write xml with perl. 09:32 hdl I saw some xsl for marcslim on loc.gov. 09:31 tumer hdl:look into stysheets folder. it has an xsl document which can be used with MARCDetail_wrapper.pl It can be a starting point for you for xsl stysheets 09:30 tumer hdl:on windows box under mod_perl xml:libxslt crashes. So although i have a xslt stysheeet to display MARC records i cannot use it. 09:29 hdl But still, writing proper xml file with values and attributes seemed to be a challenge 09:29 hdl kados persuaded me into using system preference. 09:28 hdl But I didnot want to create 1line file. 09:28 hdl I agree. 09:28 hdl yes. 09:28 tumer hdl:well may be its not a good idea to expose kohaconf 09:11 hdl I was not convince either. 09:11 tumer on phone!! 09:11 hdl But kados dissuaded me. 09:11 hdl I wanted to try and write in kohaconf.xml 09:10 hdl Waht a work. Seems like a master_piece. 09:10 tumer hdl:it seems you wanted write something in xml. Look at the script XML_write in biblio. It may help 09:09 tumer i just managed to commit all the stuff 09:08 hdl I cant wait reading your stuff on rel_TG 09:08 hdl how are you ? 09:08 tumer hi hdl 09:07 hdl hi tumer 08:51 tumer prob thanks 08:51 owen Chris is probably sleeping 08:51 tumer a document i sent about what rel_TG is on the wait for moderator! 08:50 owen I think chris 08:50 tumer do you know who modarates koha-devel? 08:50 tumer hi owen 08:50 owen Hi tumer 08:48 tumer anyone around? 07:30 toins kados around ? 06:50 Lea hi toins 06:48 toins hi #koha 06:22 Lea i might spend some time writing a python/gtk app for quick file browsing though 06:21 Lea it's ok, I'll dumpMARC then text editor it 06:21 Lea it's not imported yet. 06:21 hdl phpmyadmin and marc_subfield_table ? 06:20 Lea thing is i got 4000 records I need to browse 06:20 Lea hmm.. yeah i could i guess 06:11 hdl Lea: dumpmarc. 06:08 Lea anyone use linux here? Know of a decent utility to browse MARC21 records? I think i got corrupt source data. 06:02 Lea but that's not changed the amazon issue 06:02 Lea yeah, to npl 05:44 hdl Lea : you changed templates ? 04:46 Lea the only thing i can see that may be affecting this is that i dont have an associates tag. We dont want one either. :( 04:22 Lea i just noticed that there is a lot more options available in the npl template for opac. Odd. 04:17 dewey well, nothing is :w by default 04:17 Lea NOTHING! 04:16 hdl I bet you changed NOTHING on your server, did you ? 04:15 hdl Or it may be a problem of webservice availability. 04:15 hdl Maybe you should try to log to amazon via this id. 04:14 Lea morning hdl. My ID was working before though. Admittedly, I only had 3 covers from 20ish books but it was something. 04:12 hdl maybe a problem in amason ids ? 04:12 Lea Anyone else's amazon links failing? It used to bring pictures up for me but no more :( I'm getting "image not available" images 04:11 Lea Good Morning/Evening/Night!