Time Nick Message 07:48 js cool :)) 07:48 Lea yeah good thanks! Had a productive day with Koha yesterday. Think I'm pretty much on top of it now. Will be migrating 3 libraries to it and adding 2 new branches. 07:40 js i m fine with the sun thx :) and you ? 07:35 Lea how are you? 07:35 js hi Lea 07:34 Lea hi there! :D 00:32 thd kados: are you still there? 00:32 thd found it 23:37 kados not recently 23:36 thd kados: had you spoken to stephen about the wiki/documentation recently? 23:34 thd nihau? 23:34 dewey niihau, kados 23:34 kados thd: hi 23:11 thd kados: I am back 22:10 kados thd_away: you around? 20:04 kados thd_away: ping 17:43 thd kados: are you there? 14:41 kados bye paul 14:38 paul_away bye world, see you tomorrow 14:36 paul it will be more complex imho 14:36 kados and imporve the API, etc., over time 14:35 paul so, how do you plan to do with small libraries ? 14:33 kados paul: and like with unimarc vs usmarc, it could be challenging to make sure both are working 14:32 kados paul: since we will need to have code for zebra and non-zebra 14:32 kados paul: for one, it will be very complicated to maintain 14:32 kados paul: I have some reservations about a 3.0 SQL version of Koha 14:31 kados paul: re: Koha 2.2.8 email to koha-Infos 14:30 kados paul: sent 14:14 paul kados++ 14:14 kados so maybe another email to koha-devel asking about ideas for a platform for documentation? 14:13 kados ahh 14:13 paul nope, but some ppl asked me if there is something to tranlaste to french... 14:12 kados paul: do you have any ideas? 14:12 kados and perhaps with some modifs, versioning, and export to pdf for physical book 14:12 kados it can do user contribs (comments) and languages 14:12 kados I will investigate plone, to see if it's a good platform for this 14:11 kados and to do translations of each page 14:11 kados also, ability to create a physical book 14:11 kados and user contributed text as notes at bottom of each page 14:11 kados a version link, for each page 14:11 kados ideal would be like the mysql docs 14:10 kados re: user manual, just some ideas 14:10 kados re: installer, ok 14:10 paul kados : do you have any plan(s) about a user manuel for koha 3 ? 14:10 paul this one is a very simple & basic one if I don't mind. and only for the installer. 14:09 kados I fear too many Auth modules will be hard to maintain 14:09 kados but can we instead modify Auth.pm to accomodate the installer? 14:09 paul (I already asked the question to hdl, thus my answer ;-) ) 14:08 paul hehe... no, because Auth.pm relies on a mySQL table, that may not exist at this moment 14:08 kados hdl: InstallAuth.pm? Is it necessary? Can't we just use C4/Auth.pm? 14:07 kados hdl: final question about installer system 14:07 kados hdl: mail sent to koha-devel, thanks for chatting about it 14:00 rch right, i edited so as not to give errors for mysql 4.1 13:59 hdl I hope it will solve the problems. 13:59 hdl Delete the 1st ones. 13:58 rch partial statements are repeated. 13:57 rch in the ALTER TABLE ADD CONSTRAINT statements 13:57 hdl is there a problem ? 13:57 rch hdl: can you take a look at the phpmyadmin export? 13:55 hdl (I never used it) 13:55 hdl And there is a perl module interface to Wikipedia :D 13:55 hdl I am sure wiktionary could be of great help. 13:54 hdl http://pl.wiktionary.org/wiki/Wikis%C5%82ownik:Kody_j%C4%99zyk%C3%B3w 13:54 hdl polski 13:54 kados summarizing our 'findings' :-) 13:54 kados I'm writing a mail to koha-devel 13:53 hdl for deutsch 13:53 hdl 13:47 kados ahh, excellent 13:47 hdl It is translated already. 13:47 hdl But we can also take advantage of ISO639-2. 13:47 hdl We should. 13:46 kados language_list.tmpl 13:46 kados so we introduce a new file for translation 13:46 kados yep 13:46 hdl I want to see Perse and not persian. 13:45 kados good point 13:45 hdl I am using french interface 13:45 hdl Say. 13:45 hdl 3. should be description of the language in the chosen language. 13:44 kados getAllLanguages (for the whole list), getTranslatedLangauges (for just existing translations, with interface passed as argument) 13:44 hdl kados : thinking about it... It is more complicated. 13:43 kados so a simple Languages.pm with a few new functions? 13:42 kados (stored in leader field IIRC) 13:42 kados (in the case of the search interface, MARC21 uses 639-2, so that is one advantage to switching) 13:42 kados (for interfaces) 13:42 kados 3. language switch 13:41 kados 2. search interface (for searching langauges) 13:41 kados 1. the installer 13:41 kados so we have: 13:41 kados and have all places in koha use the standard way to get lists 13:41 kados 3. the English name of the language 13:41 kados 2. the language name in the languages script ( like ä¸æ–‡ for chinese) 13:40 kados 1. a language code (two or three letters) 13:40 kados so we get: 13:40 kados what I propose is to introduce a standard way to get a list of available languages 13:40 kados we can use both two letter and three letter codes 13:40 kados well, the change is not necessary I think 13:39 paul kados : what would this change improve ? 13:39 hdl (it is only a visible part of an iceberg) 13:38 paul (even if SANOP situation is not the main problem I think) 13:38 hdl :D 13:38 kados paul: fence rider :-) 13:38 paul i'm ok with kados proposal as well as with hdl note. 13:38 hdl and then cvs updates on templates would not be updated for them. 13:38 paul ok I understand the problem. 13:37 hdl SANOP is in production time. 13:36 kados otherwise translations wouldn't work 13:36 kados I don't think so 13:36 kados do we hardcode any dir names? 13:36 kados yep 13:35 hdl But this changes directory basenames for templates. 13:35 kados and http://www.loc.gov/marc/languages/ 13:35 kados http://www.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/ 13:35 hdl So that we use only ISO 639-2 in or language lists. 13:35 kados to use 639-2 (which is also the MARC codes for langauges, so could be used by searching too) 13:35 kados I propose to simplify all lists of langauges 13:34 hdl fr to fre 13:34 hdl kados proposed changing en to eng 13:34 hdl see before. 13:34 paul what's the question/problem ? 13:33 paul i'm here... 13:33 hdl too late or too early. 13:33 hdl I think it is not time to do so. 13:33 hdl That could break Many things. 13:32 hdl I am quite touchy at renaming base dirs. 13:32 kados so maybe we should switch to 639-2 for directory names? 13:32 kados agreed 13:32 hdl (I say language codes.) 13:31 hdl 1st : the language list in installer must match koha directory names. 13:31 hdl But !!! 13:30 hdl Could be. 13:30 kados hdl: ? 13:30 kados also the installer 13:30 kados for instance, in the 'language switch' and in the search language limit: http://search.athenscounty.lib.oh.us/search?expanded_options=1 13:29 kados do you think that's a good way to represent languages for Koha in other places a list appears? 13:28 kados 3. the english name of the language 13:28 kados 2. the language in the script of the language (e.g., ä¸æ–‡ for chinese) 13:28 kados 1. a code for language following MARC list of languages (maybe the same as iso 639-2) 13:27 kados on translate.koha.org I tried to have: 13:26 kados I see 13:26 hdl anglais is french term for english. 13:26 kados what is anglais? french ? 13:25 hdl eng 639-2 13:25 hdl en is iso 639-1 13:25 kados "eng","anglais","anglais","English","en" 13:25 kados in the iso file I see: 13:24 hdl Koha uses : en for english, fr for french, ge for German, zh for Chinese. 13:24 kados maybe we should use iso for Koha? 13:24 hdl But would change quite a lot of things. 13:24 kados 3. Koha 13:24 kados 2. iso 13:24 kados 1. MARC 13:24 kados so we have in fact three 'codes' for languages: 13:23 hdl could be drawn from iso languages. 13:23 hdl %languages is based on koha different languages. 13:22 kados instead of drawing from the iso file 13:21 kados hdl: because in install.pl I see 'my %language=( 'list of hardcoded values' ) 13:20 kados hdl: so what will become of 639-2norm.csv? 13:20 kados I think ISO is probably better, eh? 13:20 kados http://www.loc.gov/marc/languages/ 13:20 kados it seems we have two standards for describing languages: iso and MARC 13:20 hdl yes. 13:19 hdl But my point was to help the librarian build an authorised value list 13:19 kados it's official iso file? 13:19 hdl It is not used at the moment. 13:19 hdl it is the normalized languages. 13:18 kados what is 639-2norm.csv? 13:18 kados ok, a few more questions :-=) 13:18 kados makes good sense 13:18 kados system and librarian 13:18 kados right 13:18 hdl installation is in two steps. 13:17 hdl In fact, with koha30 13:17 hdl in some ways. 13:17 hdl 2: yes. 13:17 hdl 1 : No good reason. 13:16 kados hdl: also, it seems your installer only works if Koha is installed already, is that right? 13:16 kados hdl: with the new authoritative version? 13:16 kados hdl: any reason we can't just replace koha.mysql? 13:16 kados rch: so you will work on making it work for 5.0? 13:16 hdl koha.mysql is old now. 13:16 hdl Yes, it should. 13:15 rch but this should be the authoritative database structure, correct? 13:15 kados hdl: so the dump in the installer/ dir should be considered authoritative? 13:15 rch but i'm not sure how to fix 13:15 rch yes, there is an fkey constraint problem for mysql5 also 13:14 hdl I hope so. 13:14 hdl kados : for db structure, i think there should be a way to have only one sql chema. 13:13 kados or do we need two sql schemas? 13:13 kados is there a way to make it compatible with both 5 and 4.1? 13:12 rch but, okay, i didn't test on 4.1 13:12 rch (not mysql5 specific) 13:11 rch i think firstly syntax on fkey constraints 13:11 hdl ? 13:11 hdl some errors in regards with mysql 5.0 13:11 rch should that dump be authoritative db def? 13:10 rch but it has some errors 13:10 rch there's a phpmyadmin dump in installer/ 13:10 rch wondering firstly about sql defs 13:10 rch working on getting rel_3 installed 13:09 rch morning :) 13:09 paul hey rch 13:09 dewey que tal, hdl 13:09 hdl hi 13:09 rch hey paul , hdl