Time Nick Message 05:00 waylon no success either. 05:00 waylon tried that. 04:57 chris what about in a .htaccess file 03:55 waylon incredible.. that instead of them writing one line.. i have to write a line into every pl file... probably into every pm file too. 03:51 waylon hiya chris.. in response to " cant you just ask them to put the export line in the apache config" ya.. well.. asked them that.. they said no. 00:57 chris cant you just ask them to put the export line in the apache config 00:23 waylon Okay.. so ive signed up with a free perl/mysql host, with no access to root.. just standard user... so inside every .pl file.. i have to add 'use lib '/www/wayrob' '.... gah! 18:04 waylon hello all... any katipo people active right now? 12:34 tumer if you want to try choose Title and All Words at library.neu.edu.tr/cgi-bin/koha/opac-search.pl 12:32 tumer i have a similar situation where you can search for 'computer business forkner' in title and get $245Computerized business bla bla.$cN. Forkner 12:31 paul i'll try ;-) 12:30 tumer was the answer to your zebra question satisfactory? 12:30 tumer I'll check 12:29 paul circ.pm maybe ? 12:29 tumer i checked your code in circulation.pl but could not find much differnce anywhere else 12:28 paul (we fixed some problems with virtual shelves as well) 12:28 paul things works fine now. 12:28 paul mmm... in rel_3_0, we have fixed many problems with global variables. 12:27 tumer my mod_perl in circulation does not show Overdues or Fines with Registry and i donnot why 12:26 tumer during a search you define whether phrase word wordlist date or number. wherever you are doing that 12:25 tumer @attr 4=6 is definition for Word-List 12:24 tumer yes but with ccl you shouldbe able to define @attr 4=6 as well 12:24 paul tumer : the question is CCL, so there is something wrong in ccl.properties ? 12:23 tumer question at zebralist regarding 3 search terms 12:23 tumer regarding issuing with Registry it does not show the overdues or fimnes 12:22 paul which question ? 12:22 paul anyway : the SANOP has found no issuing problem in their DB i've been told. 12:22 tumer use @attr 4=6 and your search should work 12:22 tumer regarding your zebra question 12:22 paul throw them. 12:22 tumer hi 12:21 paul hi tumer. 12:21 tumer paul:I have an answer and a question?