Time Nick Message 10:51 shedges morning owen 10:49 hdl There is still One bug : multiple page search doesnot work. 10:48 hdl Pls test. 10:43 paul hi kados too 10:43 paul yep 10:43 hdl hi kados 10:43 hdl paul arount ? 10:40 owen G'morning shedges 10:28 toins hello kados 10:20 kados g'morning #koha 06:25 paul have a sweet night 06:25 chris ok bedtime for me, have a good day 06:12 chris :-) 06:11 paul chris : yep, a very good one. 1 full weeks without a computer ! 06:08 chris did everyone have a good christmas? 06:03 chris yeah sounds like it 06:03 paul a very complex one. 06:03 chris ahh 06:03 paul zebra problems when querying biblios AND authorities. 06:03 chris ahh cool 06:02 paul I think they are all fixed except one, that hdl is working on. 06:02 chris i hear you have had a few mod_perl problems at San OP ? all fixed now? 06:01 chris lol 06:01 paul he already has the eyes of a all black : dark & mysterious & "be careful, i'm dangerous if you try to beat me" 06:00 paul hehe... a very cute baby. 06:00 chris i think our weather has swapped 05:59 chris here we had the coldest december in 60 years 05:59 chris wow that is warm 05:59 paul (which is 10°-12° more than usually 05:59 chris paul, heres a photo you might like http://photos.bigballofwax.co.nz/gallery2/v/kahurangi/DSC02446.JPG.html 05:59 paul (very very hot winter in France : 16°C planned this afternoon !) 05:59 paul nice summer in nz ? 05:58 paul hello chris. 05:58 chris thanks toins, happy new year to you to 05:56 toins & happy new year ! 05:56 btoumi hi chris 05:56 toins hi chris 05:56 chris and hi all 05:56 chris thanks for doing the reply to Gaetano, Paul 05:10 btoumi hi all 23:32 kados hopefully it's not as bad as perl :-) 23:31 kados that's a shame 23:31 kados does python have encoding problems? 23:14 thd kados; do you want some Python encoding problems, free? :) 23:10 thd hello kados 23:10 kados hi thd 19:05 russ there now 19:05 russ sure 19:04 tnb hey can i talk to you on gmail? 19:04 russ hi tina 19:03 tnb russ: you there? 13:43 tumer unfortunately mod_perl hhas got lots of problems under Windows so i am just using a test machine with UBUNTU so not mauch testing going on 13:41 tumer great 13:41 paul toins & sanop cleaned those problems in rel_3_0 13:40 tumer i changed all modules which were recursively calling each other. ie Circ2 calling members and Members calling Circ2 13:39 paul yes, sometimes. seems harmless 13:39 tumer s/rub/run 13:39 tumer i keep getting a warn in Apache logs saying too late to rub INIT block at line 37 ZOOM.pm , but no errors, do you get that? 13:38 paul as they are very important for mod_perl 13:38 paul (from me) 13:38 paul you should look at recent rel_3_0 commits 13:37 paul great ! 13:37 tumer any major changes, cause i am running mod_perl with UBUNTU at the moment 13:37 paul but they are almost fixed 13:36 paul some problems with cataloguing in rel_3_0, due to mod_perl poor support. 13:36 tumer hi paul, no Ý just came today from the Umman desert. Well done all OK 13:36 paul some bugs, but nothing dramatic 13:36 paul things were very smooth. 13:36 paul do you know that SANOP is live since jan, 3rd ? 13:35 paul hi tumer & happy new year. 13:35 tumer hi and happy New Year everyone 13:09 paul you're welcome 13:09 tnb paul: thanks for the email. You've been very helpful.