Time Nick Message 17:31 rach they do auto renew as well - but usually we don't have a problem - dean being away I suspect has mucked us up 17:29 chris :) 17:29 kados I used to panic every 6 months and go through all my domains checking renew dates :-) 17:27 chris sweet, a whois is showing it all renewed too 17:20 chris cool that its renewed, thanks :) 17:20 chris yeah, i thought maybe it got missed cos dean was away? but maybe they didnt send one 17:05 rach usually they send a physical letter as well - which is why I like them 17:05 rach overly agressive spam filtering meant the message didn't get through 12:50 owen Of course not slef, I just meant I'm just glad a domain squatter hasn't gotten it 12:48 slef owen: I wasn't trying to take it over, just pay the renewal bill 11:45 kados thd: :-) 11:45 thd all names sound alike to me 11:44 kados chris: thanks! 11:44 chris thats randal schwartz thd 11:44 chris right, have emailed rach and si, and will follow it up with a phone call in about 4 hours when they are awake. 11:43 thd kados: I assume that is not the well known Perl programmer of the same name 11:38 kados he's the proprietor of http://www.vigilnetworks.com/ 11:37 kados Randy Schultz is his name 11:37 kados yup 11:37 owen Your salesperson? 11:37 kados liblime has a new employee on tuesday :-) 11:37 kados cool 11:37 owen Back to the regular grind on Tuesday. 11:35 owen Hi kados. You bet :) 11:34 kados owen: doing your weekly friday over vacation, eh? ;-) 11:33 kados he's hunting down the cause 11:30 owen Well, I'd rather see them reserving it for the original registrar than opening it up to just anyone. 11:27 thd owen: yes slef has tried to renew the domain in the absence of NZ but he did not succeed so I am assuming the registrar still has it reserved 11:21 owen Looks like all Koha wanted for Christmas was a domain renewal... 11:02 thd slef I assume the domain is still in the registrar reserve period for the original domain holder 11:01 thd slef: therefore I missed your post 11:00 thd slef: I could not read the logs with koha.org down 11:00 slef thd: I even tried to buy the renewal :-/