Time Nick Message 11:20 paul_ paul2 11:59 Lea hdl: I've written my own dictionary parser and it works fine.... 12:00 Lea I see all the tags and data (although the data is stored in a horrible way - 5byte buffer at start of each field for some stupid reason). 12:01 hdl Is the directory OK ? 12:01 Lea How can I tell if it's ok? What do you mean? 12:01 hdl Or do you have to rebuild it ? 12:02 hdl Does it contains information ? And Is information in relation to you data ? 12:02 Lea I will pastebin my results 12:02 Lea yes it does 12:04 Lea http://pastebin.ca/243471 12:04 Lea the dictionary is not entirely correct, as you will see 12:05 Lea (Unless it's my coding!) 12:07 Lea This is the dictionary extracted: http://pastebin.ca/243477 12:07 Lea Tag,Length,Starts At 12:07 Lea As you can see, 200 has a length of 24, which also seems to include the price! 12:08 Lea Tag 20 sorry, not 200 12:10 hdl So this semms to be USMARC data. 12:10 hdl MARC-21 12:11 hdl It is strange that dumpmarc can't decode your data. 12:12 hdl Can you try /usr/local/koha/intranet/scripts/misc/dumpmarc.pl -file test_import.mrc 12:12 Lea sure 12:13 Lea ok, I get the leader and control tag for every record 12:14 Lea EG: 12:14 Lea NUMBER 5919 => 12:14 Lea LDR 00801nam 2200037 45e0 12:14 Lea 001 2000230001 12:15 Lea i really wish i was better at perl 12:46 Lea ok, it seems that bytes 12-16 dont represent the start of the data 12:51 hdl If your software doesnot provide you with correct directory, then it will be hard to decode your information. 12:53 Lea I agree. If I decode it myself (looks fairly easy), what option would I have in writing this data into Koha? 12:58 paul_ bye world... 13:06 Lea ok, I know what the problem is here. I just hardcoded a data start number into MARC::FILE::USMARC and got correct output for one record. This means that,yes, bytes 12-16 of the leader aren't set correctly 13:21 Lea hdl: I know I've bothered you all afternoon, I appreciate it. One last thing, is this what I should be seeing with dumpmarc? http://pastebin.ca/243522 13:22 hdl yes 13:22 hdl definitely 13:23 Lea right, well I've worked out that their export routine has a bug. 13:23 Lea What I'm going to do is work out how to generate the correct number for bytes 12-16, run it on every record and "fix" their data 13:24 Lea If possible, I would like ot upload this script to the wiki. Perhaps there should be a new page for importing data from this system? 13:34 hdl sure 13:35 hdl Good. 13:35 hdl wiki.koha.org 13:35 dewey wiki.koha.org is probably ssssslllllllllooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwww.... 13:36 owen dewey: forget wiki.koha.org 13:36 dewey owen: I forgot wiki.koha.org 13:36 hdl hehe owen 13:37 hdl It was a good vote was it not ? 13:37 owen It's been a long time since I've been happy about election results. 13:38 kados :-) 13:38 hdl Maybe a wife could be head of deputy, woud it not ? 13:38 hdl I don't know the precise term for the position. 13:39 hdl I saw her on TV, she was presented as an iron woman 13:39 hdl hi kados 13:39 kados hi hdl 13:44 Lea oooh, what was the result for the senate? 13:48 hdl Not known atm 13:48 hdl they must re-count 13:50 Lea *cough*Diebold*cough* 13:53 owen :) My colleage and I were wondering if the election results proved electronic voting was safe, or whether Democrats simply won /despite/ some vote tampering 13:59 Lea owen: hard to "prove" anything 14:38 Lea my MARC21 data is now fixed :) 15:17 Lea ok guys. Seems my python script works wonders on this duff data exported by the eclipse system. Where can I put it and write a page about my experiences so others can benefit? 15:21 mason hiya lea, try here -> http://wiki.koha.org 15:22 mason create yourself an account on there, and you should be away 15:23 mason perhaps under 'migration notes'... ? 15:53 Lea I take it I can't upload files? 16:16 Lea Wiki updated. Thanks for the help today. See ya. 17:51 pecisk hi guys, I got particulary interested in your system, but I can't find where requirements are listed 18:09 Mordazy Hi all 18:09 Mordazy anybody here? 18:10 Mordazy well, anybody proficient in importing things to Koha? 18:16 Mordazy anybody? 18:16 Mordazy oh well 18:23 Mordazy Just wanted to say that Burt Munro`s "Munro Special" Indian kicks ass :) 18:37 chris hi pecisk, are you still theer? 18:37 chris there even 18:38 chris http://www.kohadocs.org/Installing_Koha_on_Debian_sarge.html#d0e319 18:38 chris is a good place to look 18:38 chris it lists the dependencies 18:50 pecisk chris: thanks 18:52 chris no problem :) 18:52 chris you are from latvia pecisk? 18:52 chris night toins 18:52 pecisk chris: that's right :) 18:52 toins_ bye chris 18:53 chris cool :) 18:55 pecisk koha seems to be very impressive system, my girlfriend is a librarian, she likes it, at first glance 18:58 chris thats great :) 18:58 chris have you seen http://search.athenscounty.lib.oh.us/ 18:59 pecisk no 18:59 pecisk I will check it out 19:00 pecisk by the way, I have question already - i looking at the demo, but I can't find where I can add users who can manage whole system - or there is just one administrator aka root 19:00 chris nope there isnt, 2 secs ill show you 19:00 chris koha thinks of librarians just as other users 19:00 chris but with different privileges 19:00 chris eg 19:01 chris http://koha.liblime.com/cgi-bin/koha/members/moremember.pl?bornum=9143 19:01 chris see this page 19:01 chris ull notice a link modify privileges 19:01 chris next to the delete button 19:01 chris if you click on that 19:02 pecisk I see 19:02 chris then you can set what that person can do in koha 19:02 pecisk nice :) 19:02 pecisk yeah 19:02 pecisk good one 19:02 chris another good doc 19:02 chris is 19:02 chris http://www.kohadocs.org/newbieguide.html 19:02 chris for an intro to koha 19:03 pecisk great, thanks :) 19:04 pecisk last question before I leave for now (I definetly will return), is - how Koha is big on load? I know from my sysadmin expierence that perl is rather heavy, but powerful :) 19:13 chris hmmm, not very at all, its mysql that does all the heavy lifting 19:13 chris and its purely dependent on how many items you have in your library 19:13 chris the more ram you can throw at it, the faster it will go :) 19:20 pecisk chris: good to know :) 19:21 pecisk anyway, thanks for a info, see ya here next time :) bye 19:21 chris cya later 05:14 osmoze hello #koha 05:14 toins_ hello all 05:19 hdl hello 07:06 btoumi chris are u around? 08:19 Lea good morning 08:19 toins_ hello Lea 08:39 Lea Is there a difference between bulkmarcimport and the "Upload MARC records" menu on the web interface? 09:01 Lea Also, is it possible to bulk import into a particular branch? 09:01 paul hi Lea. 09:01 paul yes, a very big one !!! 09:01 paul bulkmarcimport is useful when migrating your database. 09:02 paul upload is useful to fill the reservoir, that will let you create your cataloguer quickly, by picking biblios from the reservoir 1 by 1 09:02 paul so, it's definetly not the same usage. 09:02 paul does that sound clear ? 09:06 Lea ok, so do not use the resevoir for 6K books :) 09:07 Lea I've got the import working well, but is there a way to auto assign the branch? 09:07 paul nope, you'll have to hack a little bit bulkmarcimport for this. 09:07 paul look at : 09:07 paul http://marcpm.sourceforge.net/MARC/Record.html 09:07 paul and 09:07 paul http://marcpm.sourceforge.net/MARC/Field.html 09:08 Lea thank you for your time paul 09:09 Lea it seems a bit strange to me that this isn't a standard part of importing. But what do I know? I'm just a sysadmin :) 09:10 paul In fact, a large part of my job is to modify biblios when migrating from an ILS to another one. 09:10 paul but don't forget to double check that you don't already have item information already somewhere. 09:11 paul did you find www.kohadocs.org => migrating your datas to koha 2.2 ? 09:13 Lea yes i did. Some documents on the migrating part of the wiki talked about editing a $branchname variable. Was this taken out? 09:13 paul ??? 09:35 kados hi all 09:39 paul hello kados. 09:39 kados cool, how's it going? 09:40 paul quite well 09:40 paul a lot of minor bugs, a few more important, but nothing unsolvable. 09:41 kados paul: I have gotten several off-list requests to send people the new Z39.50 client because they don't understand CVS 09:41 kados (good news ...) 09:41 kados I wonder if we could release 2.2.7 soon or if I should just send directions for how to update to the koha list 09:42 Lea paul:sorry was on phone, look at point 2 (at the top) on this page http://wiki.koha.org/doku.php?id=cmsdconversion 09:43 Lea it talks about a branch mane variable