Time  Nick        Message
02:11 btoumi      hi all
02:11 btoumi      chris: are u around?
02:12 chris       yes
02:12 btoumi      hi chris how are u today?
02:12 chris       good thanks, and u?
02:12 btoumi      same
02:13 btoumi      do u have some time for me?
02:13 chris       yep
02:14 btoumi      i want to understand all the way from fines
02:14 btoumi      that why i have a lot of question ;=)
02:15 chris       :-) thats fine
02:15 btoumi      ok my first question is about ReplacementCost and replacementprice
02:16 btoumi      field
02:16 chris       right
02:17 chris       replacementprice is on items right?
02:17 btoumi      yes
02:18 chris       thats the value ive always used for the charging a borrower the cost to replace an item
02:18 chris       where is ReplacementCost?
02:19 btoumi      in fines.pm it's a function
02:19 chris       ah ha
02:21 btoumi      my problem that is i don't know where u insert data with Replacementprice value
02:21 chris       ahh thats in full acquisitions
02:22 chris       hmm i think if you linked it to a marc field ... you could add it in the marc editor too
02:22 chris       but im not sure what field it should be in MARC
02:22 btoumi      is it the cost of a book?
02:22 chris       yes
02:23 btoumi      ok i understand
02:23 btoumi      i take some note because i forget all that u say if i don't i'm to much old :=)
02:24 chris       hehe
02:24 btoumi      replacementprice=>cost of book
02:25 chris       yep, the cost it would take to replace it
02:27 btoumi      and this price is configured in aquisition module isn't it?
02:27 chris       yes
02:27 btoumi      ok
02:27 Burgundavia sorry, to but in, but from a UI point of view, what is ReplacementCost then?
02:27 chris       but if you set up the link in koha2marc links, you could manage it with the marc editor too
02:28 btoumi      ok
02:28 chris       replacementcost is a function in the Fines perl module that fetches the replacementprice from the database
02:28 btoumi      not now because i work only in fine
02:29 chris       burgundavia: its an internal function
02:29 Burgundavia chris: ah, ok
02:29 Burgundavia chris: it is exposed to the user at all?
02:29 chris       nope
02:30 btoumi      another question for u chris what is $DEBUG is it a system variable?
02:30 chris       yes
02:30 chris       if the programmer has been good
02:30 chris       in the module, or script
02:30 btoumi      not for me lol
02:30 chris       they will have things like
02:30 Burgundavia chris: ok, then
02:31 chris       if ($DEBUG) { warn "DEBUG: the query is $query"; }
02:31 chris       then at the top of the module
02:31 chris       if you go
02:31 chris       $DEBUG=1;
02:31 chris       you get debugging statements in your error log
02:31 chris       and $DEBUG=0;
02:31 chris       turns it off again
02:32 chris       saves having to go thru commenting warn's out ... etc
02:32 chris       does that make sense bruno?
02:32 btoumi      ok if i understand this variable use to debug code
02:32 chris       thats right
02:33 chris       it could even be
02:33 btoumi      but u use in this file because u use it in command line not across koha
02:33 chris       yep
02:34 btoumi      ok i understand
02:34 chris       you could use it across koha, and set the debug as an environment variable .. so you could switch it on or off in the apache config
02:34 btoumi      ok
02:35 btoumi      now i look for other question in code
02:35 chris       :)
02:38 btoumi      i think i create 2 function that they return
02:39 btoumi      for the first : how much special days between due date and date of day
02:39 chris       right
02:39 btoumi      the second return how much day close between due date and date of day
02:39 chris       right
02:40 btoumi      i do it in fines.pm
02:40 chris       sounds good to me
02:40 btoumi      ok
02:40 btoumi      another question ;=)
02:41 chris       you could make one that calls those 2 .. that gives you the number of open days between due date and date of day
02:41 chris       so you could go $days_to_charge = DaysOpen($datedue,$datenow);
02:42 chris       then $fine = $days_to_charge * $fine_amount;
02:42 chris       maybe
02:42 btoumi      yes i think so
02:42 btoumi      just one function to calculate
02:42 btoumi      is more optimized
02:43 chris       yeah, maybe 2 internal functions .. and one exported one for the fines-sanop.pl to use
02:45 btoumi      can u explain?
02:46 chris       have your 2 functions you said before just be internal ones, ie ones inside Fines.pm .. that dont get called by other scripts .. and have the other function DaysOpen ... that is exported, that uses the 2 internal ones ... that way ive we ever need to we could just export the other 2 as well
02:46 chris       its hard to explain
02:47 btoumi      its hard to understand ;=)
02:48 chris       :) i just meant write three subroutines in Fines.pm
02:48 chris       but only one, DaysOpen, is exported
02:50 btoumi      ok
02:50 btoumi      if i understand u have two function to calculate the special holydays and repeatable holydays
02:51 chris       yep
02:51 btoumi      and the third join data from the two function and export where it was called
02:51 chris       yes thats right
02:51 btoumi      yesssssssssssssss
02:52 chris       :)
02:53 btoumi      another question if u are ok?
02:53 chris       yep
02:56 btoumi      the itemlost=2 is insert on table when u date day -date due>28
02:56 chris       thats right
02:57 btoumi      but where do u insert itemlost=1?
02:57 chris       ahh
02:57 chris       in the catalogue
02:57 btoumi      ok
02:57 btoumi      itemlost=2 => lost book by borrowers
02:58 btoumi      itemlost=1 =>?
02:58 chris       marked lost by librarian
02:59 chris       so maybe the borrower rings up, and says i lost the book
02:59 chris       the librarian can mark it lost
02:59 chris       before waiting the 28 days for koha to do it
02:59 btoumi      ok it understand
03:00 btoumi      u can change state of book  in borrower interface?
03:00 chris       in the librarian catalogue interface
03:00 btoumi      ok
03:00 chris       ill just find the page
03:02 chris       http://koha.rangitikei.katipo.co.nz/cgi-bin/koha/moditem.pl?bibitem=4076&item=3750&type=&submit=modify
03:03 btoumi      ok thanks
03:03 btoumi      i understand
03:03 chris       im not sure where you do it in the marc one tho, id have to ask paul
03:05 btoumi      but perahps there is a problem in fines2.pl in line 143 because u want to insert replacecost value in date field
03:07 chris       yes i think that fines2.pl is perhaps broken
03:07 btoumi      ok
03:08 btoumi      can u tell me all the possible value for accountype if u are ok
03:08 chris       you can really set up whatever you want there
03:09 chris       ill query one of the libraries database
03:09 chris       and see all the ones they are using
03:10 btoumi      ok thanks chris
03:10 chris       here what Rangitikei library uses
03:10 chris       Rent = Rental cost (they charge money to borrow DVD's)
03:10 chris       Pay = A payment
03:11 chris       W = write off (when the library decides to wipe off a charge)
03:11 chris       C = Credit
03:12 chris       F = Fine (overdue charge)
03:12 chris       L = Lost item
03:12 chris       Res = Charge for a reserve
03:12 chris       thats what they are using
03:13 chris       does that help?
03:13 btoumi      is it configured or only configured in code?
03:13 btoumi      yes
03:13 chris       only in code
03:14 chris       its not very good, maybe one day we will fix it so it is configured better
03:14 btoumi      right i think so
03:14 btoumi      ok i understand all the things
03:15 btoumi      big thank u for u chris
03:15 btoumi      i can begin to work
03:15 chris       excellent
03:16 btoumi      i think that fines2-sanop.pl can be use by another library who use the same functionnement
03:17 chris       cool
03:17 btoumi      perahps name  fines2-sanop.pl  will change in future if it use by another library
03:17 chris       yeah maybe we can think up a better name
03:17 chris       but i dont have a good idea :)
03:17 btoumi      and all library can switch between fines2.pl and fines2-sanop.pl
03:18 chris       yeah
03:18 btoumi      for the name i have no idea but perahps later ;=)
04:03 btoumi      chris: are u always around?
04:04 chris       not always .. but too much as my wife would tell me :)
04:05 btoumi      lol ;=) i don't want to have a problem with ur wife ;=)
04:05 btoumi      just for a point
04:06 btoumi      when u insert a line in accountline u use accounttype=>L (lost ) but for the functionnement of my library i think i must use F before 28 and L after
04:08 chris       that sounds fine
04:08 btoumi      ok ty and good night chris
04:09 chris       night
07:23 btoumi      Toins: are u around?
07:24 ToinS       yep
07:25 btoumi      est ce que tu sais lequel de ces deux module ne sera plus utilise sur koha
07:26 btoumi      date::manip ou date::calc
07:26 ToinS       ah non ca je ne sais pas
07:26 ToinS       désolé
07:26 btoumi      c pas grave
07:26 btoumi      je vais voir si kados est la
07:27 btoumi      kados: are u around?
07:27 ToinS       normalement les americains arrivent un peu plus tard
07:27 btoumi      voui avec le decalage horaire
08:08 kados       btoumi: still around?
08:09 kados       btoumi: date::manip is a very slow module
08:09 btoumi      yes i'm around
08:09 kados       btoumi: if you are working on circulation I would suggest not working with date::manip
08:09 btoumi      i work on fines
08:09 kados       btoumi: I don't know anything about date::calc
08:09 kados       ahh ... fines are calculated nightly then? or on return? or what?
08:10 kados       (can you use C4::Date ?)
08:10 btoumi      in fines2.pl to calculate all fines
08:10 kados       (if you use the existing API it will be easier to maintain)
08:10 kados       ok, fines2.pl runs nightly
08:10 btoumi      yes
08:10 kados       so speed is not that important
08:11 kados       but for maintainability I would look at C4/Date.pm
08:11 kados       I bet the subs in there would be useful to you
08:11 btoumi      but this file use date::manip module
08:11 kados       yep
08:11 kados       but ... we can easily replace it with something else
08:11 kados       but never change the API
08:12 kados       so everything will still work
08:12 kados       (does that make sense?)
08:12 btoumi      yes it's right but if we will decide that don't use date::manip peraphs i try to find some function in date::calc
08:14 kados       btoumi: do you mean you will work on Date.pm?
08:14 kados       btoumi: and move it from date::manip to date::calc?
08:16 btoumi      move function from date::manip to date::calc
08:18 btoumi      kados: it's solution for some function useful
08:18 kados       btoumi: if you have a new date function it should go in C4/Date.pm
08:20 btoumi      is it possible to take a function from a module (for example today() form date::calc) and copy to C4/date.pm?
08:21 kados       you don't need to copy it
08:21 kados       you can simply have, in Date.pm:
08:21 kados       use Date::Calc;
08:21 kados       sub today {
08:21 btoumi      ok sorry i'm very tired
08:21 kados       today();
08:21 kados       }
08:22 kados       or
08:22 kados       return today();
08:22 kados       }
08:22 kados       I think
08:22 btoumi      kados:ok sorry i'm very tired
08:22 kados       I slept in today :(
08:22 btoumi      i understand what what u explain
08:22 kados       can't keep eyes open :-)
08:23 btoumi      lol i understand but it's only 15 pm in france
08:23 btoumi      3pm
08:26 btoumi      kados: in use u can do like this => use Date::Calc qw/Today/;
08:27 btoumi      use only function i need
08:29 kados       gotcha