Time  Nick      Message
12:06 kados     Tmr: hi there!
12:07 kados     Tmr: welcome :-)
12:07 kados     shedges: you too :-)
12:07 kados     shedges: how's the new office? :-)
12:14 Tmr       Hi everyone I am quite new to this IRC thing I hope I manage t'night
12:15 shedges   hey kados!
12:15 shedges   BUSY!
12:15 shedges   (There's nothing like having a Board meeting 11 days after you start a new job.)
12:25 kados     heh
13:33 kados     welcome back tumer :-)
13:33 kados     tumer: did you see my other email (public one) sent to you over the weekend?
13:34 kados     tumer: I asked some additional questions and also asked about your timestamp export script
13:43 tumer     kados: sorry I am trying to sort this mIRC thing
13:43 kados     no problem :-)
13:43 kados     I'm _very_ happy to see you here :-)
13:44 tumer     Well i am missing my Tango milonga for this and hope doing the right thing
13:45 kados     you have a Tango / Milonga class?
13:46 kados     tumer: the mtg does not start until 20:00 ... what time is that for you?
13:46 kados     http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?year=2006&month=4&day=3&hour=20&min=0&sec=0
13:46 kados     what timezone are you in?
13:46 tumer     I am taking Tango lessons
13:46 tumer     GMT +2
13:46 kados     great! I was never very good at Tango
13:46 kados     I liked to Rumba :-)
13:47 kados     ouch, so it will be 10:00pm for you ...
13:48 tumer     well I used to salsa but with age wine matures!
13:48 kados     hehe
13:48 kados     good point
13:48 kados     I'm afraid I am turning to vinegar with regards to dancing :-)
13:49 tumer     even quality vinegar is expensive:-)
13:49 kados     tumer: good news is you are in the same timezone as Frenchies
13:49 tumer     they are GMT+1 an hr early
13:49 kados     really?
13:50 tumer     I am in Cyprus
13:51 kados     tumer: greece?
13:52 kados     tumer: no kidding ... /me studied classical languages (greek and latin) as an undergrad
13:52 kados     kaire!
13:52 kados     :-)
13:52 kados     even 'kados' is a greek word :-)
13:53 kados     Paris seems to be GMT + 2 right now
13:53 kados     http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/city.html?n=195
13:53 kados     maybe due to daylight-savings?
13:54 tumer     well not exactly a turkish cypriot!
13:54 tumer     kados: Yep I forgot about daylight. Then I'm GMT+3
13:55 kados     yikes, even worse, so the mtg is 11:00PM for you
13:56 tumer     kados how do you write these special messages in different colours?
13:56 kados      type:
13:56 kados      /me does something
13:57 kados     it looks like:
13:57 tumer     type:/ tumer goes for coffee
13:57 kados     no, just:
13:58 kados      /tumer goes for coffee
13:58 tumer     :/ tumer goes for coffee
13:58 kados     start with the /
13:58 tumer     :tumer goes for coffee
13:58 kados     heh
13:58 kados     no :
13:58 kados     just /tumer goes for coffee
13:58 kados     well, actually
13:58 kados      /me goes for coffee
13:58 kados      not /tumer
13:59 kados     yay :-)
13:59 tumer     great;-)
14:08 kados     In fact, I hope our friends from France make it tonght
14:10 tumer     kados: can you try with user=test pass=test2 whether you can connect?
14:12 kados     I'll try
14:12 kados     it's timing out or else very very slow
14:12 kados     is there a firewall?
14:13 tumer     our lines are very slow, I'll check firewall
14:15 tumer     changed firewall, pls try again
14:15 kados     ok
14:15 kados     working
14:16 kados     ok, I'm logged in
14:16 kados     nice 'barcode' search
14:16 tumer     when I discuss things I thought it will be better if I can get people to see what I mean
14:16 kados     great!
14:17 kados     I like the useZOOM syspref :-)
14:17 kados     we have discussed having one for rel_2_2
14:17 tumer     go to catalogue search
14:17 kados     excellent!
14:17 kados     boolean
14:18 kados     very nice work Tumer
14:18 kados     chris: you around?
14:18 tumer     exept that everthing is PQF
14:18 kados     ahh, not CQL, eh?
14:19 tumer     nop I'am waiting you chaps for that -easy to upgrade
14:19 kados     do you update Zebra with every checkout?
14:19 kados     ie, holdingbranch/status?
14:19 tumer     yes
14:19 kados     very nice
14:19 kados     we definitely need to get you involved in 3.0
14:19 kados     :-)
14:19 kados     we're very short handed
14:20 kados     so development has been quite slow
14:20 kados     tumer: did you see the echange about 'sort by relevance'?
14:20 kados     tumer: it may be better for you than sort by title ...
14:21 tumer     we can use this sort of screen in KohaCon to prove ZEBRA vs Mysql cause its just radio button selection
14:21 kados     oooh ... great point!
14:21 tumer     I am working on sort by relevance
14:22 kados     you will find that CVS is quite easy to use
14:22 tumer     I have just managed to have LC indexing sorted out
14:22 kados     especially on Windows
14:22 kados     I hear that TortoiseCVS is quite nice
14:22 kados     http://www.tortoisecvs.org/
14:23 tumer     I'll look into CVS thing
14:23 kados     tumer: you also need to sign up at savannah:
14:23 tumer     I've got universities in Turkey wanting to know more about KOHA coming to Cyprus to see us.
14:23 kados     excellent!
14:24 kados     tumer: https://savannah.nongnu.org/account/register.php
14:24 tumer     And even may be the NAtional Library of Turkey is interested. I'm taking the director to Paris
14:24 kados     wow, fantastic!
14:25 tumer     that will mean 1.5M records on KOHA
14:25 kados     right
14:25 kados     tumer: are you an employee of a library or a contractor?
14:26 tumer     I'll sign up on savannah
14:26 kados     great, let me know your username and I'll add you to the project
14:27 tumer     Yep I'm the director of university library, I do this just for fun!
14:27 kados     excellent :-)
14:27 kados     I began as the sys admin for Nelsonville
14:28 kados     now I operate LibLime.com :-)
14:28 kados     and NPL is one of our clients :-)
14:28 tumer     very nice designs at liblime:-)
14:28 kados     thx
14:29 tumer     I am very confused with this utf8 problems you are all having!
14:32 griffjon  I'm trying to implement Koha as a simple library check-in-check-out system for our office's resource books (~500 books, tapes, DVDs), but I'm finding Koha to be way more than I need, and a bit difficult to work with
14:33 griffjon  is there a way to import book records without using MARC records?  I have titles and will have ISBNs, but don't have/want/need full MARC information
14:33 kados     griffjon: Koha can be customized to make it much simpler for your needs
14:34 kados     griffjon: you should be able to turn MARC off in the systempreferences
14:34 griffjon  I've already set it to not worry about branches, etc., but for record import, the only information I've found is to go through a marc system
14:34 kados     griffjon: that may work for you
14:34 griffjon  hmmmm
14:34 griffjon  I'll look at that
14:34 griffjon  is there a database schema anywhere such that I could write an SQL query to move the data over?
14:36 kados     hmmm ... kohadocs.org would be a good place to look
14:36 tumer     griffon:what format do you have the records now?
14:36 kados     but probably your best bet is writing a script based on MARC::Record
14:37 kados     convert your data to minimal MARC data, then import using the bulkmarcimport.pl script
14:37 kados     that's what we do for our customers who don't need full MARC
14:39 griffjon  they're just in an access db that a previous it  guy put together
14:39 griffjon  it has title, author, and I'm intending on adding ISBN using a barcode scanner I have
14:41 tumer     well as far as I know there are simple programs around like MARCEdit that lets you convert a text file to MARC. Simply export you db as tab delimited text and convert them to marc
14:43 tumer     MarcEdit by Terry Reese is an example -freeware
14:44 kados     yep, good idea
14:50 kados     AGENDA: http://tinyurl.com/prmcm
14:51 tumer     kados: I registerd with savannah
14:52 kados     tumer: what's your username?
14:52 tumer     tgarip1957
14:53 kados     tumer: your account hasn't appeared yet
14:53 kados     hiya slef
14:53 kados     MEETING AGENDA: http://tinyurl.com/prmcm
14:53 kados     slef: feel free to add stuff to the agenda if you have anything to discuss
14:54 tumer     kados:just did
14:54 kados     tumer: ok, you're added to the project :-)
14:55 kados     tumer: now we just need to get you set up with a CVS client :-)
14:55 tumer     thanks!
14:55 slef      if you've the command line cvs client, just download emacs and use the menus ;-)
14:55 kados     slef: tumer uses Windows
14:55 slef      kados: emacs runs on Windows
14:56 kados     ahh, good point
14:56 tumer     and never used CVS !
14:56 kados     I haven't used windows for so long I forget what works and doesn't :-)
14:56 slef      not sure how well it does cvs, but emacs's cvs menus are quite friendly
14:56 kados     ho z0rglub
14:58 pierrick  good night #koha
14:58 tumer     gnight
14:58 slef      pierrick: not staying for the meeting?
14:59 pierrick  slef: it's 10PM for me :-)
14:59 pierrick  slef: I didn't say "good bye" :-)
14:59 tumer     and 11pm for me :-(
14:59 slef      pierrick: time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.
15:00 pierrick  slef: you don't have kids I suppose? time is everything
15:00 kados     pierrick: in english, 'good night' usually means 'good bye', and is not normally a greeting
15:00 kados     pierrick: though strangely, you can say 'good evening' as a greeting :-)
15:00 slef      pierrick: we usually say "good night" at end of day, going home, off to sleep
15:01 kados     pierrick: one instance where American and English agree :-)
15:01 kados     and looks like no kiwis are here ...
15:01 kados     chris or russ around yet?
15:02 slef      j'ai cru que la francais dit le meme chose, mais je sais pas
15:02 chris     i am
15:02 pierrick  kados & slef: I know :-) it was some kind of a joke, I won't do it again, sorry ;-)
15:02 kados     pierrick: do you know if paul will be here, or hdl?
15:02 slef      pierrick: defense de rigoler en seance!
15:03 hdl       hi there.
15:03 pierrick  I have absolutely no idea about hdl and paul
15:03 pierrick  (and antoine)
15:03 kados     right
15:03 pierrick  it seems hdl is here :-)
15:03 kados     hi hdl :-)
15:03 kados     nice crowd today
15:03 kados     I think we should start early for the sake of our GMT+ folks
15:04 hdl       hi
15:04 kados     meeting agenda is here:
15:04 kados     http://www.saas.nsw.edu.au/koha_wiki/index.php?page=AgendAndNotes06apr03
15:04 kados     so first up, a few announcements
15:04 thd       I am here now
15:04 kados     pierrick will be our new QA Manager ... he has had approval from INEO as I understand it
15:04 kados     pierrick: that's correct, right?
15:05 pierrick  correct
15:05 pierrick  I'll answer more officialy on koha-devel
15:05 kados     second, I've asked Tumer to become the 'Release Assistant' since he has shown so much initiative in developing perl-zoom
15:05 kados     tumer: can you show everyone your test site?
15:05 pierrick  yeah :-) welcome Tumer
15:06 tumer     hi all. I dont even know a release assistant does
15:06 kados     hehe, it's a title we're inventing for you :-)
15:07 pierrick  helping kados I suppose
15:07 kados     it basically means help me :-)
15:07 tumer     yep. for the site go user:test pass:test2 superlibrarian privileges
15:07 thd       tumer: if you are the release assistant, then a release assistant does whatever it is that you do :)
15:08 kados     tumer's made some very impressive leaps forward in terms of zebra integration
15:08 tumer     well than I'm releasing myself of all evil!
15:08 kados     for instance, his installation updates zebra with each circulation of an item
15:08 kados     he also provided us with the proper way to index zebra from the command line
15:09 kados     and still be able to use Koha with that index
15:09 kados     so ... welcome to Tumer
15:09 kados     now, who added 'Main web editing'?
15:10 kados     wait ... one more announcement
15:10 kados     we've a new wiki:
15:10 slef      me, but isn't wiki first?
15:10 kados     http://wiki.koha.org
15:10 thd       and what does main web editing mean?
15:10 kados     the wiki is hosted in the US on one of liblime's sites
15:11 kados     s/sites/servers/
15:11 kados     we need to transfer data from the old wiki to the new one at some point
15:12 kados     so if there are any volunteers for that let me know
15:12 kados     I'll post a mail to koha-devel about it soon
15:12 pierrick  I am
15:12 slef      Will it look like koha.org before it's activated?
15:12 kados     pierrick: you'll volunteer?
15:12 pierrick  kados: yes
15:12 kados     pierrick: great! thanks.
15:12 pierrick  do we need to import history or is current state enough?
15:13 kados     pierrick: current state is enough
15:13 thd       kados: and presumably it will be open password protected against spam.
15:13 kados     thd: nope, there's an internal spam tracker
15:13 kados     thd: that filters by content
15:13 slef      Is saas.nsw.edu.au OK with the change?
15:13 kados     thd: we'll try that for a while and if it doesn't work I can add user permissions
15:13 pierrick  on dokuwiki?
15:14 pierrick  spam tracker on dokuwiki ?
15:14 kados     pierrick: yes
15:14 chris     good point we should drop roger buck (who runs saas.nsw.edu.au) an email
15:14 kados     right
15:14 kados     there was a thread about this a while ago
15:14 slef      chris: particularly if there will be much data downloaded.
15:14 chris     yep
15:15 kados     ok slef, you're up ... three items right?
15:15 chris     he may even be able to provide a mysql dump
15:15 kados     ooh ... that'd be nice
15:15 chris     which might make it easier
15:15 kados     chris: can you get Roger's email to pierrick?
15:15 slef      kados: Will it look like koha.org before it's activated?
15:15 kados     slef: that's a good question
15:15 chris     umm
15:15 kados     slef: i wasn't intending to change the tempalte
15:15 chris     ill have to look on the devel list and find it
15:16 slef      kados: how css'able is it? Might be able to control it from www.koha.org/includes/css/
15:16 kados     slef: I haven't checked, but if you want to work on that I'd be happy to upload any new css files
15:16 slef      kados: can you ask what people would prefer, in your announcement email?
15:17 kados     slef: prefer as far as look and feel?
15:17 slef      kados: yes, whether it's easier to use as dokuwiki-look, or would be better looking like koha.org
15:17 pierrick  slef: I know many Dokuwiki installation very "customized" so I suppose CSS is used to manage look&feel
15:18 slef      or whether it matters at all to anyone :)
15:18 pierrick  I customized my Dokuwiki a little, it was easy
15:18 kados     chris: roger at hrothgar.co.uk is that it?
15:18 chris     no
15:18 slef      kados: no!
15:18 chris     he is australian :)
15:18 chris     rog@saas.nsw.edu.au
15:18 kados     ahh
15:18 kados     ok, cool, thanks
15:19 slef      ok, I'm out of questions on wiki for now.
15:19 pierrick  I'll ask him a dump :-)
15:19 kados     slef: I'll ask that question in my email
15:19 kados     slef: so over to you
15:19 thd       I think it matters for giving a good impression of Koha to those who have not investigated enough to look past mere appearance
15:20 kados     Main Web Editing
15:20 slef      Main web editing - I have editor access to www.koha.org now. I don't know if I'm the first European, so if you want to discuss updates in English daytime, I'm here.
15:20 kados     one thing to change:
15:20 kados     Koha at Sourceforge
15:20 kados     on the front page
15:20 slef      Also, if you have suggestions to improve accessibility, let me know (spotted another one today)
15:20 kados     should be Koha at Savannah
15:20 slef      kados: OK, I'll get that. New URL?
15:21 kados     https://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/koha
15:21 pierrick  slef: are you joking ?
15:21 kados     I think I have editor access but I've long forgotten the url/user/pass :-)
15:21 slef      pierrick: not right now. Why?
15:22 kados     ok, moving along ... New blogs plan?
15:22 chris     ahh that sneaked on when russ did the koha conf bit
15:22 chris     (sourceforge)
15:22 kados     however, I'm planning on putting together a new blog shortly that will just be about libraries and open source
15:22 slef      There will be an upgrade to owu.towers.org.uk "soon" which will make the koha blogs look like the main site
15:23 kados     and will be hosted on liblime.com
15:23 pierrick  slef: I thought every Koha members knew Savannah Koha page :-/
15:23 kados     excellent
15:23 slef      Does anyone know where blogs.koha.org is pointing?
15:23 chris     nowhere?
15:23 slef      pierrick: there are two or three pages for each savannah project. I'd rather link to the RM's preferred one!
15:23 chris     i look after the dns
15:23 chris     where would you like it pointed slef?
15:24 slef      chris: should the link be on www.koha.org?
15:24 kados     yea, as 'Blogs', definitely
15:24 chris     to the blog aggregator? ... yeah i reckon so
15:24 slef      I don't mind, but it seemed odd for it to have a link.
15:24 slef      I'll just change the href URL, if that's OK.
15:24 chris     thats fine
15:25 slef      pierrick: http://koha.nongnu.org/ is a bit empty, though :-D
15:25 kados     yea, someone wanna spruce that up?
15:25 kados     you can check out the web repo
15:25 kados     in fact, that could be a mirror of the koha.org site
15:25 slef      kados: can we revisit one meeting when russ is here to tell us how to mirror?
15:26 kados     sure
15:26 slef      ok, I'm done, if there are no more www or blogs questions/requests.
15:26 kados     slef: all set on the blogs plan?
15:26 kados     pierrick: wanna talk about the Extension Manager?
15:26 chris     id probably just set up an rsync cron job to do the mirroring slef but we can cover that when russ is around
15:26 pierrick  kados: right
15:27 pierrick  I've proposed kados to help him preparing a Koha extension manager
15:27 pierrick  the extension manager would be an online application where users would share their extensions
15:28 pierrick  an extension can be a new template, a translation, an additional tool
15:28 kados     we also need some way to 'install' and 'uninstall' extensions I bet
15:28 kados     it would really be cool to have an extensions framework like Mambo or Wordpress
15:28 pierrick  each extension would have a README explaining how to install and uninstall I suppose
15:28 slef      like http://modules.apache.org/ ?
15:29 pierrick  slef: yeah, more like http://phpwebgallery.net/ext in fact ;-)
15:29 kados     I'm guessing more like http://mamboxchange.com/
15:30 pierrick  kados: a plugin manager is a complicated task, very complicated
15:30 thd       pierrick: what would distinguish extensions from base code?
15:30 russ      hi everyone
15:30 pierrick  hi russ
15:30 thd       hello russ
15:30 chris     i think we dont want to reach to far to start
15:30 kados     pierrick: agreed,, but it would also help us narrow down a definition of the core functionality of an 'ILS'
15:30 kados     hey russ
15:30 pierrick  thd: for example a template is clearly an extension. Only 2 templates in standard : PROG and default
15:30 slef      hi russ
15:31 chris     if there was a place for people to upload their extensions and others to download .. and we left the installation/uninstallation documentation up to the extension writers
15:31 chris     much like user contribs to oscommerce say
15:31 chris     then thats a great first step
15:31 pierrick  thd: plugin or MODs are other kind of extensions. They are features not officialy added
15:32 pierrick  chris: I agree
15:32 chris     if we try to aim on building a plugin handler, in a years time we still wont have an extensions site :-)
15:32 kados     chris: good point
15:32 pierrick  chris: that's what I do elsewhere and it works well
15:32 kados     we've already got a lot on our plate with 3.0
15:32 chris     yep
15:32 thd       pierrick: what are MODs?
15:32 kados     so maybe just a simple way to upload / download / document
15:32 kados     thd: modifications
15:32 pierrick  thd: code modifications
15:32 chris     yeah, thats what pierrick was planning i think
15:33 pierrick  kados: PEM is the PhpWebGallery Extension Manager, it is GPL software :-)
15:33 kados     ok, sorry to have overstepped the scope, I've got visions you know :-)
15:33 chris     and then we can build a fancy plugin handler if/when time permits or someone
15:33 thd       MODs are mods. :)
15:33 chris     has the desire
15:33 slef      as someone whose work includes installing oscommerce contributions, I'd like to say FCOL NOOOooo...!
15:33 tumer     do we expect these extensions to pour in? who else but us writing code?
15:33 chris     quite a few people tumer
15:34 pierrick  tumer: I think first of templates, not code
15:34 slef      tumer: need to make them easy to install, easy to develop, easy to understand, well-documented, promoted, and so on.
15:34 chris     slef: i see that as the extension writers problem
15:34 pierrick  in PEM, each extension has several revision, and each each revision of an extension is compatible with a/some Koha releases
15:35 pierrick  you can filter extensions compatible with you Koha 3.0.1 installation
15:35 kados     pierrick: so you're suggesting we actually use PEM?
15:35 pierrick  kados: of course
15:35 kados     pierrick: got a url?
15:35 tumer     who checks that a script extension does not really mess up customers installation
15:35 slef      chris: having rankings and details of what's inside (patch files, and so on) would be a big big help. Almost no contribution author ever writes "here you go, but my work is crap".
15:35 slef      russ: speedy.
15:36 pierrick  the project page or a demo ?
15:36 chris     slef: true, we could let users rank them
15:36 thd       tumer: the QA manager would be pierrick
15:36 pierrick  https://gna.org/projects/pem/
15:37 tumer     thd: so pierrick checks every extension?
15:37 slef      chris: helping them with how to write good patches or mod scripts is probably essential too.
15:37 pierrick  PEM requires improvement, I'm working on it
15:37 chris     slef: yep they will require feedback
15:37 pierrick  tumer: extensions are not official
15:38 kados     pierrick: this is your project? :-)
15:38 slef      chris: I'm thinking more of an extension framework a bit more than shove-it-in-a-zip
15:38 pierrick  tumer: extensions are shared among users, we can't check every extension
15:38 kados     hold on guys, pierrick is in fact the project admin for PEM
15:38 chris     and that might be our end goal
15:38 tumer     pierrick: extensions on official site messing up installations could be damaging
15:38 thd       tumer: it should be easy to check until there are a nontrivial number of extensions and then I agree it would be a problem for checking
15:39 slef      pierrick: is its manual GPL?
15:39 pierrick  kados: a virtual friend wrote it for PhpWebGallery and we are working together to improve it and to make it generic
15:39 chris     but id like to at least get somewhere people can put up their templates, and firefox extensions for now
15:39 kados     chris: kohazilla.org :-)
15:39 slef      tumer: should we have http://extensions.unofficial.koha.org/ ?
15:39 tumer     something like that
15:39 pierrick  slef: what do you mean "manual GPL" ? PEM is under GPL.
15:40 chris     a nice disclaimer would be good too
15:40 slef      pierrick: someone told me gna.org required you to use the adware FDL for manuals.
15:40 kados     pierrick: here's my take
15:41 kados     pierrick: we're very short-handed right now
15:41 kados     pierrick: 3.0 development is going at a snails pace
15:41 kados     pierrick: so if you have time to spend integrating a PEM framework into Koha, by all means do
15:41 pierrick  slef: PEM is not a manual, it's an application (and I don't really understand what you mean with "adware FDL")
15:41 thd       slef: FDL will be revised to correct that problem after GPL V3
15:42 slef      chris: "Warning: We don't approve it. If it breaks then you get to keep both pieces."
15:42 kados     pierrick: but I can tell you right now, I won't be able to spend any time on it other than seeing how ti works
15:42 chris     yes slef
15:42 kados     pierrick: unless I'm misreading what your suggestion is
15:42 pierrick  kados: what do you mean "PEM framework integration into Koha" ? I had a mind a "PEM installation on koha.org"
15:42 slef      pierrick: does it have no manuals?
15:43 kados     pierrick: I see ...
15:43 kados     pierrick: I missunderstood what PEM is
15:43 pierrick  slef: no manual for now
15:43 kados     pierrick: in that case, go for it
15:43 thd       pierrick: I will explain the GNU Free Documentation License to you later
15:43 pierrick  PEM is an online application, quite a simple one in fact, but I didn't find anything like it
15:43 slef      thd: and LPI will release xamnet, Ubuntu will release Rosetta, and CC will release a version that is usable for free software, later. Vapourware. Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow.
15:44 kados     pierrick: great, in that case, go for it
15:44 kados     we should move on because tumer must be getting tired :-)
15:44 pierrick  kados: OK
15:44 kados     so Perl-ZOOM plugin
15:45 kados     I just lost power
15:45 chris     ok
15:45 kados     so if my internet goes away, that's why
15:45 tumer     so did i
15:45 kados     (running off the UPS now)
15:46 chris     basically i think between what tumer and joshua and I have done
15:46 thd       slef it is true that even GPL V3 was vapourware for 4 years but it is promised to ship on time unlike Microsoft stuff next year
15:46 chris     we are about there, i just need to see tumer's code
15:46 slef      thd: later.
15:46 chris     and then it will be merging/tidying and packagin
15:46 chris     g
15:48 tumer     I have no CQL running all PQF waiting for you chaps. but I had to have it working very quickly. i'll send all the code to chris
15:48 chris     fantastic
15:49 kados     s00t
15:49 kados     w00t even :-)
15:49 slef      What's PQF? ;-)
15:49 tumer     waiting for me?
15:50 kados     tumer: sure
15:50 tumer     PQf or RPN whatever you wanna call it.
15:51 slef      Reverse Polish Notation, I know
15:51 tumer     Chris the code will be with you tomorrow its on the server that I cannot reach at the momemnt
15:51 kados     excellent, thanks tumer!
15:51 chris     no problemo
15:51 chris     i have a bunch of marc data to fight with today anyway
15:51 kados     final item is UNICODE status for head
15:52 kados     which I added
15:52 kados     I haven't had a chance to test pierrick's method yet
15:52 kados     and in fact, pierrick, could we talk tomorrow about that?
15:52 pierrick  kados: sure
15:52 kados     ok ... great
15:52 tumer     I wanna suggest some changes to zoom connectins and so on who do I do that?
15:52 kados     tumer: koha-devel
15:52 thd       slef: I believe RPN is used at a low level below CQL.
15:52 chris     thats right
15:53 kados     tumer: or right now you can suggest them
15:53 kados     tumer: while we're all here
15:53 tumer     RPN is very fast but not friendly
15:53 tumer     I dont like anonymous acces with rw privileges
15:53 tumer     have two connections
15:53 chris     yeah that needs to be fixed
15:53 kados     tumer: easy to fix
15:54 kados     tumer: there's a passwdc: option
15:54 tumer     have a password protected connection for updating
15:54 kados     ahh, cool
15:54 tumer     I already have  that on mine
15:54 kados     so you've already done that :-)
15:54 chris     cool
15:54 tumer     yep
15:54 kados     more code for us to steal :-)
15:54 kados     yea, maybe you should be the release manager, I'll be the assiatant :-)
15:54 tumer     I'll commit them if I learn this CVS
15:55 kados     excellent!
15:55 tumer     also have backup system
15:55 chris     tumer: do you drink alcohol?
15:55 chris     if so, i figure we owe you a few beers at the koha conference :)
15:55 tumer     More than youy know
15:55 kados     hehe
15:55 kados     yea, beers are on me too :-)
15:56 kados     tumer garip rocks ! :-)
15:56 kados     ok, I've got another meeting to go
15:56 pierrick  tumer: if you have problems with CVS, you can ask me on #koha
15:56 kados     slef: no kidding, it's crazy in france right now :-)
15:56 chris     still strikes on slef?
15:56 slef      Mayday<fx:mumbles />
15:56 kados     so meeting's closed :-)
15:56 tumer     Should I come to Paris or Marseilles?
15:57 chris     slef, russ and I will be transiting heathrow on the 30th .. can u fit i a suitcase?
15:57 slef      chris: Mayday tends to be a pretty popular strike time, what with Labour day then too
15:57 chris     marseilles would be the most useful i think tumer
15:57 slef      chris: I try to avoid flying and dumping CO2 in the atmosphere, when there are usually cool trains to use.
15:58 chris     fair enough
15:58 pierrick  tomorrow is another big strikes day but I think the movement is "decreasing"
15:58 slef      I def can't make Marseilles, as I booked a trip the following weekend, like 3 days before I read about kohacon.
15:59 chris     paris will be good too
15:59 hdl       agress.
15:59 slef      pierrick: wait a few days and Sarkozy will say something stupid to start it again
15:59 chris     but Marseilles is where we will be concentrating on the development side
15:59 chris     if that helps you decide tumer?
15:59 hdl       thanks for all the information everybody.
16:00 hdl       Time to go to bed.
16:00 slef      give me an AV or SIP or even IRC feed! ;-)
16:00 chris     yeah, well sort something out :)
16:00 pierrick  slef: Sarkozy does not say things stupid, it's Chirac and Villepin job :-) Sarkozy plays with media and barely make mistakes
16:00 chris     we'll
16:01 chris     ohh french politics .. this meeting could go on for hours :-)
16:01 slef      pierrick: so all those suburb youths a few months ago shouting his name while throwing firebombs wasn't Sarkozy's fault? ;-)
16:01 slef      chris: I think the meeting was closed up there ^^ wasn't it?
16:01 slef      <kados> so meeting's closed :-)
16:01 chris     yep, i was joking
16:01 slef      had me worried
16:01 chris     ok, thanks from me as well, i better go get some coffee and start work
16:01 pierrick  slef: well you're right, I had forgotten what he had said a few month ago :-)
16:02 tumer     I am also a bit pushed as I want to bring the National library director with me. It may have to be Paris
16:02 chris     ahhh
16:02 chris     that would be best for the director
16:02 chris     we can have a meeting after the conference on one of the nights
16:02 chris     and talk development issues
16:03 chris     i know there are great cafe's in paris :-)
16:03 tumer     chris:yep, and beers!
16:03 chris     :)
16:03 thd       tumer do you mean the director of BNF?
16:03 chris     i doubt it thd
16:03 tumer     Director of National Library of Turkey
16:04 tumer     They are about to be converted to KOHa
16:04 chris     rock on
16:04 chris     thats awesome
16:04 thd       tumer: I had not yet discovered where you were
16:04 russ      woo that is good news
16:05 tumer     with some development money. turkish translations the lot:)
16:05 chris     great
16:06 thd       tumer:will they be converting wholly to Koha or just in part?
16:06 tumer     Thats why I have to get the system ready for 1.5M records soon
16:06 tumer     From Aleph to KOHA everything
16:07 tumer     On the line 2 universities converting from Millenium to KOHA
16:07 thd       tumer: I guess that answers my question if the total size is 1.5 million records.
16:07 tumer     Thats the first amount of  records they are giving us
16:08 thd       tumer: what is the total size of the collection for the Turkish national library
16:08 thd       ?
16:09 tumer     About 2.5million but they said they will put other archive on it up to 4M
16:11 thd       tumer: what distinguishes the content of the 1.5 M from 2.5 M and then 4 M?
16:11 tumer     1.5M books 1M manuscripts rest maps and photos
16:12 thd       tumer: do they use LC classification for the whole collection?
16:13 tumer     Dewey
16:13 tumer     We use LC
16:13 tumer     By sept we'll have 300K records on ours
16:14 thd       tumer: who is we?
16:14 tumer     Near East University Library-Cyprus
16:15 tumer     I have to go. G'night and bon nuit!
16:15 thd       good night tumer
18:19 rach      wow - that's pretty cool
18:20 rach      I wonder if we could do a release about the turky national library?
03:08 hdl       hello ToinS and paul
03:08 ToinS     hello !
03:08 paul      hello aussi
03:08 paul      très mauvaise nuit qui explique mon absence d'hier soir : bébé jérémie a fait des siennes...
03:08 paul      (et madame n'était pas là !)
03:09 paul      j'ai lu les logs du meeting.
03:09 paul      pas mal de choses. j'espère qu'on pourra embarquer Tümer...
03:09 paul      il me semble être un bonne recrue !
03:09 chris     evening
03:09 paul      hi chris.
03:10 paul      you can tell russ that registrations for KohaCon grow quite rapidly.
03:10 chris     excellent
03:10 paul      an announcement has been done on the largest mailing list (biblio-fr).
03:10 chris     i heard today that Irma is considering coming as well
03:10 paul      great.
03:11 paul      (for which meeting ?)
03:12 chris     the Paris one
03:12 chris     Un café, s'il vous plaît
03:12 paul      you've never been in France chris ?
03:13 chris     yep ive been to Paris before
03:13 chris     for 1 week, in 1999
03:13 paul      so you already know how smiling "garcons de café" are...
03:13 paul      in Marseille, ppl are smiling much much more.
03:14 chris     :)
03:14 chris     this is a useful phrase
03:14 chris     Pardon, mais je ne parle pas français
03:15 chris     i found that if I tried to order in French, people were nice
03:15 chris     i think they appreciate you are trying
03:18 paul      everyone is right ;-)
03:18 chris     :)
03:21 chris     did you see Tumer say that the Director of the National Library of Turkey is coming?
03:22 paul      yep. Although I did not realize it was sure
03:24 chris     some very interesting news from him at the meeting
03:25 chris     maybe we can do some press releases about it from the conference
04:40 paul      pierrick :
04:40 paul      http://bureau.paulpoulain.com/cvslog/
04:40 paul      est un lien qui pourrait t'intéresser.
04:41 paul      plg est 25°, en forte progression. On surveille son activité, mais il pourrait rentrer rapidement dans le top 10 des développeurs...
04:54 pierrick  paul, erreur 404
04:55 paul      et ca :
04:55 paul      http://bureau.paulpoulain.com/cvslog/cvschangelogbuilder_koha.html
04:55 paul      ?
04:55 pierrick  paul, ce stats sont basées sur le nombre de commit, or j'ai l'habitude de faire plutôt peu de commits, mais gros, donc je risque d'être mal classé, mais je m'en remettrai :-)
04:56 pierrick  toujours pas
04:56 paul      c'est clair que acli commitait 5x par jour.
04:56 paul      ce qui explique son classement !
04:56 paul      alors que proportionnellement, il a fait peu de choses (mais très précieuses)
04:56 paul      (les outils d'internationalisation principalement)
04:56 pierrick  là par exemple, je vais faire un gros commit
04:57 paul      does someone know how to have a smaller or larger cursor with CSS ?
04:57 paul      kados uses se-resize in MARC editor, but it's tricky to select what you want to resize
04:57 paul      (as the cursor is large, and the link small)
04:58 paul      http://i8.bureau.paulpoulain.com/cgi-bin/koha/acqui.simple/addbiblio.pl
04:58 paul      (login test/test)
04:58 paul      (the small abz just below 020 for example)
05:00 pierrick  my cursor is different over abz
05:00 pierrick  some kind of reversed arrow
05:00 paul      it's the se-resize
05:00 paul      (south-east resize)
05:00 pierrick  OK, is that Javascript ?
05:01 paul      yep.
05:01 paul      (javascript is mandatory in librarian interface)
05:01 pierrick  I'm not Javascript expert at all, newbie in reality
05:01 paul      my problem is not a js one I think, but a css one.
05:02 pierrick  paul, I'm not sure you can modify cursor appearance with CSS
05:08 pierrick  huge commit done :-)
05:08 slef      http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/ui.html#cursor-props
05:08 pierrick  I'm going to send a mail on koha-devel to explain what pagination_bar function is and how it simplifies tempaltes
05:09 pierrick  slef, interesting
05:12 paul      writing :
05:12 paul      +            $pagination_bar.=
05:12 paul      +                "\n".'&nbsp;'
05:12 paul      +                .'<a href="'
05:12 paul      +                .$url.$previous
05:12 paul      +                .'" rel="prev">'
05:12 paul      +                .'&lt;'
05:12 paul      +                .'</a>'
05:12 paul      +                ;
05:13 paul      for sure you'll become the 1st commiter in term of lines soon ;-)
05:13 paul      (just a joke, i'm OK with this syntax, it's easy to read)
05:14 slef      &lt; is the only link text? Hope the font's large!
05:15 pierrick   paul, my lines will never exceed 8 chars, but you're right on this example, I cut very early
05:15 paul      8 chars ?
05:15 paul      quite small :-D
05:15 pierrick  slef, I had to find a non language dependent string
05:16 pierrick  s{8(?:[^\d])}{80}
07:24 hdl       bonjour pierrick_ :D
07:28 pierrick_ salut hdl
08:34 paul      hi shedges.
08:35 paul      (did I read correctly : you have a new job ?)
08:35 paul      yesterday : [19:15:59] <shedges> (There's nothing like having a Board meeting 11 days after you start a new job.)
08:37 shedges   yep.  Executive Director of OPLIN, Ohio Public Library Information Network: www.oplin.org
08:38 paul      position added to director of NPL ? or you have left NPL ?
08:38 shedges   I've left NPL.
08:38 paul      www.oplin.org is down.
08:38 paul      the new director is known ?
08:39 shedges   I have to drive about 100 KM each day to get to this new job.
08:39 shedges   Yes, new director is the former assistant director
08:39 paul      bad. You plan to move ?
08:39 shedges   no, I don't plan to move.
08:39 paul      who was ... ?
08:39 shedges   (The roads are good, it's an easy drive)
08:39 paul      (did we meet him last year ?)
08:39 shedges   Assistant Director --> Director Lauren Miller (her)
08:40 shedges   No, she says we didn't let her meet you folks!!
08:40 paul      as director, she now can decide it'si mportant to come to France in May ;-)
08:41 shedges   right!
08:41 shedges   http://www.oplin.org/ working fine here
08:42 paul      "no anwser from the server" in France
08:43 kados     working here as well
08:43 kados     morning guys
08:43 paul      hi kados.
08:43 paul      commiting some improvements to MARC editors in the next minutes.
08:43 kados     paul: great!
08:44 paul      ( the + on a field works as on a subfield : without server call, only javascript. Was very easy once + on a subfield has been written ;-) )
08:44 kados     paul: i got a start at re-writing the opencataloger spec
08:44 kados     paul: wow, great news!
08:44 kados     http://wiki.liblime.com/doku.php?id=catalogingproject
08:44 paul      ToinS is learning XUL & xmlHTTPrequest.
08:44 kados     great!
08:44 paul      seems to learn quite fast
08:44 kados     good news
08:45 paul      (& I won't say he don't, as he is reading the channel ;-) )
08:45 kados     hehe
08:45 kados     hi ToinS
08:45 paul      we spoke a little of our yesterday meeting.
08:46 kados     shedges: you might find the 'unapi' specification : http://unapi.info
08:46 kados     shedges: it was created by techno-librarians
08:46 kados     paul: yes?
08:46 paul      It seems to me that the client side should be unique, whatever we want to edit
08:46 paul      we will have 2 or maybe 3 webservices that will be different depending on sources
08:47 paul      (koha, Pines, something elst)
08:47 ToinS     hi kados
08:47 paul      and destination (koha, pines, a ftp server where you put iso2709 biblios...)
08:48 paul      a question : do we want to be able to edit something that is not MARCXML ?
08:49 paul      (like dublin core)
08:50 kados     yes
08:50 paul      if yes, then we need to build an abstraction layer.
08:50 kados     well, i think that's what miker had in mind
08:50 paul      something like an XSL to transform the input format in something generic for us.
08:50 paul      that's what I thought too.
08:50 kados     http://open-ils.org/~miker/opencat.png
08:50 kados     yes, XSLT might work well for that
08:51 paul      the question being : can such a stylesheet be written ?
08:52 kados     I think one probably already exists
08:52 kados     pines uses xslt for some things I think
08:52 paul      http://www.loc.gov/marc/marc2dc.html
08:52 paul      http://www.loc.gov/marc/dccross.html
08:53 kados     and also, the previous class's code uses a marc xslt stylesheet (probably the ones you link to above)
08:53 paul      pines uses DC internally ?
08:53 kados     no
08:53 kados     they use MODS
08:53 kados     kind of
08:53 kados     actually, they create their own 'meta records'
08:54 kados     http://www.loc.gov/standards/mods/
08:54 kados     you'll have to ask miker for the particulars
09:04 paul      kados : addbiblio.tmpl commited.
09:04 paul      look for cloneTag
09:04 paul      (default templates)
09:18 slef      whoops, left myself idle here
09:19 slef      sorry all
09:25 kados     paul: I'll check
09:25 kados     paul: I have something to add as well
09:25 kados     paul: in the NPL template, there is a new feature for 'auto-renew' a member
09:25 kados     paul: it needs to be adjusted to set the date to the one specified in sysprefs
09:26 kados     paul: also, note that the AdvancedMarcEditor syspref breaks the marc editor (at least it did for me) and I haven't h ad a chance to fix it yet
09:27 kados     paul: and I thought it was going to be Koha 2.2.6, not Koha 2.4 ...
09:27 kados     paul: I will have stephen change my documentation on kohadocs.org
09:27 paul      look at my commit, it seems to work for me (advMARCeditor)
09:27 kados     shedges: did you catch that? :-)
09:27 kados     paul: I will check it out
09:27 paul      mmm... I thought we all agree to call it 2.4.0
09:28 kados     sure, fine with me
09:28 paul      & it seems a good idea to me.
09:28 kados     yep
09:28 kados     so 2.2 is no longer maintained then?
09:28 paul      right. I consider 2.4.0 as 2.2.x improvement.
09:28 kados     ok, good
09:28 paul      (no change in the DB)
09:28 kados     right
09:29 paul      + easier to explain to customers that it's an important upgrade, with many new things.
09:29 kados     yep
09:29 paul      (I will have a bunch of questions to ask to most of them "did you see XXX. I think you'll be interested, do you want me to explain deeper the feature & set it up ?"
09:32 kados     right
09:49 slef      what tag is 2.4? savannah's webcvs doesn't work for me
09:52 paul      2.4.0 is still rel_2_2
09:52 paul      I'll create a rel_2_4 after the release.
09:53 slef      thanks
09:56 slef      "The installer is *wrong* on languages available" -- why not mention that to me, instead of putting an "up yours" in the release notes?
09:56 slef      then I can fix it before release
09:56 slef      grmbl
09:59 slef      "Everything is previous versions" -- that means what?
10:00 paul      on which line ?
10:00 paul      found
10:00 paul      everything is compatible with previous versions
10:01 paul      2 words missing :-(
10:02 kados     paul: i'll edit the release notes this afternoon
10:02 kados     paul: it's on my list for today :-)
10:02 paul      kados : note that slef does it too.
10:03 kados     ahh, in that case ...
10:03 kados     slef: are you reading through/editing all of the release notes?
10:03 kados     slef: or just certain sections?
10:03 kados     slef: I'll leave it to you if you're already working on it
10:03 kados     hey owen
10:04 owen      Hi
10:04 slef      kados: I'm going through it all, checking for language, not content
10:05 kados     slef: excellent
10:05 slef      apart from where I can't understand the language as a result! ;-)
10:05 kados     slef: I'll leave that to you then :-)
10:05 slef      currently 51% done
10:05 paul      hi owen.
10:06 slef      paul: neither English has spaces before ! and ? on end of sentences. I know that's hard, as I do the wrong thing in French again and again and again.
10:06 paul      thanks. I knew the rule for :, but not for ? or !
10:06 paul      is there something that has a space before ?
10:07 paul      is there something that has a space before?
10:07 paul      ;-)
10:07 slef      I think : can be done either way, depending on situation, but not ?!
10:08 slef      I'm editing content: changing amazon bit "it's not legal" to "it may not be legal" and similar in line 101. I think claims of legality need more research and references than we want to put in the release notes.
10:09 paul      right. good suggestion.
10:10 kados     ahhh
10:10 kados     hang on
10:11 kados     I emailed amazon.com several months back
10:11 kados     it's 100% legal
10:11 kados     you can referece their terms of use
10:11 paul      in France, librarians tells me it's not legal without explicit permission from each editor.
10:12 kados     maybe we're talking about two different sides of 'legal'
10:12 paul      seems to be really a problem : nobody tried, so nobody really knows, but everybody has an opinion !
10:12 paul      (in France I mean)
10:12 kados     is it legal for amazon to offer content to libraries? yes!
10:12 kados     is it legal for libraries to use the content, in france we don't know
10:13 paul      is it legal in france to show the cover page : NO.
10:13 kados     ahh ... a separate issue altogether
10:13 slef      kados: France has author's rights laws, a bit different to copyright law. So, I'd be cautious about this whole area :)
10:13 kados     does amazon.fr show the cover page?
10:13 kados     I see they do
10:13 paul      in france, you can show the cover pages, but only if you ask for permission to the editor.
10:14 paul      (each editor I mean)
10:14 slef      kados: do they have agreements with the producers and/or willing to test it in court? possibly.
10:14 slef      Contador wins!
10:14 kados     :-)
10:14 paul      I think a bookseller will never have problems with cover pages, as they ... sell the book !
10:14 kados     right
10:15 paul      but libraries don't sell books. And a few years ago, editors wanted a fee from libraries each time the book was issued
10:15 kados     ok, but please don't frame it in a way that will scare folks away from usnig it :-)
10:15 paul      (something like 1F, 0,15¤)
10:15 kados     wow, that's crazy
10:15 paul      french government said "it's a cultur problem, not a seller one. so => no"
10:16 paul      but editors are still hidden in the dark, waiting for their prey...
10:16 slef      submarines :-(
10:16 paul      for example, libraries can issue DVD & VHS, but they have to pay a specific fee.
10:17 slef      checkin
10:18 slef      hrm, 1. Sanchez 2. Contador... guess that
10:18 slef      's the stage. I don't speak Euskal
10:18 slef      Euskara even
10:18 slef      Basque :)
10:19 slef      must annoy them that English uses the French name.
10:24 slef      kados: argh! don't top-post whole-quote, please!
10:24 pierrick  migration to Dokuwiki is well advanced, but there are still some syntax really hard to migrate
10:25 slef      pierrick: does/can Dokuwiki use http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?TextFormattingRules ?
10:25 kados     slef: argh! don't tell me not to do that, please! some people like top-posting
10:27 pierrick  slef, Dokuwiki is not compatible with the rules you gave me. You show me rules of the current wiki
10:37 slef      kados: some people like suiciding. Doesn't mean I must like it.
10:37 kados     slef: what a comparison
10:37 slef      pierrick: so Dokuwiki can't use wiki text?
10:37 kados     slef: that extra 200 bytes really makes a difference ;-)
10:38 pierrick  paul, slef does not like top-posting
10:38 paul      what is top-posting ?
10:38 pierrick  I don't either
10:38 pierrick  answering before the question
10:38 slef      paul: when the email says something like:
10:39 paul      ah, ok
10:39 pierrick  (is the logical reading order)
10:39 slef      A. Because he went there.
10:39 slef      > Q. Why did the chicken cross the road?
10:39 paul      answering before the question
10:39 paul      I hate it too ;-)
10:39 slef      I scroll to end of quote and wonder why someone sent a message that only quoted.
10:40 pierrick  slef, you have to accept it. It's impossible to make everybody use logical rules
10:40 paul      I also hate 250 lines quoted for just 1 line "OK, thanks" at the end !
10:40 slef      paul: that's called AOLing
10:40 kados     hehe
10:40 pierrick  the most important is to avoid mixing top posting and bottom posting
10:40 paul      lol !
10:40 pierrick  (in the same mail)
10:40 slef      pierrick: aye, but kados usually emails prettily, so seemed worth a 1-line IRC shriek
10:41 kados     slef: :-)
10:41 slef      http://mjr.towers.org.uk/email.html#quoting if anyone hasn't seen it before
10:41 pierrick  (slef, I already read your site)
10:41 kados     slef: I top-posted due to time constraints today ... and only time constraints :-)
10:41 kados     slef: but now I've spent more time talking about top-posting than if I had just not top-posted
10:42 slef      ah, reciprocality wins again!
10:42 kados     heh
10:42 pierrick  slef, Dokuwiki supporta another wiki syntax, and it works good. I've personnaly never seen two wiki systems using the same syntax, do you?
10:42 slef      s/ality/ity/
10:43 slef      pierrick: TextFormattingRules, markdown and there's another one whose name forget
10:43 slef      pierrick: one-off syntaxes annoy the hell out of me, as I can't remember N similar-but-different ones
10:44 slef      "You are in a maze of twisty wiki-like markups, all different. Exits are DIE, DIE, DIE."
10:44 pierrick  slef, I understand, my blog system and my wiki system don't use the same wiki syntax, I always forget the one goes where
10:45 pierrick  anyway... dokuwiki is 95% ready
10:45 slef      pierrick: OK if I open a low-priority bug for this?
10:45 pierrick  slef, what are you talking about ??
10:45 pierrick  a bug where ?
10:45 slef      pierrick: a bug on bugs.koha.org saying "wiki.koha.org should use a more common syntax"
10:46 pierrick  what would be the purpose? this bug will never be corrected? Why not concentrating on real problems ?
10:47 pierrick  owen, did you see the pagination_bar I commited today ?
10:47 slef      pierrick: to remind me and to suggest to any casual newcomer; it might be fixed, unless you'll refuse to apply any fix; I think wiki being painful to edit is a problem.
10:47 pierrick  I have to write a mail explaning
10:48 pierrick  slef, Koha is not a wiki system. We won't rewrite a wiki system to make it compliant with an unexisting "common wiki formatting rules"
10:49 pierrick  I don't know why Dokuwiki was chosen (maybe because it's the best GPL wiki system at the moment)
10:50 paul      reading my release notes, I think they are complete, but not very sexy
10:50 paul      I think something should be added at the beginning
10:50 owen      pierrick, I saw the CVS log message about pagination_bar, and I like the sound of it even though I don't know what it is :)
10:50 slef      pierrick: koha is using a wiki; you can't stop other developers working on things (but you can be an obstruction); and I mentioned more common wiki syntaxes already.
10:51 paul      like "libraries said suggested some improvements. As usual, the Koha team listen carefully and we added features that rocks to your preffered ILS"
10:51 paul      i'll add something like that in french release notes at least !
10:51 slef      paul: I guess the opening needs to cover Who What Where When How and Why.
10:51 paul      I let native english write something better
10:53 pierrick  slef, excuse me if you understood my saying as aggressive, I don't understand the point you make about formatting rules :-/ that's all
10:53 pierrick  s{excuse me}{sorry}
10:54 kados     slef: koha.org->VewCVS link is wrong, should be: https://savannah.nongnu.org/cvs/?group=koha
10:54 pierrick  do I continue working on Dokuwiki migration or do we stay with "more common formatting rules" of the existing wiki?
10:55 slef      pierrick: the point is having a one-off syntax makes the wiki harder for users to edit than it could be.
10:55 pierrick  slef, this syntax exists?
10:56 slef      Dokuwiki has plugins for Markdown and Textile at http://wiki.splitbrain.org/wiki%3Aplugins#markup_schemes
10:57 pierrick  concerning Dokuwiki migration, I have difficulties with the existing links syntax. There are many ways to make a link, some are not easy to match :-/
10:57 slef      could one of those be installed on wiki.koha.org ?
10:58 kados     slef: tell me which ones you eant
10:58 slef      I don't know bbcode, but I understand that's fairly common too
10:58 kados     want even
10:58 slef      pierrick: do either of those look easier/harder to migrate?
10:59 pierrick  slef, I suppose I don't need to migrate syntax if Markdown syntax is supported.
10:59 kados     k, I'll install that plugin
10:59 kados     two secs
11:01 slef      might be usemod from the looks of it
11:01 slef      no, it says php
11:01 slef      hrmph
11:03 kados     pierrick: markdown installed
11:03 kados     wait
11:03 kados     one more step
11:03 pierrick  kados, I'm going to install it too to check
11:08 kados     pierrick: ok, it's installed on wiki.koha.org
11:08 kados     pierrick: let me know if it doesn't work
11:14 pierrick  kados, markdown doesn't seem to work :-/ I don't know if it's because the plugin doesn't work or because the syntax is not Markdown
11:14 kados     pierrick: I think you have to enclose it in <markdown></markdown> tags
11:16 pierrick  kados, :-) I did
11:17 pierrick  (I always read the documentation before trying something)
11:18 shedges   kados:  just reading back -- I'll change 2.2.6 to 2.4 in your docs.
11:19 kados     shedges: thanks!
11:19 kados     pierrick: strange ...
11:20 kados     pierrick: I don't even know what 'markup' is :-)
11:20 kados     pierrick: does it work on your local install of dokuwiki?
11:20 pierrick  markdown plugin seems to work because page rendering is different with and without <markdown>
11:21 pierrick  my migration to Dokuwiki syntax works 95%
11:21 kados     where, wiki.koha.org? or you local install?
11:21 kados     pierrick: it's up to you how you want to do it
11:21 pierrick  just a problem with some LinksLikeThat
11:21 kados     pierrick: enable CamelCase in dokuwiki conf
11:21 pierrick  slef will open 24 bugs on Bugzilla...
11:22 kados     pierrick: that should make migration 100% :-)
11:22 kados     pierrick: when is our first BSM (btw)
11:23 kados     pierrick: if paul will release 2.4 on the 18th, maybe we could hold at least one BSM before that (hopefully two)
11:24 paul      kados/pierrick : next week hdl & me will mostly be away
11:24 pierrick  kados, camelcase is fine :-)
11:25 kados     paul: ahh, ok
11:25 kados     paul: so no bug squashing then :-)
11:27 pierrick  kados, do you want to receive a dokuwiki.tar.gz ?
11:32 kados     pierrick: sure
11:34 kados     pierrick: email it to me and I will put it on wiki.koha.org right away
11:34 paul      reading you tomorrow folks
11:36 kados     night paul_away
11:36 pierrick  too big file for mail
11:37 pierrick  http://le-gall.net/pierrick/temp/dokuwiki-2006-03-09.tar.bz2
11:38 pierrick  I'm not sure it's the last mysql dump of the wiki. But I can rerun the script I wrote on the last mysql dump if needed
11:42 pierrick  read you tomorrow, I really have to send a mail to koha-devel explaining how pagination_bar works...