Time  Nick     Message
12:02 hdl      (hi owen)
02:13 osmoze   hello
03:42 Sylvain  chris ?
03:42 chris    hiya sylvain
03:42 Sylvain  Your mail helped me but raised new questions :)
03:44 Sylvain  I understood more about the biblio/bibitem/item structure but can't see (haven't searched more right now) how bulkmarcimmport can know that an item is a "part" of a biblioitem
03:46 chris    im not sure it does
03:47 chris    i suspect it makes one biblioitem and one item for each
03:48 chris    it should be possible to make it smarter
03:48 chris    so that it checks if a biblioitem already exists thats the same, it attaches an item to it, rather than making another identical biblioitem
03:48 chris    thats how all the import from non-marc scripts work
03:49 Sylvain  well, it'll be longer than what I was thinking !
03:49 Sylvain  let's go for a funny day :)
03:50 chris    :)
03:50 chris    the other thing you can do, with marc off is move items between biblioitems
03:51 chris    so import them all in, then go through and combine things .. but you wouldnt want to do that for a big catalogue :)
03:51 Sylvain  yes, 30 000 items so I'm going to 'hack' bulkmarcimport
03:52 chris    :)
03:52 chris    it might be worth asking paul too, as he might say "you cant do that" or "that wont work"
03:52 chris    :)
03:53 Sylvain  unless he's there I'm going to play with bulkmarcimprt (hoping he won't then say that wont work :))
03:53 chris    :)
05:34 Sylvain  chris, does horowhenua use marc ?
05:35 chris    not currently no
05:35 chris    none of the 13 or so libraries we look after do, but hlt might use it a bit for copy cataloguing in the future
05:36 chris    (the marc is there in the background for most of them, but they just dont prefer to see it :-))
05:38 Sylvain  for the example you gave me (the two towers), it is stocked in marc ?
05:38 chris    hmm not at hlt ... it will be in a month or 2 when we finish their upgrade to 2.2
05:39 Sylvain  k
05:39 chris    hang on ill find it in the one we are testing
05:39 chris    2 seconds
05:39 Sylvain  thanks
05:44 chris    http://opac.hlt.katipo.co.nz/cgi-bin/koha/opac-MARCdetail.pl?bib=4069  <--- its not very complete at all
05:46 Sylvain  yes but there, you are losing the ability to know if an item is video, fiction or whatelse
05:46 chris    yep
05:47 chris    http://opac.hlt.katipo.co.nz/cgi-bin/koha/opac-detail.pl?bib=4069  <-- thats why here, we have taken off the link to the marc info
05:47 chris    since on an opac, that will just confuse most people
05:47 Sylvain  ok. But when you edit biblios, are you using (or will you) marc ?
05:48 chris    wont use it, they may use marc for importing records, acquisitioning
05:48 chris    but after that, they will just edit it as normal
05:48 Sylvain  ok.
05:49 Sylvain  because there the infos that an item is a video is stored in biblioitems but not in marc_subfield_table ?
05:49 Sylvain  orelse how is it stored ?
05:50 chris    im not sure how its stored in the marc part
05:50 Sylvain  I really can't see how to solve my problem :(
05:50 chris    i havent worried about it too much, as its all going to change for 3.0
05:51 Sylvain  I know yes, my only problem is a customer wanting a test version next week :)
05:51 chris    i think the problem is, some of the info from bibliotems isnt being stored in marc
05:52 Sylvain  yes and in biblioitems for example, there is the isbn which can't be duplicated in marc ...
05:52 chris    yeah
05:53 chris    essentially a biblio, needs to link to more than one marc record
05:53 Sylvain  yes
05:53 chris    but the way koha currently works, there is a one to one relationship
05:53 chris    unfortunately, i cant see any quick fix for it :(
05:53 Sylvain  and it makes me angry :)
05:54 Sylvain  it's time to lunch, hope I'll find a solution afterthat :)
05:54 chris    the biblio->biblioitems->items is a normalised way to represent the data
05:55 chris    and MARC .. for all it positives, is anything but normalised :-)
05:55 chris    enjoy lunch
05:55 Syl-Away thanks :)
08:49 dccpark  hi all, i have a quick question about the bulkauthimport.pl script.
08:59 osmoze   hello
09:10 hdl      hi all
09:15 Sylvain  salut hdl
11:42 hdl      Salut Sylvain