Time  Nick      Message
12:01 indradg   kados, around?
12:01 indradg   kados, ping!
12:25 kados     indradg: sure am
12:25 kados     what's up?
12:44 kados     indradg: need help getting CVS going?
12:55 indradg   kados, sorry wasn't around
13:08 kados     indradg: I'm here if you need help with something
13:41 kados     hey paul_away
13:41 kados     late night for you ;-)
13:41 paul_away (not here, just looking at my bank account
13:42 kados     hehe
13:42 paul_away not really, it's jus 9PM
13:42 kados     right
13:42 paul_away (& suspect you don't either...)
13:43 kados     heh
13:46 indradg   kados, i'll be away tomorrow and day after sayamindu (logged in here as unmadindu) will handle the ISO upload
13:46 indradg   he'll ping you if he faces any problem
13:46 kados     sounds good
13:46 kados     indradg: so your sf account is working ok?
13:47 indradg   yup
13:47 kados     indradg: does he need one too?
13:47 indradg   he can use my userid
13:47 kados     cool
13:48 kados     indradg: so what will the livecd do?
13:48 kados     I can boot off the CD and run a sample koha will full dataset?
13:49 indradg   yep.. thats the idea... we are putting up a sample data set from my WBUT implementation
13:50 indradg   with about 1000 titles
13:50 kados     sweet
13:50 kados     can you use NPL templates?
13:50 kados     (or what templates would you be using?)
13:51 indradg   IIRC sayamindu when with the defaults
13:51 kados     ok
13:52 indradg   s/when/went/
16:23 kados     rach: if you're around: Paul's planning 2.2.3 for Monday IIRC
16:37 chris     morning
16:37 kados     morning chris
16:38 kados     I'm having trouble with Koha barcode generation
16:38 kados     FYI
16:38 kados     I installed PDF:API2 and in my .cpan/build/PDF.... I have Utils.pm (with the right tree)
16:38 chris     ive never even tried it
16:39 kados     but it's giving me the errorCan't locate PDF/API2/PDF/Utils.pm in @INC
16:39 chris     didnt someone on the mailing list have that problem also?
16:39 kados     I installed it with CPAN ... doesn't that normally place it in the INC?
16:39 kados     yea
16:39 kados     but the solution was to install PDF::API2 ;-)
16:39 chris     :)
16:40 chris     ive never tried it, so cant be much help im afraid
16:40 kados     right ...
16:40 kados     do you happen to know if it's normal to have .cpan included in @INC?
16:41 chris     nope
16:41 chris     make install should put it in /usr/local/share/perl something something
16:41 kados     right ... that's what I thought ... I don't see it showing up there
16:42 chris     id go into .cpan/build etc
16:42 chris     and do a make install
16:42 chris     and see what it does
16:42 kados     k ... I'll try it
16:43 kados     Writing /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.5/i386-linux-thread-multi/auto/PDF/API2/.packlistAppending installation info to /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.5/i386-linux-thread-multi/perllocal.pod
16:43 kados     that's it ... it exited
16:43 kados     must be something screwy with this version or smt
16:43 chris     hmm
16:43 chris     perl Makefile.PL
16:43 chris     then make
16:43 kados     # perl Makefile.PLWriting Makefile for PDF::API2This is PDF::API2, Version 0.43 (2005-06-10 16:38:39)
16:44 kados     make gives not message
16:44 kados     s/not/no/
16:44 chris     hmm
16:44 kados     make install gives same as before
16:44 chris     make should give some messages
16:44 chris     making hte man pages at the least
16:44 kados     I'm gonna try installing the depends
16:45 kados     Compress::Zlib
16:45 chris     does make test do anything?
16:45 kados     # make test
16:45 kados     PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /usr/bin/perl "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(0, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t
16:45 kados     t/00use....ok                                                                All tests successful.Files=1, Tests=1,  6 wallclock secs ( 2.19 cusr +  0.20 csys =  2.39 CPU)
16:48 chris     thats just mental
16:50 kados     perl -MCPAN -e 'install Compress::Zlib';
16:50 kados     Can't locate object method "install" via package "Compress::Zlib" at -e line 1.
16:55 chris     thats pretty weird
16:55 chris     what if you do it by hand?
16:56 kados     hmmm, does that just involve copying the directory tree over to the perl dirs?
16:57 chris     nope, go in do a perl Makefile.PL
16:57 chris     make
16:57 chris     make test
16:57 chris     make install
16:57 kados     yea ... that's what I just did ;-)
16:57 kados     ahh ... you mean for Compress::Zlib
16:57 chris     yeah
16:57 chris     seems pretty mental it has no install
16:58 kados     /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.5/i386-linux-thread-multi/auto/Compress/Zlib
16:58 kados     already exists
16:58 kados     strangely
16:58 kados     I wonder if we've got a situation with the Fedora package overlapping with CPAN
16:59 chris     could be
17:31 kados     ok ... I installed the fedora version of Compress::Zlib
17:31 kados     then reinstalled PDF::API
17:32 kados     now I have a
17:32 kados     /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.5/PDF/API2/Basic/PDF/Utils.pm
17:32 chris     that sounds more like it
17:32 kados     and I'm getting the error:
17:32 kados     Can't locate PDF/API2/PDF/Utils.pm in @INC
17:32 chris     yep
17:32 kados     so maybe they've restructured the PDF::API2?
17:32 chris     looks like it
17:32 kados     shit
17:32 kados     I tried adding 'use PDF::API2::Basic'
17:33 chris     did you try
17:33 chris     use PDF::API2::Basic::PDF
17:33 kados     about to
17:33 chris     or even
17:33 chris     use PDF::API2::Basic::PDF::Utils
17:35 kados     same error for both :-(
17:35 chris     darn
17:35 chris     is there a Changelog file
17:35 chris     in  the .cpan/build
17:38 kados     nothing interestinng in there related to Utils
17:38 kados     looks like it's been in Basic at least since 2003
17:39 chris     hmm im out of ideas
17:40 kados     ahha!
17:40 kados     use PDF::API2::PDF::Utils;
17:40 kados     that's got to be a bug
17:40 kados     it's in one of the scripts
17:42 kados     better:
17:42 kados     Sun Jun 19 18:41:26 2005] [error] [client] Can't locate object method "barcode" via package "PDF::API2" at /home/koha001/koha/intranet/cgi-bin/barcodes/barcodesGenerator.pl line 237., referer: http://lpiintranet.liblime.com/cgi-bin/koha/barcodes/barcodes.pl
17:50 kados     interesting
17:50 kados     http://tinyurl.com/874wh
17:51 kados     here we have (in japanese) a PDF::API2::Barcode
17:51 kados     which uses the $pdf->barcode method
18:26 kados     but the CPAN version of PDF::API2 doesn't have a barcode method that I can see
19:09 kados     on debian:
19:09 kados     /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.4/PDF/API2/PDF/Utils.pm
19:09 kados     /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.4/PDF/API2/TTF/Utils.pm
19:09 kados     I'm guessing Debian must be like at least one major version behind on those modules
19:09 kados     and that's the problem
19:10 kados     chris: owen just pinged me to say that barcode generation is working fine on our test debian machine
19:11 kados     and so the developer of the Koha bacode stuff must have been doing it on woody
02:35 paul      'lut
02:35 hdl       Salut.
06:28 kados     hi paul, hdl
06:28 kados     paul: I heard from Emiliano this morning
06:28 kados     paul: it seems he'll be sending the code soon ;-)
06:32 kados     paul: also ... I've found a solution to the problem "z39.50 is not an innovative search method)
06:32 kados     http://www.loc.gov/z3950/agency/zing/cql/
06:32 kados     Zebra (with yaz proxy and maybe even without it) supports CQL
06:43 paul      'morning joshua/kados.
06:47 kados     I think CQL is about as innovative as search methods for libraries come ;-)
06:48 paul      will be in 2.2.3
06:48 kados     excellent!
06:54 kados     paul: what's the full name of EMN?
06:54 paul      Ecole des Mines de Nantes
06:54 kados     thx
07:28 paul      monsieur osmoze bonjour
07:29 paul      bienvenue dans cet ilot de fraicheur au milieu de cet océan de canicule...
07:46 osmoze    lol
07:46 osmoze    coucou paul
07:46 osmoze    :)
08:52 anacaona  hello all
08:52 paul      hello canada
08:53 paul      welcome here.
08:53 anacaona  i'm having problems with koha 2.0.2, with the z3950 search
08:53 anacaona  hi paul.
08:54 anacaona  there aren't any error messages in the logs, but the results screen just refreshes with not content.
08:54 anacaona  i tried to add the "my $context=C4::Context->new();" line that phill hardstaff suggested on the list
08:55 anacaona  but a bit blindly since i didn't know in which script or which line to add it (didn't work)
08:55 paul      did you setup the z3950daemon ?
08:55 paul      in scripts/z3950 iirc
08:56 anacaona  iirc?
08:56 paul      (are you a canadian speaking english or french ? because i'm french ;-) )
08:56 paul      (If I Remember Correctly)
08:56 anacaona  je peux parler en français aussi, si cela vous convient mieux. :-)
08:56 anacaona  aaah.
08:56 paul      no, english is fine.
08:56 anacaona  yes, i'm launching the script from there, no error messages or anything but it doesn't seem to work
08:57 paul      do you have "still ?? requests to go"
08:57 anacaona  yes.
08:57 paul      forever ?
08:57 anacaona  yes.
08:57 paul      (with ??)
08:57 anacaona  ??
08:57 anacaona  i double checked the data for loc and it seems fine.
08:57 paul      so, you don't have z3950 daemon setup
08:57 paul      koha is in /usr/local/koha ?
08:57 anacaona  no...
08:57 anacaona  /var/www/koha
08:58 paul      a question : why did you install 2.0.2 and not 2.2.2b ?
08:58 anacaona  i installed it about a month ago... maybe 2.2. wasn't out yet?
08:58 paul      so, look in /var/www/koha/intranet/scripts/z3950daemon/
08:58 paul      (no, 2.2.x is here since january)
08:59 anacaona  hmm. i really don't know...
08:59 anacaona  lemme upgrade and see if things go better.
09:00 anacaona  oh, at sourceforge 2.0.2. is the first option, i guess i just clicked without looking.
09:00 paul      no, things won't go better with 2.2.x
09:00 paul      you MUST setup the z3950daemon if you want z3950 to work
09:01 paul      because the z3950 search works :
09:01 paul      1- clic on "z3950 search"
09:01 paul      2- the server see "oh, my librarian want a z3950 search. I save this query for the daemon"
09:01 anacaona  yes.
09:02 paul      2b- the server answers "waiting for daemon answers" (the still ?? requests to go)
09:02 paul      3- the daemon awakes and say "oh my god, i've some z3950 servers to query"
09:02 paul      4- the damon calls for each z3950 server & wait for the answer
09:02 anacaona  but i launched the server and there doesn't seem to be any errors.
09:02 paul      5- your apache servers sees & show the answerts from the daemon when they arrive.
09:02 anacaona  so what do youmean by "setup the daemon"
09:03 paul      you should see infos in the z3950 demon log
09:03 anacaona  there's nothing there.
09:03 paul      in /var/www/koha/intranet/scripts/z3950daemon/
09:03 anacaona  there's nothing in the log
09:03 paul      you have a z3950-daemon-options
09:03 anacaona  its empty
09:03 anacaona  yeah, i've looked through it, its fine.
09:03 paul      the z3950-daemon-options contains all options.
09:03 paul      so, run "process3950queue" in a term & look at the output
09:04 paul      (export PERL5LIB before)
09:04 paul      export PERL5LIB=/path/to/koha/modules
09:04 paul      (where the C4 directory is)
09:05 anacaona  command not found
09:06 paul      your term is bash ?
09:06 anacaona  yup
09:06 paul      ./processz3950queue
09:06 paul      ;-)
09:06 anacaona  :-)
09:06 anacaona  starting loop
09:07 anacaona  it really likes to start the loop. :-)
09:07 paul      ok, so clic on "search z3950" now
09:07 paul      (on librarian interface)
09:07 paul      you should see what the daemon is doing
09:09 anacaona  still at starting loo0p
09:09 paul      mmm... then your daemon-options is wrong.
09:09 paul      or :
09:09 anacaona  wait...
09:09 paul      did you setup a z3950 server ?
09:09 anacaona  there's something in the log
09:09 paul      koha >> parameters >> z3950 servers ?
09:09 anacaona  yeah, two servers.
09:10 anacaona  lemme try the second one.
09:10 anacaona  (library of congress and mcgill univ)
09:10 paul      (with checked=1 of course, otherwise the server is ignored)
09:11 anacaona  i remember in a prior version of koha you could choose which z3950 server to search
09:13 anacaona  nope
09:14 paul      so, change for checked=1 !
09:14 anacaona  yeah, i switched from library of congress to mcgill university and same problem.
09:16 paul      if you don't see anything in term with processz3950 queue,
09:16 paul      then it means your daemon-options is wrong
09:17 anacaona  RunAsUser=www-data
09:17 anacaona  KohaZ3950Dir=/var/www/koha/intranet/scripts/z3950daemon
09:17 anacaona  KohaModuleDir=/var/www/koha/intranet/modules
09:17 anacaona  LogDir=/var/log/koha
09:17 anacaona  KohaConf=/etc/koha.conf
09:18 paul      is www-data able to read /etc/koha.conf ?
09:18 paul      (permissions)
09:18 anacaona  yup
09:18 paul      & able to write in logs ?
09:18 anacaona  yup
09:18 paul      mmm... no idea...
09:29 paul      owen : meeting has been changed to 20GMT
09:29 owen      I knew that :)
09:29 paul      (hello however)
09:30 anacaona  paul.
09:30 owen      Oh, url probably changed too...
09:30 anacaona  it wasn't working because...
09:30 anacaona  they didn't have the book i was looking for at either library!
09:30 paul      :-(
09:30 anacaona  <--- big dummy
09:31 paul      note that if you're searching for an isbn you already have, you won't find it either.
09:32 hdl       hi owen
09:32 owen      Hi hdl
09:33 anacaona  how so?
09:35 paul      if you search an isbn for a book that is already in your DB, the z3950server will return it. But Koha will discard the result, considering you have it
09:35 paul      the default being it does it silently
09:36 owen      I wonder if it should display the result but highlight it differently from the other results?
09:36 owen      In case the person searching didn't know they already had it?
09:37 kados     morning owen
09:37 paul      it should probably do something like this
09:37 owen      Hi kados
09:38 anacaona  paul, thing is with the acquisitions menu you search through your catalogue first anyhow,
09:38 anacaona  so its totally safe for the z3950 daemon to chuck results for pre-existing isbn
09:39 anacaona  thank you so much for your help with this.
09:39 paul      right, but we can't ignore users that ignore koha features :-(
10:07 anacaona  true