Time  Nick                 Message
21:45 mbridge              [mattermost] <aulda> The Koha Foundation proposal vote is now open. You can place your vote on the Koha Community website and there you will also find a link to the proposal and background research. Votes must be placed by 5pm UTC on Friday 14 June. One vote per person please. https://koha-community.org/koha-foundation-vote/
16:01 reiveune             bye
15:27 huginn`              Log:            https://meetings.koha-community.org/2024/development_irc_meeting_15_may_2024.2024-05-15-14.00.log.html
15:27 huginn`              Minutes (text): https://meetings.koha-community.org/2024/development_irc_meeting_15_may_2024.2024-05-15-14.00.txt
15:27 huginn`              Minutes:        https://meetings.koha-community.org/2024/development_irc_meeting_15_may_2024.2024-05-15-14.00.html
15:27 huginn`              Meeting ended Wed May 15 15:27:23 2024 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4)
15:27 paulderscheid[m]     #endmeeting
15:27 paulderscheid[m]     #info Next meeting: 29 May 2024, 14 UTC
15:24 paulderscheid[m]     #topic Set time of next meeting
15:24 paulderscheid[m]     #topic Any other business
15:23 paulderscheid[m]     #action ashimema to add a qa script check for NOTICE1 in the coding guidelines
15:22 paulderscheid[m]     #info concerning a coding guideline on adding new perl dependencies: postponed to next meeting
15:21 paulderscheid[m]     #topic Review of coding guidelines
15:17 paulderscheid[m]     #action put tombstone table pattern on the roadmap for discussion for next cycle
15:08 paulderscheid[m]     #info marcelr added a new table for deleted authorities, discussion about whether this is a pattern we should favor
15:06 mbridge              [mattermost] <ashimema> thanks
15:06 mbridge              [mattermost] <ashimema> doh.. I was in the wrong chat window..  😂
15:05 paulderscheid[m]     #info we average adding 8-10 changes to the cpanfile a year
15:05 mbridge              [mattermost] <ashimema> #info we average adding 8-10 changes to the cpanfile a year
15:05 paulderscheid[m]     #action tcohen to check if any steps for adding new dependencies are missing for koha-testing-docker in the linked document
15:03 paulderscheid[m]     #link https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Release_management#Dependency_changes
15:03 paulderscheid[m]     #info katrin added a workflow for adding new dependencies
15:02 paulderscheid[m]     #link https://chat.koha-community.org/koha-community/pl/tz5pfoonsigz8nr7pr54aiqwrr
15:01 paulderscheid[m]     #info bugzilla moved from debian packages to carton which sparked the discussion
15:00 paulderscheid[m]     #info ashimema initially suggested to just use carton for dependencies we maintain ourselves
14:59 paulderscheid[m]     #info debian packages save us from a lot of manual maintenance
14:57 paulderscheid[m]     #info using carton instead of debian packages for koha's dependencies?
14:44 paulderscheid[m]     #topic General development discussion (trends, ideas, ...)
14:41 paulderscheid[m]     #info a poll will be shared on mattermost, irc, and via the mailing list, duration of the vote will be 4 weeks
14:39 paulderscheid[m]     #link https://ptfs-europe.com/koha-foundation-proposal/
14:38 paulderscheid[m]     #topic Foundation Proposal
14:37 paulderscheid[m]     #action paulderscheid[m] file an issue for integrating JS15 into QA scripts
14:31 paulderscheid[m]     #topic Actions from last meeting
14:30 paulderscheid[m]     #info template toolkit reference guide: doc in drafting phase
14:30 paulderscheid[m]     #info automated screenshots: wip
14:30 paulderscheid[m]     #info prevent pushing to main if jenkins fails: postponed to next cycle
14:29 tcohen               #link https://gitlab.com/koha-community/koha-dpkg-docker
14:28 paulderscheid[m]     #info debian packages, share the load: tcohen made solid progress with koha-dpkg-docker
14:27 paulderscheid[m]     #info discourse: not much progress, currently stuck at getting mailing list contents scraped
14:25 paulderscheid[m]     #info move from master to main: done!
14:25 paulderscheid[m]     #info job queue, rabbitMQ bugfixes and improvements: needs more work, some bugfixes available
14:24 paulderscheid[m]     #info performance improvements: some progress by BibLibre, byWater
14:24 paulderscheid[m]     #info improving tests for koha plugins: pushed to oldstable
14:23 paulderscheid[m]     #info merge reserves and old_reserves: postponed to beginning of next cycle
14:23 paulderscheid[m]     #info move domain limits from koha-conf to staff SMTP config: failed QA
14:22 paulderscheid[m]     #info shifting slips and notices to Template Toolkit: bits have been pushed
14:22 paulderscheid[m]     #info cities on vue: admin app missing to properly build navigation column on the left (LeftMenu), needed for other views as well
14:20 paulderscheid[m]     #info move C4 to Koha: not much progress this cycle
14:20 paulderscheid[m]     #info moving patron search to a modal: pushed to main
14:19 paulderscheid[m]     #info using REST API to display items in biblio detail view: pushed to main
14:19 paulderscheid[m]     #info geo-search: has been pushed, geo-search UI as plugin, will be shared
14:19 paulderscheid[m]     #info plugins (discovery, authenticity): still in discussion, no patches yet
14:18 paulderscheid[m]     #info bookings: bits have been pushed
14:18 paulderscheid[m]     #info OAI-PMH harvester: currently in failed QA
14:17 paulderscheid[m]     #info interlibrary loans rethink: bits have been pushed
14:15 paulderscheid[m]     #info new roadmap pages will be created next week, one for community projects, one for advertising (email will be sent to koha-devel)
14:14 paulderscheid[m]     #topic Status of roadmap projects
14:14 paulderscheid[m]     #info couple of busy weeks
14:13 paulderscheid[m]     #topic Updates from the QA team
14:13 paulderscheid[m]     #info a security release was released on monday, please consider updating
14:12 paulderscheid[m]     #topic Updates from the Release Maintainers
14:11 paulderscheid[m]     #info release scheduled for May 28
14:11 paulderscheid[m]     #info proper string freeze this friday (17th)
14:10 paulderscheid[m]     #info on schedule for 24.05 release
14:10 paulderscheid[m]     #topic Update from the Release manager (24.05)
14:08 paulderscheid[m]     #info Michael Kuhn added for newsletter role, domm for QA team
14:07 mbridge              [mattermost] <bag> #link https://ptfs-europe.com/koha-foundation-proposal/
14:06 paulderscheid[m]     #info bag is going to send a poll to the foundation proposal after this meeting
14:06 fredericd            #info Frédéric Demians, Tamil
14:06 paulderscheid[m]     #topic Announcements
14:06 oleonard             #info Owen Leonard, Athens County Public Libraries, Ohio, USA
14:05 cait                 #info Paul Poulain, Biblibre
14:05 caroline             #info Caroline Cyr La Rose, inlibro, Québec, Canada
14:05 cait                 #info Tomas Cohen Arazi
14:05 ashimema             #info Martin Renvoize, PTFS Europe
14:04 tcohen               #info Tomas Cohen Arazi
14:04 cait                 #info Brendan Gallagher ByWater
14:04 mbridge              [mattermost] <bag> (sorry don't have IRC on my laptop)
14:04 huginn`              Current chairs: cait paulderscheid[m]
14:04 paulderscheid[m]     #chair cait
14:04 mbridge              [mattermost] <bag> #info Brendan Gallagher ByWater
14:04 cait                 #info Evelyn Hartline, BWS
14:04 mbridge              [mattermost] <evelyn> #info Evelyn Hartline, BWS
14:04 dcook                :O
14:04 cait                 #info David Cook, Prosentient Systems
14:04 dcook                #info David Cook, Prosentient Systems
14:04 dcook                Had a feeling...
14:04 cait                 #info Kyle Hall, BWS
14:04 cait                 #info Lisette Scheer, BWS
14:04 kidclamp             no
14:03 dcook                Does it work if we do these things from mattermost?
14:03 mbridge              [mattermost] <dcook> #info David Cook, Prosentient Systems
14:03 mbridge              [mattermost] <khall> #info Kyle Hall, BWS
14:03 mbridge              [mattermost] <lisette> #info Lisette Scheer, BWS
14:03 thd                  #info Thomas Dukleth, Agogme, New York City
14:03 kidclamp             #info, Nick Clemens, BWS
14:02 MatthewBlenkinsop[m] #info Matt Blenkinsop, PTFS Europe, UK
14:02 cait                 #info Katrin Fischer, BSZ, Germany
14:01 paulderscheid[m]     #info Paul Derscheid, LMSCloud GmbH, Germany
14:00 paulderscheid[m]     #topic Introductions
14:00 huginn`              The meeting name has been set to 'development_irc_meeting_15_may_2024'
14:00 huginn`              Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.
14:00 huginn`              Meeting started Wed May 15 14:00:25 2024 UTC.  The chair is paulderscheid[m]. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
14:00 paulderscheid[m]     #startmeeting Development IRC meeting 15 May 2024
05:06 reiveune             helo