Time Nick Message 02:57 rangi that was a lot of milanesa 03:00 ibeardslee nicely full? 03:03 rangi more than full :) 03:03 rangi im getting used to this going out to eat at 9pm thing too 04:12 mtj rangi++ amazing kohacon14 coverage on your blog, just reading now... 06:33 marcelr hi #koha 06:45 reiveune hello 06:46 marcelr hello reiveune 06:47 reiveune hi marcelr chris_n magnuse 07:25 gaetan_B hello 07:25 wahanui hello, gaetan_B 07:47 ashimema random question.. 07:47 wahanui random question.. is there anywhere in koha that uses editable datatables? 07:47 ashimema does the dashboard keep any history? 07:48 ashimema monkey.. scroll down! :( 07:48 * ashimema feels stupid now 07:55 marcelr @later tell khall "Could you please give some feedback on report 13049? What was the idea behind the temporary category?" 07:55 huginn marcelr: The operation succeeded. 08:52 alex_a bonjour 08:52 wahanui kia ora, alex_a 11:31 marcelr thx khall; will have a look at your comments 12:12 oleonard Hi #koha 12:13 marcelr hi oleonard 12:21 quocuy hi everyone 12:51 brendan_ hola I am back 12:58 ashimema what are people thoughts about angular making it into koha? 12:58 ashimema for staff client at least 13:00 oleonard ashimema: The only way to answer that is to show how it would be useful 13:01 ashimema well, I'm working on a number of proofs of concept at the moment. 13:02 ashimema but it's a paradigm shift.. 13:02 ashimema angular is all about single page applications (which I feel koha is actually rather well suited to).. 13:02 ashimema I wouldn't make the entire staff client an SPA, but rather a series of SPA's.. 13:03 ashimema Patrons and Cataloging are two fantastic examples of where it would be awesome. 13:04 oleonard I think you'd have to show that such change would *not*: - make the staff client less accessible - make it less translatable - make it harder to maintain - make it slower 13:04 ashimema at the moment when your viewing a patron record, each tab on the left is an entirely new page with associated scripts and templates.. that seems crazy to me.. 13:04 ashimema having each tab as an angular view would mean less page load, more responsiveness and tidier code. 13:05 ashimema I'll finish this prototype and see what people think 13:05 * oleonard hasn't really looked at angular so he can't comment on it in itself 13:06 jcamins ashimema: my thought is that it's way too much trouble for the benefits it would offer. 13:06 ashimema I don't think it would affect translatability at all, it would increase speed and maintainability and i have no idea how it would affect accessability. 13:06 ashimema for 'new' stuff it would make coding a pleasure again ;) 13:07 brendan_ see I’d be into that ashimema 13:07 marcelr jcamins: hi; could you have a look at my comment on bug 7419? 13:07 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=7419 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jcamins, Needs Signoff , Add authority deduplication script 13:07 ashimema but yeah.. would be allot of work to convert existing stuff.. but then it would be easier to convert stuff to angular than to manually write custom ajax cruft like we are doing for a number of tables already 13:07 brendan_ that’s true 13:08 brendan_ I’ve liked the angular stuff for awhile now 13:08 ashimema angular is awesome.. i'm using it in another app and it's a pleasure to work with.. 13:08 ashimema quite a change of coding style though.. 13:09 ashimema well i'll keep working on this proof of concept for now.. 13:09 ashimema we're adding Inter Library Loans (currently only for the british library api, but it should be adaptable to any other api's relatively easily, if any exist that is ;) ) 13:09 jcamins marcelr: sure! 13:10 marcelr thx 13:13 brendan_ nice ashimema 13:16 quocuy Hi eveyone 13:17 quocuy anyone is here? 13:17 oleonard khall around? 13:17 quocuy Can i ask one question? 13:17 quocuy Olenard 13:18 oleonard quocuy: You can always ask a question. If someone knows the answer they may give it to you. 13:18 quocuy I added a slider to Koha header. It works fine in theme PROG, but when i changed to boostrap, it does not work 13:18 quocuy demo here: http://test.dreamlib.vn and http://small.dreamlib.vn 13:21 quocuy So how can i make this slider work in boostrap theme? Is it an issue with css? 13:24 oleonard Sorry quocuy I don't know 13:24 oleonard I would recommend testing with a configuration which didn't have any other JavaScript or CSS customizations so that you can confirm the error is just with the slider 13:25 oleonard I think you may be having problems because of duplicate jQuery libraries, but I'm not sure why it works in the prog theme but not the Bootstrap theme 13:25 quocuy yeah 13:26 quocuy let me make some searches on google 13:26 * jcamins would offer the following advice to those people who want to work with developers and librarians: don't screw up your attribution statement for iconic xkcd comics. 13:32 oleonard You gonna name and shame jcamins? 13:32 jcamins oleonard: IBM. 13:33 ashimema is pianohacker likely to be around any time soon? 13:33 jcamins In a marketing presentation, they credit the "Compiling!" comic to someone I'd never heard of. 13:34 paul_p hey ! finally got internet ! 13:36 brendan_ hola paul_p 13:38 Joubu Hi khall ;) 13:38 khall good day Joubu! 13:38 khall hey'ya tcohen! 13:39 khall Joubu: You should take another look at bug 13019 again. I've implemented pretty much all your suggestions 13:39 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=13019 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, kyle, Needs Signoff , Add base classes on which to build Koha objects 13:39 khall tcohen: I'd love to get your input as well 13:39 khall I think this is more the route you wanted to see us take. 13:40 Joubu khall: yep, I saw it! I cannot promise you to have a look soon, but I will try! 13:41 khall thanks! whenever you can find the time! I know time is hard to find ; ) 13:43 jcamins khall: I glanced at that bug report, and I couldn't quite figure out what the benefit of an overly complex inheritance hierarchy was based on the report. Do you think you could clarify why a Koha::Object class is necessary? 13:44 quocuy Hi cait 13:44 khall jcamins: the idea to start with is to encapsulate dbic while retaining a standard OO model. There are many other benefits that I should really be writing down. Here's a good one: 13:45 paul_p khall = Joubu & tcohen presenting sandboxes to argentinian librarians. Should be back in half an hour or so 13:45 khall 1) By having something to inherit from we can have a standard set of methods that will always work the same no matter what type of object you are working with 13:47 khall 2) This is a way to fix our schema over time. Think of biblio/biblioitems. Imagine the size of the patch needed to fix this in one fell swoop. We can hide our broken schema by having Koha::Biblio act as both. Once all the code uses Koha::Biblio objects, we can fix the schema and update one file 13:49 khall 3) We can provide simple easy linkages. Need a patrons checkouts? Need a Biblio's items? This is easy with this model and avoids using DBIC in pl files. Everything is encapsulated nicely. We could tear out DBIC and replace it with something else and the calling code would be none the wiser 13:50 jcamins Right... I'm not seeing how Koha::Object provides this any more than a set of coding guidelines would? 13:52 khall Where in the guidelines do we have anything about how to add modules or how methods should work? Instead of the need for documentation that everyone may or may not remember to check, by having something to use as a base we get that automatically. 13:53 jcamins We don't at the moment, but we could. 13:54 khall If perl5 had interfaces, that would be another alternative, but why should we reinvent the wheel every time we need a new class? 13:55 cait ashimema: around? 13:55 ashimema am now 13:56 khall Right now our module subroutines try to do way to much all at once, this leads to bugs. I see this as a model for building much simpler, more stable, less bug prone and more easily tested code. 13:56 jcamins What's making me dubious is the fact that you have to use an additional AUTOLOAD in order to get the functionality you want, instead of being able to just use the already-provided bits from DBIC. 13:56 cait i am trying to finish shibboleth - care to give me a push? :) 13:56 jcamins It seems like any functionality beyond what DBIC already offers would have to be implemented on each class anyway? 13:57 khall jcamins: we *could* just use what DBIC has. I'm not against that, but I added the autoload specifically so we could hide the dbic stuff. We don't want to have a method returning dbic stuff. 13:57 ashimema paul_p.. wicked that sandboxes are coming up.. 13:57 khall with the idea that dbic in pl is verboten 13:57 ashimema also glad to have been able to start contributing to them. 13:58 tcohen morrrrning 13:59 tcohen hi jcamins ashimema 13:59 tcohen missing you here 13:59 jcamins khall: okay, so the idea with Koha::Object is explicitly that it's reimplementing the DBIC functionality. I was thinking that I was misunderstanding something since that's what I thought it was doing. 13:59 jcamins Thanks. 13:59 khall jcamins: yes. The issue at had is "can we use dbic from pl scripts". I've written two proofs on concept for bug 12892, one using DBIC and one using encapsulation. 13:59 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=12892 major, P5 - low, ---, kyle, Signed Off , Holds Waiting: not showing from check out screen 14:00 paul_p Joubu ^ (when you're back) 14:00 khall jcamins: bug 13030 is a good example of where this useful 14:00 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=13030 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, kyle, Needs Signoff , Show waiting hold expiration date for waiting holds on circulation.pl 14:06 khall jcamins: another huge benefit is if our code passes objects around instead of table id's we'll reduce our db access greatly 14:09 oleonard khall: Have you ever tried applying one of our custom sort algorithms to a server-side DataTable? 14:09 ashimema I'm working on some proof of concept code using khall objects too jcamins.. 14:09 ashimema happy to share once there's som more meat on their bones. 14:09 * oleonard is trying to make it work without success 14:10 khall oleonard: I don't think I have. Any idea's on how to mesh the two? I'm thinking we need to pass the sorting algorithm to the server-side service 14:10 khall or have dual implementations one in perl, one in js 14:11 khall or even better, move to only ajax datatables ; ) 14:12 ashimema I think for serverside datatables the sort will also need to be done serverside. 14:12 ashimema that's my understanding when i last looked at least. 14:12 rangi tcohen: are the students who found the bugs with the display of titles here? 14:12 tcohen don't think so 14:12 khall yep. I bet there's a way to slurp all the data via ajax and have paging/sorting all done client side, but that'd way less efficient 14:12 tcohen need to ask the women talking 14:15 oleonard khall and ashimema, when you say serverside sort you mean the MySQL query itself? 14:15 khall yep 14:15 ashimema well.. sorta.. depends how the serverside stuff works already.. 14:15 khall or from the perl code 14:15 ashimema what he just said.. 14:16 oleonard That's not going to work if we want to continue to be able to use a custom array of articles to ignore when sorting by title 14:16 khall oleonard: we should be able to implement that in perl 14:16 ashimema I've seen datatables where they slurp the whole datastrcuture from the database in one hit.. then sorts, paging etc are all done in memory on the datastructure in perl. 14:17 ashimema but then i've also seen serverside datatables that just convert datatables requests to the corresponding mysql query and return that.. 14:17 khall yep. It'd be best to do it at the db level if possible 14:17 ashimema it works both ways.. if you have the memory, then the code way is usually faster. 14:17 ashimema at lest in my testing a while back it was. 14:18 tcohen rangi: did they ask you to do the haka thing for the interview? 14:18 rangi hehe no 14:18 tcohen heh, pity 14:18 oleonard Well, I'm disappointed that a sorting feature which was working before is broken now :( 14:19 khall ashimema: that's good to know 14:19 ashimema which table oleanard 14:19 ashimema which table oleonard 14:19 khall checkouts table perhaps? 14:19 oleonard circulation, moremember, and manage-marc-import 14:20 oleonard Okay manage-marc-import wasn't sorted before so not that one 14:20 oleonard But I /want/ it to work there :) 14:20 khall I think we can come up with something! 14:20 ashimema indeed.. 14:20 khall Have you filed a bug report yet? 14:21 ashimema I shouldn't be too hard to impliment it using sql 14:21 oleonard I'll file one now 14:21 ashimema I see a 'NOT LIKE "%stuff%"' style query coming along 14:28 ashimema you happy to take that on khall, or shall I once the bug is filed.. 14:28 khall I'd be willing, but it sounds like you may be more experienced 14:28 oleonard Bug 13054 14:28 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=13054 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , Allow server-side sorting by title to ignore custom sets of articles 14:28 ashimema I'll behappy to qa once oleonard signs it off ;) I'm envisioning it to be a fairly trivial thing ;) 14:28 ashimema ok.. i'll take a quick look. 14:29 khall I'd also be happy to qa for you ashimema! 14:29 ashimema :) 14:30 brendan_ cait: 14:35 ashimema oleonard: by patron details apge you mean patron search results page righT? 14:35 oleonard ashimema: The AJAX datatable which is used on circulation.pl and moremember.pl showing checkouts 14:35 ashimema ah.. sorry.. 14:35 ashimema checkout.s 14:37 rangi id like some opinions on http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=12005#c4 14:37 huginn 04Bug 12005: critical, P5 - low, ---, gmcharlt, NEW , Zebra searches sometimes fail silently under Plack 14:39 rangi also http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Kohacon14/Hackfest 14:47 brendan_ hola cait 14:47 cait hola brendan 14:48 rangi Joubu: http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Kohacon14/Hackfest 14:49 rangi http://grooveshark.com/#!/ranginui/broadcast for the kohacon14 radio 15:01 reiveune bye 15:02 gaetan_B bye 15:04 cait1 finally got to it - ashimema - shib patches still apply 15:05 ashimema awesome! 15:05 wahanui That'll be $1 for the awesome jar, ashimema 15:06 ashimema oleonard.. did you already work on fixing this DataTables stuff.. 15:06 ashimema I'm really confused.. as 'everything' is handled clientside with these tables.. 15:06 ashimema the ajax call is only there to allow delaying load/asynchronous loading of the table data itself.. 15:07 oleonard ashimema: I tried without success to get a custom sorting alogrithm to work with an AJAX datatable. I asked khall about it in case he knew whether or not it was possible. 15:07 ashimema sorting, paging etc are all being left to clientside and the entire dataset is being loaded in one hit.. so surely it 'should' still work out of the box.? 15:07 ashimema I was assuming that the sorting was 'already' hitting the server.. 15:08 ashimema the 'real' point of serverside Datatables is to allow for 'hard work' to be done serverside.. 15:08 ashimema we're not actaully doing that. 15:08 oleonard ashimema: For instance, I tried adding this to the configuration of the manage-marc-import DataTables initialization: 15:08 oleonard "aaSorting": [[1,'asc']], "aoColumnDefs": [ { "sType": "anti-the", "aTargets": [ 1 ] } ] 15:08 * cait1 reports login and logout are still working too 15:09 ashimema k.. I'll continue to play then.. 15:09 ashimema but this is less trivial than i initially thought.. 15:09 ashimema thanks oleonard 15:09 oleonard ashimema: The "aaSorting" config option works--the correct column is sorted. But the 15:09 oleonard "anti-the" algorithm is not used. 15:09 ashimema how very strange.. 15:10 ashimema I almost wonder if that's a bug in datatables.. 15:10 ashimema automatically disabling such stuff when the useAjax is present. 15:13 cait1 actually i found a bug ashimema:P 15:13 cait1 Shibboleth Login << 15:13 ashimema really ? 15:13 ashimema huh 15:13 rangi if there is a bug, cait1 will find it, thats why we keep reelecting her :) 15:14 pablito hi everyone 15:14 cait1 maybe you ljust like to keep me busy so i don't start causing trouble elsewhere 15:14 cait1 ashimema: can i just add that to the last patch? 15:14 pablito hi cait1 :-) 15:14 ashimema sure.. 15:15 ashimema thanks. 15:15 rangi tcohen: can you have a look at the last comment on bug 12005 15:15 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=12005 critical, P5 - low, ---, gmcharlt, NEW , Zebra searches sometimes fail silently under Plack 15:15 rangi please 15:15 rangi and Joubu too, id just like some opinions 15:15 tcohen of course :-D 15:15 cait1 ashimema: hopefully going to pass it today, don't worry :) 15:16 * ashimema does the happy dance 15:16 cait1 we got the wiki page for installation insturctions, right? 15:16 ashimema i beleive we wrote one yeah.. 15:16 cait1 lol 15:17 pablito can someone help me with an issue with automatic barcode generation? 15:17 pablito I am importing records into koha and I would like Koha to auto-generate a barcode for each record. Is this possible in 3.16? 15:19 brendan_ hmm not during the import 15:19 pablito brendan_, how would auto generate the barcodes after the import? 15:20 pablito *I 15:20 brendan_ add an item to it and then the barcode should autogenerate the next available barcode - but then you’d have to do that for every single record you imported 15:20 rangi thank you tcohen 15:21 cait1 ashimema: should the tests pass on a random install without shib config? 15:21 brendan_ pablito: I think khall may have written a plugin for that awhile ago 15:21 ashimema erm... i believe so.. 15:21 ashimema which one is failing? 15:21 brendan_ but otherwise you’ll have to do that barcode work outside of koha - try marcedit 15:21 brendan_ MARCedit 15:21 wahanui rumour has it MARCedit is a tool for editing MARC records. It can also convert spreadsheets to MARC. See http://people.oregonstate.edu/~reeset/marcedit/html/index.php 15:21 cait1 waiting for the suite to finihs, sec 15:22 ashimema oleonard.. I just added '"sType": "anti-the"' to checkouts.js and it's working perfectly for me.. 15:23 khall oleonard: I'm finding the marc preview in manage-marc-import.pl is broken in master, have you seen that at all? 15:23 pablito I have done it via MarcEdit before, though it would be a great feature if Koha can do it at import 15:24 pablito ok, thank you, brendan_ 15:25 pablito also, is there a way to find the latest generated barcode? 15:26 oleonard ashimema: Okay, I didn't try modifying that one. 15:26 pablito I can use this latest barcode as the starting point for the following codes 15:26 oleonard Am I correct that if you pass C4::Branch::GetBranches a branch code it will return only your logged-in branch? 15:28 ashimema not trying to prove you wrong or anything oleonard.. I woudln't be surprised if this is an issue elsewhere that I've not spotted yet.. 15:28 ashimema I would almost put money on it in fact.. 15:28 ashimema but I can't repeat it yet.. 15:28 ashimema I'll take a look at the other tables.. see if I can find any issues in them.. 15:32 cait i am back 15:32 cait ashimema: still here? 15:32 wahanui here is, like, where I work 15:33 brendan_ I’m back 15:33 brendan_ welcome back cait 15:33 ashimema yup 15:35 Joubu Did someone plan to test bug 11998? 15:35 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=11998 major, P5 - low, ---, robin, Needs Signoff , Syspref caching issues 15:35 rangi not me 15:35 rangi im looking at the patch you just made for bug 10126 15:35 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=10126 major, P5 - low, ---, gmcharlt, Needs Signoff , C4::Reports::Guided is not Plack safe 15:37 brendan_ Joubu: I can test that - but not until maybe after lunchtime 15:43 ashimema oh fun.. 15:43 ashimema how does one go about swapping from a mocked DBI to a Mocked DBIx::Class :( 15:44 ashimema well spotted cait.. my tests do indeed fail now.. 15:44 ashimema thuogh in fact it's a failure due to the test mocking rather than a 'real' failure. 15:44 ashimema :( 16:05 ashimema which brings me back again to why do we initiate a new Koha::Database connection for every use of dbic.. 16:05 ashimema mwah. 16:07 ashimema I take that back.. it just made some sense again. 16:26 oleonard ashimema: Your change to checkouts.js works for me but I can't a similar change working in manage-marc-import.tt 16:27 ashimema shall I take a look? 16:27 ashimema thanks for the update oleonard 16:27 ashimema for anyone interested.. I just found a lovely module for testing dbic.. 16:27 ashimema DBIx::Class::Fixtures. 16:30 oleonard ashimema: It's not urgent, but I'm certainly curious why it's not working for me. 16:30 oleonard manage-marc-import.tt line 38: { "mDataProp": "citation", "sType": "anti-the" }, 16:30 ashimema worth posting what you've tried to a patch on that same bug? 16:50 khall oleonard: I'm out of the loop but that table *does* do server side sorting 16:52 khall oleonard: I've got bug 10632 fixed up if you care to have a look at it 16:52 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=10632 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, kyle, Needs Signoff , Enable datatables for courses and course details in the OPAC 16:52 oleonard Okay khall 16:53 oleonard khall: See ashimema's patch on Bug 13054 to see what I'm trying to do with manage-marc-imports.tt 16:53 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=13054 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , Allow server-side sorting by title to ignore custom sets of articles 16:53 ashimema cool.. 16:54 ashimema I'll have a play with manage-marc-import later this evening.. unless your going to khall 16:54 * ashimema has to eat first though ;) 16:54 khall oleonard: I think getting it to work for manage-marc-import will be more up ashimema's alley. It'll require doing what we thought we'd need to do for the checkouts table 16:55 khall I'm crushed for time atm or i'd do it 16:55 khall we should be able to an anti-the sort routine in perl at the very least 16:55 ashimema indeed.. 16:55 ashimema k, i'll take a punt 16:56 ashimema foooood... 16:57 khall heh, oleonard ping me when you sign 13054, though saying I'll qa it barely means anything for a one liner ; ) 16:58 ashimema I was thinking I'd probably fix manage-marc-imports under the same bug khall ;) 16:58 khall ahh, that's fine by me! 16:58 ashimema give you somthing more concrete to qa ;) 16:59 khall heh, thanks ; ) 16:59 oleonard ashimema: If your fix is client-side then we should create a new bug for it, perhaps even closing 13054 as invalid 17:00 ashimema indeed, your bug is about serverside.. just the example in the bug istelf is bad as that's a clientside one ;) 17:35 martian523 i was looking up a problem in my koha, and found this in the bugzilla reports "Bug 5262 - authority plugin doesn't copy indicators" 17:35 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=5262 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, januszop, RESOLVED FIXED, authority plugin doesn't copy indicators 17:36 martian523 is there a patch for this already? 17:39 martian523 another question. my library consists or chinese titles, after upgrading to 3.14, there's a problem when doing a search with chinese characters 17:39 oleonard martian523: It was considered fixed in 3.10.11. 17:41 martian523 this problem is i would have to put a space in between each chinese character in order for koha to search it as a string, this problem didn't exist before the upgrade 17:47 khall If there is anyone who has time to test bug 13020 this is a problem for a number of our partners. I imagine it's at least an annoyance for many others 17:47 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=13020 normal, P5 - low, ---, kyle, Needs Signoff , Checkouts table default ordering is incorrect 17:48 wnickc khall: I tried, I didn't see the misordering though 17:50 khall hmm, did you follow the test plan? You didn't find that the items didn't show in reverse chronological order 17:50 khall ? 17:51 nengard kohacon hackfest folks feel free to test the new professional cataloging interface :) 17:53 wnickc i checked in 2,1,3 and the results from top to bottom were 3 1 2 - but i didn't see a change after applying, happy to restest though 17:57 oleonard It works for me wnickc, I'm signing off 17:58 wnickc okay, my bad 18:05 ashimema I think i'm going to bite the bullet and make my shib tests database dependant.. 18:05 ashimema as muhc as it pains me after the work I did to mock them in the first place! 18:20 n Hello there, I am trying out Koha for a small scale non- circulating library. and at the moment I am just evaluating using equinox's Demo, but I have a question about how best to create a record structure for books that are (OV)er sized or (mini) format. Are item types my best bet? 18:20 wnickc I either cannot recreate the bug or can't get the fix to work, I hate losing to the computer, but thanks oleonard 18:22 jcamins n: I use shelving location for that usually. 18:23 n Ok, so when patrons use OPAC and get a hit on something that is OV they just go to the location that has books of similar size? 18:24 jcamins Right. And ideally the shelf is marked with a sign or something so they know where the shelving location is. 18:29 martian523 did someone skip my question about searching for chinese characters? 18:29 paul_p jcamins around ? 18:30 paul_p I'm trying to update a GRS-1 zebra to a DOM one. I think I've changed most of the instances of *-grs-* in config files, but get the following error : 18:30 paul_p 20:28:38-09/10 zebrasrv(1) [log] Unknown esetname 'marcxml' 18:30 paul_p 20:28:38-09/10 zebrasrv(1) [request] Present OK - 1 1+1 18:30 paul_p any hint welcomed ... 18:31 jcamins I think that indicates an inconsistency between koha-conf.xml and another file. gmcharlt may know off the top of his head which. 18:32 jcamins Pointing to one file that still has GRS-y things and one that has DOM-y. 18:32 gmcharlt retrieval-info-bib-* 18:34 paul_p gmcharlt koha-conf.xml is koha-conf.xml: <xi:include href="/home/paul/koha.dev/installs/master_unimarc/etc/zebradb/retrieval-info-bib-dom.xml" 18:36 n Thanks jcamins! While I'm asking, are there any OPAC configurations that would better reflect a Non-Circulating Library? 18:37 gmcharlt paul_p: and koha-conf.xml also has references to etc/zebradb/zebra-biblios-dom.cfg? 18:37 paul_p gmcharlt checking 18:38 jcamins n: some of my non-circulating libraries use javascript to change "Copies available for loan" to "Copies available" on the OPAC. 18:41 paul_p http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Switching_to_dom_indexing 18:41 paul_p (and believe it or no... I wrote this page, 2 years ago ...) 18:46 cait @wunder Cordoba 18:46 huginn cait: Error: No such location could be found. 18:47 jcamins @wunder Córdoba, Argentina 18:47 huginn jcamins: Error: No such location could be found. 18:49 jcamins @wunder SACO 18:49 huginn jcamins: The current temperature in Cordoba Aerodrome, Argentina is 19.0°C (3:00 PM ART on October 09, 2014). Conditions: Overcast. Humidity: 45%. Dew Point: 10.0°C. Pressure: 29.76 in 1008 hPa (Falling). 18:54 cait paul_p: some more information might be found here http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/MRenvoize/zebra 18:54 n sorry got disconnected. What were the thoughts on how to remove the panel with links like 'Place Hold' & 'Add to your cart' from the OPAC for a Non-Circulating Library? 18:56 oleonard n: You might want to turn off the "opacuserlogin" preference 18:57 cait and the one that controls reserves for the opac 18:57 cait alot of that goes away if you switch preferneces off 18:57 n what are the steps there? is this from administration tool? 18:57 oleonard Administration -> System preferences -> Search for "opacuserlogin" 18:57 n thanks ill give it a shot! 19:03 huginn New commit(s) kohagit: Bug 7372: (follow-up) remove debug message <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=4822f19df62d8f4421d9e44aca5fb5277b791232> / Bug 12985: All basketgroups should be listed <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=7969b35d607b6519023c40e8edb510463c7ec741> / Bug 12755 - MARC Preview doesn't always display in managed MARC record <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git; 19:08 bag back 19:11 bag ha I guess I owe everyone beer if it was my mac that was killing the wifi - but I’ll blame NateC 19:11 bag NateC? 19:11 wahanui I LIKE SPACE AND MY WIFE 19:11 NateC wunt me 19:18 bag hey rangi on bug 8133 you need to apply 11211 first (thanks for looking at that bug) 19:18 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8133 normal, P5 - low, ---, jweaver, Patch doesn't apply , hourly loans doesn't know when library closed 19:18 bag rangi++ 19:19 rangi ah right will do 19:19 cait1 do we say somewhere which bug we are working on? 19:19 bag cait1: not that I’ve seen - maybe good to write up on the white board eh? 19:19 cait1 i have been putting mine on the wiki for now - or just leave a note on the bug? 19:21 rangi yeah 19:21 rangi on the wiki 19:21 wahanui i heard on the wiki was more information about the packages 19:21 rangi works 19:29 rangi hmm 19:34 n is there a way to configure the staff client to pair it down to only several options under a certain profile? 19:35 bag n:yes in the manual you should see some information about user permissions 19:35 bag that’s where I would start - try reading that and see if that helps you out 19:35 n right, will do 19:47 rangi bag: signed of 11211 19:47 rangi off even 19:47 bag sweet :) 19:49 rangi NateC: 19:49 rangi hmm 19:49 rangi this is what i meant to paste https://soundcloud.com/high-rankin/high-rankin-the-eye-feat-paul 19:49 NateC sup 19:50 rangi it tests out the bass on the hotel stereo 19:53 rangi right im gonna make a move i think 19:53 NateC rangi i like 19:54 rangi i may get distracted by a bar on the way back to the hotel 19:54 n so I created a staff patron, and logged in as them, but I don't know where to find the link that will let me exercise permissions. 19:56 bag n: there should be a more button on the user 19:56 bag rangi nice enjoy a cold one 19:56 caser Hi everyone. I use the Koha package on Debian, what is the easiest way for me to apply patch for bug 12892? 19:56 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=12892 major, P5 - low, ---, kyle, Signed Off , Holds Waiting: not showing from check out screen 19:57 bag I’ve gotten some stuff down on paper about our ideas from a quick breakout session 19:57 bag caser with the packages - it’s harder to apply a patch. usually I think the asnwer that most will give you - is to roll your own package 19:58 bag or you could maybe just hard-edit the actual code and then the next time you upgrade your package it will get overwritten (I’m not sure - that’s the best way to do it though) 19:59 caser yeah, we were trying to avoid hard editing. I suppose another option is waiting until it hits the Debian package, right? 20:01 bag yes that’s another option 20:09 n im still stuck, my staff cannot reach catalog even with superlibrarian permission. any thoughts? 20:10 caser If I wanted to hard edit the code, can anyone tell me where the file a/Koha/Biblio.pm is? 20:10 caser I have two Biblio.pm files and neither one of them are in a directory called Koha 20:23 n bye everybody, thanks for the help! 21:21 cait @later tell Joubu - my serial claim emails just arrived :) 21:21 huginn cait: The operation succeeded. 21:25 cait hey magnuse:) 21:27 * magnuse is not really here :-) 21:27 cait ok 21:28 magnuse cait: when you run out of serious work to do, there is always bug 11401 - just saying ;-) 21:28 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=11401 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, magnus, Signed Off , Add support for Norwegian national library card 21:32 cait heh 22:27 cait magnuse: i am trying to work a bit by age currently 22:27 cait so it might take a bit, but i have it on my radar :) 22:38 cait t 22:43 * cait tries to catch up a bit, but is not lucky in saving kittens today :( 22:52 paul_p BobB = yep, 8:30 for dinner 22:52 * cait wave 22:52 cait s 22:52 paul_p Joubu still not back... I think rangi & joubu are still drinking beer... 22:53 paul_p (fortunately, it's no more work hours, so not my responsibility :D ) 22:53 Joubu paul_p: we are hacking DBIC ;) 22:53 paul_p Joubu ah, ok... 22:54 cait paul_p: heh 22:55 cait paul_p: so maybe you shoudl pay him for drinking beer then ;) 22:55 talljoy can i get that job? 22:55 cait hey talljoy :) 22:55 talljoy hiya cait! 22:58 cait do we have an idea about hwere to go? 22:58 bag OUT 22:58 bag ha 22:58 bag heya talljoy 22:58 wahanui I CRUNCH DATA or kicking butt at words with friends 22:59 talljoy yes bag? 22:59 wahanui I LIKE BASEBALL 22:59 talljoy lol 22:59 bag HA 22:59 bag nah just saying heya talljoy 22:59 talljoy heya back 23:01 cait are we going on a short walk for dinner or do i need to get on the walking shoes again? 23:01 cait @wunder Cordoba, Argentina 23:01 huginn cait: The current temperature in Bo Alto de San Martin, Cordoba City, Argentina is 18.1°C (8:00 PM ART on October 09, 2014). Conditions: Mostly Cloudy. Humidity: 46%. Dew Point: 6.0°C. Pressure: 29.92 in 1013 hPa (Rising). 23:07 paul_p cait = tomas will not join, so we're on our own, we can choose what we want ! 23:08 bag heya paul_p 23:08 paul_p cait even fernet con pepsi is possible tonight ! 23:08 bag excellent 23:10 cait paul_p: we better not overstep some rules... :) 23:11 bag only guidelines cait 23:11 paul_p is it a rule or a guideline ? you're right, seems to be a rule... 23:12 cait they looked pretty serious :) 23:12 talljoy i think fernet with coca cola is a RULE 23:12 talljoy nunca pepsi, solo coca cola 23:13 bag let it be known 23:13 talljoy i say verily 23:13 talljoy of course in texas we will drink it with Dr. Pepper 23:14 bag well paul_p I have some notes written up from our discussion today - hopefully I will have them in a readable format for tomorrow morning 23:14 bag ok time for me to get ready 23:14 paul_p bag +1. I was thinking of a wiki page also. 23:15 paul_p bag a wiki page summarizing all the rules and guidelines ;-) (not coding guideline, this one we have already) 23:17 BobB so are we meeting at 8.30 again tonight? 23:17 paul_p time to get ready for dinner for me too... and laptop almost out of power 23:17 paul_p BobB yep 23:17 BobB cool thx 23:17 BobB plug it into the wall paul_p, works for me :) 23:18 bag BobB++ 23:18 paul_p worked for me too... but not very friendly for the wall outlet... 23:19 cait heh 23:26 talljoy lesson learned....vpn on this network is bad juju