Time Nick Message 23:40 tcohen hi 23:26 rangi ah yep, yeah that makes sense 23:25 rangi hmm not sure 23:09 * Dyrcona checks his international clock. 23:04 Dyrcona rangi: Did you get my later? 22:02 wahanui privet, eythian 22:02 eythian hi 18:31 huginn cait: The current temperature in Taegerwilen, Taegerwilen, Germany is 21.8°C (8:26 PM CEST on July 20, 2014). Conditions: Overcast. Humidity: 70%. Dew Point: 16.0°C. Pressure: 29.86 in 1011 hPa (Steady). 18:31 cait @wunder Konstanz 15:57 cait I had the same :) 15:56 tcohen cait: that's *my* menu 15:53 tcohen know what? 15:45 cait tcohen: how did you know? :) 15:40 tcohen gnocchi a la bolognaise 14:44 bgkriegel bbl 14:44 bgkriegel and need to go again 14:41 bgkriegel sorry, was in the kitchen :) 14:29 cait because i think that was added quite a bit later than the other frameworks, might be woth seeing if it has a function 14:29 cait ? 14:29 cait is the mapping only on the default framework 14:28 cait i am not sure then 14:22 cait oh hm 14:20 bgkriegel but we have one value, 942a auth_header.authtypecode (on default auth fw) 14:17 cait there are no fields in the authorities table linking to would make sense 14:15 cait but i am not aware that we can really map fields for authorities 14:15 cait iguess maybe a copy from bibliographic 14:14 bgkriegel Question: there is a kohafield on auth an biblio frameworks, the code to set its value is on .pl, but is not showed on .tt (subfield editor) It was removed or never implemented? 14:04 bgkriegel that's on the airport 14:04 huginn bgkriegel: The current temperature in Cordoba, Argentina is 17.0°C (10:00 AM ART on July 20, 2014). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 30%. Dew Point: -1.0°C. Pressure: 30.01 in 1016 hPa (Steady). 14:04 bgkriegel @wunder cordoba, argentina 14:04 huginn jcamins: The current temperature in Meadow Lake, New York, New York is 22.5°C (10:02 AM EDT on July 20, 2014). Conditions: Mostly Cloudy. Humidity: 76%. Dew Point: 18.0°C. Pressure: 30.16 in 1021 hPa (Steady). 14:04 jcamins @wunder 11375 14:03 bgkriegel strange winter... 20 C right now (11 am), 27 max yesterday. A wonderfull day 14:02 cait yum! 14:02 bgkriegel I'm doing a lasagna :) 14:00 cait and thundestorms later... but i am not sure that will come true 14:00 cait it is a bit hot, but thankfully not in my apartment, also we are supposed to have lots of rain tomorrow :) 14:00 jcamins Isn't it a bit hot for something so heavy? 14:00 cait with lots of veggies 14:00 jcamins cait: mmm. 13:59 cait jcamins: i am cooking bolognese sauce 13:59 jcamins bgkriegel++ 13:59 bgkriegel tcohen: you are right 13:59 cait bgkriegel is getting rid of it 13:59 jcamins cait: absolutely. 13:58 cait so bad? 13:58 * jcamins hisses about using CGI. 13:58 tcohen as I see it, we should take out of the .pl all the code that just aids rendering 13:55 tcohen but more generic 13:55 tcohen just to give you an idea of what can be done with stuff that is not really related to the .pl's business 13:55 tcohen uses <td>[% Branches.GetName( data.branchcode ) %]</td> 13:54 tcohen reports/serials_stats.tt for example 13:54 bgkriegel that can be used, and new others defined 13:53 bgkriegel I see... there is a GetAuthValueDropbox on authvalue plugin 13:51 bgkriegel yeap 13:51 tcohen first line: [% USE Branches %] 13:50 tcohen bgkriegel: look at patron-search-box.inc 13:50 cait bgkriegel: agreed about the other CGI thingies 13:49 tcohen in its singular form heh 13:48 tcohen Koha/Templates/Plugins/* 13:48 bgkriegel Mmm, not really 13:48 tcohen bgkriegel: have you seen Template Plugins? 13:47 bgkriegel There are also CGI::checkbox and CGI::escapeHTML thingys, think they need to be removed 13:47 huginn cait: The current temperature in Taegerwilen, Taegerwilen, Germany is 24.9°C (3:45 PM CEST on July 20, 2014). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 63%. Dew Point: 17.0°C. Pressure: 29.92 in 1013 hPa (Steady). 13:47 cait @wunder Konstanz 13:46 bgkriegel many things: authorised_values, branch codes, options... 13:46 bgkriegel not really. Is a way to build a pulldown from an array, and perhaps a default value 13:45 tcohen or are they just patron category codes, item types, etc? 13:45 tcohen bgkriegel: are all scrolling lists highly customized data from the .pl scripts? 13:44 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=906 enhancement, P2, ---, tomascohen, Failed QA , ISBN Check 13:44 tcohen bug 906 13:44 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=960 normal, P2, ---, chris, CLOSED FIXED, Link to member in circulation 13:44 tcohen bug 960 13:42 * cait did something for her distance study today... and now will move on to qa :) 13:41 cait well... one oldest bug after the other... 13:39 tcohen that is great for procratinating 13:39 tcohen there's still the ISBN checking bug 13:38 cait glad to see it go 13:38 cait the oldest bug 13:38 cait :) 13:37 huginn 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=12615 normal, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, NEW , Remove CGI::scrolling_list from marc_subfields_structure.pl 13:37 bgkriegel need to finish that last one (Bug 12615) and all scrolling_list on admin/* will be out :) 13:36 huginn tcohen: The operation succeeded. 13:36 tcohen @later tell Dyrcona thanks, it seems to be up now. 13:35 bgkriegel Oh, I assigned all to me :) 13:33 cait don't foget to assign the bugs to yourself :) 13:33 cait bgkriegel++ :) 13:30 tcohen \o/ 13:27 cait :) 13:24 bgkriegel feliz dÃa del amigo! :) 13:24 cait :) 13:23 tcohen feliz dÃa bgkriegel cait #koha 13:23 tcohen o/ 13:21 bgkriegel hi tcohen cait 13:20 * cait waves 13:19 tcohen morning #koha 13:00 bgkriegel Hello 09:31 * cait waves