Time  Nick         Message
23:54 Culinforge   how do to you
23:32 Brooke       howdy
23:08 BobB         Our National Library has done a pretty nice job with VuFind:  www.trove.nla.gov.au
23:08 Brooke       we _could_ theoretically pirate code, or at least take a look at it and mebbe do so
23:07 Brooke       if there's bits we like
23:07 Brooke       the nice thing is
23:07 BobB         :)
23:07 Brooke       your wealth of spare time ;)
23:06 BobB         ... in our spare time  :)
23:06 jcamins      BobB: I've never really used it much, but that was the feature that made us consider it at the ANS.
23:06 BobB         we'll have to load it down and play with it, I guess
23:05 Brooke       cause I haven't tried to break it until it cries./
23:05 Brooke       now whether it does it well is beyond me
23:05 BobB         Hi Jared, thanks!
23:04 Brooke       should do
23:04 jcamins      BobB: I believe so, yes.
23:04 BobB         I need to know if it can search a library catalogue and an on-line data base (or several) and consolidate the search results?
23:03 Brooke       it makes me wonder if the administrators are incompetent or summat else is goin' on
23:03 jcamins      Brooke: but at least the weighting is configurable.
23:03 Brooke       between that and the speed on this one
23:03 Brooke       and things are weighted kinda funnily
23:03 Brooke       it's not that great
23:02 BobB         Does look good, eh
23:02 Brooke       should prolly be using Koha.
23:02 Brooke       if your catalogue is so busted you need a discovery interface
23:02 Brooke       Not really, because I take a lipstick on a pig approach
23:02 BobB         Brooke do you know much about Vufind?
23:01 Brooke       aye, but not when I'm tryin' to swipe pics ;)
23:01 jcamins      Mmm. Winter.
23:01 jcamins      Brooke: or was that not your point?
23:01 jcamins      Brooke: mmm. Molasses.
23:01 Brooke       :)
23:01 BobB         hi Brooke
22:58 Brooke       VuFind over Horizon = slow as molasses in the winter.
22:38 Brooke       oi Bob
22:30 Brooke       Happy Mid Monday
22:30 Brooke       o/
22:23 cait         now we are stuck
22:23 cait         on no
22:22 * jcamins    complains back.
22:22 cait         balancing
22:22 * cait       complains to jcamins
22:17 jcamins      :P
22:17 * jcamins    complains to rangi anyway, because paul_p isn't around.
22:17 * rangi      isn't RM anymore
22:17 rangi        heh, i didnt break any of them
22:17 * jcamins    complains to rangi.
22:17 rangi        ill make maste complain after 3.6.x is happy
22:16 rangi        and its only 3.6.x complaining at this stage
22:16 rangi        we should be able to get it to 0 pretty fast
22:16 rangi        its down from 13 to 8
22:16 rangi        i sent a patch to paul the other day, to fix the translate templates one
22:16 rangi        but the plan is people will get sick of the emaisl and complain until its fixed
22:16 rangi        nope
22:14 * jcamins    certainly didn't break it.
22:14 * cait       is innocent
21:58 rangi        and it will until it stops breaking :)
21:58 rangi        well jenkins emails everyone who had commits in there since the tests broke
21:57 cait         rangi: it's not working!
21:57 jcamins      rangi: trying to guilt me into fixing the unit tests? :P
21:55 jenkins_koha chris.nighswonger: Release Notes for 04 Dec 2011 21:10:25 Z
21:55 jenkins_koha Project Koha_3.6.x build #9: STILL UNSTABLE in 41 mn: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_3.6.x/9/
21:48 cait         hm?
21:47 jcamins      I don't know.
21:44 jcamins      cookies++
21:44 cait         mirko++
21:37 cait         firebug++
21:37 cait         firebug++
21:14 jenkins_koha Starting build 9 for job Koha_3.6.x (previous build: STILL UNSTABLE)
21:04 jcamins      Apparently not.
21:01 gurl2056     is this great bend,kansas ??
20:33 cait         ...
20:33 cait         like this acq thing kind of is
20:33 cait         which is good because it's ablocker for us
20:33 cait         yep I saw  :)
20:32 rangi        with how to fix it :)
20:32 huginn`      04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=6786 critical, PATCH-Sent, ---, m.de.rooy, ASSIGNED , False detection of index names in Search; make index names case insensitive
20:32 rangi        oh cool marcel has updated bug 6786
20:32 cait         me neither :)
20:32 cait         no change
20:32 rangi        and i cant type
20:32 rangi        template toolkit is case sensisitive
20:32 rangi        also
20:31 cait         I played aorund with the scopes a bit... but didn't see any change
20:31 rangi        see if that fixes it
20:31 rangi        try taking the item. out
20:31 cait         I have no idea
20:31 rangi        ?
20:31 rangi        is it a scope thing
20:31 cait         and there is a lot like that, always empty things.
20:30 cait         which is probably why the javascript trying to figure out what to clone etc. must fail
20:30 cait         in the code
20:30 cait         but it never tags any itemblockindex
20:30 cait         <a style="display:none; cursor: pointer; color: grey; font-size: 180%;" onclick="deleteItemBlock('itemblock[% item.itemBlockIndex %]')">-</a>
20:30 cait         we have this in the template:
20:30 cait         for example
20:29 huginn`      New commit(s) needsignoff: [Bug 7278] In the items table, make items.materials of type text, and show its contents at circulation <http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=7278>
20:29 huginn`      04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=6740 critical, P1 - high, ---, henridamien, NEW , can add items at ordering but not remove items
20:29 cait         bug 6740
20:29 rangi        heh
20:29 cait         you know I am not good with nubmers...
20:29 cait         hm, 6740
20:29 wahanui      somebody said that was good
20:29 rangi        that?
20:29 huginn`      04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=6760 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, priyanka.nk, ASSIGNED , Generate new card number on renewals and duplicate card issuance
20:29 rangi        bug 6760
20:29 cait         and I fear all goes back to this: $cell = PrepareItemrecordDisplay('','','','');
20:29 rangi        ?
20:29 cait         that never show up in the html code
20:29 cait         there are a lot of ids and random numbers
20:28 cait         looks so wrong
20:28 cait         6760
20:28 rangi        heh
20:28 cait         sorry
20:28 cait         grrr
20:22 rangi        :)
20:19 cait         oh
20:19 jcamins      cait: mtj's suggestion on the list.
20:19 cait         hm?
20:16 jcamins      Hmmm... the problem with that is that most of my favorite sweets start with a C... C is for cookie, that's good enough for me.
19:41 jcamins      :)
19:38 rangi        heh
19:38 cait         if you were referring to the comment :)
19:38 cait         rangi made me
19:35 * cait       blushes
19:34 jcamins      cait++
19:27 * cait       waves
19:26 rangi        back
19:13 rangi        hmm my stop bbiab
19:05 rangi        always.  good to know about stuff like that before u start
19:04 rangi        so they dont write something incompatible
19:03 rangi        yep but they should still know about it
19:03 cait         hm yes, but even with fulfillment some features in the ils are good
19:03 rangi        plus mileniums ILL is horrid
19:02 rangi        because id hate to see double up in work
19:02 rangi        want to point fulfilment out
19:02 rangi        does someone not on their phone
19:02 huginn`      04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=7317 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, kyle.m.hall, NEW , Add an Interlibrary Loan Module to Circulation and OPAC
19:02 rangi        bug 7317
19:01 rangi        hmm nope
19:01 huginn`      04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=7137 minor, PATCH-Sent, ---, oleonard, ASSIGNED , fixed width table where it should be variable
19:01 rangi        bug 7137
18:59 rangi        start them off with unit tests I think
18:59 cait         :)
18:57 jcamins      new_koha_intern++
18:57 jcamins      Yay!
18:55 rangi        new koha intern starts today
18:45 cait         morning :)
18:44 jcamins      Morning.
18:39 rangi        morning
18:15 Oak          night.
18:15 Oak          me go now.
17:49 huginn`      New commit(s) needsignoff: [Bug 2616] unnecessary 'use HTML::Template' <http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=2616>
17:37 huginn`      New commit(s) needsignoff: [Bug 7316] Missing escaping in search results <http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=7316>
17:25 huginn`      New commit(s) needsignoff: [Bug 2346] consolidate duplicate methods C4::Overdues::UpdateBorrowerDebarred and C4::Members::DebarMember <http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=2346>
17:20 Oak          sekjal++
17:19 cait         sekjal++
15:22 cait         http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Koha_on_Lucid_using_Koha_packages
15:22 cait         Culinforge: perhaps looking there can help you
15:21 cait         Culinforge: on the wiki is more information about the packages
15:20 Culinforge   gtg for now.. thanks again
15:19 Culinforge   thanks for all your help
15:19 Culinforge   to start with anyway.. I'll look around and see what I can find... then I'll look into the C4 issue...
15:19 jcamins      Culinforge: I agree. Unfortunately, I don't know what it could be. :\
15:18 Culinforge   not that I know what I'm talking about.. but I have a hunch it's something to do with mysql...
15:18 jcamins      (for me)
15:18 jcamins      I use the packages, and they always work immediately.
15:18 jcamins      I'm not sure what's going on.
15:17 jcamins      Hm.
15:17 Culinforge   requested url not found
15:16 Culinforge   Listen 8080
15:16 Culinforge   Listen 80
15:16 Culinforge   #Listen 80
15:16 jcamins      Try accessing in your web browser.
15:16 Culinforge   #NameVirtualHost *:80
15:16 jcamins      Woohoo!
15:15 Culinforge   it's already there
15:14 * jcamins    just figured out what the message was about.
15:14 jcamins      Open /etc/apache2/ports.conf and add the line "Listen 8080"
15:14 jcamins      I fear this might be a case for eythian. I'm looking in the koha-create script, and I don't... oh, never mind.
15:13 jcamins      :)
15:13 jcamins      Yup.
15:13 Culinforge   hehe, someone to keep you company? :)
15:13 jcamins      So's huginn.
15:12 Culinforge   ahh
15:12 jcamins      Culinforge: wahanui is a bot. Ignore it.
15:12 huginn`      Culinforge: I'll give you the answer just as soon as RDA is ready
15:12 Culinforge   @wahnui  what do you mean?
15:11 jcamins      I've never seen it.
15:11 cait         jcamins++
15:11 jcamins      I have no idea what that error message means.
15:11 Culinforge   Starting Zebra server for mylibrary
15:11 Culinforge   [ OK ]
15:11 Culinforge   [Sun Dec 04 10:06:40 2011] [warn] _default_ VirtualHost overlap on port 80, the first has precedence
15:11 Culinforge   [Sun Dec 04 10:06:40 2011] [warn] _default_ VirtualHost overlap on port 80, the first has precedence
15:11 Culinforge   ... waiting apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName
15:11 Culinforge   [Sun Dec 04 10:06:39 2011] [warn] _default_ VirtualHost overlap on port 80, the first has precedence
15:11 Culinforge   [Sun Dec 04 10:06:39 2011] [warn] _default_ VirtualHost overlap on port 80, the first has precedence
15:11 Culinforge   * Restarting web server apache2                                                apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName
15:11 Culinforge   Run '/etc/init.d/apache2 reload' to activate new configuration!
15:11 Culinforge   Enabling site mylibrary.
15:11 wahanui      i already had it that way, Culinforge.
15:11 Culinforge   Koha instance is empty, no staff user created.
15:11 Culinforge   gary@gary-desktop:~$ sudo koha-create --create-db mylibrary
15:10 jcamins      Hm.
15:10 Culinforge   output from command
15:10 jcamins      What do you mean?
15:10 Culinforge   ok, .. instance is empty no staff user created
15:08 jcamins      Yes.
15:08 Culinforge   is that two --?
15:04 jcamins      Then run: sudo koha-create --create-db mylibrary
15:04 jcamins      Edit the koha-sites.conf file to set INTRAPORT to 8080.
15:03 jcamins      Run: sudo koha-remove mylibrary
15:03 jcamins      Okay, here's an easier option.
15:03 Culinforge   that's what was in the apache file... I think it's all defaultss
15:02 jcamins      Uhhh... that's the URL you configured?
15:02 Culinforge   mylibrary-intralocalhost is a no go... am I missing something?
15:01 jcamins      And you have to access the Intranet first.
15:00 jcamins      You can't use IP.
15:00 jcamins      You now have to access the site using the URLs.
15:00 Culinforge   ok, added 2 lines in hosts... saved reloaded webpage... no change
14:55 jcamins      Look for the "ServerName" lines.
14:55 jcamins      /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/mylibrary (or whatever you called your library)
14:54 Culinforge   can I get those from koha sites.conf?
14:53 jcamins      They should be in more or less the same format, but with the URLs that you configured.
14:52 jcamins      You need to add additional lines.
14:52 Culinforge   yes sudo
14:52 Culinforge   so do I need to edit the line?
14:52 jcamins      Did you use sudo?
14:51 Culinforge   gedit
14:51 Culinforge   ok, hosts is open in getit...
14:50 jcamins      The "Go" is meant to be typed literally.
14:50 jcamins      I just can't give you the exact keypresses for any other editor.
14:50 jcamins      If you're comfortable with another editor, you can use that.
14:50 jcamins      The problem is that you were trying to access the OPAC before the setup in the intranet had been finished.
14:48 Culinforge   hmm, vim doesn't seem to be letting me edit
14:47 jcamins      Replace "\t" with the tab key, "\n" with the enter key, and the curly brace bits with the actual values.
14:46 jcamins      Hit the escape key and type :wq
14:46 jcamins      Type the following: Go127.0.0.1\t{URL for the OPAC}\n127.0.0.1\t{URL for the Intranet}
14:45 jcamins      sudo vim /etc/hosts
14:45 jcamins      Run the following:
14:45 jcamins      Okay, easy peasy.
14:45 Culinforge   yes
14:45 jcamins      Did you use the INTRAPORT="80" and INTRASUFFIX="-intra" that the guide shows?
14:44 jcamins      I know what it is.
14:44 jcamins      Wait.
14:44 jcamins      Hmmm...
14:44 Culinforge   right, i'm in
14:43 jcamins      (and enter the password)
14:43 jcamins      mysql -u koha_mylibrary -p koha_mylibrary
14:43 jcamins      Try connecting to mysql using the command line.
14:41 Culinforge   :)
14:41 jcamins      Okay, just checking. :)
14:41 Culinforge   yes
14:41 jcamins      Are you on Ubuntu 10.04?
14:41 Culinforge   http://www.dreadplayhouse.com/blog/single-view/article/installing-koha-on-ubuntu-1004/
14:40 jcamins      Culinforge: Ummm... what guide did you follow?
14:40 Culinforge   ok, got that... but there's no pwd prompt when I open web page
14:38 jcamins      Culinforge: you probably just need to look up the password in the koha-conf.xml.
14:37 Culinforge   in order to reset it?
14:37 Culinforge   do I need to go and learn more about mysql innards then?
14:36 jcamins      Culinforge: sounds like you didn't set the password correctly.
14:36 Culinforge   apt install koha-common
14:36 cait         where did you download it?
14:35 Culinforge   I am assuming the current stable
14:35 Culinforge   BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/share/koha/opac/cgi-bin/opac/opac-main.pl line 22.
14:35 Culinforge   Compilation failed in require at /usr/share/koha/opac/cgi-bin/opac/opac-main.pl line 22.
14:35 Culinforge   BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/share/koha/lib/C4/Auth.pm line 33.
14:35 Culinforge   Compilation failed in require at /usr/share/koha/lib/C4/Auth.pm line 33.
14:35 Culinforge   Access denied for user 'kohaadmin'@'localhost' (using password: YES) at /usr/share/koha/lib/C4/Context.pm line 693.
14:35 jcamins      Culinforge: what version did you install?
14:35 Culinforge   Software error:
14:35 Culinforge   I opened browser to and was met with this...
14:34 Culinforge   well, I followed a guide from Richard at dreadplayhouse.com and everything went smoothly
14:33 jcamins      Culinforge: it's possible. :) It depends if your questions are ones we can answer.
14:32 Culinforge   I was hoping to possibly get some advice on my koha install?
14:31 jcamins      Greetings.
14:30 Culinforge   greetings all
14:04 cait         I didn't expect you too - I left the message for you before I found the source of the problem
14:04 cait         that's ok
14:04 jcamins      Sadly I lack the expertise to fix it.
14:03 jcamins      Yeah, I saw your comment, looked at your patch, and saw the problem.
14:03 jcamins      Ah.
14:03 cait         a patch broke the search for Control-number
14:03 cait         jcamins: I found the problem :)
13:58 jcamins_away :)
13:58 jcamins_away Oh boy!
13:58 jcamins_away cait: an indexing question?
13:45 kmkale       bye all
13:17 kmkale       also fresh git based dev install; make test fails at test 3869
13:17 kmkale       can I interest some kind soul to test the above bug?
13:14 huginn`      04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=6843 enhancement, PATCH-Sent, ---, kmkale, ASSIGNED , Renew membership from expiry date not from current date
13:14 kmkale       bug 6843
13:12 kmkale       the weekend shift is going pretty dull
13:05 huginn`      cait: Quote #61: "*wizzyrea doesn't like hoity toity technical talk...<wizzyrea> wait, that's a lie" (added by jdavidb at 05:19 PM, February 24, 2010)
13:05 cait         @quote random
12:45 * Oak        listening to: free birds fly away they just don't stay: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FrG-2tB6lFc&feature=player_embedded
12:40 huginn`      cait: Quote #84: "<slef> combined customs+petting zoo?" (added by gmcharlt at 09:35 PM, July 13, 2010)
12:40 cait         @quote random
12:40 cait         hehe
12:38 kmkale       hah!
12:38 huginn`      kmkale: Quote #10: "< pianohacker> You helped start an open source project; clearly your sense of what to avoid to make your life easier has been impaired for a while :)" (added by chris at 07:59 PM, June 23, 2009)
12:38 kmkale       @quote random
12:37 huginn`      Oak: The current temperature in Islamabad, Pakistan is 22.0�C (5:00 PM PKT on December 04, 2011). Conditions: Haze. Humidity: 46%. Dew Point: 10.0�C. Pressure: 29.83 in 1010 hPa (Steady).
12:37 Oak          @wunder islamabad
12:08 huginn`      cait: Quote #25: "<wizzyrea> ha, in #koha we don't pick each other's brains... we git pull them." (added by gmcharlt at 07:40 PM, August 14, 2009)
12:08 cait         @quote random
12:05 huginn`      kmkale: Quote #54: "<@gmcharlt> from my POV, bug wrangling expands to fill all available volunteers" (added by jwagner at 08:05 PM, February 09, 2010)
12:05 kmkale       @quote random
12:05 huginn`      kmkale: Quote #64: "<jwagner> Depends on whether you're trying to get intelligent participation, or just saying we're going to do it MY way" (added by brendan at 03:58 PM, March 01, 2010)
12:05 kmkale       @quote random
12:04 huginn`      kmkale: Quote #110: "chris: im rm, not god" (added by kf at 10:20 AM, December 08, 2010)
12:04 kmkale       @quote random
11:11 huginn`      kmkale: Quote #56: "* jdavidb makes sure no kitty carcasses are among the dead bugs." (added by gmcharlt at 01:34 PM, February 11, 2010)
11:11 kmkale       @quote random
11:03 Oak          okay cait :)
11:03 cait         I will be back in a few minutes
11:03 Oak          :)
11:03 Oak          okay. cool
11:03 cait         and after that - git bz can do the rest  for you
11:03 cait         and sign off
11:03 cait         and when done do a git commit --amend -s
11:02 cait         w3c validation might be good
11:02 cait         read the bug report, try to validate everything is ok
11:02 cait         cool :)
11:02 Oak          testing the feed ... bug...
11:01 * cait       has not managed to make it start automagically yet
11:01 Oak          no problem cait :)
11:01 cait         I will be not much help there
11:01 Oak          wait, first do what i was doing
11:01 cait         hehe
11:01 Oak          now i need to fix my installation on this Slackware... so that all this zebra things start automatically... export variables etc
11:01 cait         happy it works
11:01 cait         yay!
11:01 kmkale       cait++
11:00 Oak          thank you thank you
11:00 Oak          or worked
11:00 Oak          works
11:00 Oak          \o/
11:00 kmkale       heh. happened to me *many* times
10:59 Oak          oho. right.
10:59 cait         the xml file
10:59 cait         it should be in your koha-dev folder
10:59 cait         he path is not right then i guess
10:59 Oak          yes
10:58 cait         but you have a dev install, right?
10:58 cait         hm
10:58 Oak          zebrasrv -f /etc/koha/koha-conf.xml &
10:58 Oak          i am starting zebrasrv using this command:
10:58 Oak          wait
10:58 cait         do all the files belong to your koha user?
10:58 cait         could be a permission problem
10:57 cait         hmpf
10:57 Oak          nope
10:57 cait         can you search now?
10:57 Oak          killed zebrasrv and started it again
10:57 * cait       hides
10:57 cait         now I confused myself
10:56 cait         I think
10:56 cait         what does not work is matching rules for records
10:56 cait         I never had any problems iwth it and forget to start it all the time
10:56 cait         hm or not sure
10:56 cait         don't ask me how, but it does
10:56 cait         oh that works
10:56 kmkale       but if the zebra server is not running how did the index rebuild work?
10:55 cait         or I hope that is it
10:55 kmkale       hah :)
10:55 cait         but the index should have worked
10:55 cait         kmkale: I it's not running - so no results
10:54 kmkale       it usually works after a -r
10:54 cait         /etc/init.d/koha-zebra-deamon start
10:54 kmkale       i don't
10:54 Oak          ah*
10:54 Oak          ha
10:54 cait         I normally do
10:54 cait         now you need to start zebrasrv
10:54 cait         that look sgood
10:54 cait         Records: 8 i/u/d 8/0/0
10:53 Oak          http://pastie.org/2963801
10:52 Oak          ah yes, i should do that
10:52 kmkale       Oak: try rebuild with -v
10:52 cait         for verbose
10:52 cait         run it with -v
10:52 cait         i/u/d numbers
10:51 cait         did you get a line like
10:51 cait         but the index worked?
10:51 cait         ok
10:51 cait         his wifi is broken...
10:51 cait         sorry my dad called
10:47 Oak          hm
10:47 Oak          but no results in opac search or admin search still
10:47 Oak          so fixed the path, and now rebuild_zebra.pl -b -a -r gived no error.
10:46 Oak          but they were located in: /usr/local/lib/idzebra-2.0/modules
10:46 Oak          the module path in zebra-authorities.cfg, zebra-authorities-dom.cfg and zebra-biblios.cfg was set to: modulePath: /usr/lib/idzebra-2.0/modules
10:29 Oak          2008-05-03: 16:33 hdl            MatthewMetzger: seems that either cfg donot have the good path to modules or you have not installed grs.marcxml libraries for zebra.
10:28 Oak          :)
10:28 cait         heh
10:28 cait         no idea
10:28 cait         that probably means
10:28 cait         hm
10:18 Oak          i get this: zebraidx(3173) [warn] No such record type: grs.marcxml.record when I run this: perl -I /usr/share/koha/lib/ rebuild_zebra.pl -b -a -r
10:03 kmkale       I have the Koha in the image I want to match academy word in the same font. so knowing the font will be useful
09:58 cait         you could use the svg to get bigger and smaller 'koha'
09:58 cait         but that the letters were made up?
09:58 cait         but might be it's not a font really?
09:57 cait         if you can edit the font there
09:57 cait         I could check the psd file at work
09:57 kmkale       humph gimp does not tell me the font name from the psd file as the koha logo is a single layer :(
09:51 kmkale       yep cait
09:50 cait         kmkale: one of those might perhaps be helpful? http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=tree;f=misc/interface_customization;h=eb21da4676b03c8e21780e36fd74bf4982ebacbd;hb=32317878c0e2cbf858e8a21466d01ab3c4df3aec
09:46 Oak          restarting
09:46 cait         hm not o fthat, but the other with the library system underneath
09:45 cait         I did a german version of it once
09:45 cait         kmkale: i think thre are files in koha
09:40 rangi        ahh i cant show you
09:40 kmkale       anyone knows the font used for the word koha in the logo image here? http://koha-community.org/files/2010/02/kohalogo-g.png and the color?
09:34 Oak          thanks :)
09:33 wahanui      search faq is at http://koha-community.org/documentation/faq/searching/
09:33 cait         search faq?
09:08 cait         I tihnk I have not seen that page
09:08 cait         ah
09:06 kmkale       content shown by bg into a first draft Moodle course on Koha
09:05 kmkale       at kohacon11 bg had shown me a page with a step by step user training they follow to traing new libraries in Koha. He had suggeste content shown by bg into a first draft Moodle course on Kohaed we use it as basis for Koha Academy. I have just setup the server with Moodle for Koha Academy. Wanted to start formulating th
08:59 cait         not sure I know which page you mean
08:58 kmkale       anyone have link to ByWaters training page?
08:57 kmkale       :) no harm in asking eh?
08:56 * cait       nods
08:54 rangi        its some crazy time in the morning in the us
08:54 rangi        id doubt it
08:54 kmkale       any ByWater people around?
08:53 kmkale       Namaskaar #koha
08:46 Oak          :)
08:44 cait         lol
08:43 Oak          grey is good. wear something white, or light green. it'll stand out :-D
08:42 cait         but grey
08:41 cait         hm quite warm
08:41 huginn`      cait: The current temperature in Taegerwilen, Taegerwilen, Germany is 8.9�C (9:39 AM CET on December 04, 2011). Conditions: Overcast. Humidity: 85%. Dew Point: 7.0�C. Windchill: 8.0�C. Pressure: 29.86 in 1011.1 hPa (Steady).
08:41 cait         @wunder Konstanz
08:41 huginn`      rangi: The current temperature in Wellington, New Zealand is 18.0�C (9:00 PM NZDT on December 04, 2011). Conditions: Mostly Cloudy. Humidity: 73%. Dew Point: 13.0�C. Pressure: 29.83 in 1010 hPa (Falling).
08:41 rangi        @wunder wellington nz
08:32 huginn`      cait: The operation succeeded.
08:32 cait         @later tell jcamins: I have an indexing question/problem for you...
07:22 Oak          okay back
07:20 cait         ok
07:20 cait         oh see it
07:18 huginn`      04Bug 5327: enhancement, PATCH-Sent, ---, gmcharlt, NEW , Unit tests required for all C4 modules
07:17 rangi        http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=5327#c12
07:17 rangi        it doesnt work
07:17 cait         what about the attachement from maximep?
07:16 cait         once you teach me how ;)
07:15 rangi        you could write some more too hehe
07:15 rangi        can be marked signed off now :)
07:14 wahanui      cait: I forgot next
07:14 cait         forget next
07:14 huginn`      04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=6247 critical, PATCH-Sent, ---, katrin.fischer, CLOSED FIXED, Acq: oder from existing record broken
07:14 wahanui      rumour has it next is bug 6247 - patch coming
07:14 cait         what's next?
07:14 cait         done
07:11 cait         on it
07:10 rangi        both need sign off
07:10 huginn`      03Attachment http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/attachment.cgi?id=6561&action=edit patch, Bug 5327 : Complete coverage for BackgroundJob.pm, Bug-5327--Complete-coverage-for-BackgroundJobpm.patch
07:10 rangi        and attachment 6561
07:10 cait         I have that
07:10 cait         yes
07:10 huginn`      03Attachment http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/attachment.cgi?id=6237&action=edit patch, Bug 5327 : Adding more unit tests, Bug-5327--Adding-more-unit-tests.patch
07:10 rangi        attachment 6237
07:10 cait         q
07:10 cait         patch
07:09 wahanui      the first is the command i ran
07:09 rangi        the first what?
07:09 cait         n
07:09 cait         rangi: so only sign-off the first?
07:06 cait         hey :)
07:06 * rangi      adds another one
07:04 cait         rangi: Oak could sign-off that one too
07:03 rangi        hi Oak
07:00 Oak          :)
07:00 Oak          Hello rangi
07:00 cait         hi mr oak :)
07:00 Oak          Guten Morgen miss cait :)
06:57 rangi        thanks
06:57 cait         ok will do
06:56 rangi        so dont have to test regressions or anything
06:56 rangi        it cant break anything
06:56 rangi        yeah
06:53 cait         just run them?
06:52 huginn`      03Attachment http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/attachment.cgi?id=6373&action=edit patch, Adds missing case for boolean unit tests, adds in actual unit tests for barkertaylor, boolean_barkertaylor_unit_tests.patch
06:52 rangi        attachment 6373
06:52 rangi        ill sign off of chris halls one
06:52 huginn`      03Attachment http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/attachment.cgi?id=6237&action=edit patch, Bug 5327 : Adding more unit tests, Bug-5327--Adding-more-unit-tests.patch
06:52 rangi        could you sign off on attachment 6237
06:52 cait         yes?
06:52 huginn`      04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=5327 enhancement, PATCH-Sent, ---, gmcharlt, NEW , Unit tests required for all C4 modules
06:52 rangi        cait: bug 5327
06:51 cait         hi rangi :)
06:50 rangi        hi cait
06:49 cait         hi #koha
03:51 huginn`      04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=6628 critical, PATCH-Sent, ---, chris, ASSIGNED , [security] help system use insecure REFERRER for file inclusion
03:51 jenkins_koha * Chris Cormack: Bug 6629 fix for vulnerability
03:51 jenkins_koha * Chris Cormack: Bug 6628 fixing security vulnerability
03:51 jenkins_koha Project Koha_3.4.x build #63: STILL UNSTABLE in 1 h 22 mn: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_3.4.x/63/
03:48 huginn`      04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=6629 critical, PATCH-Sent, ---, gmcharlt, ASSIGNED , [security] insecure use of Cookie for language selection
03:48 jenkins_koha * chris.nighswonger: Updating Version Number to
03:48 jenkins_koha * chris.nighswonger: Release Notes for
03:48 jenkins_koha * Chris Cormack: Bug 6629 vulnerability fix
03:48 jenkins_koha Project Koha_3.2.x build #36: STILL UNSTABLE in 1 h 19 mn: http://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_3.2.x/36/
02:43 rangi        sleep well
02:43 rangi        :)
02:43 chris_n      time for sleep now
02:42 chris_n      3.2.0 - 3.2.11
02:42 chris_n      well, that makes a year of 3.2.x releases
02:34 rangi        yeah thats pretty amazing eh
02:33 chris_n      wow
02:32 huginn`      New commit(s) kohagit32: Updating Version Number to <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=12f7c5d1ca377e266ed4a1382edb287d24cf366f> / Release Notes for <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=4036a3d5815de987c8e7f9def255480030bcb471>
02:30 rangi        1171 patches have been signed off
02:30 rangi        since November 30 2010
02:29 jenkins_koha Starting build 36 for job Koha_3.2.x (previous build: STILL UNSTABLE -- last SUCCESS #32 5 mo. 17 j ago)
02:29 jenkins_koha Starting build 63 for job Koha_3.4.x (previous build: STILL UNSTABLE -- last SUCCESS #50 1 mo. 26 j ago)
02:28 rangi        sweet
02:27 * chris_n    rolls a 3.2.11 atm
02:26 rangi        chris_n++
02:20 huginn`      New commit(s) kohagit32: Bug 6629 vulnerability fix <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koha.git;a=commitdiff;h=e177c9baed2c0ab8418e2205072adc9f68ea69ae>