Time  Nick            Message
00:00 schuster        I know Washington school district put some stuff out there but I don't think it was pulled in.  Guess I'll see what Galen remembers and we'll go from there.
00:00 chris           yep, its not in git
00:00 chris           it would need to be reformated and resubmitted
00:00 chris           from those patches attached to that bug
00:02 schuster        Once again phewie.
00:02 schuster        Thank for looking.
00:05 schuster        http://old.nabble.com/Re%3A--Koha--sound-cues-td20482941.html#a20484505 - this was the post found on the lists from Michael Hafen.
00:07 schuster        http://old.nabble.com/Re%3A-sound-cues%2C-plus-receipt-printing-td20418462.html#a20433138 - here's another listing for development - guess I can check with that library.
00:08 chris           good idea
00:12 chris           for 3.4 id like to get better visibility on patches waiting to be applied
00:18 pianohacker     chris++
00:18 chris           even if its just a directory of them
00:19 chris           we'll figure something out
00:46 brendan         cya in a while #koha
02:37 chris_n2        'evening
03:21 Amit            hi brendan, chris, richard
03:21 Amit            good morning #koha
03:21 brendan         hi amit
03:21 richard         amit, hi
03:21 richard         and brendan
03:21 richard         and chris_n2
03:23 chris_n2        hi Amit, brendan, richard
03:23 Amit            hi chris_n2
03:42 pianohacker     @later tell owen I've removed the reference to collapsed.gif in the sysprefs editor, and replaced expanded.gif with more.gif for the time being
03:42 munin           pianohacker: The operation succeeded.
03:42 pianohacker     good night, #koha
04:49 Amit            @wunder bangalore
04:49 munin           Amit: The current temperature in Bangalore, India is 21.0�C (8:30 AM IST on November 05, 2009). Conditions: Mostly Cloudy. Humidity: 81%. Dew Point: 18.0�C.
05:25 brendan         goodnight #koha
06:52 ftherese        morning!
06:59 ftherese        when I try to add a marc record from the reservoir to the catalog, it tells me some really funny things about what needs to be filled out... like tag 036$b, which corresponds to the movement # of a musical composition... why does that have to be filled in?
07:00 Amit            hi ftherese
07:02 ftherese        hello...
07:02 ftherese        any ideas why it is requireing the musical movement number?
07:04 ftherese        and it requires the type of scale too??  but these are not maps!!
07:05 ftherese        hmmmm...
07:29 ftherese        I still don't understand why I can't import my records from the reservoir into the catalog!!
07:57 |Lupin|         hello
07:57 ftherese        hello :)
07:57 ftherese        I am still having trouble importing my records past the reservoir
07:58 ftherese        says I should have some fields filled in like musical composition # and other random stuff like map scale type etc.
07:59 |Lupin|         ftherese: I'm afraid I can't help right now
07:59 ftherese        that's cool
08:23 |Lupin|         has anyone experience with the save method of the CGI module, please ?
08:24 |Lupin|         I called it to save a query object, expecting it to save everything including cookies, but apparently it did not..
08:24 |Lupin|         anyone know s how to achieve this ?
08:43 jan             anyone know why a checkin can lead to an empty 'current location'?  We have one branch (one library) and i have set it in the staff client ..
08:53 jan             (i'm sorry it's not about the topic)
08:54 |Lupin|         jan: don't know, sorry
09:01 jan             the error: [error] [client] [Thu Nov  5 09:59:04 2009] renewscript.pl: DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Column 'tobranch' cannot be null at /home/koha/site/lib/C4/Items.pm line 530, <DATA> line 253., referer: http://olympia:8080/cgi-bin/koha/members/moremember.pl?borrowernumber=53
09:02 jan             after that some uninitialized value errors
09:58 |Lupin|         wow...
09:58 |Lupin|         does not look very normal ifyou didn't do trichy things
10:03 jan             the only tricky things i do is is using auth_with_ldap .... really, we want to be as standard as possible
10:04 jan             and our mysql server is an external one ....
10:05 jan             external as in "no localhost"
10:07 jan             and i tried also a mysql server on localhost: no difference
10:10 jan             koha@olympia:~/source$ git describe
10:10 jan             v3.00.04_fixed
10:43 |Lupin|         jan: I don't knon what to say, I'm sorry
10:43 jan             thanks anyway
10:44 |Lupin|         Colin: do you know the CGI module a bit ?
10:44 |Lupin|         Colin: hi, btw :)
10:44 Colin           hi a bit not too deeply
10:48 |Lupin|         Colin: I'm dumping the $query object to disk before and after the call to get_template_and_user
10:49 |Lupin|         Colin: in the dump before the call the CGISESSIONID cookie does not appear, whereas it appears in he dump done after the call.
10:49 |Lupin|         Colin: I'm wondering why this is so...
10:54 Colin           Not sure why. get_template_and_user reads it early on (in checkauth)
10:58 Colin           CGI::Session is a sepate object Might be worth checking the CGI::Session perldoc
10:58 |Lupin|         Colin: yeah I read the code...
10:59 |Lupin|         Colin: actually, my concern is that I would like to be able to re-play a script from the command-line to debug it, any idea how I could do that ?
11:00 |Lupin|         Colin: actually I thought it was enough to store the input object on disk and to then retrieve it, but apparently, it's not enough...
11:03 Colin           I think I've seen Galen mention a way but I've not done it myself
11:06 |Lupin|         Colin: was that on IRC ?
11:06 Colin           I think in the CGI the session cookie is CGISESSID
11:07 Colin           Yws I think it was on IRC
11:07 |Lupin|         Colin: yeah I know CGISESSID, but knowing that is I think not enough...
11:07 Colin           Yws/Yes
11:11 Colin           If you put everything in a QUERY_STRING=field=value textfile and feed that as stdin to the script it fails on the session stuff?
11:16 gmcharlt        Colin, |Lupin| : you have to set all of the same environment variables that the Apache CGI runner does
11:16 gmcharlt        a common trick is to print the contents of %ENV to a file
11:17 gmcharlt        munge into a script to set the environment variables
11:17 gmcharlt        then include that as part of running the CGI script from the command-line
11:17 gmcharlt        in particular, CGI::Session wants to be able to use things like SERVER_NAME
11:18 Colin           Galen ex machina - thanks
11:18 chris_n2_       g'morning #koha
11:19 Colin           morning
11:19 |Lupin|         gmcharlt: and you have to store stdin in a file from within the script to fetch all headers and then run the script from the command line with its stdin redirected to that file ?
11:19 |Lupin|         hi chris_n2_
11:20 |Lupin|         it's too bad there is no helper script to achieve this...
11:20 gmcharlt        |Lupin|: yes, if the script is accepting POSTed content
11:21 gmcharlt        if it's just looking at QUERY_STRING, then you don't need to bother passing stuff to it via STDIN, just set the environment variables
11:21 |Lupin|         gmcharlt: my concern is the cookies... and yes the one I'd like to debug is virtualshelves/addbybiblionumber.pl which for some reason does not display the drop-down menu of existing shelves...
11:23 |Lupin|         gmcharlt: I'm talking about HEAD. On our system this drop-down is not displayed although the uer is owner of the shelf and superlibrarian...
11:37 hdl             jan: you might have to look at your CircControl System preference and see if it is PuickupLibrary
11:37 hdl             jan: PickupLibrary
11:37 chris_n2_       hdl:?
11:38 hdl             chris_n2_?
11:38 chris_n2_       opps, I see
11:38 * chris_n2_     goes off for more coffee :-)
11:40 jan             hdl, it's ItemHomeLibrary at the moment (the default)
11:41 hdl             Do you have HomeOrHoldingBranch set ?
11:41 jan             let me check
11:42 jan             it's set to HoldingBranch
11:47 jan             independantBranches is OFF
11:50 hdl             Do your items all have Holdingbranch ?
11:51 hdl             Or do you only use homebranch ?
11:51 jan             yes, field 952a if i'm correct
11:51 jan             and 952b is the homebranch
11:51 jan             both set
11:52 jan             when a item is checkedin the 952b field is lost
11:55 magnusenger     hm, i need to update a lot of items to correct two errors from the migration (change the value in 952$c and add 952$y). Is there a good way to do this? (Export records, update records, import updated records replacing old records (including items) with new ones.)
11:56 magnusenger     my plan was to stage the updated records, but it looks like this may not work for the items: "Right now, if a match is found, it completely replaces the existing record (keeping items intact, of course)." http://koha.org/documentation/manual/3.2/administration/catalog-administration/record-matching-rules
11:59 |Lupin|         see you later all
12:58 Nate            morning
13:00 jwagner         Morning, Nate
13:00 Nate            hi jwagner!
13:01 ftherese        any ideas why koha requires certain fields before it will import?  Fields such as 036$b 100$a 101$a 122$a 123$a 127$a 615$9 700$a 710$a 801(any) ?
13:03 ftherese        some of them seem really odd, and are not even provied with a z39 search
13:13 hdl             Hi Nate
13:13 Nate            hey hdl
13:43 owen            Hi #koha
13:44 * owen          loves getting messages from munin
13:45 * jdavidb       hands munin a cookie.
13:46 jdavidb         @quote random
13:46 munin           jdavidb: Quote #15: "<|Lupin|>ricardo: you are like the Portuguese Hitchcock!!" (added by wizzyrea at 10:58 AM, July 10, 2009)
13:46 * chris_n       greets owen && jdavidb
13:47 jdavidb         Hi, chris_n and owen!
13:47 chris_n         someone said "cookie"
13:47 * jdavidb       offers one to chris_n, too.
13:49 jwagner         I want a cookie.....
13:49 jdavidb         I've a whole box full, sitting here on my desk...
13:50 jwagner         And I'm working from home and can't get to them :-(  THE UNIVERSE IS NOT FAIR!
13:50 owen            And here I thought jwagner would be able to put jdavidb's statements to a fact-check
13:50 jdavidb         All's fair in love, war, and cookies (Something got lost in translation, somewhere.)
13:50 owen            I've got cookies too! Lots of them!
13:51 * chris_n       looks around for his quantum teleporter
13:51 jwagner         Well, he SAYS he brought them in, but I was wondering if owen had followed through on the threat about six dozen cookies in exchange for bug hunting.
13:51 jdavidb         Someone else needs to come eat these;  if they sit here, I will, and that's Not Good For Me.
13:52 jwagner         Feed some to David and Jeetika when they come in :-)
13:52 jdavidb         yeeeesssss....
13:52 owen            chris_n: If you really had a quantum teleporter there would be companies crawling out of the woodwork with patent lawsuits. "We invented that. We just didn't, you know, make anything with it."
13:54 |Lupin|         hi again
13:54 chris_n         owen: sadly so
13:54 jwagner         A time machine would be worse in that regard, owen.
13:55 * chris_n       wonders if M$ would be at the front of the line or SCO...
13:55 |Lupin|         gmcharlt: around ?
13:56 gmcharlt        hi |Lupin|
13:56 |Lupin|         gmcharlt: I think I have found a bug in the virtualshelves code...
13:57 |Lupin|         gmcharlt: hmm but maybe it's too early to tell you and I should first see who did change the affected code...
13:58 |Lupin|         gmcharlt: sorry to have disturbed you, I'll continue to investigate and report only when I have something precise enough
13:59 gmcharlt        no problem
14:02 |Lupin|         actually
14:02 |Lupin|         is someone here running HEAD ?
14:03 owen            Yes
14:03 |Lupin|         owen: cool
14:03 |Lupin|         owen: would you please accept to create a public list
14:03 |Lupin|         owen: and then go to a record and try to add it to that list
14:04 |Lupin|         owen: I'd like to know if the public list appears in the drop-down of existing shelves, please
14:04 owen            Should I use the same user to add to the list as created it?
14:05 |Lupin|         owen: if it's a pblic one you have to I would say
14:06 owen            It does NOT appear in the list of existing shelves!
14:06 |Lupin|         owen: it's only for _open_ lists that the two users can be different I think
14:06 |Lupin|         owen: yep !
14:06 |Lupin|         owen: you have found a bug, congratulations :)
14:06 owen            |Lupin|: It looks like it's only offering to let you add to private lists, not *any* list you've created.
14:06 owen            You mean confirmed, not found ;)
14:07 |Lupin|         owen: It would probably also offer to add to open lists, if you would have some
14:07 |Lupin|         owen: confirmed, found... js small semantic difference
14:09 owen            |Lupin|: This is obviously not a recent bug. Our production system, which hasn't been updated for several months, shows the same behavior.
14:14 |Lupin|         owen: ah thanks, so I will stop to looking for recent changes in git log...
14:15 |Lupin|         owen: the code in C4/VirtualsShelves.pm is really ugly...
14:16 |Lupin|         fixing will probably require several modifications at several places...
14:17 owen            If you'd like to rewrite the whole thing, I've got a few things on my wish list... ;)
14:21 |Lupin|         owen: I would like but I won't... but I certainly agree that the whole thing would diserve to be rewritten
14:22 * owen          is busy rewriting some bad PHP code, replacing it with slightly less bad PHP code
14:24 jdavidb         "Our life is frittered away by detail.  Simplify, simplify!"  --Henry David Thoreau
14:27 owen            jdavidb: What about frittering away life by trying to simplify, simplify PHP code?
14:27 jwagner         I think any kind of code qualifies as "detail" myself.
14:28 * jdavidb       writes a new Zen circ page:  <html><body>Why would you want to circulate this item? </body></html>
14:31 jdavidb         V 2.0:  <html><body>What's the sound of an item circulating?</body></html>
14:33 |Lupin|         V3rc1: <html><body>What's the sound circulation?</body></html>
14:34 |Lupin|         V3rc2: <html><body>What's the sound of circulation?</body></html>
14:34 * jdavidb       clasps his hands together, and bows silently to |Lupin|.
14:34 jwagner         V4rc1: <html><body>What does circulation sound like?</body></html>
14:38 Ropuch          Looks like new microblogging engine: htmlitter
14:38 Ropuch          ;>
14:40 |Lupin|         jdavidb: you probably know this one: what's the sound of one single hand clapping ?
14:41 jdavidb         That's an easy one.  Turn on any convenient recorder.  Clap with one hand.  Play back the result.
14:42 jwagner         I thought it was a slap in the face?
14:45 owen            jwagner: You must be fun at yoga class!
14:46 |Lupin|         owen: I really don't know how to fix this thing at the moment...
14:48 owen            Some things take some pondering
14:49 reiko           hi
14:50 |Lupin|         owen: yeah... I think I'll try to modify just the addbybiblionumber script to be sure the modifications do not break something that works
14:57 reiko           i'm using koha and i was having ERROR 114 when searching authorities. Then i read that a fix was needed to change Heading-main to Heading in AuthoritiesMarc.pm and it worked.
14:58 reiko           but
14:58 reiko           BIBLIOTECA
14:58 reiko           Enter authority heading ($a):
14:58 reiko           when i set a different authority heading
14:58 reiko           it gives me another 114
14:58 reiko           some work, others dont
14:58 * chris_n       occasionally finds it is helpful to be editing the right file if he expects to fix a bug :-P
14:59 reiko           well i think i was editing the right one, it started working for authors and author entities
14:59 owen            chris_n: I once spent I don't know how long trying to fix a bug with opac-detail.tmpl before I realized I was looking at it with XSLT ON.
14:59 chris_n         sorry reiko, my pondering was not aimed at you.. :-)
14:59 reiko           but for editors and descriptors it doesn't work
14:59 reiko           aaa
15:00 chris_n         owen: lol
15:12 brendan         morning all
15:13 owen            Hi brendan
15:13 brendan         goodmorning owen
15:17 |Lupin|         owen: I stupidly removed the last messages from bug-trackit-daemon without looking at them... did you already submit the bug ?
15:17 owen            Yes. Bug 3770
15:17 munin           04Bug http://bugs.koha.org/cgi-bin/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=3770 normal, P5, ---, Sebastien.Hinderer@snv.jussieu.fr, NEW, 'Add to list' page does only offers the choice of adding to private lists
15:18 owen            Complete with my typo in the title, I see. "does only?" Blah.
15:18 |Lupin|         owen: ah open lists don't work either ?
15:19 owen            Actually I'm wrong: open lists do work properly.
15:19 owen            I'm offered the option of adding to an open list.
15:19 |Lupin|         owen: yeah ..
15:20 * owen          tends to overlook open lists because he doesn't like them :P
15:20 |Lupin|         owen: the code is really weird, there is a mincategory which assumes that one always want to search shelves in a category >= to something, but it does not seem very relevant...
15:21 |Lupin|         owen: actually I'm sorry I told you to assing to me because it looks far too difficult with respect to my Koha skills and time..
15:22 owen            Easily changed.
15:22 |Lupin|         owen: oh thanks.
15:23 |Lupin|         Perhaps if I suddenly have a briliant idea I can submit something, bu that would surprise me.
15:24 |Lupin|         owen: and actually there is a trick to over come the bug: make the list private, add the items, and make it public again... can you please see if that works for you ?
15:26 owen            yes, it's a reasonable workaround, although convoluted if you just want to add to an existing public list
15:26 |Lupin|         owen: btw, there are two terms I think to designate the same thing: virtual shelves and lists. Is one obsolete or are the two used in Koha ?
15:27 |Lupin|         owen: yeah...
15:27 owen            virtual shelves is the out-of-favor term
15:27 owen            The term "lists" was chosen because it was thought to be less confusing for general users.
15:29 owen            Other sites like Amazon and WorldCat use the "lists" term
15:34 |Lupin|         owen: I see, thanks for the historical background
15:37 reiko           does anyone know why authority search works for 2 auth types and not for the rest ?
15:50 reiko           when i search authorities using the atribute @attr "1=Any" it gives error 114, is it normal for MARC21?
16:01 |Lupin|         reiko: no, can't help, sorry
16:09 reiko           ok, |Lupin| thank you
16:34 owen            Hi pianohacker
16:34 pianohacker     Hi, owen
16:34 pianohacker     How are you doing?
16:35 nahuel          hi both !
16:35 nahuel          :)
16:35 owen            Hi nahuel
16:35 nahuel          what's up ?
16:35 owen            I'm wrestling with some jquery for a non-Koha project at the moment
16:35 pianohacker     hi, nahuel
16:35 nahuel          hehe
16:35 chris_n         hi pianohacker
16:35 nahuel          hi jesse !
16:36 pianohacker     hi chris_n
16:36 * pianohacker   is studying american history
16:36 chris_n         and nahuel
16:36 pianohacker     endless, endless fun
16:36 nahuel          :)
16:37 |Lupin|         hey jesse !
16:37 |Lupin|         hi nahuel
16:37 |Lupin|         pianohacker: american history... short topic no ?
16:38 owen            |Lupin|: :P
16:38 nahuel          hi |Lupin|
16:38 pianohacker     |Lupin|: ahh, but they have a talent for dragging it out
16:38 owen            Yeah, even if the history is shorter, they'll just make you learn it in more detail.
16:38 pianohacker     yup
16:38 nahuel          |Lupin|, didn't had the courage to say it :p
16:38 owen            :)
16:39 gmcharlt        the main lesson I learned from American history class in high school is that time apparently stopped after the Civil War
16:40 * pianohacker   is also reading Lies My Teacher Told Me - scathing review of the accuracy of most us history textbooks
16:40 owen            subversive! Are you heckling your teacher with it?
16:40 pianohacker     owen: she actually suggested it :)
16:41 pianohacker     our text is better than most, from what I can tell
16:42 jwagner         I'm an historian by training, but by the time I got through grad school I was so sick of it that it was YEARS before I could read history for the fun of it again.  Something about a classroom setting, I guess.  It's much more fun to just read at random.
16:42 jwagner         When I was working in Boston, I read my way through the history stacks of the Cambridge Public Library.  Great fun!
16:42 pianohacker     jwagner: wow, a grad school education in history? You are a brave, brave woman
16:43 |Lupin|         :)
16:43 owen            And she learned from it: She hasn't started any wars since then.
16:43 jwagner         The degree is in International Affairs, actually.  I had dreams of the State Department then....
16:43 jwagner         owen, don't be too sure about that.  What I learned was to cover your trail :-)
16:43 pianohacker     owen: None that we know about
16:44 jwagner         But my favorite periods to study are U.S. Civil War and World War II.  Hmmmmmm......
16:45 * |Lupin|       is interested in WW II, too
16:45 |Lupin|         it's strange... kind of a fascination..
16:46 |Lupin|         that being said
16:46 |Lupin|         I'm sorry to say that but
16:46 |Lupin|         I think you are all _so_ lucky to be able to read just any book you want
16:47 |Lupin|         I think not being able to do so is perhaps my biggest frustratio
16:47 * pianohacker   looks around awkwardly, shuffles feet
16:47 |Lupin|         hmm not sure this is good to say for the atmosphere of this channel but could'nt privent from doing so, sorry guys :)
16:47 jwagner         |Lupin|, my sympathy.  I can guess that there are a limited number of titles available in Braille or Books On Tape.
16:48 |Lupin|         pianohacker: no but I've found a trick to live with that: all the books I'd like to read I offer to friends. Rather efficient technique...
16:49 |Lupin|         jwagner: yeah... but compters tend to change that. There are many negociations with publishers so hat they provide their files to so-called trusted intermediaries, which in turn make them available to print-disalbed persons in a way that tries to be secured...
16:49 |Lupin|         http://www.daisy.org
16:50 jwagner         Do the Project Gutenberg books get fed into that?  There are so MANY titles available there.
16:50 pianohacker     |Lupin|: and I'm betting that their DRM is, of course, totally foolproof and not at all problematic
16:51 |Lupin|         jwagner: I don't know but in a way it's not crucial: they are already accessible: you can just download them and read them with yor favourite browser
16:51 jwagner         I found I got sore shoulders and crowded luggage from trying to haul enough books along to last through a vacation, so I was going to buy one of the electronic book readers.  Then I found that the Sony E-Reader software could be installed on any computer, and a netbook was only a couple of pounds heavier.  So now my travel machine has upwards of 160 book titles, plus music, plus some videos, plus network access..
16:51 |Lupin|         jwagner: also, these books are in the public domain. NOt saying they are not interesting, just saying that there are som many books under copyright which Guenberg doesn't cover
16:52 jwagner         |Lupin|, yes, I know that the current stuff isn't available yet. But I've found enough that is free to last through a couple of trips so far. I haven't yet ventured into buying current titles.
16:53 |Lupin|         jwagner: but in which format do you download the books ?
16:53 |Lupin|         jwagner: ah you read books in the pub domain, ok
16:53 pianohacker     I should actually checkout for now and focus on my much-maligned history text, see you all later :)
16:53 |Lupin|         there  are also many sites that have books recorded inMP3
16:54 |Lupin|         hmm, hope it's not because of me he is running away...
16:54 jwagner         The Sony .lrf format -- see http://www.mobileread.com/forums/ebooks.php?order=desc&sort=dateline -- they have several formats
16:56 |Lupin|         jwagner: I assume it's proprietary ?
16:57 jwagner         The reader software is, but it's free.  See http://ebookstore.sony.com/google-ebooks/ -- you can download & run the software without buying any of the titles.
16:58 jwagner         I don't know if it would work for you -- don't think it has accessibility features.  But I really like it.  I wasn't sure about trying to read electronic books, and I'd still rather hold the real thing.  But you can't beat it for traveling.
17:00 |Lupin|         jwagner: yeah it's good that the soft is cost-free, but it's not the same as having an open-format for which other tools could be written.
17:01 jwagner         Right.
17:08 * sekjal        is thinking about Koha 4.0
17:09 reiko           does anyone know why authority search works for 2 auth types and not for the rest ?
17:12 |Lupin|         still not reiko, sorry
17:12 |Lupin|         reiko: perhaps you'll get more feedback from the koha list ?
17:13 |Lupin|         reiko: I think the list has a broader audience than the chan
17:15 * chris_n       goes off in search of food
17:18 wizzyrea_mobile Tap tap is this thing on?
17:18 |Lupin|         yep !
17:18 sekjal          sure is, wizzyrea_mobile!
17:18 |Lupin|         hi liz
17:19 owen            Not too busy wrestling to stop by, wizzyrea_mobile?
17:19 brendan         hey wizzyrea |Lupin| sekjal
17:19 brendan         all others too :)
17:19 sekjal          hi, brendan
17:19 jdavidb         Hi, wizzyrea_mobile!
17:19 wizzyrea_mobile Hi peeps
17:21 wizzyrea_mobile I missed u all, so I got an app for my phone. Lol
17:22 owen            Looks like the app needs work :|
17:22 owen            Dies whenever the phone goes to sleep?
17:23 sekjal          says it stays connected
17:23 sekjal          might be the network
17:23 brendan         @later tell Jo I love the addition to your OPAC http://opac.koha.catalystdemo.net.nz/cgi-bin/koha/opac-search.pl?q=maori+battalion looks great!
17:23 munin           brendan: The operation succeeded.
17:24 |Lupin|         wizzyrea_mobile: re:the problem we talked about yesterday, i.e. the drop-down not being visible when adding to a list by bibnumber, actually it's a bug in KOha... Bug 3770 munin ?
17:24 munin           04Bug http://bugs.koha.org/cgi-bin/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=3770 normal, P5, ---, Sebastien.Hinderer@snv.jussieu.fr, NEW, 'Add to list' page does only offers the choice of adding to private lists
17:24 wizzyrea_mobile Ahhhh!
17:24 wizzyrea_mobile I see!
17:24 |Lupin|         munin: thanks, you'are so fast in replying !
17:24 munin           |Lupin|: Error: "thanks," is not a valid command.
17:24 wizzyrea_mobile He's a good friend
17:25 sekjal          oh, munin, you're such a character
17:25 |Lupin|         that thanks may be added ! he could just say you are welcome or so !
17:26 |Lupin|         ok, time to leave
17:26 |Lupin|         have a good day / evening all, take care !
17:38 * chris_n       thinks wizzyrea_mobile must be picket fencing
17:44 * jdavidb       pickets
17:46 hugo            Good afternoon
17:46 hugo            Thanks to the help I got here earlier this week, I was able to get Koha installed and running for the first time. Thank you.
17:46 chris           thats great news
17:47 hugo            it felt pretty good!
17:47 hugo            I said, "whoa... it worked!" :)
17:47 chris           heh
17:47 hugo            Now to populate the DB.
17:47 chris           yup
17:48 hugo            Our little library has been using LibraryWorld - which seems like an extremely closed system...
17:48 chris           most of them are
17:48 hugo            I wonder if anyone has done this before? Or any pointers? A quick search on my part didn't find anything obvious.
17:49 chris           firing an email off to the main koha list would be my suggestion
17:49 chris           does it give any export options?
17:49 hugo            It was their support fees and reluctance to help when we didn't upgrade right away that had us look at Koha in the first place.
17:49 chris           hugo: sounds all too familiar
17:49 chris           wow colloquoy for iphone sux
17:49 chris           hehe
17:49 hugo            Yes - but simple. I do have a file that I exported earlier this summer. I've got it open in a text editor and am trying to make sense of it.
17:50 chris           if it is marc, then you can use bulkmarcimport.pl to import (you might want to use marcedit to fix the file up first)
17:51 hugo            how would I tell? I'm a total neophyte with marc
17:52 hugo            I'm trying to see where something that would indicate the end of each record
17:56 chris           can you paste in a line of the file?
17:58 hugo            oh - sure - cool.
17:59 hugo            I think this is one record - there are no line breaks
17:59 hugo            00651nama 2200193   4500001000200000005001800002008004100020010001300061020002400074040001000098082001300108245005700121260004200178300004000220440003200260700002800292730002000320852011700340120021120152520.0u800521s1946    nyu   a             eng h  a46022589  a044806006X :c$7.98  dWaOLN__a398bARA04aThe Arabian nights /cillustrated by Earle Goodenow.  aNew York,bGrosset & Dunlap,c[1946].  a327 p.bill. (part col.). ;c2
17:59 hugo            0aIllustrated junior library.1 aGoodenow, Earle,d1913-0 aArabian nights.__aINbc20040512120503.0uef0g0h398iARAjkJlmnop34862000004567qrstu0v0w0xyz12345N6789
17:59 hugo            but there are some funky upside down "?"'s
17:59 hugo            which didn't copy/paste right
17:59 magnusenger     that sure looks like marc! ;-)
18:00 hugo            oh - cool. Well, that's good
18:00 chris           yep thats marc alright
18:00 magnusenger     if you are new to to the wonderful world of marc, having a look at something like this could perhaps be of interest: http://www.loc.gov/marc/umb/
18:01 hugo            thanks and yes - new
18:02 chris           http://people.oregonstate.edu/~reeset/marcedit/html/index.php
18:03 chris           this will be handy too, you will probably need to shift your item data, marcedit lets you do that easily
18:04 chris           http://wiki.koha.org/doku.php?id=en:record_manipulation:software:how_to:marcedit
18:14 hugo            looks like some fun times :)
18:14 hugo            I'm trying the first import now.
18:14 hugo            I notice that the patrons file I exported from LibraryWorld looks to be quite a similar format (not CSV, for instance) but it looks like Koha wants the parton import file to be a CSV file...
18:15 brendan         hi hugo -- I recently did a migration for someone from LibraryWorld
18:15 hugo            Hey, well that's pretty cool. I got all of the 7963 records in. Heh.
18:16 hugo            Oh - you did? How did that go?
18:16 brendan         I was given the MARCout  - so I wasn't invovled in the exporting of items
18:16 brendan         then I used MARCedit for a lot of the clean up
18:16 hugo            it looks like somehow I managed to do the export ok
18:16 hugo            I"ll have to give that a look then -
18:17 hugo            I just got the records in, at very first glance they look OK.
18:17 brendan         so if you have an trouble with that -- please feel free to ask -- or send a message to the list
18:17 CGI988          hi everyone! who could help me with Koha version 3.0.1, please?
18:17 hugo            thank you very much
18:17 brendan         hugo -- I'll be in and out all day -
18:17 hugo            brendan: I wonder if you can give me a quick hint about Patron import - did you do that too?
18:18 brendan         yes -- I used the sample csv from koha
18:18 CGI988          I have to keep cataloguing books still using this old version. God know when our sysadmin will update it:(
18:18 brendan         and then copied the information into the fields from the csv export (LW) to the koha template
18:18 brendan         you can find the csv template from Tools>Import Patrons
18:19 brendan         section of koha
18:19 CGI988          please...
18:19 hugo            ok - thanks - I'll take a look later on - have to run to see a client now. Thank you very much for the tips.
18:19 hugo            goodbye everyone - and thanks again for all the help.
18:19 CGI988          anyone?:(
18:19 brendan         CGI988 what problems are you having?
18:21 CGI988          oh, thank you! When I do the cataloguing, and then search for the biblios I just added, it gives me two results of the same book - one says 1 item found, available, etc., the other says - no items found, but it gives the same normal view of the same book, you know what I mean?
18:21 brendan         no I'm not sure what you mean
18:22 brendan         maybe you imported the biblio into the catalog twice ?
18:22 CGI988          it didn't before, byt the way, but since last week or so \, somehow it started duplicate the records I'm adding
18:22 sekjal          CGI988: if you look at the URL, are the biblionumbers at the end sequential?
18:22 brendan         hmm... so it's duplicating the records.  not sure there
18:23 brendan         ahhh  good idea sekjal
18:23 CGI988          yes they are
18:23 CGI988          but it didn't duplicate the records at first, and then somehow it started duplicating them... I didn't change anything in the preferences, you know
18:24 sekjal          CGI988: okay, and is the item-less record first or second, numerically?
18:24 CGI988          hmmm, wait a sec, I'll double check
18:25 CGI988          wow, it's different every time, one book shows 1 item first, then no item, other books show - no item first
18:26 sekjal          CGI988: huh.  definitely not what I expected
18:26 brendan         do you have a link that we could look at for your OPAC
18:27 CGI988          uh.. it's on local network only:(
18:27 brendan         ok
18:27 CGI988          i can copy here the text it shows?
18:28 CGI988          i mean paste here
18:28 brendan         you could use --> http://paste.workbuffer.org/
18:30 pastebot        "CGI988" at pasted "OPAC results" (12 lines) at http://paste.workbuffer.org/41
18:30 CGI988          done
18:31 sekjal          CGI988: yeah, those look like very much the same MARC record, just in two different biblios.
18:32 sekjal          CGI988: and the biblionumber for the itemless record is sometimes greater, and sometimes less than, the biblionumber for the record with item?
18:33 * chris         goes to catch the bus
18:34 CGI988          ok i'm confused - which one is the biblionumber - the record number you mean?
18:34 CGI988          as it show in adding the record screen (MARC) record# ...?
18:35 sekjal          CGI988:  sorry, I didn't clarify.  The biblionumber is record number for the title.  It can be seen in the URL of the title's details page
18:35 CGI988          oh i see, will check now
18:36 brendan         yeah I'm not finding a bug in bugs.koha.org
18:36 CGI988          ok the one with the item is #148, the one with no item - #147
18:36 CGI988          but it varies from book to book
18:37 ftherese        I was able to change the default Marc Grid as it is provided in Koha, but  I still find it odd that 036$b 100$a 101$a 122$a 123$a 127$a 615$9 700$a 710$a and 801(any) are required by default
18:37 brendan         ok so that means that they are two different records.  maybe somewhere in your workflow you are adding the biblio twice
18:37 CGI988          how??
18:37 brendan         how do you import the records into the database
18:38 brendan         are you using marcbulkimport or Stage Batch Records
18:38 CGI988          I add the record in MARC (copying it from z39.50), then click save, then it gives me add item screen where I specify the location of the book and click add item, but I did that before and all [previous 60 books were ok
18:38 sekjal          are you using Acquisitions?
18:39 CGI988          no
18:39 brendan         when you are searching for the biblio -- are you using search -- or cataloging search
18:39 CGI988          I just import MARC records from library of congress or some other libraries from my list
18:40 CGI988          i use both and bothe give the same duplicated results
18:40 wizzyrea        ok, someone told me syntax for getting more than 15000 rows out of a report, but I have conveniently forgotten
18:40 wizzyrea        something about limit?
18:42 jwagner         wizzyrea, Michael Hafen just posted a bugfix for that yesterday.  The code is in Guided.pm.
18:43 jwagner         Question on library policy setup -- I'm creating a new library, and I see there is now a URL field.  Is that meant for the library's OPAC URL?  Or as a link to the library home page?
18:44 gmcharlt        jwagner: the latter, I think
18:44 jwagner         Is it implemented anywhere, or one of those "future development" placeholders?
18:45 gmcharlt        not sure about that - I think it's mostly a placeholder for now
18:45 CGI988          I catalogued about 60 or 70 books first, no problem, no duplicates. Then I started catalogue more in a week, and after I clicked save button on the MARC editing screen, it kept asking me - a duplicate is found, do you want to save it as a new record, or edit the existing one, I saved one as a new record, then I had two records for the same book, so I started editig the existing ones....
18:46 CGI988          now it doesn't even show that duplicate warning sign any more, just duplicates it on its own:(
18:46 jwagner         gmcharlt, thanks.  I'll ignore it for now.
18:47 sekjal          CGI988: odd.  Still using the same browser on the same computer?
18:48 CGI988          no, the computer is different, but the browser is IE the same on all comps
18:49 sekjal          CGI988: so the error started after you switched machines? or has it occurred when working on multiple machines?
18:51 CGI988          hmm... now that I think of that - I used firefox when catalogued the first 70 books.... and then I started using another computer with IE, could that be the problem? and it showed me the duplicate warning sign, and then they upgrated the computer and now there's no warning sign, but just duplicating....
18:51 CGI988          is that a browser problem?
18:52 sekjal          CGI988: well, different browsers handle Javascript differently, and I know there is some JS in the cataloging module
18:52 sekjal          CGI988: it's a possibility.  the coincidence makes it worth checking out, at least
18:53 CGI988          ok... are you going to be here for another 15 minutes or so? let me try catalogue some books using firefox, I'll install it now on my machine
18:53 wizzyrea        jwagner Yay for patches... except we can't get them put on our system
18:53 wizzyrea        grrr
18:53 sekjal          CGI988: yes, I'll be here
18:53 CGI988          great, thank you! I'll be back soon
18:54 wizzyrea        I guess my real question is... can't you add some kind of LIMIT statement to the end of your saved reports to get more out
18:54 wizzyrea        colloquy for iphone = win, btw
18:56 sekjal          wizzyrea: in channel, it looks like you're logging in and out a lot.  But your user experience is smooth?
18:56 wizzyrea        yea, actually it is
18:56 wizzyrea        it reconnects every time you open the app
18:56 wizzyrea        you *can* have it run in the background
18:57 wizzyrea        and do push notifications
18:57 wizzyrea        but I find that eats too much battery
18:57 wizzyrea        and I was already kinda low
18:58 sekjal          wizzyrea: hmmm.... I'v been looking for a good IRC client for my iPhone.  I spend a LOT of hours in transit, and it would be nice to be in channel
18:59 wizzyrea        well I like, it, I already use colloquy on my Mac
18:59 CGI988          sekjal - you are a genious!!!!! asking me about the browser!!!! yes it's the #$%$#%$#ing IE was messing my cataloguing, oh I hate miscrosoft, the evil!
19:00 wizzyrea        oh someone quote add that
19:00 wizzyrea        my registration is messed up, somehow
19:00 CGI988          it works perfect with firefox!
19:00 sekjal          CGI988: whew, I'm glad we were able to find a workaround.
19:00 CGI988          :))))))
19:00 CGI988          oh such a relief!! thank you SO MUCH!
19:01 sekjal          you're very welcome
19:01 CGI988          :)))))))))))
19:01 CGI988          by-bye!
19:01 sekjal          cheers!
19:01 gmcharlt        @quote add <CGI988> sekjal - you are a genious!!!!! asking me about the browser!!!! yes it's the #$%$#%$#ing IE was messing my cataloguing, oh I hate miscrosoft, the evil!
19:01 munin           gmcharlt: The operation succeeded.  Quote #45 added.
19:02 sekjal          should I add a bug report for this?  Or see if the error can be reproduced in 3.0.4 first?
19:05 brendan         wb Nate
19:06 Nate            hello hello!
19:06 brendan         sekjal -- I'd say file a bug and then if you get a chance test it again
19:06 brendan         and close you're bug if you are able to conclude that it is fixed
19:06 brendan         whoops your bug
19:07 wizzyrea        ty gmcharlt :)
19:15 jdavidb         @quote random
19:15 munin           jdavidb: Quote #44: "<thd> People make bugs fairly much in the degree to which they contribute to the code" (added by gmcharlt at 04:07 PM, October 30, 2009)
19:15 * jdavidb       raises an eyebrow
19:15 wizzyrea        @quote random
19:15 munin           wizzyrea: Quote #43: "< Ropuch> Uh - beware of tea: it can burn your throat" (added by chris at 04:35 AM, October 30, 2009)
19:15 wizzyrea        munin ++ that one's funny
19:15 sekjal          brendan: sounds like a plan
19:15 munin           wizzyrea: Error: "++" is not a valid command.
19:16 wizzyrea        munin++
19:16 wizzyrea        @quote random
19:16 munin           wizzyrea: Quote #43: "< Ropuch> Uh - beware of tea: it can burn your throat" (added by chris at 04:35 AM, October 30, 2009)
19:16 jdavidb         munin-- #for being a broken record.
19:16 wizzyrea        *sob*
19:16 jdavidb         @quote random
19:16 munin           jdavidb: Quote #40: "<tomascohen> hi everyone, just wanted to say I'm happy i managed to bypass the firewall to be with you *** tomascohen quit (Remote host closed the connection)" (added by ricardo at 11:05 AM, October 08, 2009)
19:16 brendan         @quote random
19:16 munin           brendan: Quote #34: "<chris> oh except that time .. when katipo decided to write an ils just for fun, then forced HLT to use it" (added by gmcharlt at 02:23 PM, September 16, 2009)
19:17 brendan         @wunder 93117
19:17 munin           brendan: The current temperature in Northwest Goleta, Goleta, California is 18.3�C (11:12 AM PST on November 05, 2009). Conditions: Partly Cloudy. Humidity: 69%. Dew Point: 13.0�C. Pressure: 30.10 in 1019.2 hPa (Falling).
19:17 jdavidb         @wunder 20852
19:17 munin           jdavidb: The current temperature in Flower Valley, Rockville, Maryland is 13.6�C (2:13 PM EST on November 05, 2009). Conditions: Overcast. Humidity: 50%. Dew Point: 3.0�C. Pressure: 29.84 in 1010.4 hPa (Falling).
19:17 brendan         cya in a bit #koha
19:17 jdavidb         @quote random
19:17 munin           jdavidb: Quote #28: "<owen> I'm glad munin doesn't follow me around all day remembering *everything* I say." (added by jdavidb at 09:14 AM, September 01, 2009)
19:37 wizzyrea        @quote random
19:37 munin           wizzyrea: Quote #24: "<kmkale> interesting word munin. in many indian languages we have a word munim who used to be a sort of accountant for all businessmen" (added by gmcharlt at 10:07 AM, August 07, 2009)
19:41 richard         hi
19:53 chris_n         hi richard
19:53 richard         hi chris_n
20:36 rhcl            in order to run 'rebuild_zebra' you have to have the path to the C4/lib set with the shell command #export PERL5LIB=/usr/share/koha/lib.  In what script should that variable be placed?
20:37 brendan         you could do it just before you want to run the command
20:37 chris           you setting up a cron job rhcl ?
20:37 rhcl            cron=yes
20:37 brendan         or put it in your profile
20:37 brendan         oh whoops
20:37 chris           check out the one in misc/cronjobs/crontab.example
20:37 chris           you wanna copy that file
20:37 brendan         chris++
20:37 chris           edit it
20:37 rhcl            yea, I have the crontab set, but it doesn't seem to be running the indexer
20:38 chris           id add a -v
20:38 rhcl            It will run manually if I'm in a shell and export the variable
20:38 chris           and the | mailx your@emailaddress -s "indexer"
20:38 chris           place that line without the leading #
20:38 chris           in your crontab
20:39 chris           you'll want the KOHA_CONF one too
20:39 chris           # is a comment, so won't actually get run
20:39 chris           and piping the command to mailx is handy when debugging, then it will email you the output of what happened
20:40 rhcl            BTW, the install instructions for 3.0.4 are *much* better than what I recall for 2.?. If I recall, Paul is the author of that doc? Whoever--much thanks.
20:41 chris           joshua before he lost his mind did a lot of those
20:41 chris           and they are good
20:41 jdavidb         "before he lost his mind".   *snrk*
20:41 rhcl            chris: you are too diplomatic :)
20:42 chris           i try :)
20:42 * jdavidb       waves
20:44 * sekjal        is reading up on Electronic Resource Management, in hopes of working on one for Koha
20:44 chris           yay!
20:45 brendan         would be awesome sekjal
20:45 brendan         go for it :)
20:45 sekjal          we definitely need it at our institution, and I'm pretty sure others need it, too.
20:46 sekjal          I've got some ideas jotted down about what might need to be changed to implement it, adding more as I work through the existing literature
20:46 sekjal          It's likely a big job; maybe Koha 4.0 big
20:59 chris           yeah, the nice thing is, with git you can work it in an topic branch along side
20:59 chris           merging in master every so often
21:00 sekjal          would it be better to publish the RFC as being for Koha 3.2, 3.4, 4.0 or none of the above?
21:00 sekjal          wait, obviously not 3.2
21:00 sekjal          sorry
21:01 chris           id link it to 3.4 but say, this is big work, and may not make 3.4 and will carry on into the next release if so
21:01 chris           somethign like that anyway
21:01 sekjal          sounds fair.  I definitely need community feedback on what all it should do
21:02 chris           *nod* and its worth it just to save 2 ppl doing hte same thing as well
21:02 sekjal          I envision it doing so pretty deep structural changes to borrowers and aqbooksellers tables
21:03 chris_n         wow, bad things going on at Ft. Hood, TX.... http://www.reuters.com/article/topNews/idUSTRE5A454F20091105
21:03 sekjal          or, perhaps more accurately, replacing them with tables for "people" and "institutions"
21:03 chris           you may want to wait until the biblibre changes for acquisitiosn are merged in
21:03 chris           (which should be any day now(
21:03 chris           http://www.stuff.co.nz/world/americas/3038050/Seven-dead-in-Texas-army-base-shooting
21:04 chris           yep, is rapidly becoming big news here too chris_n
21:04 sekjal          chris: yes.  I doubt I could even get started before Acq 3.2 is merged
21:05 chris           chris_n: kinda proves the lie that having guns protects you eh
21:05 wizzyrea        I'd rather have a big stick any day
21:06 sekjal          circumstances seem too unclear from the above articles to draw many conclusions... seems like it'd have to be an inside job, though
21:06 chris           *nod*
21:07 chris           thats the downside of working on a new site, you see lots of bad news
21:07 brendan         wow stuff just loaded crazy fast here
21:07 chris           http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/3036882/Spectacular-fireworks-over-Wellington
21:07 brendan         cheers chris
21:07 chris           brendan: thats how it should be when we have bandwidth :)
21:08 brendan         :)
21:08 chris           some nice photos there
21:09 brendan         I don't see your hand though
21:09 chris           hehe i was at home :)
21:10 chris           http://www.flickr.com/photos/serenecloud/sets/72157622617136697/ and photos from one of my workmates
21:11 chris           heh it looks like nate had a fun halloween
21:12 Nate            you like that chris?
21:12 brendan         el oso
21:12 Nate            rargh
21:12 brendan         the bear
21:12 chris           heh
21:12 chris           http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=31521021&id=60801148
21:13 Nate            wow whos the creepy guy in the door?
21:13 chris           hehe
21:13 sekjal          alright, time to catch a train.  cheers, #koha
21:15 wizzyrea        ooh preeeeety
21:15 Nate            http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=31521021&id=60801148#/photo.php?pid=31520808&id=60801148
21:15 Nate            I eat whips for breakfast
21:16 wizzyrea        lol wowie
21:16 Nate            or you can say im whipped
21:17 chris           that's your partner/gf/significant other/whatever you guys call it  eh?
21:17 brendan         that's his trainer
21:17 chris           heh
21:18 chris           that is probably the best way to describe a g/f ever
21:18 brendan         agreed
21:18 chris_n         why does CGI::Carp::die go into deep recursion on an undeclared var?
21:18 Nate            thats the woman
21:19 Nate            future mrs nate
21:19 chris           hmm good question, seems like a bug to me chris_n, no bugs listed for that on cpan?
21:19 * chris_n       finds it rather irritating because the process hangs and has to be killed
21:19 Nate            .....eventually that is
21:19 chris           Nate: congrats :)
21:24 wizzyrea        trainer?!
21:25 wizzyrea        well I guess.... but only if you like it that way >.>
21:40 chris           i hate the rfi/rfp process
21:42 * chris_n       echoes that sentiment
22:09 * chris_n       heads out for the day... bbl
22:09 rhcl            hey liz, under cataloging, the 100a field is greyed out, and won't let us enter anything. Why come?
22:09 chris           you have authorities turned on
22:09 rhcl            and it's not supposed to be?
22:17 wizzyrea        what he said
22:17 rhcl            OK, so should it be turned off?
22:18 wizzyrea        are you going to use authorities?
22:18 rhcl            I'm in waaay over my head. This is book stuff. I need to get my TS person on chat.
22:19 rhcl            We've always used (Sirsi) authorities, and been able to go in and modify them.
22:19 chris           yeah you need your cataloguing people
22:19 chris           you can do that with koha too
22:19 chris           just not in that screen
22:19 chris           there is a whole other screen for monkeying with authorities
22:20 * wizzyrea      nods
22:20 wizzyrea        nekls doesn't use them (yet)
22:20 rhcl            ok, where's the monkey screen?
22:20 chris           pass
22:20 chris           the manual should tell ya tho
22:20 chris           2 secs
22:21 chris           http://koha.org/documentation/manual/3.2/cataloging/authorities/view?searchterm=authorities
22:25 rhcl            OK, first we conquered the zebra, and now we conquered the monkey. We're on a roll, TS is happy. Thanks both.
22:53 chris_n2_       back... different location... same code
22:54 chris           :)
22:58 chris_n2_       @wunder 28334
22:58 munin           chris_n2_: The current temperature in Erwin, North Carolina is 13.0�C (5:39 PM EST on November 05, 2009). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 38%. Dew Point: -1.0�C. Pressure: 30.19 in 1022 hPa (Rising).
22:59 chris           @wunder wellington, nz
22:59 munin           chris: The current temperature in Wellington, New Zealand is 13.0�C (10:00 AM NZDT on November 06, 2009). Conditions: Partly Cloudy. Humidity: 67%. Dew Point: 7.0�C. Pressure: 30.15 in 1021 hPa (Rising).
22:59 ftherese        I imported all my marc records but they are do not show up in the catalog, or in the resevoir now
22:59 chris           caught ya
22:59 wizzyrea        @wunder 66047
22:59 chris_n2_       heh
22:59 chris           ftherese: are you using zebra?
22:59 munin           wizzyrea: The current temperature in Lawrence Live-Courtesy of the Khoury's, Lawrence, Kansas is 18.3�C (4:58 PM CST on November 05, 2009). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 47%. Dew Point: 7.0�C. Pressure: 30.06 in 1017.8 hPa (Falling).
22:59 ftherese        yes
22:59 chris_n2_       supposed to be 2 C tonight
22:59 ftherese        I ran the zebra index too
22:59 chris           and you have run rebuild_zebra?
22:59 chris_n2_       time to stack a fire
23:00 chris           cool can you try running it again, with -v
23:00 ftherese        it seems like it fails at the end
23:00 chris           which should give you some verbose output then
23:00 chris           http://paste.workbuffer.org/ <-- paste the error there
23:00 chris_n2_       wizzyrea: still some catching up to do there ;-)
23:00 ftherese        waiting
23:00 ftherese        it has to sift through another 20000
23:01 * wizzyrea      nods
23:04 ftherese         1300
23:04 ftherese        sorry
23:04 ftherese        13000
23:04 ftherese        the last couple of times it had problems with the lock files
23:04 ftherese        but that was just a warning
23:05 ftherese        then it failed on something ... I don't remember
23:05 chris           ah if it had permissions problems
23:06 ftherese        I tried to run it as another user
23:06 chris           you probably should be running it as the koha user
23:06 ftherese        I am
23:06 chris           and all the zebra files should be owned by that user
23:06 chris           you might need to do some sudo chown
23:07 ftherese         7000
23:07 chris_n2_       we really need to fix the zebra permissions issue in 3.2
23:08 * chris_n2_     looks for spare time
23:10 ftherese        coming up on the end here
23:10 chris           i think a dev install butches them a standard install i think works, (or used to)
23:12 pastebot        "ftherese" at pasted "rebuild_zebra.pl problems" (32 lines) at http://paste.workbuffer.org/42
23:13 ftherese        this is how I am running the server chris: sudo -u koha zebrasrv -f /etc/koha/koha-conf.xml
23:14 chris           yep
23:14 ftherese        sudo -u koha $/usr/share/koha/bin/zebraqueue_daemon.p
23:14 chris           yeah dont run that
23:14 ftherese        I need to do the same with the perl -I
23:14 ftherese        ok so kill the daemon
23:15 chris           you should use rebuild_zebra run as a cron job
23:15 chris           (once you have done your initial index with using rebuild_zebra)
23:15 ftherese        well... I just want to find out if it works first
23:15 chris           then you should just run rebuild_zebra.pl .. dont use the daemon
23:16 ftherese        so what do I do now... because it failed
23:16 chris           rebuild_zebra failed?
23:17 ftherese        yeah
23:17 ftherese        didn't you see my paste?
23:17 chris           looking now
23:17 ftherese        unless the "fatal" at the end is ok
23:17 chris           naw, it looks like permission problems to me
23:18 ftherese        should I run sudo -u koha perl -I /usr..../lib /usr/share/.../rebuild_zebra.pl?
23:18 chris           yes
23:18 chris           but first
23:18 chris           ls -l /var/lock/koha/zebradb
23:19 chris           and ls -l /var/lib/koha/zebradb/biblios
23:19 chris           who are they owned by?
23:19 ftherese        lock files -koha:koha
23:19 chris           cool
23:19 ftherese        biblios - key/register/shadow/tmp all owned by koha:koha
23:20 ftherese        so I just need to run the rebuild_zebra with koha
23:21 ftherese          500
23:21 ftherese          700
23:21 ftherese        counting up to 43000
23:22 ftherese         3500
23:23 ftherese        does zebrasrv need to be running?
23:24 ftherese        chris?
23:25 chris           no
23:25 chris           only for when you want to search  :)
23:25 ftherese        that's a joke right...
23:26 chris           no, you dont need it to index
23:26 chris           just to search
23:26 ftherese        ok...
23:26 ftherese        good to know
23:26 ftherese        13500
23:31 ftherese        24000
23:31 chris           gotta duck out
23:32 ftherese        see ya
23:42 ftherese        still no record or resevoir results in the catalogue search
23:42 ftherese        I just imported and indexed 43000 records
23:42 ftherese        where the heck are they?
23:47 chris_n2_       ftherese: does rebuild_zebra.pl show no errors now?
23:48 * chris_n2_     nengard a baked potato with cheese and chili
23:48 nengard         ???
23:49 chris_n2_       it's supper tonight
23:49 chris_n2_       was I should say
23:52 ftherese        chris_n2: no errors
23:52 ftherese        chris_n2_: but still no dice
23:53 chris_n2_       zebra is running now?
23:53 ftherese        I think there is a field that is mapped incorrectly... but I don't know which
23:54 chris_n2        ftherese: sometimes it is easiest to reboot to get zebra running
23:54 chris_n2        nengard: heh... sorry... I meant to hand you the potatoe
23:55 chris_n2        potato even...
23:55 nengard         OH!!! got it
23:55 nengard         :)
23:55 * chris_n2      has been staring at the crt too long today :-P
23:59 chris_n2        heya brendan
23:59 brendan         hi