Time Nick Message 17:49 slef fbcit: run git update-server-info and then rsync your .git to somewhere in your web space every so often... that's the simplest and dumbest way to do it, but uses a lot of webspace 17:49 slef s/rsync/mirror 17:50 slef got to go... back in a bit 17:51 kados so record.abs is so-named, at least in theory, because it's used to parse <record>s 17:51 kados I wonder if the latest version of zebra allows you to change the name 17:51 kados if so we could have both in the same dir 17:51 fbcit slef: I'll try to get my local tree published... 17:53 fbcit kados: I got my clone screwed up again and it will not rebase.... >8-( 17:53 atz fbcit: I seem to be good at that too 17:55 fbcit atz: I do an install off of my clone; mod the install; test; apply to clone; commit... is that sane? 17:56 atz i tend to just use 1 layer... i.e. mod the clone 17:57 atz you can get hierarchical w/ git branches and everything... but that's overkill for me right now 17:58 fbcit about every other day I git a local patch that will not apply when doing rebase. 17:58 kados fbcit: you can run your install directly off of git 17:58 kados fbcit: that's what we do internally for testing 17:59 fbcit so... mod clone; install off of clone; test? 17:59 kados it's more like 17:59 kados mod clone; test 17:59 kados since you're running directly off the clone 17:59 kados all you need to do is set up a few symlinks 17:59 fbcit ahh... 18:01 kados basically link the cgi-bin dirs directly to the /koha clone 18:01 kados and the htdocs to /koha/koha-tmpl 18:01 kados and modules/C4 to koha/C4 18:02 kados you can even get fancy and link some of the config files too 18:03 kados where it created those symlinks for you from a git clone 18:03 paul superb idea kados !!! 18:04 kados 'Koha Developer's Toolkit' 18:04 fbcit is that a Feature Request? :-) 18:05 fbcit I think the installer needs to offer to install/update deps... 18:21 kados hdl: you around? 18:21 kados hdl: if I have independantbranches set to ON, should I be able to 'Set' my branch? 18:29 fbcit kados: It appears that I have a conflict with a file that changed in HEAD and was patched as deleted in my clone. 18:29 fbcit Is there a way to force git to apply my patch locally anyway? 18:29 kados hmmm 18:30 kados I'm not sure 18:30 kados walk through what you did? 18:31 fbcit I moved a file (several actually) to a different location... 18:31 fbcit I committed the old file.... 18:31 fbcit added the new file.... 18:31 fbcit patched... 18:31 fbcit rebased... 18:32 fbcit and ... 18:32 fbcit CONFLICT (delete/modify): installer/data/en/mandatory/sysprefs.sql deleted in Moved for multi-dbms scheme and modified in HEAD. Version HEAD of installer/data/en/mandatory/sysprefs.sql left in tree. 18:32 kados did you use git-mv 18:32 fbcit I had to move the data/en, data/fr, to data/'dbms'/en, etc... 18:33 kados and git-rm? 18:33 fbcit no... git commit /path/to/old/file 18:33 fbcit git add /path/to/new/file 18:33 kados ok, lets try something 18:34 kados when you make your patch 18:34 kados go: 18:34 kados git-format-patch -M -B origin 18:34 kados that will format it special for handling moves and deletes 18:35 fbcit is it possible to re-make patches? I did git format-patch origin the other night/morning.... 18:35 kados yea 18:35 fbcit k 18:35 kados just delete or move the patch files out of the way 18:35 kados and run it again 18:36 fbcit that reduced my patch count from 26 to 6... 18:36 fbcit now rebase? 18:38 kados hmmm 18:38 kados rebasing should have reduced the patch count 18:38 kados if some of your patches were accepted 18:38 kados but I don't think we've seen 20 patches from you 18:39 fbcit part of them may have been, but it hung on #7 of 26 I think... 18:39 fbcit no.. 18:40 fbcit hdl moved some of the same files and some of those moves matched mine I think... his patches were accepted.... 18:40 fbcit shall I try rebase? 18:40 kados ahh, that would explain it then 18:40 kados what I'd do is: 18:40 kados git status 18:40 kados that will tell you if you have changes that haven't been committed 18:40 kados if there are none 18:40 kados git fetch 18:41 kados git rebase 18:41 kados git rebase origin I mean 18:41 kados that should merge all the upstream changes and reapply your patches 18:41 kados to the clone/branch you've got checked out 18:41 kados then ... 18:41 kados you want to make your patches 18:41 kados git-format-patch -M -B origi 18:41 kados n 18:41 fbcit I have some "changed but not updated" 18:42 fbcit hrmm... 18:42 kados ok, that means you have modifcations you haven't committed 18:42 kados so first step is to commit those 18:43 kados git commit -a 18:43 kados will catch all fo them 18:43 kados all of them even 18:45 fbcit k 18:45 fbcit had to do git add 18:46 fbcit git commit said 'nothing added to commit...' 18:46 fbcit now git status has no changes listed... only untracked files... 18:46 fbcit so git fetch? 18:46 kados ok, cool 18:46 kados so git commit -a 18:46 kados doesn't do anything? 18:47 fbcit no. It appears that a file needed to be added but had no changes... ??? 18:47 fbcit now git rebase origin... 18:48 kados git fetch first 18:48 kados that will update your repo 18:48 fbcit right. I did...but 18:48 fbcit no go. 18:48 kados got rebase origin 18:48 kados git rebase origin I mean 18:48 fbcit It still does not that patch. 18:49 kados so what's the error? 18:49 fbcit installer/data/en/mandatory/sysprefs.sql deleted in Moved for multi-dbms scheme and modified in HEAD. Version HEAD of installer/data/en/mandatory/sysprefs.sql left in tree. 18:50 kados ok, so you can do 18:50 kados git whatchanged 18:50 fbcit Which is not even in the lsit of patches now 18:50 kados and find that commit 18:50 fbcit s/lsit/list 18:50 kados well, if your rebase origin failed 18:51 kados you haven't re-applied all of the commits 18:51 kados hmmm 18:51 kados we might need to consult the git gods :-) 18:51 kados freenode #git 18:53 kados fbcit: I'm asking on freenode 18:53 kados fbcit: any more to that error message? 18:54 fbcit that's it... 18:55 fbcit actually it is prefixed with: CONFLICT (delete/modify): 18:56 kados hmmm 18:57 kados so it just stops then? 18:57 kados what happens if you run it again? 18:57 fbcit Failed to merge in the changes. 18:57 fbcit Patch failed at 0007. 18:57 fbcit When you have resolved this problem run "git rebase --continue". 18:57 fbcit If you would prefer to skip this patch, instead run "git rebase --skip". 18:57 fbcit To restore the original branch and stop rebasing run "git rebase --abort". 18:58 fbcit I just tried --skip 18:58 kados yea, that seems good 18:58 kados you can always re-do those changes 18:58 fbcit Dirty index: cannot apply patches (dirty: installer/data/en/mandatory/sysprefs.sql) 18:58 kados hmmm 18:58 fbcit :-( 18:58 kados that's what you get when you do git rebase --skip 18:58 kados ? 18:58 fbcit yes 18:59 kados ok, so what was the anture of the change wtih installer/data/en/mandatory/sysprefs.sql? 18:59 kados nature 19:00 kados hmmm 19:00 fbcit It appears that I have deleted it (moved it) and someone has modified it in the HEAD 19:00 kados right 19:00 fbcit so git cannot see it needs to apply the change from HEAD and then move because I did a commit deleted file, add new file... 19:01 kados yea 19:01 kados git-mv would have been better I think 19:01 fbcit that probably would allow git to track the move.... 19:02 kados yea 19:02 kados try this: 19:02 fbcit I did this for all of the files under installer/language... so things are really screwed up... 19:02 kados git add installer/data/en/mandatory/sysprefs.sq 19:02 kados l 19:02 kados git rebase --continue 19:03 kados ahh, hang on 19:03 kados kados: easiest thing would be to go back where you started the rebase, and try with --merge. 19:03 kados from #git 19:04 kados so I _think_ if you do a 'git checkout branchname' 19:04 kados that will put you back to where you were 19:04 kados and we can try rebasing with the --merge option 19:05 fbcit so... git checkout branch? 19:05 kados hmmm, no that won't work 19:05 kados shoot 19:05 fbcit --merge did not work either... same error... 19:06 kados maybe slef knows what to do 19:06 kados slef: fbcit is in git hell 19:06 slef "Server load is temporarily too heavy. Please wait a while and try again. 19:06 slef Disconnected 19:06 slef " 19:06 slef never seen that before 19:06 kados slef: he is trying to rebase and it's failing, someone made a change in a file that he deleted 19:06 fbcit what if I do git-mv on the file in question and then rebase? 19:07 slef kados: hrm... delete it again, git update-index then git rebase --continue? 19:07 slef fbcit: do you want the file or not? 19:08 fbcit no... 19:08 kados I think it should be moved to a new location 19:08 kados unless it's in both places now 19:08 fbcit hold on.. 19:09 fbcit no it is in another place. 19:09 fbcit when I git rebase --abort it appears where I moved it to... 19:10 fbcit when I git rebase origin, it shows up in the same location as HEAD.... 19:10 fbcit maybe just git update-index as slef suggested? 19:11 slef check git status 19:11 slef see if it looks close to what you want 19:11 fbcit looks good 19:14 slef chris: sorry! 19:14 fbcit git update-index now? 19:14 slef fbcit: yep, if you want to confirm the changes shown in git status 19:14 slef git update-index whatever/file/name 19:17 fbcit no go... still errors on the same patch. 19:19 slef erm, haven't you already applied that patch and resolved the conflict? 19:19 slef maybe I'm not clear on how you're rebase-ing 19:20 fbcit git rebase origin 19:20 fbcit after git format-patch 19:23 kados fbcit: did you try formatting your patches with those extra flags? 19:23 fbcit yes 19:24 fbcit kados: btw, I have all 27 patches again... it appears I did the prevous format-patch before aborting the rebase. 19:24 slef I don't understand, sorry. 19:25 slef What has format-patch got to do with rebase? 19:25 fbcit slef: it appears that when a rebase "hangs" one must either --continue, --skip, or --abort... 19:26 fbcit until one of those choices is executed the branch is current with the last successfully applied patch... 19:26 fbcit so when I format-patch'd before rebase --abort, only 7 patches formatted up... 19:26 slef you commit on your topic-branch, checkout master, pull, rebase master topic-branch... if rebase hits a conflict, then fix it and rerun the rebase with --continue 19:27 fbcit right... how to fix this conflict is the question... 19:27 slef another option for more complex work is to keep a local branch and then merge master into it 19:28 slef which I think is what I should start doing 19:31 fbcit slef: rebase still runs into a conflict with this file... 19:32 slef what is error? 19:32 fbcit CONFLICT (delete/modify): installer/data/en/mandatory/sysprefs.sql deleted in Moved for multi-dbms scheme and modified in HEAD. Version HEAD of installer/data/en/mandatory/sysprefs.sql left in tree. 19:36 slef hrm, seems like something isn't detecting a mv... 19:36 slef what's git's advice? 19:36 slef as in, what does it suggest you should do? 19:36 fbcit When you have resolved this problem run "git rebase --continue". 19:37 fbcit If you would prefer to skip this patch, instead run "git rebase --skip". 19:37 fbcit To restore the original branch and stop rebasing run "git rebase --abort". 19:37 slef Personally, I'd git rm it and rebase --continue master branch ; failing that --skip and try to sort it out later 19:41 fbcit hold on.... #git is speaking... 19:41 slef and it says "phrrrrp"? 19:43 fbcit :-) 19:48 fbcit :q 19:50 slef so what do the sages say? 19:51 fbcit their suggestion was to manually apply the changes... 19:53 fbcit it appears to me that git wants to apply my patch (remove the file) and then apply the HEAD diff which mod's the file. But that seems backwards.... 19:53 fbcit #git's suggestion did not work.... 19:53 slef :-( 19:56 fbcit when I do git checkout -b foo 19:56 fbcit is foo based on master or origin? 19:57 slef it's based on whatever you had checked out I think 19:57 slef before that, I mean 19:58 gmcharlt it's whatever your current HEAD is, according to doc 19:59 slef I'm probably going to regret asking, but: current HEAD? 19:59 slef as in *current*? 19:59 fbcit I guess I'll just blow away the entire thing and start over. Now when I checkout a new branch, it has the same issues as the existing one... :-P 20:00 gmcharlt slef: current in your local repo, I assume 20:10 fbcit ok what is the "correct" way to move files from one dir to another in git? 20:10 slef git mv? 20:11 fbcit slef: tnx for the help. 20:11 slef ,:-/ 20:11 fbcit hdl: ping 20:12 slef I think the frenchies have gone home 20:52 fbcit kados: ping 21:09 owen Any git experts awake? 21:15 kados hiya fbcit, owen 21:16 owen Hi kados, I was just trying to figure out a git conflict message 21:16 kados sure 21:17 kados so what's the error you're getting? 21:17 kados heeh 21:17 owen Actually, it's saying something about a file being renamed in HEAD and removed in one of my commits 21:18 kados hehe 21:18 kados fbcit just went through this I think 21:18 kados fbcit: what was the final solution? 21:19 fbcit fetch a new clone of git.koha.org into kohaclone1 and start moving my changes over to the new clone... :-( 21:19 kados ouch 21:20 kados owen: what file is it? 21:20 fbcit I think the removing of a file locally which is then modified at HEAD prior to a rebase puts git into a tight-loop... 21:20 owen Here's the message: "Renamed koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/includes/bookfund-admin-toolbar.inc->koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/includes/dictionary-toolbar.inc in HEAD and deleted in Lots of work to standardize elements... <snip>" 21:21 kados huh 21:21 kados I don't remember those being deleted 21:22 kados owen: can you paste in the whole message? 21:24 owen The whole rebase message? 21:24 kados just from where it started complaining 21:24 fbcit kados: can 'git format-patch -M -B origin' be used for all patches? 21:25 kados fbcit: dont think it's good for all patches 21:25 kados IIRC, it causes problems if you didn't move or delete files 21:25 fbcit k so only on those doing moves... 21:25 fbcit wonder how I distinguish between them? 21:26 kados yea, I dunno 21:26 fbcit I have some that are moves and some that are code changes... 21:26 kados question for #git I suppose 21:26 kados *nod* 21:26 kados might have to push them up in iterations 21:26 fbcit the learning curve is killing me. 21:26 kados yea, us too 21:26 kados when it works well it rocks 21:26 kados when it doesn't work well it really bites 21:27 fbcit I have 8 patches against my new clone 21:27 kados can eat up al lyour time 21:27 fbcit they are a mixture... 21:27 kados send em through with the flags 21:27 kados and see what you get back from chris 21:27 fbcit k 21:28 owen kados, I just emailed you the whole message, since I'm not really sure what's relevant 21:28 kados ok, I'll have a look 21:29 kados hmmm 21:29 kados owen: so you deleted some files, eh? 21:29 owen Yes 21:30 kados I wonder 21:30 kados what if you did a fresh clone 21:30 kados did git-rm on the same files 21:30 kados oops 21:30 kados yea, that's right 21:30 fbcit kados: is there a git command for mkdir? 21:30 kados fresch clone 21:30 kados git-rm on the same files 21:30 kados fbcit: no, git doesn't care about dirs, just files 21:31 kados owen: then make a patch for those rms and send them upstream 21:33 fbcit kados: I'm going send the patches up for the install.pl port so far. I think I have remembered to re-make all of my changes.... 21:34 fbcit It works over mysql on my test box with the exception of a problem with one sql script which I think is a result of some of hdl's changes... 21:34 owen So kados, you're suggesting I figure out which files I removed, and send a patch containing just those removals? 21:35 fbcit I could wait until tomorrow and test again, but I am afraid to wait in light of this being the third time I have had to redo things.... 21:35 fbcit If things break they should not break too bad I think. 21:36 fbcit I still have to report the marc framework scripts for pg so that portion will not work yet... 21:38 fbcit I don't have README.txt mod'd yet. 21:39 fbcit I'll tidy up tomorrow and let you know when the installer is ready to test over pg. 21:40 fbcit I think having the file location changes committed will help avoid the issue I ran into today. 21:41 fbcit g'night. 21:43 kados owen: yea, hopefully that will fix the merging 21:50 owen kados, the files I deleted in those patches are not in the fresh clone 22:15 kados arrg, sorry 22:15 kados phone call 22:15 kados damn customers 22:15 kados :-) 22:20 kados owen: any progress on your git probs? 22:28 owen No, I'll have to pick it up tomorrow 22:29 kados sorry :/ 23:52 fbcit-1 kados: u around? 23:52 kados fbcit-1: yuppers 23:53 fbcit-1 I knew I would forget something... 23:53 kados fbcit-1: got your patches, I'll be testing them tomorrow morning 23:53 fbcit-1 I failed to submit a patch for the step2 template 23:53 kados ahh, sweet 23:53 fbcit-1 I'll try to do it first thing tomorrow... 23:53 kados send it to patches@ 23:53 kados ok, no worries 23:53 kados I'll wait for that one to start testing 23:54 fbcit-1 k 23:54 fbcit-1 my brain was really frazzled this afternoon. :-( 23:55 fbcit-1 I was just reviewing the patches in my email and realized I forgot that one. 23:55 kados no worries 23:55 fbcit-1 kados: I also have to bring the pg version of kohastructure.sql up to date. I noticed several schema changes in the mysql version. 00:05 fbcit-1 kados: looks like the patch for step3.tmpl will need adjusting... it suffers from my copy being out of sync... sorry. 00:05 kados no worries, we'll get it sorted 00:05 fbcit-1 actually ,you need to disgard the entire patch. I'll have to resubmit it. 00:35 kados fbcit-1: resubmit all of them or just one/some? 00:36 fbcit-1 kados: just the one for step3.tmpl... 00:37 fbcit-1 as it turns out, that patch is only a diff between my version and the current with none of my changes to step3.tmpl in it. 00:38 fbcit-1 so it will only roll step3.tmpl backward if applied. I probably typo'd step3 and meant step2.... sorry. 00:40 fbcit-1 kados: I may be back in my office late tonight. 00:40 fbcit-1 If so, I'll submit the correct patch. 00:40 kados sweet 00:40 kados fbcit-1++ # you rock 01:48 fbcit kados:ping 01:48 fbcit I submitted a patch to reverse the patch for step3.html I submitted earlier. 01:49 fbcit s/html/tmpl/ 01:49 fbcit I also submitted the correct patch for step2.tmpl 01:50 fbcit you should be good to test tomorrow morning for breaks to the mysql install process. 02:00 kados fbcit: sweet, thanks 03:08 fbcit maybe 'git' will cooperate this time.... 03:11 kados w00t 03:27 fbcit with only two complaints about duplicate entries while importing sql... 03:28 fbcit kados: the only thing left is the option sql under the english and then all of the sql under the french... 03:31 fbcit kados: something is strange about the issues with zebra lately. I run it just fine... 03:32 fbcit I looked at mourik's xml the other day and compared it to mine.... it was the same with expected exceptions... 03:35 fbcit git is messed up again... 03:35 fbcit fbcit:/home/fbcdev-1/kohaclone1# git rebase origin 03:35 fbcit cannot rebase: your index is not up-to-date 03:35 fbcit D installer/kohastructure_pg.sql 03:36 fbcit so I'm going for the night.