Time  Nick   Message
18:28 wajasu i'm commenting out that committing resources. seems to take a long time on that 4G koha repo on my box
18:27 wajasu plus the build.sh still has the committing resources temporarily section still active
18:26 wajasu the build.sh did error on running koha/build-resources.PL since to yarn available. but it coninued.
18:25 wajasu i did takelatest koha-dpkg-docker to build it. i noticed the yarn stuff want taken out a week or so ago.
04:59 wajasu in my effort to explore docker i was building https://gitlab.com/koha-community/koha-dpkg-docker
00:09 tuxayo It would be fun if it ends up being big way beyond Koha.
00:09 tuxayo > it's a Koha thing
00:08 tuxayo I was looking if it was always Fridays because Friday never work for NZ&Australia. Well, they are out of sync with Europe and the Americas if they stick to Friday. Which wouldn't happen if it was a previous day in the week. (they would at least be in sync with people in the Americas) So GBSD on Friday looses something on the "Global" part 😋
00:01 tuxayo I though Global Bug Squashing Day was a thing in the libre/open source community in general but no, it's Koha thing 😄